Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Pritzker campaign on Bailey: “Conflating a woman’s bodily autonomy to the systematic mass murder of Jewish people is antisemitic and disqualifying”
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Pritzker campaign on Bailey: “Conflating a woman’s bodily autonomy to the systematic mass murder of Jewish people is antisemitic and disqualifying”

Tuesday, Aug 2, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Press release…

Today, the JB for Governor campaign released a new ad holding Darren Bailey accountable for recently uncovered comments he made in 2017 comparing the Holocaust to a woman’s right to choose. In the video, Bailey egregiously says “the attempted extermination of the Jews of World War II doesn’t even compare on a shadow of the life that has been lost with abortion.”


This new video comes less than one month after Bailey’s offensive comments telling the predominantly Jewish community of Highland Park to “move on'’ and “celebrate” only 90 minutes after a mass shooting was carried out by a gunman with a history of posting antisemitic content.

Bailey has proudly touted his extreme abortion views and has repeatedly said he does not believe in any exceptions to abortion even in cases of rape or incest.

“Conflating a woman’s bodily autonomy to the systematic mass murder of Jewish people is antisemitic and disqualifying. Darren Bailey’s disgusting assertion that a woman determining her own reproductive future is worse than the Nazis’ genocide of 6 million Jews is offensive to Illinoisans everywhere,” said JB for Governor Press Secretary Eliza Glezer. “With violent antisemitism on the rise and in the wake of a massacre against the predominately Jewish Highland Park, Bailey must answer for his hateful comments.”

“Darren Bailey’s extremism knows no bounds. Comparing a woman’s right to choose to the catastrophic loss of life during the Holocaust is unconscionable and quite frankly, disqualifying,” said State Representative and Chair of the Illinois House Jewish Caucus, Bob Morgan. “It is demeaning to the legacies of those we’ve lost to reduce their suffering to a political talking point. Darren Bailey is once again causing harm with his callous words and actions and he must be held accountable for this abhorrent behavior.”

“I am pained and disturbed by Darren Bailey’s reckless comments” said Samuel R. Harris, President Emeritus of the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center. “This despicable rhetoric is dangerous, trivializes one of the worst stains on human history, and disparages the memory of millions. It is imperative that we learn from the past so that we never allow such tragedy to befall us again. We must demand more from our elected officials.”

Prior to holding office, Governor Pritzker was approached by two Holocaust survivors who sought his help with creating what would become the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center. Governor Pritzker worked with them and other survivors to build a museum in Skokie dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Holocaust by honoring the memories of those who were lost and by sharing universal lessons that combat hatred, prejudice, and indifference.


VO: You may have thought you heard everything that Darren Bailey had to say about abortion.

Reporter: If somebody were raped or there was a matter of incest in the family, would you allow that woman to have an abortion?

Darren Bailey: Right now, my answer is no.

VO: But that’s not all Darren Bailey has said.

Darren Bailey: The attempted extermination of the Jews of World War II doesn’t even compare on a shadow of the life that has been lost with abortion.

* The spot

…Adding… PPIA…

Statement by Jennifer Welch, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Illinois Action

“Darren Bailey’s comparison between abortion and the Holocaust is an outrageously inaccurate and harmful trope used by the most radical elements of the anti-choice movement to propagate misinformation and hateful rhetoric about fundamental reproductive health care and the people seeking safe and legal abortions. The appropriation of the Holocaust is despicable and an insult to the millions who died as well as those who survived its racist agenda. In addition, it reveals a complete lack of understanding of history and the realities of the lives of people seeking abortion care. These kinds of statements are unbecoming of any elected official, let alone a candidate running for Governor of Illinois. Darren Bailey should immediately apologize for his inappropriate and hurtful words.”

I’ve asked for comments from the House and Senate Republicans, the Illinois Republican Party and Chicago FOP President John Catanzara. I’ll let you know if they get back to me.

…Adding… Personal PAC’s Terry Cosgrove…

It’s bad enough that GOP Gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey believes abortion should be criminalized in Illinois, even in cases of rape and incest, but now he is demeaning the Holocaust and the memory of those who were lost in and survived one of the greatest stains in human history. As someone who grew up in the Skokie area, an American epicenter of Holocaust survivors during the late 60s and early 70s, and attending Niles West High School then, I can’t even fathom the pain of hearing Darren Bailey’s comment: “The attempted extermination of the Jews of World War II doesn’t even compare on a shadow of the life that has been lost with abortion.”

