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*** UPDATED x1 *** Campaign notebook

Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Rodney Davis campaign…

On the eve of a historic decision from the U.S. Supreme Court that could alter the future of pro-life laws in America, Mary Miller SKIPPED a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to provide police protection to Supreme Court Justices and their families.This is following an assassination attempt on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“Once again, Mary Miller sides with AOC and the far-left Socialist Squad, this time on providing police protection to our Supreme Court Justices and their families. Just days ago, a deranged left-wing individual attempted to murder Justice Kavanaugh, but that didn’t stop Mary Miller from skipping a critical vote on keeping our justices safe. Mary Miller is a disgrace and should be ashamed of herself.” - Aaron DeGroot, Davis campaign spokesperson

Congress is in session this week. Instead of showing up to Washington to do the job she was elected to do - vote on legislation - Mary Miller skipped town and opted to campaign in Illinois, causing Miller to miss votes.

One of the votes Miller skipped was on a bill to provide around-the-clock police protection to Supreme Court Justices and their families. Rodney Davis voted Yes. Obviously, Mary Miller chose not to vote.

Just last week, a crazed left-wing individual showed up to the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with a gun and a knife. The man told police he was there to kill Justice Kavanaugh. He has been charged with attempted murder. Protection of our Supreme Court Justices is vital, especially as we await a decision on the Dobbs abortion case.

Miller even took to Twitter just a few days ago to complain that Democrats have not allowed a vote on the SCOTUS police protection bill:

As usual, Mary Miller chooses to complain and engage in politics instead of legislate.

* McLean County Democrats…

The McLean County Republicans will have a showing of the film “2000 Mules” at an event Tuesday morning. This “documentary” by Dinesh D’Souza falsely claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The local Republican organization will then provide training on becoming a poll watcher or election judge.

It is absolutely astonishing that a local political party would actively promote and share blatantly false and widely disproven conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. Just like the thoroughly debunked lies regarding the election, this movie has zero credibility. The fact that the McLean County Republicans obviously believe these falsehoods and are indoctrinating their election workers with these lies is alarming.

We are asking our local media to ask all Republican candidates, from Governor to Precinct Committee Person, if they believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 election in a free and fair contest. The voters of McLean County deserve to know if their potential elected officials are capable of rational thought and critical thinking. We’d like to know if local McLean County Republican Leadership and their current elected officials have endorsed this event and agree with the premise of this film.

Most importantly, we’d like to know if the current McLean County Republican County Clerk agrees with her party that election fraud is rampant throughout the country. If so, what are her plans on coping with it here in McLean County?

The January 6th Committee hearings the last few days have provided ample proof of the “Big Lie”. Even the former United States Attorney General, William Barr, called the former President’s claims of election fraud “bullshit”. Not one judge or courtroom has agreed with the allegations made by Trump’s team. Any candidate or elected official who continues to perpetuate these lies is unfit to work in the public interest. The voters of McLean County deserve to know better.

* Chicago FOP faves…

And of course they went with DeVore.

* Valencia is off the campaign trail after testing positive for COVID-19 …

Democratic candidate for Secretary of State Anna Valencia today issued the following statement after testing positive for COVID-19:

“This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19 using a rapid test at home. I am thankful to have received both doses of the COVID vaccine as well as my booster shot, and I am experiencing mild symptoms. I will continue to isolate and work from home, following CDC guidelines and the advice of my doctor. I look forward to returning to the campaign trail as soon as possible.”

* I had a little bit about GOP AG candidate Steve Kim’s Saudi Kingdom ties yesterday. Greg Hinz followed up with Kim

In a phone interview, Kim said the sole function of Global Business Ventures was to link American firms to good international investments. Beyond that, he said he never received “any compensation” from the Saudi government, and that he left Global Business Ventures awhile ago—“maybe a year or two; I don’t remember”—and gave up his “very small” equity interest for free.

However, a 2018 press release from Global Business Ventures paints a somewhat different picture.

