Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » As a reason to void the FOID, Bailey points to federal law that misses hundreds of thousands of gun owners
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As a reason to void the FOID, Bailey points to federal law that misses hundreds of thousands of gun owners

Friday, Jul 8, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Darren Bailey yesterday

The FOID card system is simply to pilfer money from people’s pockets. That’s all it does. We have the federal firearm background check. We have age limits. We have waiting periods. We have the Firearms Restraining Act, which was passed to take care of this very issue. It’s not working, the FOID card’s not working and it needs to go.

* Yeah, about that federal background check

There were over 1 million opportunities for someone to buy a gun from a licensed dealer without a completed background check in 2020 and 2021, according to an FBI report released last month.

In all, 1,002,274 background checks — or 4.2 percent — took longer than three business days in 2020 and 2021, a higher share than any other period since at least 2014, according to data compiled by NBC News. After the third business day, federal law allows dealers to sell weapons while the background check is still pending, which potentially puts weapons in the hands of people who can’t legally own a gun because of mental illness or their criminal history.

The FBI ultimately completed about one-fourth of those delayed background checks and discovered that 11,564 people were able to buy guns in 2020 and 2021 before the check showed that they should not have been allowed to do so, according to the FBI report. Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives then had to retrieve the weapons.

But that number only accounts for a fraction of the delayed background checks. The FBI never completed 734,604 checks from January 2020 through November 2021, the most recent data available, because they took longer than 88 days — after which the bureau must stop its research and purge the unfinished checks from its system. […]

Last month, after a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, Congress extended the deadline to complete a background check to 10 business days for gun buyers under 21. That gives the FBI more time to block a sale to someone who shouldn’t have a weapon. But the new law also requires a more extensive background check for gun buyers under 21, meaning that officials will have more time but also more to do. […]

The new law doesn’t change the tight three-day deadline for gun buyers 21 and over.

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  1. - Demoralized - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:49 am:

    Sounds like Bailey continues to be all about stricter gun control measures.

  2. - JS Mill - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:54 am:

    = The FOID card system is simply to pilfer money from people’s pockets.=

    Yeah, they are just “pilfering” from me. So much so I cannot remember how much it was so I had to look it up, $10 is what I paid. For 10 years.

    Not quite as bad as $3 plus million in farm subsidies pilfered from tax payers.

  3. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:01 am:

    I am starting to think that this Darren Bailey fellow wasn’t very sincere in his apology for the zero [redacted]s he gave after the Highland Park shooting.

    The biggest problem with the state’s FOID system is that local law enforcement and elected law enforcement have routinely publicly committed to their intention to not actually enforce that law and have repeatedly and publicly stated their personal opposition to that law so we don’t actually know if that law works well because these people don’t actually have a duty to protect and serve our communities.

    With Bailey being a multimillionaire I am interested to see how he suspects that the cost for a FOID card results in any significant enough amount of public revenue to justify it as pilfering.

    He should know a lot about pilfering public revenues with the many millions of dollars of public assistance he as received over the years in addition to drawing a salary from state and local governments to deliver his inferior goods brand of leadership and his policy proposals that just don’t sit right.

    Illinois can afford better leaders than Darren Bailey. Let’s just hope he doesn’t tank our reputation while trying to take flight. I’d make a reference to Icarus here, but Darren Bailey is more of a “hop off the chair and break both ankles on landing” kind of metaphor than flying too close to the sun.

  4. - Arsenal - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:04 am:

    Bailey needs to stop talking about guns immediately. He just cannot win on this issue, even if he wasn’t a gaffe machine on it.

  5. - Jocko - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:06 am:

    Bailey continuing to speak about guns after the HP tragedy reminds me of Pesci’s losing streak playing blackjack in ‘Casino’.

  6. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:09 am:

    It almost seems like he is more concerned about the cost of the programs than their effectiveness. /s

  7. - Amalia - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:18 am:

    oh, I see that Darren Bailey is still digging that hole to bury himself in.

  8. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:21 am:

    This guy is going to be defining the ILGOP every single day for the next four months.


  9. - don the legend - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:22 am:

    Year’s ago in sales training I was taught the very valuable lesson: “You can’t fix stupid.”

  10. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:24 am:

    According to the sponsoring father’s interview yesterday, the shooter’s sister made the initial complaint that lead to the Clear and Present Danger alert the Highland Park Police sent to the Illinois State Police.