Personal PAC joins Governor Pritzker, the Jewish community and all decent Illinoisians in condemning the irresponsible and contemptuous comments of Darren Bailey. People who hold these dangerous views should have absolutely no place in government.

…Adding… DPI…

Democratic Party of Illinois (DPI) Chair Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez wants answers and accountability from the Illinois Republican Party after a newly uncovered video shows Darren Bailey making the egregious statement that “the attempted extermination of the Jews of World War II doesn’t even compare on a shadow of the life that has been lost with abortion.”

“The Democratic Party of Illinois is one of inclusion that will always speak out against intolerance,” said DPI Chair Hernandez. “Illinoisans deserve to know if Republicans will stand by and allow offensive, hurtful and antisemitic statements made by their nominee for governor to go without admonishment or condemnation. Now that we’ve seen Darren Bailey’s antisemitic values and disregard for Jewish life, does the ILGOP agree?”

His appalling comment is further proof that he lacks the empathy and temperament necessary to govern this state. To even suggest that allowing women to make their own health care decisions compares to the systemic mass extermination of Jews during the Holocaust is horrifying, heartless, and antisemitic.

Extremist language and out-of-line remarks are becoming typical for Bailey. After telling supporters to “move on” and “celebrate” in the wake of the violent attack on Highland Park’s predominantly Jewish community, Bailey refused to stand by his own apology. He has aligned himself with fringe sects of the Illinois GOP time after time, and this recently uncovered video demonstrates this is exactly who Darren Bailey has always been.

Bailey’s views on abortion are dangerously out of line with those of Illinois voters. He has taken the extreme position that abortions should not be allowed even in cases of rape or incest and celebrated the misguided decision by the Supreme Court to overturn 50 years of precedent and turn the fate of women over to radical Republican legislatures.

Invoking a violent genocide to push dangerous and radical anti-choice positions is an insult to the memories of those lost in the Holocaust and to their families. Darren Bailey has proudly touted his extreme views for months, and this latest video shows just how out of touch with reality he really is.

Will the ILGOP condemn these disgusting remarks? Or will they allow their nominee to continue to spew offensive rhetoric?

…Adding… Sen. Duckworth…

U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today issued the following statement after a video of Illinois Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey from 2017 surfaced where Bailey said the Holocaust “doesn’t event compare” to abortion, which he called “one of the greatest atrocities of our day”:

“Darren Bailey’s comments are despicable and deeply upsetting. Comparing the extreme horror of the Holocaust and its immeasurable loss to a woman’s right to choose is unacceptable, full stop. To conflate a woman’s freedom over her own body to the attempted extermination of the Jewish people is antisemitic, inaccurate and wrong. I urge my opponent, Kathy Salvi, to denounce Darren Bailey’s extreme and inappropriate comments, but know she’s lockstep with her Republican running mate on women’s healthcare, leaving no exception on abortion for rape or incest.”

…Adding… Attorney General Kwame Raoul…

Darren Bailey is an extremist hell bent on destroying the rights of women. His comments comparing the horrific loss of life in the Holocaust to the right to choose make clear he is unfit and incapable for any office – let alone the governor’s office. The extremism of Bailey and his Republican Party is offensive and dangerous.

* Comptroller Mendoza…

Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza demands that Republicans unequivocally condemn GOP gubernatorial nominee Darren Bailey’s radical statements comparing abortions to the Holocaust.

“Darren Bailey’s reprehensible comparison of a woman’s right to make health care decisions concerning her own bodily autonomy to the horrific genocide of the Jewish people is a false equivalency to the highest degree. His statements are appalling, despicable and oozing of anti-semitism. Any and all Republicans seeking Illinoisians’ vote this November need to publicly condemn these extremist statements coming from the top of their ticket. Anything short of a forceful condemnation is an endorsement of this dangerous rhetoric that further insults the suffering and memories of victims of the Holocaust atrocity. ”

…Adding… Illinois NOW President Laura Welch…

Enough using the holocaust to justify hate. Enough using the slaughter of six million Jews, gypsies, lgbtq folks in an attempt to sway voters. Enough lies about history to cover up a disdain for women and our rights. Video released of republican candidate for Governor, Darren Bailey comparing the holocaust to reproductive healthcare goes too far and he needs a history lesson. Illinois NOW says ENOUGH.

