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Pritzker White House visit coverage roundup

Tuesday, Jul 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Coverage roundup…

* Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering urge President Biden to push federal action on guns: During his remarks to hundreds of guests on the South Lawn, Biden acknowledged Rotering and Pritkzer and thanked them for their response to the July 4 shooting, which authorities say was carried out with a legally purchased semi-automatic rifle. “We had a number of conversations immediately after the attack in Highland Park, and I’ve been impressed with the way they’ve handled things,” Biden said. “It’s been extraordinary. And as the three of us have discussed, we have more to do.”

* Pritzker, other Illinois officials call for more action on gun control at White House event: The new law “will make a difference,” the governor said. “But there is so much more to do. We need an assault weapons ban. We need a ban on high-capacity magazines. The president indicated he will be fighting for that as well. We’re grateful for that.” Asked whether there was legitimate interest in going further than the new law, Pritzker said, “Are you kidding me? I think there is a lot of interest in getting more done. Whether or not they can bring enough Republicans along is a question. Whether or not you have to wait until after November when maybe there will be more pro-gun safety Democrats in the Senate and the House, that may be the case. But for many of us, the fight goes on.”

* At White House gun law event a week after parade massacre, Biden wears ‘Highland Park Strong’ ribbon: This big event to highlight the new law Biden signed on June 25 — the first gun control measure in almost three decades — only underscored, especially in the wake of Highland Park, the inability of Congress to pass an assault weapons ban or even put limits on high-capacity magazines.

* Gov. Pritzker pushes president for assault weapons ban: “Well, we expressed to the President our desire to see more done at the federal level, particularly a ban on assault weapons ban on high capacity magazines,” said Gov. Pritzker. “He agrees that more needs to be done and he is passionate about this.”

* Highland Park mayor, Gov. Pritzker visit White House: “We all share a love of freedom. We all share a love of helping our children grow up in a clean and safe society. We also love and share an appreciation for our first responders. Our first responders are out gunned by these combat weapons,” Rotering said. “I think if people listen to what has happened week, after week, after week, in our communities and recognize that this is not what our freedom was fought for. We are, in fact, going in reverse.”

* Highland Park mayor, Gov. Pritzker call for federal assault weapons ban: The legislation will also help states put in place red flag laws that make it simpler for members of law enforcement to take weapons away from people believed to be dangerous. “So the parent, a teacher, a counselor can flag for the court that a child is a danger to themselves and to others,” said the president.

* Pritzker, Highland Park Mayor in Attendance as Biden Signs New Gun Law

* Response from the Right. Darren Bailey

Republican nominee for governor and State Senator Darren Bailey has called for special sessions to address rising crime, inflation, mental health issues, and taxes in Illinois. Unfortunately, instead of acting swiftly to address these issues, Pritzker is again running from his failures to enforce current laws and his pro-criminal agenda that puts Illinois families and jobs in jeopardy to campaign for president in Washington, D.C. Darren Bailey released the following statement:

“J.B. Pritzker is in D.C. hobnobbing with his elite friends when he should be home answering for his soft on crime bills, like the no cash bail and the so-called SAFE-T Act. This morning six men were in a shootout in the South Loop, which is starting to look like the O.K. Corral. Families and jobs are fleeing daily due to rising crime and taxes. This is all on your watch, Pritzker. Stop running for president, J.B., and do your job. It’s time to provide relief, catch criminals and keep families safe. Lives depend on it.”

* And Wirepoints moves on to a new conspiracy

The scenario is straightforward: Pres. Joe Biden resigns “for health reasons” or is pushed out of office. Vice President Kamala Harris thereby becomes president and, under the 25th Amendment, submits her nominee for a new vice president to Congress, who takes office if approved by both houses by majority vote.

Who would be that nominee?

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker now appears as likely a possibility as anybody, provided you see it through the lens of progressives now in charge. […]

Many Illinoisans will find it absurd to think of Pritzker as a presidential or vice-presidential prospect. That’s because his chances of winning in a general election are an entirely different story. But from the viewpoint of progressives at the national level who dominate the Democratic Party, it’s not absurd.

