Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Lightfoot kicks off race tonight with campaign donors
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Lightfoot kicks off race tonight with campaign donors

Tuesday, Jun 7, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yep, she’s kicking off her race with a private fundraiser…


Invitations by Lightfoot staffers to donors and supporters, obtained by the Tribune, have made clear Tuesday’s event in River North is her campaign launch.

The mayor currently faces five challengers, all of whom have raised questions about high crime and criticized her leadership as being unnecessarily divisive. So far, her opponents include South Side Ald. Roderick Sawyer, son of a former mayor; former Chicago Public School CEO Paul Vallas; Illinois state Rep. Kam Buckner; Southwest Side Ald. Raymond Lopez; and businessman Willie Wilson.

During more than three years in office, Lightfoot has faced spikes in crime, has not run as transparent an administration as promised and engaged in constant fights with unions representing teachers and police — all while struggling to forge good relationships with politicians or leaders in the city’s business community.

* The most puzzling game in politics is predicting which side of her face the mayor will be talking out of on any given day. For instance

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot escalated her ongoing feud with the Cook County criminal courts system on Monday when she said judges shouldn’t allow people charged with violent crimes out on bail because they are guilty if they have been charged.

“We shouldn’t be locking up nonviolent individuals just because they can’t afford to pay bail. But, given the exacting standards that the state’s attorney has for charging a case, which is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, when those charges are brought, these people are guilty,” Lightfoot said. “Of course they’re entitled to a presumption of innocence. Of course they’re entitled to their day in court. But residents in our community are also entitled to safety from dangerous people, so we need to keep pressing the criminal courts to lock up violent dangerous people and not put them out on bail or electronic monitoring back into the very same communities where brave souls are mustering the courage to come forward and say, ‘this is the person who is responsible.’ ”

Letting people who have been charged with violent crimes out on bond “undermines the legitimacy of the criminal courts,” she said.



But homicides are up all over the country, not just liberal cities. In fact, the pandemic-era murder rate has increased far more in red states that supported Donald Trump in 2020 than blue states that voted for Joe Biden. Crime has also increased in cities that are home to traditional “tough on crime” prosecutors, including Oakland, directly across the bay from San Francisco.

According to John Pfaff, a law professor at Fordham University, the dramatic rise in homicide rates between 2019 and 2020 was essentially uniform in 69 large jurisdictions, regardless of whether they were home to progressive prosecutors. “It’s really an attempt by opponents of reform to leverage the increase in crime and the fear that has generated, and to blame the wrong thing,” says Nicholas Turner, president of the Vera Institute of Justice, a progressive nonprofit that works to combat mass incarceration.

*** UPDATE *** Press release…

Today, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced the launch of her re-election campaign for the office of Mayor of Chicago.

“I don’t look or sound like any other mayor we’ve ever had before, and I’ve had to fight to get a seat at the table. And, like so many in our city, I’ve had to fight to have my voice heard,” said Mayor Lori Lightfoot. “That’s why I’ll never back down from fighting every day to turn your voice into action.”

“When we got knocked down by COVID, we came together as a City and we got right back up. Because that’s who we are – and that’s how we’ve been able to make so much progress, despite all that’s been thrown at us.

“Of course there are tough challenges ahead. We have a lot of work to do, because change just doesn’t happen overnight. But together, we will make our city safer, fairer, and more equitable for all. Now, let’s get back to work.”

WATCH: Mayor Lori Lightfoot Launches Re-Election Campaign

Since assuming office following her historic election in 2019, Mayor Lightfoot has undertaken an ambitious agenda of expanding opportunity and inclusive economic growth across Chicago’s neighborhoods and communities. She has led the city through the unprecedented challenges of a global pandemic with tough, fair leadership – all while keeping her campaign promises. Mayor Lightfoot has:

    Increased Chicago’s minimum wage to $15 an hour for hundreds of thousands of workers.
    Expanded funding for community-based violence prevention and implemented measures to combat gang violence.
    Championed the creation of a new civilian police oversight body, advancing Chicago on a path toward police reform.
    Forged an equitable and inclusive vaccine distribution program and made unprecedented investments in public health, with a particular focus on the communities most devastated by the virus.
    Passed transformative, unprecedented budgets, including historic investments in affordable housing, youth programs, mental health and environmental justice.