Hitler had one goal, racial purity. Millions of Jews, lgbtqia people, gypsies, and the disabled, were slaughtered with the goal of a “pure” society. Anti-Semitic hate, replacement theory lies and comments from Mr. Bailey, must be shut down.

I am a Jewish woman who had an abortion and I speak about it so others realize they aren’t alone. IL NOW works to ensure our state remains a safe haven for abortion care and not the dystopian anti-woman society Mr. Bailey dreams of.

A pregnant student must have the right to an abortion so their education continues. The single mother who works two jobs to feed her family must have the right to decide her future. A 10-year-old rape victim must have the right to an abortion so her life and her future are not jeopardized by a legislative stranger.

Abortion rights don’t exist in a vacuum. Healthcare access, equal pay, and voting rights are just the start. Racial inequities in healthcare create huge disparities in maternal mortality rates. Housing costs and mortgage discrimination make living in a community with quality air and water unattainable for many. And a lack of representation in government makes it difficult for many to have a voice.

As a Jew, I am sick of those using their religion to dictate what women can do. The Talmud says a child doesn’t exist until it takes its first breath outside of the woman’s body. Before birth, the fetus doesn’t have a life of its own. As an abortion rights advocate, I believe those who push religion into our government, don’t belong there. There must be a separation of church and state.

It is appalling that Mr. Bailey believes it is ok to use one of the most horrific annihilations in modern history to justify keeping us barefoot, pregnant and subjected to the whims of his religion. We MUST vote for pro-choice candidates such as IL NOW PAC endorsed JB Pritzker and keep religious zealotry out of our government and our bodies.


  1. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:09 am:

    Just so freaking unacceptable, and I don’t care that the comment was in 2017.

  2. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:10 am:

    === Conflating a woman’s bodily autonomy to the systematic mass murder of Jewish people is antisemitic and disqualifying. ===

    Well, it’s not like he was qualified before, but tru dat.

  3. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:11 am:

    Just so gross and I agree disqualifying. I’m struck by how flippant he seems on the first question - the smirk, the thing he does with his thumbs - it’s clear he doesn’t care about the impact his answer to that question could have on others.

  4. - Common Sense - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:12 am:

    It should be disqualifying. But sadly these kind of comments are why the majority of Republicans voted for him.

  5. - former cubs fan - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:13 am:

    no response yet from bailey? what a piece of work this guy is.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:14 am:

    While it was 2017, Bailey had no idea he’d be running against Pritzker, who is Jewish, what this does do is reinforce exactly who Darren Bailey is, how he sees his “Christianity” and these needs since this (2017) to make “Christianity” a superior type of … thing… when comparing it to other thoughts to worship.

    It’s vile.

  7. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:14 am:

    Not trying to trivialize this, but it’s time someone ask Beetle here his views on miscarriage. There have been far more of those than abortions. If his bible says life begins at conception, he must also believe god is then responsible for more murders of babies than abortion. Is mass murder just part of ‘god plan’ in his eyes? Because this is starting to sound like a terrible rhyme of history.

    His beliefs are internally inconsistent. They are not sustainable, and he isn’t going to be able to hold them together now that he will be asked about it repeatedly.

    The next thing to watch out for is his defense, which will be the following;

    “You are persecuting me for my religious beliefs.”

    When you grow up around this kind of stuff, it’s as predictable as the day is long.

  8. - Just Sayin - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:17 am:

    Is it time for Bailey to be forced to withdraw from the campaign? A la Jack Ryan 2004?

  9. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:18 am:

    Let’s keep our eyes on the ball here - it’s democrats’ fault that republican primary voters looked at this and chose it for themselves. My neighbors with the Bailey/Trussel signs already out are simply being bamboozled by big city sophisticates telling them to vote for the most proud fascist in every republican primary since 1980.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:19 am:

    ===Is it time===

    Over 56% of the GOP support the thinking of Darren Bailey.

    It’s a policy, not a scandal.

    So no.

  11. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:21 am:

    He may as well just pack it in now. That he’s even on the ballot is a statewide embarrassment. Is he really the best the Illinois GOP has to offer?

  12. - Needs Deleted - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:22 am:

    Nearly all the comments on Capital Fax concerning this story are from people who are appalled. As usual however, there is no effort from those who comment here, or from the operator of this blog to understand what Bailey means, or to frame these comments objectively.

    An objective discourse would not presume that Bailey is antisemitic. An objective discourse would see that Bailey is simply referring to the fact that estimates claim that 1.7 million Jews lost their life in the holocaust.