…Adding… Press release…

The Senate Judiciary Committee released Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton’s prepared testimony during today’s hearing entitled “A Post-Roe America: The Legal Consequences of the Dobbs Decision.” Stratton is the first Black woman to serve as Illinois’s Lieutenant Governor, a position she has held since 2019. Her testimony focuses on the steps that Illinois has taken to protect access to abortion, the challenges of out-of-state patients coming to Illinois to seek care, and the significant racial disparities that already exist for abortion access and maternal mortality.

Key quotes as prepared:

“I come before you today because people throughout the entire Midwest are relying on our commitment to protect and preserve women’s rights—namely the right to an abortion.”

“[Illinois is] not just an oasis of reproductive care, but an island… It looks like disenfranchised yet determined patients coming from every surrounding state, but also from as far away as Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida. It looks like the entire staff in our state’s abortion clinics fielding phone calls for appointments because the number of out-of-state patients has doubled since Roe V Wade was overturned.”

“[W]e know that inequities are amplified within the Black and Latinx communities. A post-Roe America will be devastating for Black women, whose maternal mortality rate is already two to three times higher than that of white women because of structural racism and misogyny. One study… projects that without access to safe and legal abortions, that number will increase by over 30 percent among Black women and nearly 20 percent for Hispanic women.”

“We are facing a future rife with needless death, despite 61% of Americans believing abortion should be legal… Before the threats to Roe V Wade were fully realized, Illinois was proactive, upholding bodily autonomy, and protecting the right to an abortion. And still, the overturning of Roe V Wade has sent us down a dark, agonizing path.”

“I say this, not just as the Lt. Governor of Illinois, but as the mother of four daughters. My daughters, who now have fewer rights than I had. And based on Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion, it is likely this may not be the last rights that will be stripped from future generations.”

Full text of Lt. Gov. Stratton’s prepared remarks are available here.

Full hearing on the impact of gun violence on children can be watched live here; on Twitter here; and on Facebook here.


  1. - Concerned Observer - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:21 am:

    Man, but Wirepoints is nuts.

    Wrong about everything, including that Illinoisans would find Pritzker’s presidential prospects “absurd”. Just look at the Bailey statement. If the GOP’s gubernatorial candidate thinks Pritzker has potential….

  2. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:21 am:

    ==Many Illinoisans will find it absurd to think of Pritzker as a presidential or vice-presidential prospect.==

    Citation needed.

  3. - former southerner - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:24 am:

    The only absurdity is giving credence to anything written in Wirepoints. Its loyal followers would make a target rich database for conmen looking for easy marks.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:27 am:

    The “thing” about Wirepoints…

    It’s not about anything responsible or thoughtful, honest or impartial.


    The “thing” about Wirepoints is it’s about the grift to those old, angry, white “conservatives”, and if it’s easier to get “donations” by being full blown conspiracy theorists..,

    Once you know it’s about looking for marks and the grift, everything else makes sense.

    They’re like IPI, but less graceful and without the standard piggy bank(s) for checks.

    ===and, under the 25th Amendment, submits her nominee for a new vice president to Congress, who takes office if approved by both houses by majority vote.===

    LOL, I mean… your in-law uncle tells you this before your favorite aunt can save you… kind of ridiculous

  5. - low level - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:30 am:

    ==This morning six men were in a shootout in the South Loop, which is starting to look like the O.K. Corral.==. Darren Bailey

    Um, no Senator. If you or any of your friends actually bothered to visit the South Loop ot talk to realtors, you’d find out this is still one of the most highly sought after places to live in tne entire city. The last census spoke to the incredible increase in people living here. Everyone wants to be close to Grant Park, the museum campus, Taste of Chicago, the lakefront, etc etc etc.

    Are there problems? Surely, but I’d rather live here then the trashy NRA loving lunatic asylum you represent.

