The temperament of DeVore is so “small” in his scope as a person, I don’t think DeVore recognizes the truth of what he is saying here in regards to politics and the political spectrum where he falls.
The smallness of DeVore is… appealing the worst and most vile, in hopes to get engaged those elements engaged and emboldened, no matter how it falls on that spectrum.
This is who the right wing has always been, back to the days of McCarthyism. They weaponize the levers of government for their own ends, not for the benefit of the country as a whole.
The only difference is the most recent crop has stopped caring about keeping up the charade.
Failure to post at least one Devore portrait in every home
Not sending Devore a Christmas card (also applies to non-Christians)
Drawing cartoons of Devore as a baby with diaper and pacifier
Forgetting Devore’s birthday
== Sounds like the kind of threat you would have heard from the Gaspacho==
SC, I know what you meant, but the autocorrect typo made my day. Thanks for the smile. From now on, I won’t hear the name “Devore” without thinking of cold veggie soup.
Though abhorrent and authoritarian, the threat of investigation, the ILGOP establishment snubbing of the base justifies to Republican voters why they voted for DeVore and Bailey. It gives the impression elitism and contempt. That doesn’t work at all, apparently, and just fuels these candidates.
If Bailey gets a look at this he will report him and have his guns taken away. DeVore should watch his tongue./s
But seriously, another trumpesque tantrum driven by narcissism. This guy lost all of his major lawsuits but claimed he won (and a lot of illiterate rubes believed him) and now he isn’t getting the attention he caves.
ILGOP, I would like to introduce you to Frankenstein #2. You deserve this. Illinois does not.
And, I am with @Steve Rogers, my kids were just fine too, please speak for your very delicate self Tommy.
Devore has a complete misunderstanding of the job of the Attorney General. He’s stated before that he would come into office and immediately tell the Governor and the General Assembly that there would be no more COVID mitigation matters tolerated by him. And now he’s going to “investigate” rivals in retaliation for their lack of support. The guy is a menace. Add this to the list of reasons he needs to be disbarred.
“Do you know what would really fix this state, election wise ?
Each county gets one vote for governor and it goes to whichever candidate won the county. Just like the electoral college.
That is the only way I know that would loosen Chicago’s death grip on the state.”
LOL, so he wants an end to any semblance of democracy and wants 20% to make decisions for 100%.
Grandson of Man,
It depends on which base you are talking about. Back when the GOP did well statewide it relied on a base that consisted of middle class (and higher) suburbanites and rural voters. You can’t really sheer off one side and then claim the other side is the base. Especially if the party leader he is talking about is still supported by the suburban contingent.
I guess what I am saying is that if the rural part of the GOP cannot itself win elections without the suburban base then it is not the base of the party.
Umm, no, not just like the electoral college. Those votes are determined by the population in each state. He’s trying to give Crawford County (population 19,000) the same power as Cook County (population 5 million). These guys just aren’t real big fans of democracy.
Did I wake up in Russia where political enemies of elected officials are commonly investigated and convicted of crimes or worse?
We are inching closer and closer to an authoritarian government, especially with recent reports of some groups wanting state legislatures to have the authority to overturn the will of their voters and slate electors for their party’s candidate even if they lost. It’s called the Independent State Legislature Theory.
Rich, how about a question of the day? Which was/is worse? The Democrats when the Lyndon Larouche’s took over, or the Repubs with the current crop of candidates? Close call in my opinion.
= no, not just like the electoral college. Those votes are determined by the population in each state. =
Yes, but . . . The number of electors is the same as the state’s congressional delegation, which includes two senators. So the least populous states actually have an advantage over the most populous states.
In 1925 downstate had violated the constitution for 24 years running. Downstate controlled the leg and did not allow redistricting every 10 years because it knew it would lose its power. It was only 1 man 1 vote laws in the 60s that brought that kind of nonsense to its end.
You know the kind of laws that Devore would apparently thinks should be overturned.
DeVore wants adulation because he won the Republican nomination for AG. Folks in Illinois are reeling from the events in Highland Park yet DeVore wants attention.
Note to Doofus Putz, now is not the time to celebrate.
We all better be careful. Once AG Devore finishes investigating the Republican establishment “leaders” and Pritzker, he will come after Rich Miller and those of us on this blog for posting bad things about him./s
I was disappointed that Kim didn’t win the primary. Didn’t, and still don’t, think that DeVore has the chops to be AG. I have a feeling the AG entry on my ballot will be blank.
