Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Ken Griffin’s no-good, lousy day
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Ken Griffin’s no-good, lousy day

Wednesday, Jun 29, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Democrats may catch yet another break, this time in the 2nd Illinois Supreme Court District

Lake County Associate Judge Elizabeth “Liz” Rochford won the Democratic primary for an open Supreme Court seat following Tuesday’s election, but whether she will face off in the fall against another Lake County judge or the former Lake County sheriff remains too close to call.

In the Republican primary, with 95% of precincts reporting, Lake County Circuit Judge Daniel Shanes and former Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran were leading two other candidates and separated by less than two percentage points.

Shanes and Rochford were both rated “highly recommended” by the Illinois State Bar Association, while Curran was found “not recommended.”

Shanes, a former Lake County prosecutor and sitting judge since 2007, was the Republican primary candidate favored by an independent expenditure committee funded primarily by billionaire Citadel CEO Ken Griffin. The group, Citizens for Judicial Fairness, spent more than $170,000 in support of Shanes. He is a deputy chief judge in Lake County and oversees felony and law division cases.

Citizens for Judicial Fairness spent roughly $50,000 to oppose Curran’s bid. Curran was elected sheriff in Lake County in 2006 and remained in office until 2018. Before that, he worked as a local and federal prosecutor, and he now works on criminal defense and civil cases. He unsuccessfully ran against U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin in 2020 as the Republican Party candidate, scoring almost 40% of the vote statewide.

That Curran thing is so wild. Both the establishment and folks like Jeanne Ives were with Shanes. Curran started the quarter with $10,150.09 in the bank and didn’t report raising any other money since then.

Also, that was a huge 15,000-vote win for Rochford over Nancy Rotering. We’ll circle back to that part of the world later today or tomorrow.

* Then there was this…

Rodney is losing by 15 points.

* And, of course

“Except for wealthy politicians who bankroll their own campaign, this [Richard Irvin race] is the largest amount ever given by a single donor to a U.S. candidate at any level,” according to a report from the Center for Media and Democracy, a progressive watchdog group based in Madison, Wis. […]

It’s unclear if Griffin will continue his heavy spending in Illinois politics after he and his Citadel hedge fund have packed up and left for Miami. But what was obvious was that his latest big bet on elections in this state was a big failure, up and down the ballot.

The Griffin-supported candidate for secretary of state, John Milhiser, and his pick for attorney general, Steve Kim, also lost Tuesday.

Irvin is in third place and Bailey has a 42-point lead over second-place finisher Jesse “Big Mo” Sullivan.

Tom DeVore is ahead of Steve Kim by 11 points and Kim conceded. Rep. Dan Brady is absolutely annhilating John Milhiser by 53 points. Wow.


  1. - Richard Swervin' - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:08 am:

    I have a tiny violin for sale. It’s made of fool’s gold and costs $50 million.

  2. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    I come away wondering if Milheiser vs DeVore in the AG race where he belonged, with some cash actually devoted to him, might have produced a different result. Steve Kim just seems like a nothing candidate now entering the realm of perpetual.

  3. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:11 am:

    Went 3-0 yesterday, including Bailey, had a great day. Did not expect it to be quite like that.

  4. - Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:12 am:

    Hooray that Dan Brady won the Secretary of State nomination.

    I feel that Griffin planned to move to Florida long before this month. IF he was waffling, the reality that his candidates were losing probably was the nudge for him to follow through with his plans.

  5. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:12 am:

    NBC should site has Curran up w 100% reporting

  6. - The Bandit - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    Dan Brady was All Over the state shaking hands and meeting people like crazy. Hard working guy that never rested ! I hope he wins the general.

  7. - Sports Stooge - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    Steve Kim was, is, and will always a vanilla, boring candidate. Mr. Burgundy is correct that John Milheiser would have been better choice for AG and with the benefit of hindsight the throwing together of that slate looks even worse in the rearview.

  8. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    A new political rule: If Griffin picks a candidate, bet on the opponent.

  9. - Nick - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:14 am:

    Did anyone catch Irvin’s concession speech?

    Looks like Pritzker won the republican primary.