    Approximately, 1 million abortions happen every year in the united states, and have since the 1970s.

    Bailey believes the lives lost by the Jews in the holocaust were unjustly taken, and a great human tragedy. If he truly believes that life begins at conception, then he must believe the same about life which is ended by abortion.

    40 million lives lost to abortion, 1.7 million lost in the holocaust. That is the statistical comparison he is making, and it is simply consistent with his views that have been expressed along the way, and those views are shared by millions of Pro-Life Illinoisans.

    It may be an less than artful comparison, but if you believe life is life, as Bailey does, then the comments make sense.

  13. - Numbers don't lie - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:23 am:

    1 million abortions on avg per year since 1973 adds up to a much higher number than the Holocaust…now it’s insensitive for him to draw this comparison, but he’s not wrong

  14. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:24 am:

    “I’ve asked for comments from the House and Senate Republicans and the Illinois Republican Party”

    Anyone want to take bets on how many of them use “Madigan” in their statements?

  15. - Baloneymous - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:27 am:

    I live in a rural area south of Springfield and there is still a sign here from the 80s on a state road that says: “American holocaust - abortion - ## million and counting” or something very close to that. I forgot the exact number it mentions.

    Bailey is not the only one down here that thinks like that, so I’m not surprised he made that comment 5 years ago or even today. It’s so messed up people want to compare what a woman does with her own body to what a megalomaniac tried to do to an entire race of people.

  16. - Dave Dahl - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:27 am:

    Monday in Assumption, Rep Bourne said she and Irvin were the only guv/ltguv candidates to sign a unity pledge to support whomever was nominated.

    Congressman Davis said Bailey has not asked him for an endorsement.

  17. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:28 am:

    Basically, Bailey thinks living breathing humans are not as important as a fertilized egg, embryo or fetus not yet viable. that is what he is saying. and he’s not alone in this thought. Remember, it was long the practice to save the baby not the woman in emergencies in certain religious hospitals, it was a soul born thing, a creating of souls thing. Anyone who values not yet viable over the living is idiotic.

  18. - huh? - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:30 am:

    “attempted extermination”

  19. - Billions - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:31 am:

    If Darren Bailey is such an anti semite than why did JB Pritzker spend tens of millions of dollars making him his opponent? Could our political system be a bigger joke. It’s the money

  20. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:35 am:

    NIU Grad- Read one article today where the Repub didn’t even say Madigan’s name, just referred to him as “Public Official A”. Good ole insider political ball.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:36 am:

    ===Monday in Assumption, Rep Bourne said she and Irvin were the only guv/ltguv candidates to sign a unity pledge to support whomever was nominated.===

    Avery Bourne, showing, again, extremely horrible political acumen. Then again, Bourne was an appointed Raunerite, stood for nothing, and purposely hurt Illinois for her patron.

    “Hollow and Shallow” best describes her legislative tenure

    This is on brand for her. Pathetic, but on brand all the same.

    Bourne craves to be relevant, in this discussion, Bourne is now a lame duck Raunerite, this new party sees her as “not one of them”

    Bourne coulda stayed in the GA, either chamber too.

    Bourne won’t be missed.

    Bailey, however, will sink everyone else come November?

  22. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:37 am:

    You just have to laugh at the narrative that the Dems are responsible for Bailey. The Dems didn’t lie about Bailey’s record. They attacked him and the record of his opponent.

    The MAGA GOP base picked their candidate. That’s where the blame lies.

  23. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:37 am:

    -estimates claim that 1.7 million Jews lost their life in the holocaust.-

    You are low by at least a factor of 3.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:38 am:

    ===If …than why…==

    Your beef is with the 56% plus GOP voters, not with Pritzker.

    Taking Bailey down and winning in November is the ball game. Bailey seems poised to fail. We’ll see

  25. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:40 am:

    ==If Darren Bailey is such an anti semite than why did JB Pritzker spend tens of millions of dollars making him his opponent?==

    No, sorry, Republicans nominated Bailey. No one forced them to, and they were even told that Pritzker was trying to make sure Bailey was nominated. They did it anyway. They own this. “The Party of Personal Responsibility” will have to take some now.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:40 am:

    ===Bailey means===

    That the Holocaust was inconsequential compared to abortion?

    That’s some interesting defending you’re doing for Bailey.