DeVore is talking about using the office of Attorney General to investigate his political enemies, so obviously, no, he doesn’t have the “chops”. Pretty easy.
DeVore disparaged Jim Durkin on Facebook and now he professes surprise that he hasn’t received a call and an offer of support?
Mr. DeVore’s 15 minutes of fame (infamy) was extended by a few months after his primary win. After election day, he and Senator Bailey will go back to well-deserved obscurity.
In the same season that we lost the late Jim Ryan, it’s so very sad that this person is the GOP nominee for a serious office. he’s one of the least serious candidates they have ever put up.
No wonder Griff is leaving, everyone left at his party is freakish, weirdly out of step with the voters and ignorant of the law.
- 47th and Lake Park - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 4:33 pm:
Over/under on when his candidacy explodes and the GOP brings in Alan Keyes to pinch hit? I’m thinking next Thursday.
- Steve Rogers - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:18 am:
Hey DeVore, don’t use my kids as your political weapons. My kids didn’t “suffer” wearing masks, so perhaps you should stay silent for a change.
- Roadrager - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:19 am:
Again, should be disqualifying, but we know that about 57% of the Republican base finds it rather appealing.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:19 am:
Illinois can’t have a fascist attorney general.
The temperament of DeVore is so “small” in his scope as a person, I don’t think DeVore recognizes the truth of what he is saying here in regards to politics and the political spectrum where he falls.
The smallness of DeVore is… appealing the worst and most vile, in hopes to get engaged those elements engaged and emboldened, no matter how it falls on that spectrum.
- Pot calling kettle - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:21 am:
Talk about being a snowflake. Sounds like somebody got his feel-feels hurt. Maybe Bailey can take him out for some ice cream.
- cover - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:22 am:
Maybe those GOP leaders were busy congratulating Kwame Raoul on his upcoming re-election /s
- Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:25 am:
Sounds like the kind of threat you would have heard from the Gaspacho.
- Homebody - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:27 am:
This is who the right wing has always been, back to the days of McCarthyism. They weaponize the levers of government for their own ends, not for the benefit of the country as a whole.
The only difference is the most recent crop has stopped caring about keeping up the charade.
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:29 am:
Epitomizes today’s MAGA GOP, narcissistic liars who demand subservience and seek retribution for any dissent.
- vern - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:30 am:
Other crimes under Attorney General Devore:
Failure to post at least one Devore portrait in every home
Not sending Devore a Christmas card (also applies to non-Christians)
Drawing cartoons of Devore as a baby with diaper and pacifier
Forgetting Devore’s birthday
Law and order party, indeed
- Pot calling kettle - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:31 am:
== Sounds like the kind of threat you would have heard from the Gaspacho==
SC, I know what you meant, but the autocorrect typo made my day. Thanks for the smile. From now on, I won’t hear the name “Devore” without thinking of cold veggie soup.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:31 am:
Though abhorrent and authoritarian, the threat of investigation, the ILGOP establishment snubbing of the base justifies to Republican voters why they voted for DeVore and Bailey. It gives the impression elitism and contempt. That doesn’t work at all, apparently, and just fuels these candidates.
- JS Mill - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:31 am:
If Bailey gets a look at this he will report him and have his guns taken away. DeVore should watch his tongue./s
But seriously, another trumpesque tantrum driven by narcissism. This guy lost all of his major lawsuits but claimed he won (and a lot of illiterate rubes believed him) and now he isn’t getting the attention he caves.
ILGOP, I would like to introduce you to Frankenstein #2. You deserve this. Illinois does not.
And, I am with @Steve Rogers, my kids were just fine too, please speak for your very delicate self Tommy.
- Roadrager - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:35 am:
==Other crimes under Attorney General Devore:==
Dating a woman over age 29
- low level - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:35 am:
Wanting to investigate people for political reasons…. How Trumpian of him.
- Demoralized - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:36 am:
Devore has a complete misunderstanding of the job of the Attorney General. He’s stated before that he would come into office and immediately tell the Governor and the General Assembly that there would be no more COVID mitigation matters tolerated by him. And now he’s going to “investigate” rivals in retaliation for their lack of support. The guy is a menace. Add this to the list of reasons he needs to be disbarred.