  6. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:32 am:

    “from the viewpoint of progressives at the national level who dominate the Democratic Party”

    Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be a republican. To live in a world where what’s in your head is the literal opposite of objective reality most of the time.

  7. - TJ - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:33 am:

    Biden’s wanted to be president for the better part of thirty years. At least.

    People predicting that he’s seriously going to step aside early from a job he’s wanted longer than some of us have been alive should stick to their day jobs.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:34 am:

    ===which is starting to look like the O.K. Corral.===

    Isn’t that the goal of the exercise of everyone able to carry?

    You won’t know who is carrying, not unlike the O.K. Corral?

    “The bad folks will think twice, ‘is this person carrying a gun?’”

    It’s such an odd referee too, one you’d hear from an old, angry, white, rural voter who’ll tell of watching “Gunsmoke” on the black and white Tee-Vee

  9. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:34 am:

    == If you or any of your friends actually bothered to visit the South Loop ot talk to realtors, you’d find out this is still one of the most highly sought after places to live in tne entire city.==

    The thing is, when even Highland Park is in danger, people diminish physical violence as a factor in choosing where to live.

  10. - vern - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:34 am:

    The Wirepoints piece typifies something I was talking about yesterday. Conservatives proudly refuse to distinguish between various elements of the Democratic coalition, while most active Democrats I know are fully conversant in internal Republican politics.

    Why is it that I know the differences between libertarians, neoconservatives, paleo-conservatives, the religious right, and the pure Trump fans, while Republicans can’t acknowledge the gaps between Barack Obama and Bill Ayers?

    Progressives in no way “dominate” the national party. That’s risible. They don’t even “dominate” the state party. But to understand that, the right would have to put aside their priors and try to understand the world as it actually is. Illinois Republicans might have more success if they showed even the faintest curiosity about the people who don’t vote for them.

  11. - bored now - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:34 am:

    “many” chicagoans found it absurd that barack obama could be considered a presidential prospect, even after his 2004 democratic convention speech. that’s not an endorsement of pritzker [worked for his sister, never met him], just sayin…

  12. - Homebody - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:35 am:

    The reaction from right wingers to every Pritzker rumor sounds a lot like what people would say if they were worried Pritzker was going to run.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:37 am:

    Highland Park is so dangerous that Michael Jordan lived there at one time.

    Can we stop with the “Chicago crime” thing when the same folks who likely have never spent more than a few *hours* in South Loop can’t grasp what that neighborhood actually is.

    The fallacies are maddening.

  14. - vern - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:37 am:

    Also a hearty lol at the OK Corral reference. That shootout was law enforcement attempting to enforce a gun ban in Tombstone. The Clantons resisted and were killed, while none of the Earp crew was killed. Not sure that’s the metaphor he wants.

  15. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:51 am:

    -This morning six men were in a shootout in the South Loop, which is starting to look like the O.K. Corral.-

    The victim, who had a concealed carry permit, pulled his gun on the five attackers and they shot back. He fended them off but was shot twice. I thought this is what Darren Bailey wanted people to do.

  16. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:52 am:

    Continuing the discussion related to Monmouth native Wyatt Earp, have heard “Open Carry” referred to as “Ike Clanton Carry” …

  17. - Steve - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:57 am:

    JB for VP ? It will be more likely be John Kerry given his experience.

  18. - slow down - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 9:58 am:

    I don’t know what Governor Pritzker’s Presidential ambitions are or are not, but I’m thankful to him for leading on the need for further gun control and in particular, limiting access to weapons of war.

    It’s long past time for all politicians to stand up and be counted on this issue.

  19. - Greetings from the OK Corral (aka New Day) - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    What continues to amaze is that Democrats live and work in Chicago and the vast, vast majority never feel so insecure that they think they need a gun. I work downtown. I’ve worked downtown for more than 30 years, including the bad old days of the late 80s and early 90s when the crime rate was about double what it is now. Never once thought, damn, I really need to pack heat. Nobody I know does.