    ===It may be an less than artful comparison, but if you believe life is life, as Bailey does, then the comments make sense.===

    Mighty creepy defending the vile, but glad you were able to show who you are

    “… makes sense”


  27. - Jocko - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:40 am:

    Here come the whatabouts.

    Anyone, post-internet, who chooses to invoke Hitler or the holocaust in text or video deserves everything they have coming to them.

  28. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:41 am:

    ==Is it time for Bailey to be forced to withdraw from the campaign?==
    This not “disqualifying” for him. To a large number of voters, this is “qualifying”

  29. - vern - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:41 am:

    Needs Deleted, your “not anti-semitic” claims are hard to swallow when you claim 4 million fewer Jews died in the Holocaust than is historically known.

    The comparison is offensive no matter the numbers, but you definitely can’t defend it with outright Holocaust denial. Six million Jews, and five million others.

  30. - Tom S. - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:44 am:

    Cantanzara has made Nazi analogies of his own, so I imagine he sees this as a real plus for Bailey.

    Anyone surprised by this has never taken the time to listen to the rhetoric of right-to-lifers. The most dedicated among them truly believe abortion is murder — they reference the holocaust almost as often as the NRA mentions the 2nd Amendment. I honestly don’t think it’s anti-Semitic, just blind zealotry.

  31. - Roadiepig - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:44 am:

    - Needs Deleted - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:22 am:

    6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. Not 1.7 million. But then again if you are trying to equate abortions to the Holocaust, why get the number right (downplaying the Nazi actions maybe?)

    And yes- please ask him about miscarriages ( God’s taking of the life that they conceived). Were all they women who lost their fetuses/babies (my wife for one) due to pregnancy complications murderers too, or our those on God?

  32. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:44 am:

    Well said Oswego Willy @ 9:36 am.

  33. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:44 am:

    ==As usual however, there is no effort from those who comment here, or from the operator of this blog to understand what Bailey means, or to frame these comments objectively. ==

    There’s no point in trying to backfill some “objectivity” into Bailey’s statement. He didn’t put that much thought into it, he was just trying to say something “edgy” and “provocative”. This is the guy who called the largest city in the state he wants to govern a “hellhole”, after all. This is the guy who wouldn’t even wear a mask to protect his colleagues, but made sure his employees were required to wear one. He does not deserve the energy you’re putting in on his behalf. He was trolling.

  34. - Billions - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:45 am:

    Yes the maga are all hiding under our beds do you check under yours before you go to sleep? lol. Bailey would have gotten his message out how? On Facebook and his bus tour? again lol. I’m sure team JB had no idea Bailey made these comments in.. checks calendar 2017.. if Bailey is such an antisemite then why would a Jewish man spend tens of millions of dollars to promote him? The commercials in the primary weren’t “Dailey barren is a true conservative antisemite and good man”

  35. - Anon E Moose - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:48 am:

    How many third rails is Bailey gonna touch?

  36. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:48 am:

    ==if you believe life is life, as Bailey does==

    He doesn’t, though. He’s pro-death penalty, he fought against every COVID mitigation measure, he wanted us to “move on” after a mass shooting, and it’s not like he’s ever talking about maternal health.

    He’s anti-abortion, but protecting life is completely incidental to his political beliefs.

  37. - fs - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:50 am:

    Boy oh boy, those Eastern Bloc folk sure do love them some Hitler….(dramatic pause)….analogies.

  38. - Alice Childress - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:51 am:

    “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” —Maya Angelou

    If Beetle wants to express his point, just use numbers. No need to bring the Holocaust into the conversation.

  39. - Chris - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:53 am:

    “estimates claim that 1.7 million Jews”

    That’s the phrasing a holocaust denier would use…not saying you are, but that’s the phrasing those ahistorical folks use.

    6 million—as quoted in the post—is the generally accepted number by people who aren’t anti-Semitic or deniers of history:

  40. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:55 am:

    -If Darren Bailey is such an anti semite than why did JB Pritzker spend tens of millions of dollars making him his opponent?-

    To win. The ads told voters who Darren Bailey is. It’s not JB’s fault more than half the GOP Primary voters liked who he is.

  41. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:02 am:

    Further proving my point above, here’s “Needs Deleted” with some casual holocaust denial to start your Tuesday morning.

  42. - Hon. Don Gerard - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:02 am:

    re: Needs deleted

    The Bible says life begins at first breath, so Bailey’s “belief” is based on a random feeling Christias (sic) conjured 1917 years after the Savior died for their sins.