- New Day - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:41 am:
Waaahhhhhh. Waaahhhhh.
- JS Mill - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:41 am:
My favorite comment from his 19 comments-
“Do you know what would really fix this state, election wise ?
Each county gets one vote for governor and it goes to whichever candidate won the county. Just like the electoral college.
That is the only way I know that would loosen Chicago’s death grip on the state.”
LOL, so he wants an end to any semblance of democracy and wants 20% to make decisions for 100%.
Big brains on these folks.
- Drake Mallard - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:42 am:
The zombie Joe McCarthy speaks.
- frustrated GOP - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:44 am:
Well, I guess he’s not losing too many votes on this, there aren’t many sitting Republicans in the GA at this point, so what’s a few votes.
But good to know his platform as to the priorities of his office if elected.
- cermak_rd - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:44 am:
Grandson of Man,
It depends on which base you are talking about. Back when the GOP did well statewide it relied on a base that consisted of middle class (and higher) suburbanites and rural voters. You can’t really sheer off one side and then claim the other side is the base. Especially if the party leader he is talking about is still supported by the suburban contingent.
I guess what I am saying is that if the rural part of the GOP cannot itself win elections without the suburban base then it is not the base of the party.
- Demoralized - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:46 am:
==Just like the electoral college.==
Umm, no, not just like the electoral college. Those votes are determined by the population in each state. He’s trying to give Crawford County (population 19,000) the same power as Cook County (population 5 million). These guys just aren’t real big fans of democracy.
- Cubs in '16 - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:51 am:
If he’s throwing this type of temper tantrum now imagine what he’ll be like after getting trounced in the general.
- Steve Polite - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:53 am:
Did I wake up in Russia where political enemies of elected officials are commonly investigated and convicted of crimes or worse?
We are inching closer and closer to an authoritarian government, especially with recent reports of some groups wanting state legislatures to have the authority to overturn the will of their voters and slate electors for their party’s candidate even if they lost. It’s called the Independent State Legislature Theory.
- Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 9:56 am:
@Roadrager @ 9:35 am:
==Other crimes under Attorney General Devore:
Dating a woman over age 29 ==
You made me spit-take my coffee over my phone while I’m walking my dog. He’s looking at me like I’m crazy while I snort laugh. Well done.
- JS Mill - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:00 am:
=Other crimes under Attorney General Devore:=
Failing to smile and be appropriately enthusiastic when saying the words “Tom DeVore” or “Attorney General DeVore.”
Go ahead, try it.
- Papa2008 - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:01 am:
Rich, how about a question of the day? Which was/is worse? The Democrats when the Lyndon Larouche’s took over, or the Repubs with the current crop of candidates? Close call in my opinion.
- JoanP - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:03 am:
= no, not just like the electoral college. Those votes are determined by the population in each state. =
Yes, but . . . The number of electors is the same as the state’s congressional delegation, which includes two senators. So the least populous states actually have an advantage over the most populous states.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:03 am:
“the rural part of the GOP cannot itself win elections without the suburban base then it is not the base of the party”
Bailey won by 42 points overall and cleaned up in Chicago, Cook and the collars. This is apparently the suburban base now, and downstate.
- Just Me 2 - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:07 am:
I didn’t realize that keeps kids, their parents, and their grandparents, as well as their teachers, alive, counted was considered suffering.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:07 am:
=== no, not just like the electoral college. Those votes are determined by the population in each state. ===
Still gotta win statewide.
This GOP can’t win statewide.
A intra-state (if you will?) electoral college won’t fly as it allows the direct minority to this state the opportunity to let land vote.
Why are people scared of the popular vote winning?
It’s rhetorical
- Ron Burgundy - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:09 am:
If he were to win, Heaven forbid, he would totally get a general’s outfit with medals, epaulets and a sash, wouldn’t he?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:10 am:
===with medals, epaulets and a sash===
Don’t forget the sword and dueling pistol.
- Leap Day William - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:15 am:
I still can’t believe this Great Value-brand Lionel Hutz of an attorney somehow got the nomination.
- JS Mill - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:16 am:
====with medals, epaulets and a sash===
Don’t forget the sword and dueling pistol.=
And a neat hat, don’t forget the hat.
Coonskin would be my guess.
