Question of the day
Thursday, Jun 23, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Your explained rating of this DPI video designed to help convince the national party to select Illinois as one of the first presidential primaries in the country?…
* Script…
Welcome to Illinois. We’re the heart of the Midwest. A state that reflects the very best of our nation and our party. And we’re a true test for anyone who wants to be our next president. Urban, suburban rural. Public universities and manufacturers big and small. A thriving tech sector and our farming communities are the lifeblood of the Midwest. Here in Illinois are people look like America. No state more closely mirrors the nation’s demographics. And we aren’t just really proud of 900,000 union households, we are the birthplace of the modern labor movement. From Chicago to Carbondale, Danville to Decatur, our candidates stand out at Pride parades, union halls and county fairs. People might think we’re a blue state, but we’re really a state that Democrats fight to keep blue every cycle. In 2018, JB Pritzker flipped the governorship from red to blue. In 2016, Tammy Duckworth flipped the Senate. And Obama did the same in 2004. (Obama: “Thank you, Illinois, I love you!”) Our Democrats win when they appeal to all voters. And we turn those wins into action, with some of the strongest laws of the nation expanding ballot access, defending reproductive choice, protecting the environment and growing good-paying jobs. To win in November, candidates have to be tested - early. And Illinois is ready to be that true test of our next president.
Please pardon all transcription errors.
- Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:08 pm:
Such logic - We are a blue state so let us go first.
- Nick - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:09 pm:
I like it.
- Dave Dahl - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:09 pm:
At :53, the message is … Rodney Davis will help keep Illinois blue?
- Roadrager - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:11 pm:
Illinois needs to be tied for first with 49 other states. This system is ridiculous and just serves as an excuse to financially prop up politically-adjacent enterprises. The candidates aren’t criss-crossing the country by train or carriage anymore and everybody has a television. In the meantime, people bemoan primary turnout in Presidential years here while failing to note that votes on the biggest race on the ticket don’t matter because some octogenarian from South Carolina gave his endorsement eight weeks ago at the Corn Pone Cafe and that settled that.
- vern - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:17 pm:
A. The reference to legislative efficiency is good in the short-term, as the DNC needs a state that can move its primary date without much trouble. But it’s also a good point long-term that national Democratic politicians would be more popular if they were able to pass laws at the pace of the Illinois legislature.
- Back to the Future - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:24 pm:
Really liked it.
Lot’s of accurate positive facts about our State.
If Dems are looking for a place that looks, feels like and represents the best of America then Illinois should be the choice to hold the Democratic Convention.
- Anon221 - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:26 pm:
OK… my three points are probably best categorized as “insider baseball”.
1. Use of a Case tractor pulling a Deere planter…planned or just a fluke;)
2. Chicago to Carbondale and Danville to Decatur…and the rest of the state??? Forgotten Forgotonnia and the “Northwest Territories” must not have made the “cut”.
3. Seems disingenuous to show clips of the Davis/Miller battle when, as I’ve been schooled here repeatedly, the Dems have no interest in supporting a Dem candidate in the 15th.
Now, back to your regular programming;)
- jackmac - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:34 pm:
Well done ad. Positive and progressive message.
With some slight modifications it could also serve as a pitch for holding the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
- Amalia - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:34 pm:
A would be A+ but they did not emphasize private universities and hospitals. Healthcare is important and we have some of the best in the nation. Shirley Ryan Ability Lab alone, leading the nation forever.
- MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:38 pm:
You can see the back of my head in that grainy Obama video, so 10/10.
– MrJM
- Shibboleth - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:39 pm:
=Illinois needs to be tied for first with 49 other states. This system is ridiculous and just serves as an excuse to financially prop up politically-adjacent enterprises. The candidates aren’t criss-crossing the country by train or carriage anymore and everybody has a television.=
This is a good idea if you don’t mind pricing poorer or grassroots candidates out. Media markets cost a lot of money, and going one state at a time can let less well known candidates make an impression.
- Telly - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 1:45 pm:
Not bad. Didn’t expect to see Carol Moseley Braun.
- New Day - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 2:03 pm:
“You can see the back of my head in that grainy Obama video, so 10/10.”
Scans video looking for MrJM’s head…
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 2:07 pm:
If Illinois becomes the “first in the nation” primary, does this mean a repeat of 2008-2010, with all the Legislative and local races all moved up too (in addition to the presidential primary).
- Local Person - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 2:09 pm:
- Illinois needs to be tied for first with 49 other states -
Oh yeah because what we really want is for every campaign to have to fundraise a whole national race to even have a shot. That seems like a good idea.
Illinois should be first for exactly the reason in the video. We mirror the country.
- Wonky Kong - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 2:13 pm:
Showing the Republicans in the middle makes no sense. If they wanted to play up the red to blue, they could have edited the script a bit and shown a grainy opponent then the victorious dem.
The video would have been better served by showing Democrats in action during that part. But otherwise it hits the high points and looks good.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 2:30 pm:
B+. That split second clip with CAT visible was unfortunate in light of recent events.
Also there is more to Illinois rural life than farm fields. Lots of picture perfect Main Streets in our small towns across the state and plenty of rivers and forests.
But overall it just feels good to see something positive about Illinois.
“Amid the broad green fields that nourish our land,
For honest Labor and for Learning we stand,
And unto thee we pledge our heart and hand,
Dear Alma Mater, Illinois.”
- JS Mill - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 2:55 pm:
Pretty good.
=We are a blue state so let us go first.=
You could have just stated that you hate diversity and any positive Illinois messaging.
I am still sending you a hug.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 3:01 pm:
===We are a blue state so let us go first.===
“We are a diverse state, allowing a measure of candidates”
To the video?
It’s an A-, likely how I’d try to sell Illinois, they hit all the smarty sharp points.
A couple lil edits here and there… A.
It’s good work.
- cermak_rd - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 3:15 pm:
We’re only a blue state because the GOP doesn’t try.
- MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 5:19 pm:
“We’re only a blue state because the GOP doesn’t try.”
The last Illinois governor was a Republican.
– MrJM
- SaulGoodman - Thursday, Jun 23, 22 @ 6:05 pm:
** We’re only a blue state because the GOP doesn’t try.
Repubs are going to spend, what, $75m is in this gov primary?