  10. - Sports Stooge - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:16 am:

    Mark Curran winning kills any chance of a Republican majority on the state supreme court.

  11. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:16 am:

    I wonder if a “not recommended” ISBA stamp on a judge is a seal of approval for GOP primary voters now.

    In the 11th Judicial Circuit, Don Knapp was “not recommended” and just crushed Amy McFarland who was recommended by ISBA and all the retired judges.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:18 am:

    ===Looks like Pritzker won the republican primary.===

    The brand is ruined, sure, but old, angry, white, MAGA, religious “types” won, Pritzker exposed that.

    Oh.. “types”… Yeah… folks that claim to live by the gospel yet show no grasp or understanding of its teachings.

  13. - Big Dipper - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:24 am:

    Didn’t Curran have some wacky views when he ran for the Senate?

  14. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:26 am:

    Proves money can’t buy everything.

  15. - Steve - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:28 am:

    I guess there’s not enough Kirk Dillard voters in a Republican primary in Illinois.

  16. - Amalia - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:28 am:

    name recognition vs. bar association recommendation, don’t know which I’d rather face. but let’s focus on Liz Rochford. very well qualified as rated by the ISBA, in leadership in the Illinois Judges Association, deserving of her win because of her qualifications. also a well run campaign. as for Rotering, lots of people who are very well known are on her support list including with money and heavy consultants and while she is a lovely person, their support for a person with that lack of qualifications is head scratching.

  17. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:30 am:

    So many GOP voters may be MAGA extremists, but they don’t like phonies. Irvin was the phoniest, most manufactured candidate. Can’t blame anyone for not supporting this.

  18. - JoanP - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:32 am:

    = Didn’t Curran have some wacky views when he ran for the Senate? =

    Still does:

  19. - Just Me 2 - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:33 am:

    I wonder what conversations the Brady and Bailey camps are having today. If I were Dan I wouldn’t even be on a stage with Bailey.

  20. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:33 am:

    === I guess there’s not enough Kirk Dillard voters in a Republican primary in Illinois. ===

    Kirk saw this during his last run. That’s why he tacked harder right. Whether it would have helped didn’t matter because he was overwhelmed when the party’s money people coalesced around Rauner.

  21. - Steve - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:34 am:

    I wonder if Bailey will seek the coveted Jim Edgar endorsement?

  22. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:36 am:

    The Republican brand is ruined on Illinois?

    The party’s death has been greatly exaggerated

    After record spending the margins were not the landslide you pretend it to be

    798,986 votes for Democrat for Governor

    773,853 votes for Republican for Governor

  23. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:38 am:

    Ken is the posterchild for why we need an 80% tax rate on millionaires.

  24. - Torco Sign - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:39 am:

    @Lucky Pierre Lol. The Democratic race was not competitive. In normal times, it would be tilted heavily in favor of the party with a competitive race. It wasn’t because Illinois isn’t a Republican state.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:41 am:

    === The party’s death has been greatly exaggerated===

    The party of jbt, Edgar, Rutherford, Jim and George, JRT…

    It’s gone.

    Just because you’re full blown MAGA - Lucky Pierre -…


  26. - Paddyrollingstone - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:41 am:

    At the risk of pointing out the obvious, Lucky, Pritzker really had no opponent. Anecdotally, none of my kids voted in the primary but will be voting D in November.

  27. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:41 am:

    To me, this seemed very personal between the 2 billionaires. JB didn’t just beat Ken’s slate, he burried them, Ken’s candidates weren’t even viable.

    And just like Bruce, Ken quit the campaign before election day. These guys are purely transactional. They have no legacy in the political sphere. There is no one picking up their message and running with it. That is not why they entered politics. Good riddance.

  28. - vern - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:42 am:

    Of all the bad predictions I made about yesterday, this one is the most embarrassing because I forgot the most fundamental rule of Illinois politics: never bet on Mark Shaw. He was a central organizer of the Stop Curran movement, and his talent for losing knows no bounds. Real rookie mistake to think he could pull this off.

  29. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:43 am:

    Nice of Ken Griffin to make Rauner look like a success.

  30. - SaulGoodman - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:43 am:

    LOL at Lucky Pierre’s “analysis” and not talking into consideration that there was $100+ million spent on the GOP side and a few million spent on the Dem side.