- Lurker - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:16 am:
“I have the POWER!”
— He Man (but DeVore in his own mind)
These types are dangerous.
- Lincoln Lad - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:23 am:
Good thing the attorney general doesn’t control the IRS
- cermak_rd - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:25 am:
In 1925 downstate had violated the constitution for 24 years running. Downstate controlled the leg and did not allow redistricting every 10 years because it knew it would lose its power. It was only 1 man 1 vote laws in the 60s that brought that kind of nonsense to its end.
You know the kind of laws that Devore would apparently thinks should be overturned.
- Big Dipper - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:26 am:
Maybe he will have IDOR audit them.
- Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:28 am:
Mystery solved—-the spot on DeVore’s tie is gazpacho.
- JoanP - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 10:36 am:
@ Pot calling kettle -
Probably not auto-correct. More likely a reference to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s remark:
- Northsider - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:10 am:
== Maybe Bailey can take him out for some ice cream. ==
A coupletwo scoops of sour grape, no doubt.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:14 am:
===A coupletwo scoops of sour grape, no doubt.===
A couple/two/tree even.
- Dotnonymous - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:21 am:
I’d advise DeVore to take two Dilly Bars and call his therapist in the morning…discuss paranoia.
- Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:50 am:
DeVore wants adulation because he won the Republican nomination for AG. Folks in Illinois are reeling from the events in Highland Park yet DeVore wants attention.
Note to Doofus Putz, now is not the time to celebrate.
- G'Kar - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 11:51 am:
We all better be careful. Once AG Devore finishes investigating the Republican establishment “leaders” and Pritzker, he will come after Rich Miller and those of us on this blog for posting bad things about him./s
- MisterJayEm - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:26 pm:
“Which was/is worse? The Democrats when the Lyndon Larouche’s took over, or the Repubs with the current crop of candidates?”
The Democrats eventually recovered.
I see no interest in recovery among the GOP.
– MrJM
- Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:27 pm:
Someone in Greenville needs a wambulance.
- Scott Cross for President - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:27 pm:
The Honorable Most Magnificent Great Leader Attorney General DeVore next directs his wrath and benevolent justice on the people of Edgefield Park.
- duck duck goose - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:30 pm:
If Tom DeVore does investigations like he tries cases, I’d say that those Republican leaders have nothing to worry about.
- RNUG - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 12:58 pm:
I was disappointed that Kim didn’t win the primary. Didn’t, and still don’t, think that DeVore has the chops to be AG. I have a feeling the AG entry on my ballot will be blank.
- Baloneymous - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 1:03 pm:
DeVore is talking about using the office of Attorney General to investigate his political enemies, so obviously, no, he doesn’t have the “chops”. Pretty easy.
- Facts Matter - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 1:09 pm:
DeVore disparaged Jim Durkin on Facebook and now he professes surprise that he hasn’t received a call and an offer of support?
Mr. DeVore’s 15 minutes of fame (infamy) was extended by a few months after his primary win. After election day, he and Senator Bailey will go back to well-deserved obscurity.
- Big Dipper - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 1:35 pm:
DeVore now has pics on his FB of Pritzker, Raoul, Welch, and Durkin with big red X’s on their faces. I guess it’s better than bullseyes but come on.
- local parent - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 2:23 pm:
Where are we at with the Devore suit? I heard it begins again in August? What about the JCAR meeting next week?
- Demoralized - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 2:47 pm:
==DeVore now has pics on his FB of Pritzker, Raoul, Welch, and Durkin with big red X’s on their faces==
Why does he have to be dissing the Senate like that with their non-inclusion.
- New Day - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 3:06 pm:
“Why does he have to be dissing the Senate like that with their non-inclusion.”
He doesn’t know there is one.
- Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 3:39 pm:
DeVore’s instrument of choice…red crayon.
- Siriusly - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 3:57 pm:
In the same season that we lost the late Jim Ryan, it’s so very sad that this person is the GOP nominee for a serious office. he’s one of the least serious candidates they have ever put up.
No wonder Griff is leaving, everyone left at his party is freakish, weirdly out of step with the voters and ignorant of the law.
- 47th and Lake Park - Friday, Jul 8, 22 @ 4:33 pm:
Over/under on when his candidacy explodes and the GOP brings in Alan Keyes to pinch hit? I’m thinking next Thursday.