…Adding… Rep. Buckner…

Candidate for Mayor Kam Buckner today released the following statement in response to Lori Lightfoot’s re-election announcement:

“Mayor Lightfoot has proven to be utterly ill-equipped to lead Chicago. Carjackings and violence are at record highs, economic disinvestment is drying up our neighborhoods, our schools are under-resourced, our police department is over-extended and under-staffed. Instead of a public safety plan, she’s raised bridges, put up barricades and demanded curfews. Yesterday, three years too late, she announced a single piecemeal public safety measure, which is once again not part of any strategic vision for making Chicagoans safer.

“When Chicago votes for a new Mayor, they’re picking a new direction for our city. I’m a skilled negotiator who’s brought people together to get things done and passed groundbreaking, comprehensive laws around clean energy, banning ghost guns, and public safety and justice.

“As the son of a CPS teacher and law enforcement officer who grew up on the South Side and as State Representative for a district that spans South Chicago to the Gold Coast, I know our people and our communities. And I know we can only thrive if we have a Mayor with a plan.”


  1. - Just Sayin - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:08 pm:

    ==The mayor currently faces five challengers, all of whom have raised questions about high crime and criticized her leadership as being unnecessarily divisive. So far, her opponents include South Side Ald. Roderick Sawyer, son of a former mayor; former Chicago Public School CEO Paul Vallas; Illinois state Rep. Kam Buckner; Southwest Side Ald. Raymond Lopez; and businessman Willie Wilson.==

    And maybe also Pat Quinn.

  2. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:12 pm:

    She is vulnerable and in for a tough fight, and I’ve found her to be distressingly obstinate and confrontational. But, as we say here often, you can’t beat somebody with nobody.

  3. - Montrose - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:13 pm:

    I find it fascinating that we have a mayor that appears to be incredibly vulnerable, yet there are no declared candidates that (at this point) appear to have the backing and ability to take advantage of her weaknesses. Maybe that person will still enter the race.

  4. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:32 pm:

    “But, as we say here often, you can’t beat somebody with nobody.”

    MLL’s opponents so far don’t seem to give pause, as candidates she should really fear. Lopez may have been one of the few alderpeople to vote against the casino. That’s probably a weakness.

  5. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:33 pm:

    Assuming CTU/SEIU and the usual progressive and/or socialist coalition fields a candidate, then we’ll have a better sense of how this will shake out. So far, to my untrained eye, that name is not on any list of announced candidates.

  6. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:36 pm:

    -And maybe also Pat Quinn-

    From a recent WGN interview:
    “I think it’s important that we focus on some issues that have been overlooked in Illinois and several here in Chicago including safety,” Quinn said. “But also making sure consumers and taxpayers are put first, not wait at the end of the line.”

    Same old tired tropes and cliches from that guy. He’s got nothing. How about some energy and ideas instead of a guy who seems to want the job because he wants the job?

  7. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:37 pm:

    sure crime is up everywhere, but when you can point to specific cases in one’s jurisdiction, it becomes very personal and very scary. also, there has been a nation wide relaxing of standards in response to the federal crime bill and that has been uniformly mishandled. crime is up from that attitude nationwide. I’m finding some super liberals…including one very prominent Foxx supporter…who are whelping for assistance with crime near their abodes.

  8. - Levois J - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:38 pm:

    “judges shouldn’t allow people charged with violent crimes out on bail because they are guilty if they have been charged.”

    If she’s quoted as saying this then I wouldn’t want her as my lawyer let alone prosecutor.

  9. - Ogden - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:39 pm:

    I don’t know who the next Mayor will be-they may not have announced yet-but I do know who it will not be: Mayor Lightfoot.

    Turns out her base might be the West Side based on the aldermen up there with her. But she has zero support in wards she relied on last time: 2, 32, 42, 43. Zero.

    Anyone who says otherwise is not plugged in. People are leaving Chicago that I never thought would leave Chicago. The fear is real as is the view that she is incompetent.

    The Mayor needs to address this and has yet to do so.

  10. - JoanP - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:42 pm:

    Lightfoot has no business with a law license, after a statement like that. As a former prosecutor, she should know better.

  11. - Ogden - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:46 pm:

    To JoanP:

    She isn’t a lawyer anymore. She is trying to run a city. Two different things. In her defense, she doesn’t have the luxury of being the ACLU and never having to actually do anything.

