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*** UPDATED x1 *** Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller


WTTW News today announced the launch of a comprehensive digital VOTER GUIDE in advance of the June 28, 2022 primary elections. Along with comprehensive digital resources, WTTW will produce and present a series of candidate forums and extensive, daily political coverage and analysis. The forums, which will feature candidates for federal, state, and county offices, will be part of WTTW’s flagship news and public affairs program Chicago Tonight. Viewers can watch on television at 7:00 pm each night (except June 9) and stream live and on-demand on, Facebook, and YouTube.

Throughout the election season, Chicago and regional residents can rely on WTTW News and CHICAGO TONIGHT to gather facts, and present trusted information and analysis. WTTW News is committed to creating a forum for fair, balanced and commercial-free discussion from different perspectives.

“This election will have a significant impact on residents in our region, and as a leading public media organization in Chicago, it is our responsibility to ensure that voters have the information and resources they need to make informed choices when they head to the polls,” said Jay Smith, News Director for Chicago Tonight and WTTW News.

The voter guide is here.

* Politico

— Iris Martinez, clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County and 33rd Ward Committeeperson, is endorsing Fernando “Sergio” Mojica for the 13th state House District. Mojica, a queer Afro-Latino who was formerly a Chicago Public Schools principal, is running to succeed Majority Leader Greg Harris.

— State Rep. Tim Butler, who’s running in the 95th Illinois House District, says he’s secured the endorsement “of every Republican official elected countywide in Sangamon County.” Republicans hold eight of the nine county offices.

— Protect Our Future PAC launched a new ad for Democrat Nikki Budzinski in IL-13. Protect Our Future is a new PAC funded mostly by a young cryptocurrency billionaire who spent $11 million on an Oregon congressional race for a Dem candidate who lost.

The Protect Our Future PAC ad is here.

* Pritzker campaign…

Today, Governor JB Pritzker met with leaders from the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois to discuss how his administration’s fourth balanced budget is helping first responders in every corner of the state. Alongside AFFI President Chuck Sullivan and area fire fighters, the governor reaffirmed his gratitude and commitment to Illinois first responders and their families.

“I’ve been proud to put Illinois on the side of first responders, not just in name but in action, by signing legislation that supports and invests in both active and retired first responders,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “So long as I am in office, Illinois will continue to champion the needs of fire fighters, paramedics, and all first responders whose life-saving work keeps our communities safe and healthy.”

“Since day one, Governor Pritzker has stood with fire fighters and paramedics across the state,” said AFFI President Chuck Sullivan. “His support of issues that affect our retirement security, worker injury protections and ability to collectively bargain has never wavered. His record speaks for itself, and it is reassuring to know that the Governor has our best interests at heart.”

Following the previous administration’s devastating budget impasse, Governor Pritzker has made historic investments to support first responders across Illinois. By putting pen to paper and signing meaningful legislation that funds fire departments from Chicago to Carbondale, Governor Pritzker has transformed Illinois into a state that respects and uplifts the tireless work of first responders. The Governor remains dedicated to putting public safety first, recognizing that it starts with those who put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe.

* Lynn Sweet

The Democratic Party of Illinois is making a strong pitch to the Democratic National Committee to become one of the first states to hold a presidential primary, highlighting in its bid, obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times, that Illinois, on a variety of fronts, is a “microcosm” of the nation.

DPI chair Rep. Robin Kelly submitted a bid to the DNC on Friday, the deadline, and if successful, the 2024 primary in Illinois will be in February. […]

The DNC has to be convinced a state can switch primary dates, and Illinois has that one nailed.

The Illinois primary date is set by the Illinois General Assembly and is usually in mid-March. This June primary is an exception — due to late 2020 census results needed for redistricting.

The bid contains letters from Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch, Senate President Don Harmon and Gov. J.B. Pritzker basically promising the Democratic supermajorities expected in both chambers will, as the bid said, “pass the requisite legislation.”

* Oops…

* The Daily Herald endorses Sean Casten over Marie Newman

We favor Casten, who stands firm on his liberal convictions on issues like immigration, gun control, government spending and - his particular field of expertise as the former owner of an environmental company - climate change, but presses his case with calm persistence that leaves room for reasonable debate and discussion.

Newman is not necessarily lacking in that department, but her campaign so far - including a notably tasteless TV ad built around a defecating dog and questionable, sometimes downright incorrect claims about Casten’s record - seems shaped to highlight inflexibility and pugnacity, even in defense of a congressional ethics investigation of claims leading back to her 2020 campaign that she adamantly denies.

* CD3…

Today, Abby Pariser, a long time reproductive rights advocate and member of Jane - the abortion counseling service, an underground network of women in the early 1970s who helped over 11,000 women obtain illegal abortions prior to Roe vs Wade, endorsed Delia Ramirez in her candidacy for 3rd Congressional District. In 1972, Abby Pariser was one of seven Chicago women arrested and charged with abortion and conspirancy to committ abortion. Their story is featured in Tia Lessin and Emma Pildes documentary The Janes, which premieres on HBO Max on Wednesday, June 8th at 8 pm.