    That appears to be a new nugget of information not previously mentioned by the ISP in their explanations for issuing the FOID card and making a finding of either no clear and present danger or not enough proof that such a clear and present danger existed. Is the sister not a family member in the eyes of the current law?

    I don’t do criminal law and do not involve myself in such legal matters, but why do I get the impression that post shooting, the explanation for how he ended up with a FOID card remains troubling?

  11. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:27 am:

    ===Bailey needs to stop talking about guns immediately.===

    Firearms and the discussion of firearms are a primary component of Darren’s personality, especially publicly. He runs a school that promotes firearms more than it promotes teaching kids to read good and uses every opportunity he has to talk about the school he runs to talk about the guns everyone is carrying in and around that school.

    Darren Bailey doesn’t even have to identify workable policy related to guns. He can just talk about Firearms and rely on people to like him for that the same way you can make friends in Chicago by talking about how much you like Portillo’s. If guns aren’t actually a major component of Darren’s personality whatever it is privately involves being willing to let his public life revolve around discussing and promoting weapons that are designed and intended to kill while pretending to adhere to a religion famous for concepts like turning the other cheek and martyrs that fully embraced non-violence.

    Darren is not prepared for the scrutiny he is about to receive. Now that he is the GOP nominee there is no excuse for him. He is the Republican Party of Illinois.

    And Darren Bailey probably thinks he’s Gideon.

  12. - Big Dipper - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:29 am:

    If he thinks the FOID fee is onerous I shudder to think what he pays for that haircut.

  13. - Scopes - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:31 am:

    Bailey (and DeVore) need to switch to a front porch campaign. That will give other Republicans a chance.

  14. - Arsenal - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:33 am:

    ==Firearms and the discussion of firearms are a primary component of Darren’s personality, especially publicly.==

    Yes. That’s why he only loses whenever he talks about them publicly, at least right now, in the wake of Highland Park.

    But it’s also probably why he can’t bring himself to *stop*.

  15. - Red Ketcher - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:40 am:

    Candy Dogood’s view above is understood and respected ” The biggest problem with the state’s FOID system is that local law enforcement and elected law enforcement….”
    However , it is believed that the reactions of the locals were precipitated by the inconsistent, conflicting actions and the overall mismanaged administration of FOID by ISP.
    Now FOID is a lightning rod for dissent.

  16. - Long time Independent - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:42 am:

    Speaking of apologizes what about Cook County GOP Chairman Sean Morrison bring up the deceased daughter of Congressman Sean Casten in a response to Castens statement over the shooting. It had Casten so enraged that he tweeted back to Morrison STF_ at the start of his response. It incensed Casten so much he started a donation page for Morrisons opponent in the November election.

  17. - MoralMinority - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:50 am:

    ==Not quite as bad as $3 plus million in farm subsidies pilfered from tax payers.==Or the $500K+ that Bailey businesses were forgiven on PPP loans. I don’t expect that there was much of any change in day-to-day grain farm operations because of the Covid pandemic, but there were sure a lot of “family” farms that cashed in on the gravy train.
    == I shudder to think what he pays for that haircut.==Probably not much. His daughter is a hairdresser, so I expect it is gratis. However, if he can charge it off as a campaign expense, it might be worth quite a bit.
    Darren seems to be shaping up more and more like Johnny Bob Harrell 2.0 every day. A bit different presentation, but quite a bit of overlap in ideas.

  18. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:00 am:

    ===That appears to be a new nugget of information not previously mentioned by the ISP===

    The ISP said the info was a “second hand” account. Local police didn’t get a first hand account.

  19. - Amalia - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:05 am:

    Bailey is also jabbering about the number of calls that could not be met by police in Chicago. he’s using the same numbers that Kass is writing about now. Maybe the two of them can just hang out together and leave us alone.

  20. - Pundent - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:08 am:

    =Bailey needs to stop talking about guns immediately. He just cannot win on this issue, even if he wasn’t a gaffe machine on it.=

    Unlikely. Guns have been a continuing part of Bailey’s narrative and campaign. From the signs at his school to shooting up stacks of paper, it’s a big part of his “brand.” And some of that is simply due to the fact that during his time in government he’s focused more on stunts and protests than legislating. For the 57% of Republicans that voted for him that’s been enough.
    If Bailey can’t talk about guns, religion, and “Chicago values,” what’s left? He has no legislative record and has shown no interest in practicing or even learning governance.