  31. - Steve - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:43 am:

    -Ken is the posterchild for why we need an 80% tax rate on millionaires.-

    Exactly how will that work since Ken didn’t even want to pay 4.95% and now he’s going to zero percent? That federalism stuff sure makes an 80% rate a little challenging.

  32. - AC - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:44 am:

    If Griffin was capable of learning, he’d come to the realization that it wasn’t his support that failed, he it was wishy washy campaigns that truly failed. I think Mayor Irvin with $10 million and the freedom to be who he was, not shying away from any of his opinions, would’ve done much better. Similarly, Rodney Davis tried to get the support of everyone not realizing that cultists demand absolute loyalty, and courting the cultists doesn’t motivate mainstream voters. Instead of learning, Griffin is taking his toys and going to a new home. It’s easier than learning he was wrong, I guess.

  33. - Roadrager - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:44 am:

    DeVore may be the ultimate case of the dog catching the car, even more than our secessionist candidate for governor. The sweaty grifter with knuckle tats who feels the need to post through everything is about to find out what a real campaign is like and what people will gladly say about such a person. What he does in public is disqualifying enough. Imagine what comes out in that first peek under the rug.

  34. - So_Ill - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:45 am:

    ==798,986 votes for Democrat for Governor

    773,853 votes for Republican for Governor==

    You cannot be serious (you are). Democrats had one competitive primary on the ballot (SOS) and most people didn’t like either candidate.

  35. - Roadrager - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:46 am:

    Ah, LP, the political insider who’s unable to grasp how primary elections work. Keep slingin’ ‘em, bud. You are the true future of the Illinois GOP.

  36. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:47 am:

    === Ken didn’t even want to pay 4.95% and now he’s going to zero percent? ===

    I hope he knows how to swim, because he couldn’t tread water here, lol.

  37. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:48 am:

    There were contested primaries on the Democratic ballot for Secretary of State, County Board, Congress etc. and yet turnout in Chicago was at an 8 year low.

    Turnout in areas with more Republicans in the suburbs was higher.

    I guess they missed the memo about the party being dead

  38. - Torco Sign - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:48 am:

    BTW, Mark Curran wrote, “I had no ambition for the job and only ran because I believed the Lord wanted me to run.” That’s gonna go well. He will obviously lose. Which races is his subpar general election campaign going to impact???

  39. - MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:49 am:

    “Mark Curran winning kills any chance of a Republican majority on the state supreme court.”


    – MrJM

  40. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:50 am:

    ===Which races is his subpar general election campaign going to impact?===


  41. - levivotedforjudy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:51 am:

    I’ve wondered if there are a lot more MAGA supporters are in the City of Chicago and Cook County than most people think. Darren Bailey is going to answer my question when the results come in for the General Election. I think JB is going to steam roll him, but this should be very interesting.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:53 am:

    === I guess they missed the memo about the party being dead===

    Once you go full MAGA, you miss the whole dead party thing.

    I’ll look forward to you embracing Darren Bailey and Mary Miller too.

  43. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:53 am:

    ==Ken is the posterchild for why we need an 80% tax rate on millionaires. ==

    Would also make it harder for the current governor to fund his campaign.

  44. - Real - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 11:58 am:

    -Did anyone catch Irvin’s concession speech?

    Looks like Pritzker won the republican primary-

    A lot better than Ken Griffin winning.

  45. - So_Ill - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:05 pm:

    LP- thoughts on this trend?

    DuPage County votes for Gov.

    92,386 R (85.9%)
    15,112 D (14.1 %)

    68,048 R (50.1%)
    67,782 D (49.9%)

  46. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:07 pm:

    =Did anyone catch Irvin’s concession speech?=

    It was a sad epilogue to a lousy campaign. It was obviously a stinging defeat to a guy that clearly was out of touch with his party. You can’t blame his 3rd place finish and Bailey’s margin of victory on meddling. But I suspect that Irvin and his supporters will continue to bury their heads in the sand in doing so. There’s a whole lot of folks who were all in on Irvin and now find themselves on the outside looking in.