The release is about how the firm had received a license for the latest in a series of contracts for work under the 2030 plan—“the first step in a planned multibillion-dollar, mixed-used development that could bring as many as 25,000 housing units and 1 million square feet of commercial space to three sites north of Riyadh,” the Saudi capital. […]

Kim said the referenced deal since has fallen apart and that the press release, like many, was more a “marketing vehicle” than a statement of facts. Kim said he will take steps to “correct” and “update” his law firm’s website listing of his resume.

That whole “Griffin slate” thing has been kind of a mess. Their secretary of state candidate looks to be trailing and Kim is barely keeping up with Tom Freakin’ DeVore. I saw some news report the other day talking about all the money slate members have received, but it’s actually a relative pittance. Johnny Rotten’s question might apply here.

* Rodney Davis…

Conservative Outsider PAC, a DC-based dark money Super PAC that supports Mary Miller, is out with a new false TV ad that lies about Rodney Davis’ record on pro-life issues in Congress.

“Mary Miller and her Super PAC allies know that her campaign is failing, so they’re resorting to lying about my record on pro-life issues. I am pro-life and proud of it. I’ve been endorsed by leading pro-life groups and have received 100 percent and A+ ratings for my pro-life record in Congress. I support legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and have voted to defund Planned Parenthood. I support the Hyde Amendment and have fought to ensure taxpayer dollars don’t fund abortion. These false ads are nothing more than an attempt to hide Miller’s own terrible record.” - Rodney Davis, Republican candidate for Congress in IL-15

The Susan B. Anthony List, one of America’s leading pro-life organizations, has endorsed Rodney for re-election and had this to say about Rodney’s pro-life record in Congress:

“Congressman Rodney Davis is a dedicated public servant and tireless advocate and for the unborn and their mothers in Washington. His leadership as ranking member of the Committee on House Administration is invaluable in stopping pro-abortion Democrats from shutting down our ability to elect pro-life lawmakers in fair, transparent elections. He champions the life-saving Hyde Amendment and is a key ally as we work to keep pro-abortion Democrats from sneaking taxpayer funding of abortion into spending bills. We are grateful for his continued support and voice in Washington.”

Rodney Davis is proudly pro-life. National Right To Life has given Rodney a “100 percent” score, and Susan B. Anthony List has given Rodney an “A+” rating.

* CD1…

State Senator Jacqui Collins Announces Key Endorsements Representing Over 35% of the 1st Congressional District

State Rep. Kelly Burke, State Rep. Justin Slaughter, Ald. Michelle Harris, Ald. Derrick Curtis & Ald. David Moore endorse Jacqui for Congress

CHICAGO - Democratic candidate for the 1st Congressional District, State Senator Jacqui Collins, announced key endorsements today as early voting starts from elected officials representing over 35 percent of voters in the 1st District.

Illinois State Representative Kelly Burke (D-Oak Lawn), Illinois State Representative Justin Slaughter (D-Chicago), Ald. Michelle Harris (8th ward, Democratic State Central Committeeperson for the 1st Congressional District), Ald. Derrick Curtis (18th ward), and Ald. David Moore (17th ward) are endorsing Jacqui Collins to be the first woman ever to hold the seat.

“I’m thrilled to have the endorsements of Rep. Burke, Rep. Slaughter, Ald. Harris, Ald. Curtis, and Ald. Moore,” said State Senator Jacqui Collins (D-Chicago). “Together they represent over 35 percent of voters in the 1st Congressional District, and their support goes a long way with constituents who are looking for their next Congressperson to be a champion for justice by fighting for women’s rights, gun reform, healthcare and affordable housing.”

“Jacqui Collins’ history and platform of fighting for justice is what we need right now in Congress,” said Ald. Michelle Harris (8th). “With Republicans on the precipice of succeeding to roll back access to abortions, we need an experienced legislator and unrelenting advocate like Jacqui representing us in D.C.”

* Raja…

Today, the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board wrote, “U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi doesn’t just talk about bipartisanship — he walks the walk. The Schaumburg Democrat reached across the aisle to expand federal support for the country’s career and technical education system. He also worked with Republicans to set aside millions of dollars to lower so-called solar soft costs, the non-hardware costs of going solar, to make it easier to invest in clean energy. And he worked with the GOP on legislation aimed at decreasing e-cigarette use among children and teens. …Krishnamoorthi has gotten our endorsement before, and he both deserves and gets it again.”