  12. - rtov - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:53 pm:

    The stats about not guilty verdicts is somewhat misleading. The post appears to suggest that 1/4 people charged with homicide are innocent. In actuality, only 1/4 people, of those that actually take their case to trial, are found to be not guilty. Without a comparison to the number of people charged with these offenses, and the number of people who have pled guilty to the same offenses, the statistics about trial outcomes is without meaningful context. IMO.

  13. - Ogden - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 2:57 pm:

    People can Tweet whatever they want re stats, the general public isn’t buying it.

  14. - Just Sayin - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    ==I think it’s important that we focus on some issues that have been overlooked in Illinois and several here in Chicago including safety,” Quinn said. “But also making sure consumers and taxpayers are put first, not wait at the end of the line.==

    To paraphrase in a shorter, less wordy sentence: “Let’s focus on issues Illinoisians everywhere care about, including safety.” Only 10 words to summarize two long-winded sentences totalling 41 words.

  15. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:10 pm:

    If a lowering of bail and more use of electronic monitoring is the problem, there should be an increase in crimes committed while people are out on bail or on monitoring that can be documented. If that’s the case I doubt the prosecutors and judges would ignore a statistical correlation between the two… if there was such a correlation and it’s not just misdirected anger.

  16. - JoanP - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:11 pm:

    @Ogden -

    She ought to know what’s in the Constitution. She ought to know that the bar for *charging* someone is NOT “beyond a reasonable doubt”. You don’t forget those things just because you’re not an AUSA anymore.

    Her comments were appalling.

  17. - SWIL_Voter - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:12 pm:

    “the general public isn’t buying it.”

    This explicit refusal to grapple with reality and instead fall back on political tropes is why we never solve anything in this country.

  18. - WestBurbs - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:13 pm:

    Given Lori’s justifiably bad press based on her terrible interpersonal skills and her inability to resolve serious problems facing Chicago, I wonder whether the weakness of announced opponents suggests that better qualified opponents are recognizing that it is a “no win” job. In other words, no Mayor can fix today’s problems so why tarnish your reputation by trying?

    Yes, I get that sounds very cynical. But doesn’t make it wrong. Arne Duncan?

  19. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:21 pm:

    Even as a former prosecutor, she had an ethical duty not to get convictions, but to do justice fairly. Sometimes that means making plea deals or dropping cases.

    As a sworn attorney, she is sworn to support the Constitution, including the parts about rights of the accused.

  20. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:21 pm:

    She’s definitely gonna steal Rahm’s fuzzy sweater ad. Maybe something about gardening.

  21. - SWIL_Voter - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:38 pm:

    “ the general public isn’t buying it.”

    If you want to deal with a problem in reality you have to grapple with the conditions as they exist in reality. If you explicitly refuse to grapple with reality, don’t be shocked when the problem persists.

  22. - Just a guy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 3:40 pm:

    I thought she already had a private fundraiser. We have a casino in Chicago now.

  23. - Nick - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 4:25 pm:

    There’s apparently an ad where they actually lean into the fact that she’s often angry.

    Pretty ballsy/interesting.

  24. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 4:44 pm:

    ==In other words, no Mayor can fix today’s problems so why tarnish your reputation by trying?==

    Didn’t Chuy say essentially that when he said he wasn’t running?

  25. - James - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 4:53 pm:


    The ACLU does plenty. You may not be paying attention.

  26. - low level - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 5:03 pm:

    As for the weakness of the (announced) field, whoever makes the runoff against her will become the next mayor of Chicago.

  27. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 5:20 pm:

    ==because they are guilty if they have been charged.==

    I see the Jim Glasgow school of misunderstanding the basic pillars of our entire legal system has a new graduate.

  28. - granville - Tuesday, Jun 7, 22 @ 7:32 pm:

    Understanding why crime is rising in most of the country is probably useful for reversing it but probably irrelevant to getting elected (and in a position to reverse it).

    The crime problem is distinct from the voter problem. I feel like I’m being condescending when I point out that when someone is expressing fear, it’s not really persuasive to throw stats at them to show how it’s “really not that bad,” or to call them brainwashed by Fox, etc. Old people view the past as more rosy than it was; young people were never there for the ’90s so all they know are declining rates and neighborhoods being gentrified, not what they were like before the coffee shops and condos took over.

    At the risk of sounding like Marianne Williamson, responding to a negative sentiment like “fear” by trying to gaslight the fearful person doesn’t get you anywhere, it just makes them mad too.

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