  47. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:08 pm:

    On the plus side, Ken Griffin will find himself among like-minded people in the Republican state of Florida.

    On the minus side, he won’t need to use his money to crusade against a Democrat minority.

    Less frustration, more satisfaction. Will he find billionaire Nirvana?

  48. - WestBurbs - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:09 pm:

    This is the best: “ sweaty grifter with knuckle tats…”

  49. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:10 pm:

    === Would also make it harder for the current governor to fund his campaign. ===

    I’m ok with that. Pritzker can win without his cash. He’s done great things for Illnois during his tenure. He uses his money to fend off the Ken Griffins of the world, and will continue to do so as long as Citizens United stands.

  50. - Left of what - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:16 pm:

    =Did anyone catch Irvin’s concession speech?=

    =It was a sad epilogue to a lousy campaign=

    Hundred percent. Maybe people liked him as mayor but the astroturfed version of Irvin that ran for gov nomination came off as devoid of charisma.

  51. - clec dcn - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:38 pm:

    I know Dan Brady personally and yes I am not surprised. He manages to fit in without making dramatic gestures and outlandish talk. Probably more should take notice in the GOP. Nothing surprising in results except for Miller just thought Davis would win I must me out of touch, but glad.

  52. - Divebar Diva - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:41 pm:

    Billionaires don’t really have bad days. Griffin woke up today still worth about $28 billion.
    There are a lot of Democrats that had a worse day than Ken Griffin. HDems like Zalewski and Yingling now have to find other ways to be relevant and make a living. Z is tainted by Com Ed/Dad/Madigan and Yingling is all of a sudden someone who doesn’t get along well with others.
    Griffin is much better situated today.

  53. - AlfondoGonz - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:44 pm:

    “So many GOP voters may be MAGA extremists, but they don’t like phonies.”

    Because there is no one more genuine than the MAGA King.

    LP changes by not changing at all.

  54. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:46 pm:

    This should be the end of Raunerism and massive, deliberate damage to Illinois done in loathing of unions, taxes and government. That set is free to move to any red state it wants. Everybody would be happier, including them.

  55. - Midwesterner - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:47 pm:

    There is so much worth discussing. Since everyone else is getting the job done on keeping the dialogue going, I just want to mention one thing.

    Because elections for the bench see numerous races, are at the bottom of the ballot and are populated with candidates most of whom nobody has ever heard, Bar Association ratings take on disproportionally large weight in media endorsements and coverage. Especially in light of the above points, this is unsurprising. But, “voter beware,” caution is warranted. For instance, there is a big correlation between “Unqualified” or “Not Recommended” and having not served on the bench. (BTW, NR is often a proxy for the candidate knowing going through the dance was not worth the effort and therefore not engaging in the association’s process.) In the 2nd, there are examples among both Dems and the GOP.

    For instance, Rotering has served as a Hearing Officer for a number of regulatory bodies, has been Mayor of Highland Park for years and her education consists of undergrad at Stanford, MBA at Kellogg and law degree from the U of C. So, like her or not, she is qualified,in fact, more than qualified, for the seat. Ditto, Curran. He was a senior felony prosecutor and later Sheriff of Lake County as well as an experienced private sector practitioner. So, yeah, like him or not, he is qualified.

  56. - Proud Papa Bear - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:53 pm:

    “798,986 votes for Democrat for Governor 773,853 votes for Republican for Governor”
    In my anecdotal circle, I was one of the few Democrats who pulled a Democratic ballot. Most were voting Republican for a down-ballot lesser of two evils and voted for Bailey because they believed he’d be the easiest for Pritzker to beat.

  57. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 12:54 pm:

    ===is all of a sudden someone who doesn’t get along well===

    You forgot the snark tag. /s

  58. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 1:17 pm:

    Mark Curran is running to become the next Roland Burris.