This endorsement comes just two weeks before the June 28th primary, and follows a series of prominent endorsements Congressman Raja has received, including by another prominent newspaper, the Daily Herald.

Please spread news of this endorsement to your friends and family and remember to cast your vote for Raja Krishnamoorthi on or before Election Day on June 28th!

* More…

* Seven Republicans hoping to take on ‘formidable’ U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth: Salvi’s campaign appears to have the fund-raising edge with more than $300,000 raised, but $250,000 of that came from Salvi herself, campaign finance records show. Gidwitz, a finance co-chair of the National Republican Senate Committee, has told the Sun-Times he is backing Salvi. Piton is Salvi’s closest fundraising competitor, with $168,510 raised. He kicked in $25,000 of that, though. Salvi, of Mundelein, lost a six-way 2006 GOP primary bid for Congress. Hubbard and Chlebek also sought to challenge U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin two years ago.

* Challenger to Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart knocked off the primary ballot for good; lengthy fight ends at Illinois Supreme Court: The Illinois Supreme Court declined Monday to hear Navarro Gercone’s appeal in a case that started with incumbent Sheriff Tom Dart challenging her candidacy under a controversial new state law that requires all sheriff contenders to be certified law enforcement officers.

* Tribune: Our final choices for the US House primary

* Chicago mayor’s race 2023 lineup: Who is in, who is out, who is undecided


  1. - Save Ferris - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:00 pm:

    Steve Kim is dropping out of the AG primary and joining the LIV Golf Tour

  2. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    ===Tom Freakin’ DeVore===
    You say that like that’s a bad thing. It’s his branding.

  3. - Socially DIstant watcher - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:05 pm:

    Do you ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

  4. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:08 pm:

    These “Champaign Notebook” posts have been so great, thanks for keeping these posts daily.

    That’s first…

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:12 pm:

    To the post,

    Rich had a QOTD about what was the most important campaign issue or words to that effect.

    GOP organizations pushing “The Big Lie” or candidates still pushing it are not going to get my vote, Biden won, there was no rigged election, our ejections are fair and free.

    I’m glad to learn about what is going on, or still going on… knowing this is big, for me.

  6. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:14 pm:

    I’m sure I am not the only person who reads the FOP endorsement as an effort on their part to try to prevent a woman and or a minority from holding a statewide office which would put a little more pressure on police forces to stop systemically denying the rights of people of color.

  7. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:14 pm:

    “That whole “Griffin slate” thing has been kind of a mess”

    The fact that Demmer is keeping his distance and running his own show tells you all you need to know.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:17 pm:

    Dems having Alexi win the SoS nomination while being supported by the Chicago FOP is another point to how awful the Valencia campaign has been, and continues to be.

    Arguably, the Valencia campaign is/was the worst run operation of the statewide “serious” candidates.

  9. - Roadrager - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:18 pm:

    ==It is absolutely astonishing that a local political party would actively promote and share blatantly false and widely disproven conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.==

    Ah, you must be new here.

  10. - Big Dipper - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:20 pm:

    I hope Kim is more concerned about accuracy in his legal work.

  11. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:24 pm:

    I’m still amazed when I see McLean County Democrats and it not referencing 4 hippies in a storefront downtown Bloomington. Even better, it’s a strong message.

    I get Griffin letting Irvin go giving the polling, but if he ever wants to recruit candidates again, I would think he’d support Kim and the Comptroller/Treasurer candidates. Or maybe he’ll just withdraw from politics–I Keed, I keed

  12. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:25 pm:

    If a political party wishes to campaign on an easily proven and fraudulent lie, how can they possibly be trusted to govern? Simply believing the lie doesn’t make it true and it should be disqualifying.

  13. - JoanP - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:26 pm:

    Thanks for showing the FOP endorsements. Now I know who not to vote for.

  14. - Highland IL - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:33 pm:

    The Madison County Democrats are a shadow of what the used to be when the machine ran things. No one stepped up to take the reins. They aren’t capitalizing on the GOP infighting that has been going on for months (if not years). The GOP has a faction promoting the Mules movie here and recruiting poll judges and watchers.