    And as for Wirepoints run by the failed venture capitalist Mark Glennon, sigh. They’re never right about anything.

  20. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    -JB for VP ? It will be more likely be John Kerry given his experience.-

    Kerry is only a year younger than Biden.

  21. - Greetings from the OK Corral (aka New Day) - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:15 am:

    “JB for VP ? It will be more likely be John Kerry given his experience.”

    Umm, no. You’ll never see John “no, it’s not plastic surgery, my face has always looked like saran wrap” Kerry on a national ticket again. Thank God.

  22. - Montrose - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:19 am:

    “What continues to amaze is that Democrats live and work in Chicago and the vast, vast majority never feel so insecure that they think they need a gun. I work downtown. I’ve worked downtown for more than 30 years, including the bad old days of the late 80s and early 90s when the crime rate was about double what it is now. Never once thought, damn, I really need to pack heat. Nobody I know does.”

    This. Listening to the Baileys of the world, you would think we are all scared to walk out our front door. Literally millions of people live, work, and play in Chicago everyday. When I hear people are scared to visit the city, I truly wonder what they think all of us that live here do every day.

  23. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:20 am:

    “But from the viewpoint of progressives at the national level who dominate the Democratic Party”

    Nope. The progressive wing almost didn’t give Biden the infrastructure win. The hardcore elements of that group voted against that bill. To right wingers and Republicans, it’s like every Democrat is a socialist. This is what that party wants its voters to think, so they can reject even right wing/centrist safety net policies like the ACA.

  24. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:33 am:

    Candidate Bailey couldn’t find the South Loop…just babbling nonsense to make a comment.

  25. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:34 am:

    =This. Listening to the Baileys of the world, you would think we are all scared to walk out our front door. Literally millions of people live, work, and play in Chicago everyday. When I hear people are scared to visit the city, I truly wonder what they think all of us that live here do every day.=

    Bailey is a millionaire living in an incredibly sheltered, culturally deficient echo chamber of his own making. There is little to no crime and population density… well there really is no density. In his world problems are few and solutions are simple. You don’t have to deal with differing opinions and you never had the courage to leave your tiny hometown to interact with what is most of the world. Even though you think where you are at is just like most of the world. In that insular echo chamber of a world, crime of any type is scary and that is how you keep what is left of the population from leaving for the land of opportunity. By scaring them. Pointing out the differences in a negative way. And being afraid of it. Being afraid of gay [people and black and brown people and (gasp) non christians. That is why his campaign sounds like it does. But that still does not explain why he sounds like he does.

  26. - Soapbox Derby - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:45 am:

    Has JB pledged to serve his full term if re-elected yet?

  27. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 10:50 am:

    “…Bailey has called for special sessions to address rising crime, inflation, mental health issues, and taxes in Illinois.”

    Since candidate Bailey wants to cut taxes, where’s the money supposed to come from to address these issues? If Bailey has any bright ideas (other than universal open carry) that don’t cost anything, I haven’t heard them from him yet.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 11:04 am:

    ===Has JB pledged===

    Did you use the Google Key.

    Rich had a post on this a while back.

  29. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    Show of hands
    Who else thinks GOPies fear a JB prexy run cause it might help get Gomer elected governor and that terrifying debacle WOULD destroy IL. Maybe we should ask CommandoIves — future Supt of Ed

  30. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 11:14 am:

    Candidate Bailey’s life is very insular. Bailey’s inability to speak coherently on issues large and small and his inability to comprehend the duties and responsibilities of the office are glaring.

    Bailey’s lack of knowledge renders him a poor choice as a candidate for the office of governor.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 11:17 am:

    The thing about Bailey, and his thoughts…

    Nothing narrows a base more, and gives less of an opportunity to grow that base than how Bailey is seemingly going to run that campaign.

    Those thoughts will get 100% of the 31% base Bailey already has. Congratulations.

    Whatever Bailey gets after that will determine how far away Bailey will be to making this a race.