“As someone who knows first hand what it is like to live in a world where women are not allowed the freedom to make decisions over their own bodies, I know that women across the country will be greatly hurt if Roe vs Wade is overturned. Elections matter, voting matters and this is the time to support only those candidates who have shown total unwavering commitment to women’s reproductive rights”, stated activist Abby Pariser. “Delia’s opponent - Gil Villegas, has a record on abortion and reproductive rights that raises serious concerns over his ability to represent women at this crucial time. He has taken money from pro-life Republicans and he voted to give 5.5 million dollars in TIF dollars to religious clinics that prevent women access to abortions and contraceptives. Other aldermen stood up for reproductive rights and Gil did not”.

“I am proud to receive the endorsement of Abby Pariser, someone who exemplifies courage in a time when women were robbed of bodily autonomy. We enjoy the freedoms we have today because of women like Abby and we cannot reverse course on reproductive justice. I will fight to the end to make sure bodily autonomy remains for all those who seek abortions.”, said Representative Delia Ramirez.

*** UPDATE *** The First District Appellate Court has kicked Cook County Sheriff candidate Carmen Gercone off the ballot after she was reinstated by a lower court. Click here for the decision.

* More…

* Police were ‘coached’ to make Jan. 6 Capitol incursion look like a siege, candidate says: One of the Republicans running for Illinois’ 5th Congressional District seat claims police serving at the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion were coached “to make it appear that the Capitol was under siege.” Tommy Hanson of Chicago also claims he’s spoken with senators and congressmen who “knew it was not a harrowing event.”

* With first comparison piece mailing in the Republican congressional primary, McHenry County Blog applies discernment as there are literally “?” marks for some of the candidates

* Preckwinkle aims for fourth term as County Board president — but rival Boykin says she’s been there long enough


  1. - Oldtimer - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 3:19 pm:

    Forward, the Light Brigade.

  2. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 3:34 pm:

    Was there a man dismayed?
    Not though the soldier knew
    Someone had blundered.
    Theirs not to make reply,
    Theirs not to reason why,
    Theirs but to do and die.

  3. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 3:38 pm:

    Why is some out of state crypto bro investing in Nikki Budzinski’s primary campaign?

    Crypto is an immediate negative association for me as a voter whether the politician is a Dem like Budzinski or a GOP like Sullivan.

  4. - DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    I think that Illinois switched primary date to help Obama. You would think that the DNC would have remembered that

  5. - Amalia - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 3:49 pm:

    gotta start creating sheets for who endorsed whom to see how they fare after the votes are in…Pritzker, Martinez lots of endorsements.

  6. - Tony - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 4:00 pm:

    == Pritzker, Martinez lots of endorsements. ==

    Was thinking the same. Martinez ran an ad on the front of the Sun-Times today endorsing her slate of women candidates, paid for by her central committeewoman fund. Any idea which side of the Robin Kelly - JB battle she’s on?

  7. - SaulGoodman - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 4:00 pm:

    **I think that Illinois switched primary date to help Obama. You would think that the DNC would have remembered that**

    What makes you think they didn’t remember this?

  8. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 4:02 pm:

    ===You would think that the DNC would have remembered that===

    It’s an application. You should assume nothing.

  9. - Law Clerk - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 5:05 pm:

    Carmen Gercone booted off ballot. Dart vs Rivera for Cook County Sheriff

  10. - From the Cheap Seats - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 5:17 pm:

    The official theme song for her reelection campaign should be “the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” by Gordon Lightfoot.

  11. - Big Dipper - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 6:04 pm:

    ==Carmen Gercone booted off ballot. Dart vs Rivera for Cook County Sheriff==

    Three candidates remain.

  12. - Local Person - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 6:13 pm:

    Does anyone know what vote the Jane quote is referring to from Villegas?

  13. - Chris in ChiTown - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 9:18 pm:

    Regarding Casten:

    My mom helped him out because she wanted to help elect someone who would vote for a comprehensive immigration reform legislative proposal. Due to her and others’ hard work, Casten received a lot of Latino voters’ support in 2018. However, Casten has never signed onto any comprehensive immigration reform legislative proposal since January, 2019.

  14. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 8, 22 @ 9:57 pm:

    The only issue important to Sean Casten is him staying in power. He has no core beliefs that justify him being a Democrat other than it being a means to power. Casten follows what is trending. When abortion is in the news, he is pro-choice. When guns are in the news, he is pro gun control. When it’s Pride Month, he is pro-LGBTQ+. You can view his social media feeds to see he just follows the trends. He will not lead on any issue, not immigration or any other issue important to Democrats.

  15. - Amalia - Thursday, Jun 9, 22 @ 8:45 am:

    lololol anonymous above on Sean Casten. what a ridiculous criticism of Casten, just not true

  16. - Amalia - Thursday, Jun 9, 22 @ 9:02 am:

    @ Tony, interesting about the list of women endorsed by Martinez, but not in the state rep race…Fernando….

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