  59. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 1:18 pm:

    -For instance, Rotering has served as a Hearing Officer for a number of regulatory bodies, has been Mayor of Highland Park for years and her education consists of undergrad at Stanford, MBA at Kellogg and law degree from the U of C. So, like her or not, she is qualified,in fact, more than qualified, for the seat. Ditto, Curran. He was a senior felony prosecutor and later Sheriff of Lake County as well as an experienced private sector practitioner. So, yeah, like him or not, he is qualified.-

    In your opinion. From what I see both declined to participate in evaluation processes by at least one organization. What were they hiding? Don’t we expect honesty and openness from judicial candidates? Further, none of these rating organizations care where one went to school. They care if a person has significant litigation and trial experience, and have prepared themselves for the bench. Transactional lawyers have not done that. A large part of being a judge - especially a Supreme Court judge - is evaluating prior trial proceedings. How can you do that if you don’t try cases? Aside from experience, they care about things like ethics, integrity and demeanor - things that don’t show up on a resume but do show up when interviews are done with judges and adversaries. People are free to make up their own minds, but when these organizations put in the work, talk to the people a candidate encounters on a daily basis, and interviews them, their opinion does have value and certainly beyond what a candidate puts in their ads.

  60. - Amalia - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 1:18 pm:

    Rotering is done. Curan has not been a judge. And he may not win. Shanes is Highly Qualified. As is Rochford. The Bar Association ratings are very telling. And those who do not go through the process are often playing the game of not being evaluated. see a very well described case that the For What It’s Worth blog got into when a candidate claimed the reason for not submitting was vacation when it was avoiding the CCL. and it went from there in nonsense all the way to an ARDC ruling. Bar Association ratings matter.

  61. - Primate - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 1:22 pm:

    Grandson of Man - You nailed it. They will try to hang on through the party apparatus but Bailey’s crew is on it and knows what to expect. As I commented before, all campaigns, republican leaning organizations and elected officials should always ask staff, or potential staff, what their relationship is to the Rauner people. The mere appearance of being aligned with them is damaging.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 1:35 pm:

    ===should always ask staff, or potential staff, what their relationship is to the Rauner people. The mere appearance of being aligned with them is damaging.===

    I don’t think it’s off for me to say… I wasn’t what one would call a fan of Raunerites. I think I can say that.

    Goldberg is my favorite, by miles and miles… then multiply that by miles and miles, there isn’t a 2nd.

    Goldberg owned his relationship, his own words, was a face to things he owned too.

    You don’t wanna hire Z, then don’t. Staffers? Don’t.

    The thing is, and it’s not like Z would give three… about my opinion, but the trade and business of campaigns is predicated on two important things.

    What the candidate will allow… What the money folks require.

    I’m not losing a wink of sleep with Bourne a lame duck, I slept great last night. How Bourne got to be a lame duck in this climate with better career choices, that’s for her to contemplate.

    Z will work again… and again… and again, and if you wanna win, you’ll look to talk to him on the “GOP” side. If you don’t, that’s probably a mistake.

    The talent necessary to win big races is rare. Proft loses (not last night, but I digress) but is still “working”, and it worked for Proft in this primary.

    I’m not a fan of Raunerites or Raunerism, but checks cash the same, and winners make policy. The rest is a bunch of junior high jealousies, or worse.

  63. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 1:40 pm:

    =Yingling is all of a sudden someone who doesn’t get along well with others.=

    Editors note: It wasn’t all of a sudden. For goodness sakes, his neighbors hate him. He couldn’t even win his precinct committeeman race

  64. - Torco Sign - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    @Midwesterner I don’t think Curran would win even if he had the best ratings. His views are so out of the mainstream.

  65. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 2:04 pm:

    “Billionaires don’t really have bad days. Griffin woke up today still worth about $28 billion.”

    If this satisfied him he would have stayed out of politics. He suffered huge losses yesterday.

  66. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 2:22 pm:

    -there is a big correlation between “Unqualified” or “Not Recommended” and having not served on the bench.-

    For State Supreme Court? I certainly hope so. At that level they need significant trial experience to rule on cases that turn on potential errors at trial.

    The bar associations are not perfect but they do check references and make the candidates answer questions about things like ethics, integrity, demeanor, etc that don’t show up on a resume. If someone doesn’t want to participate, they don’t have to, but they choose to accept the consequences.