  21. - fs - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    I believe the State of Illinois can and does require a licensed dealer to not transfer the firearm until the dealer receives confirmation that the buyer has cleared the background check. The Federal law might not require it, but the State can.

  22. - XonXoff - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    In April, the man voted no on a bill to prohibit ghost gun sales and possession. He obviously thinks anyone with a drill should be able to buy a solid piece of aluminium, drill it out and assemble a functional AR receiver (with no serial number) in their garage in a couple hours if they want to. Of course he thinks all these various other checks are ridiculous. That also circumvents all the mental health issues he yammers on about, lately. He voted against prohibiting them. You get a gun. And you get a gun. And you crazy but you get a gun too.

  23. - ChrisB - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:23 am:

    @Candy Dogood

    ==He runs a school that promotes firearms more than it promotes teaching kids to read good==

    Haha, he literally has a “Darren Bailey Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Wanna Do Other Stuff Do Good Too.”

    You can’t make this stuff up.

  24. - Blue Dog - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:27 am:

    I could almost vote for this guy based on this issue….if he wouldn’t be such a hypocrite when it’s comes to his ppp.

  25. - Annonin' - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:31 am:

    Fresh reports of a new $5 million from Uline for Proft’s PAC — sounds like Happy Hour can start early.

  26. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:42 am:

    I don’t believe Bailey believes he’ll ever get within 118.7 miles of Springfield…where he would have to put up…more than just bigly talk.

  27. - Red Ketcher - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:49 am:

    “Darren seems to be shaping up more and more like “Johnny Bob Harrell 2.0 every day. A bit different presentation, but quite a bit of overlap in ideas.”

    Agree , Johnny Bob was significantly more articulate and polished . ( at least in old age )

    Both with Clay County roots a few miles apart.
    Maybe it’s in the water ?

  28. - XonXoff - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:00 pm:

    // Maybe it’s in the water ? //

    I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. Them weeds ain’t gonna kill themselves. /s

  29. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    Is Darren Bailey becoming the gun control candidate?…how will that play with the full armor base?

  30. - West Side the Best Side - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:23 pm:

    Agree with others about Bailey pilfering with his subsidies and PPP and hypocritically complaining about the $10 for a multi-year FOID. As far as Big Dipper’s thoughts, from the look of his haircut it seems to come from the era of Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits.

  31. - Pundent - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:44 pm:

    =Is Darren Bailey becoming the gun control candidate?=

    He doesn’t understand the laws that are currently on the books. Probably because he’s never had a need or desire to. So when he speaks on this topic, or any other topic, his chances of being anywhere close to accurate aren’t great.

  32. - JS Mill - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:56 pm:

    =That appears to be a new nugget of information not previously mentioned by the ISP in their explanations for issuing the FOID card and making a finding of either no clear and present danger or not enough proof that such a clear and present danger existed.=

    Sounds like you are throwing the ISP under the bus. Interesting.

    =Is the sister not a family member in the eyes of the current law?=

    Maybe you should ask the local police on that one.

    =If Bailey can’t talk about guns, religion, and “Chicago values,” what’s left? He has no legislative record and has shown no interest in practicing or even learning governance.=

    This is what you call hitting the nail on the head. And it seems to sum up the ILGOP these days. They have nothing much to add to the debate but complain that no one will include them in the discussion.

    Want to discuss state revenue? Gotta cut.

    Want to discuss poverty? Need churches.

    Limiting gun violence? No, just no.

  33. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 3:33 pm:

    ===it is believed that the reactions of the locals were precipitated by the inconsistent, conflicting actions and the overall mismanaged administration of FOID by ISP.===

    So — where’s the municipal governments that these police forces are employed by during session when they would have an opportunity to address any issues through the rule making process or minor fixes to the legislation if there’s an issue?

    There are thousands of municipal elected officials in this state. A lot of them have taken public positions against FOID Cards and want the policy to fail because it makes it easier for them to get elected by people who pass off a toddler orphaned by a radicalized angry little white boy seeking to murder strangers during a parade as the cost of doing business.

    I am fine with amending my position to include local governments in addition to local law enforcement who have refused to enforce FOID Card revocations or make any meaningful effort to take guns away from the people who aren’t law abiding.

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