  32. - workingfromhome - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 11:24 am:

    Is Bailey incapable of saying anything without the word “elites” in it? Doesn’t seem like it.

  33. - Lurker - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 11:25 am:

    If JB were to leave in 2022, we’d have a serious downgrade in governor. Not at a Darren Bailey level of downgrade but still harsh.

  34. - workingfromhome - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 11:26 am:

    Better: Bailey seems incapable of saying anything without the word “elites” in it.


  35. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 11:52 am:

    Joe Biden has wanted to he President of the United States since he was a child. Be entrenched himself into the pursuit of the Presidency supporting Jimmy Carter’s bid for the nomination and has two failed presidential bids behind him.

    Joe Biden doesn’t want to go out on a resignation for health reasons and there are a lot of people involved with the highest levels of the Democratic Party that wouldn’t want Vice President Harris as the nominee or the president. We saw hour her last campaign went. They did too.

    That’s just nonsense to generate clicks.

  36. - Techie - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 12:03 pm:

    Biden may love being President, but if enough Democrats are unsatisfied with him, he may feel enough pressure to step aside. I don’t see him stepping aside as a natural opening for Harris, given that she isn’t especially popular, either.

    Were Biden to step aside, Pritzker has a lot of potential to step into the ring given that Illinois has passed a $15 minimum wage, cannabis legalization, criminal justice reform, and more under his watch.

  37. - clec dcn - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 12:05 pm:

    I tell you I think JB is really looking at the presidential seat. He certainly does not want to step on Biden but my guess is many of the democrats would like to see a different ticket for 2024. JB could do very well in my opinion. I have a few who think I am way off but I am sticking to my gut.

  38. - Cool Papa Bell - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 12:17 pm:

    =this is all on your watch, Pritzker.=

    So then it seems to reason that balanced state budgets, early pension payments, the largest state population in history and a billion dollar rainy day fund are also on his watch.

    Got it.

    =In that insular echo chamber of a world, crime of any type is scary and that is how you keep what is left of the population from leaving for the land of opportunity.=

    You also don’t leave if you (as pointed out) are a millionaire landowner and run a business that you can’t lose money on. Farming is a shell game of federal crop insurance, some direct payments, past MFP dollars, PPP loans and so on.

    So many of those left are just worried about their bottom line and have grown up in a world where they might not be grandson to the billionaire hotel founder. But they were the son/daughter to the millionaire land owner.

    There is a reason you joke about opening up a plat book when you start dating in a rural area.

  39. - Da big bad wolf - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 12:34 pm:

    === The scenario is straightforward: Pres. Joe Biden resigns “for health reasons” or is pushed out of office.===
    What health reasons? How is this straightforward?

  40. - low level - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 1:23 pm:

    ==When I hear people are scared to visit the city, I truly wonder what they think all of us that live here do every day.==

    Yes. I live very close to the Museum Campus. Tourists are back

  41. - G'Kar - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 1:52 pm:

    It seems to me, Mr.Bailey, that there is no point to holding a special session unless there is specific legislation to vote on. So, Mr Bailey, what legislation do you propose to introduce? Please be specific.

  42. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    Candidate Bailey’s remarks about the South Loop contradicts the latest real estate news. Investors recognize stability and value in the area by investing $52 million in a supermarket property on South Clark Street.

    Facts versus Bailey’s blathering.

  43. - Sue - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 3:40 pm:

    Rudy’s Teeth- and that is precisely why JB spent 50 million dollars on campaign ads bolstering Bailey in the primary

  44. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 5:30 pm:

    - Sue -

    Bailey is the base of the party. Getting 57% of the vote (in a 6-way race) tells me so

  45. - New Day - Tuesday, Jul 12, 22 @ 5:50 pm:

    “Yes. I live very close to the Museum Campus. Tourists are back”

    I’m on Michigan Ave. Yup - they’re back big time and have been for most of the last year other than during the Omicron wave. Lately, it’s a zoo down here. Tourists, tourists everywhere.

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