  67. - Liability - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 2:40 pm:

    At the end of the day, campaigns are an exercise in risk management. The Irvin campaign began as a high-risk, high-reward effort. The high-reward only being achieved if he can get out of the primary. The majority of risks created by an Irvin candidacy existed for him in the primary, and unfortunately they manifested and multiplied even with the strategic application of resources to minimize them. ultimately, the high risks killed off any potential high reward.

  68. - Boris - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 3:20 pm:

    Our re-districting gerrymandering ensures a Mary Miller win. And I am no Rodney fan. This is the exact reason that we need non-partisan redistricting reform. Now I get to be represented by Mary for the next 10 years. EIU proud, not.

  69. - Primate - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 3:20 pm:

    OW, you crack me up. I loved Jr. high. Didn’t have any jealous feelings and no grudges held. Boy, I sure hope I am not in the ‘worse’ category that you speak of. These guys have ruined peoples lives for the almighty check and political power. When they won the Governorship, we had no budget for two years and they dismantled funding for social services. To your check cashing infatuation, Tusk also continues to cash checks; however, I believe in NY now. Z and team should follow suit. Let’s wait a few weeks and circle back to my comment here.

  70. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 3:24 pm:

    How about one more edition of Ask Avery?
    Single Mom writes:
    “So waz up next? I know some cool blogs that might need part time posters. They pay by the item.”
    Avery responds…life is good til January, government checks rolling in. May head back to law school and “teach” Who knows.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 3:31 pm:

    ===These guys have ruined peoples lives for the almighty check and political power.===

    Politics ain’t bean bag.

    I’d like to think my bona fides during the FOUR YEARS of that administration allows me to look at how personal feelings differ from actual professional angst.

    I’d like to think I saw in real time what was going on in real time and wasnt silent. I’d like to think that.



    The trade of campaigns is just that.

    If you’re in a position of hiring, then act accordingly

    - Annonin’ -

    I’m guessing there’s a great deal of remorse going on?

    Bourne was barely seen, heard, no raising of a profile, heck, did Bourne even speak *last night*…?

    Lemme know how things are going. Happy summer.


    Just “OW”, no “Mr/Ms”…. :)

  72. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 3:59 pm:


    A lot of voters clearly think Rotering wasn’t qualified for the position. Simply having graduated from law school doesn’t means one is qualified - she hasn’t practiced law in decades.

  73. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 4:05 pm:

    The big lie, and the candidates who support it, were largely rejected in Colorado yesterday. That says to me that a state Republican party can still be viable in a post Trump era. But that’s not the ILGOP. They were adrift heading into the party and even more so coming out of it.

  74. - H-W - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 4:11 pm:

    @ Boris - I am on the opposite side of the state, and also get to be represented by Miller. Isn’t life grand? The 15th district is perhaps the most gerrymandered map I have seen since North Carolina drew that I-85 map.

  75. - Primate - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 4:38 pm:

    Ok OW. I wish I only had 4 years of real time, real-time working with these jokers. Your intimacy with them must outweigh any one else’ experience. Good luck man…

  76. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 4:42 pm:

    === Your intimacy with them must outweigh any one else’ experience===


    If you read what I wrote, I was clarifying why I feel as I do.

    I also wrote…

    “If you’re in a position of hiring, then act accordingly”

  77. - Nick - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 5:01 pm:

    I just want to take a moment to appreciate Irvin coming in third and not winning a single county.

    He’s currently just under 15% too.

  78. - MyTwoCents - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 5:07 pm:

    Anybody trying to draw conclusions from the primary to apply to the general election is off-base. First of all, these aren’t final vote totals yet. Secondly, a fraction of Illinois voters vote in primaries. I did some quick number crunching based on Board of Elections results and over the last 4 elections (2014-2020) there have been on average 2.3 million votes in the primary and 5 million votes in the general. For every election except 2016, the number of votes cast more than doubled between the primary and the general. So there are millions of IL voters who don’t participate in primaries but will be a deciding factor in the general election.

  79. - MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jun 29, 22 @ 6:44 pm:

    “there are millions of IL voters who [saw millions of dollars worth of ads for the GOP gubernatorial candidates, but were still not moved to participate by voting for any of them in the] primaries but will be a deciding factor in the general election”

    Makes ya think, huh?

    – MrJM

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* It’s just a bill
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* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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