  15. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 12:37 pm:

    what JoanP said. also, maybe the 2000 mules is shown to instruct. after all, from ballots dumped to registration at an illegal residence, it’s the Republicans who seem to be all about vote fraud.

  16. - Homebody - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 1:04 pm:

    @JoanP: Same feeling here. Valencia is full of red flags, but the FOP endorsement pretty much guarantees I can’t vote for Giannoulias.

  17. - Lake Effect - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 1:08 pm:

    Alexi got the FOP and Our Revolution to endorse him. It takes a a big tent to coalition-build and get things done. Props..

  18. - walker - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 1:16 pm:

    The FOP-Fighters will endorse any Dem in the Primary most likely to harm the Dems overall

  19. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 1:50 pm:

    FOP getting slimed. Feel sorry for rank and file

  20. - filmmaker prof - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 1:50 pm:

    Some semesters I used to show Dinesh D’Souza’s film “2016: Obama’s America” in my documentary class, without comment. I would take attendance, answer questions about the course schedule, and then put on the film without any introduction.
    Most of the students would laugh at it. That’s why Republicans hate education.

  21. - Ryan - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 1:54 pm:

    As a McLean County resident, this showing of that “documentary” doesn’t surprise me, at all. The local Republican party is a shell of what it used to be. It’s been taken over by Trump cultists.

  22. - Middle Way - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 2:32 pm:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m a conservative leaning independent, but Raja is the kind of public servant I’d like to see on the other side of the aisle. Also, Demmer is a smart guy along the same lines and may be the only one of the “slate” to actually win. He’s got a bright future.

  23. - low level - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 2:34 pm:

    I see the FOP endorsed and highlighted Crump. Too bad Crump isnt running anything close to a real campaign. Her mail is abysmal and her campaign didnt get back to a widely read community paper when they requested an interview.

  24. - ZC - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    The Republican candidate to face Brad Schneider in IL-10
    Is also retweeting himself with D’Souza and praising the documentary.

  25. - West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 3:36 pm:

    JoanP - Don’t let the FOP be your sole guide for judicial endorsements, in fact ignore them completely. I would suggest checking out the legal blog For What It’s Worth for all the bar association evals, they’re much better than FOP in judging potential judges. (And, just to be clear, I am not now and never have been Jack Leyhane, who runs the blog.) The fact that FOP might have endorsed someone who happens to be qualified for a lot better reasons than their standards should not dissuade you from voting for them. Remember, a broken clock is right twice a day. (Does that still apply if everyone’s time piece is digital? Probably not.)

  26. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 3:43 pm:

    @ArchPundit - Agree it is a good message. But the McLean County Democrats still are a pretty rag-tag bunch.

    Biden and Durbin both won the county in 2020 yet the Democrats have no candidates in the primary for the following offices contested in all or parts of McLean County in 2022:
    -16th U.S. Congressional District
    -53rd State Senator
    -105th State Representative
    -County Treasurer
    -County Sheriff
    -Regional Superintendent of Schools
    -Two separate judicial elections in the 11th Judicial Circuit

    I am too lazy to check where things are at on county board seats or if I missed any others but you get the idea.

  27. - Middle Way - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 4:03 pm:

    ZC you don’t know that half of it. The 10th is a tremendous example of a district that R’s should be sneaky good in in a cycle like this but are left with a crackpot instead. Schneider is beatable with the right candidate, but not this guy.

  28. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 4:10 pm: has broken down the evidence the film “2000 Mules” claims it has on voter fraud in the 2020 election. Their assessment shows how it does not provide definitive evidence but is instead speculative.

  29. - JoanP - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 4:14 pm:

    @ West Side the Best Side -

    I usually use the CBA guide, because they give the reasoning behind their ratings, as well as background on the candidates. I often disagree with their reasons, but at least I know what they are.

  30. - Just Sayin - Tuesday, Jun 14, 22 @ 7:42 pm:

    ==Biden and Durbin both won the county in 2020 yet the Democrats have no candidates in the primary for the following offices contested in all or parts of McLean County in 2022==

    I’m surprised David Gill hasn’t tried to enter one of those races, either as a Democrat or an independent.

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