    If I say, “Life begins at 40″ my belief radically alters the math as well.

    Bigots gonna bigot.

  43. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:03 am:

    ===Bailey would have gotten his message out how? ===

    Dick Uihlein.

  44. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:04 am:

    ==if Bailey is such an antisemite then why==

    did 56% of Republicans decide he should be their nominee?

  45. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:07 am:

    =it’s as predictable as the day is long.=

    Spot on. You can write the script. Bailey’s team and supporters will go ground hog for a day or two until they formulate a response. It sounds like @Needs deleted is on that team of explainers.

    @Needs Deleted- did Bailey trell you or did you hear him explain his wildly ignorant statement the way you did? Or is that just wishful thinking that you think makes it more palatable?

    =or to frame these comments objectively.=

    There is nothing “objective” about your post, it is an attempted rationalization but it is not objective. Maybe get yourself a dictionary.

    Additionally, your grasp of history and math are wildly inaccurate.

    You don’t own the high road here, you are paving the Ayatollah Bailey low road for him so that he and his followers can feel like what he said was ok. I could explain why as other have, but you don’t and won’t get why this is sickening.

    See you in church.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:07 am:

    ===Dick Uihlein===

    Ball game.

    Griffin was battling Pritzker, the DGA, and also battling Proft/Uihlein.

    The party, with Bailey, got swallowed whole. The ILGOP as a brand once owned by Bruce and Diana Rauner became like “Sears”… a once vibrant brand, solid, a go-to… then dwindled off… finally swallowed whole, unrecoverable… a brand now useless.

    If you deny that 56% plus of the voting GOP see Bailey as the beacon, and you have this need to blame Pritzker, maybe you are not grasping how devolving the ILGOP became.

  47. - vern - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:11 am:

    === Bailey would have gotten his message out how? ===

    Well, the media (including the operator of this blog) would still have reported the Trump endorsement, which is all the primary electorate needed to hear. If money’s the only thing, why wasn’t Richard Irvin neck-and-neck at the end?

  48. - crazybleedingheart - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    ==How many third rails is Bailey gonna touch?==

    He has an empty head, a full bladder, and plenty of time. There’s no limit.

  49. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:14 am:

    ” … miscarriage. If his bible says life begins at conception, he must also believe god is then responsible for more murders of babies than abortion.”

    Forget miscarriages. Medical experts say that 50% of all fertilized eggs fail to implant, and the woman has a “normal monthly cycle” never knowing an egg had been fertilized (that is why OTC home pregnancy tests are used after a “disruption” in the monthly cycle). Lots of death there.

  50. - Billions - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:15 am:

    How many primaries have Proft and Uihelin won again, historically speaking? Rauner had his own money, and Griffins. Point is money is out of control in politics and making system and country worse. Didn’t like Griffin trying to buy R primary either.

  51. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:15 am:

    Republican voters are the ones who actually raised Bailey up, as was said above. They could have showed Pritzker how phony and insulting his meddling was by voting for Sullivan or Irvin. That would have been a stunning defeat for the DGA and Pritzker.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:20 am:

    ===How many===

    Use the Google Key, let us know what you find. Thing is, Proft has seemingly no problem getting cash for his primary races.


    Rauner ran as an utter phony, swamping the primary field and had a weak incumbent sitting governor to siphon votes from because he was an “outsider”.

    You’d realize Rauner and Irvin were quite different if you weren’t “whatabouting” the truth of the GOP base that *is* Bailey.

  53. - Anonymous 101 - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:23 am:

    When conservative candidates use any reference to the Holocaust, it’s a dog whistle. They may offer apologies for their remarks, they didn’t mean blah blah blah. They are willing to take any heat they get because it is a dog whistle to those who share their views. They know that those voters will get the message that I am one of you.

  54. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:23 am:

    Man that JB is powerful. He MADE the republican voters vote for ayatollah bailey. Made them I say.


    If money was enough, Richard Irvin would be your gop candidate. He had oodles. The gop has gone full on fanatic.

  55. - vern - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:33 am:

    === Point is money is out of control in politics and making system and country worse ===

    luckily there’s a political party that agrees with you on that

  56. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:38 am:

    So Pritzker funded million of dollars of ads pushing Bailey to be the GOP nominee knowing his strange views on this topic stated in 2017? And his hard anti-abortion views this year? As a result, we now we get to compare the crass views of Bailey to the crass actions of Pritzker and decide who will be better to vote for Governor of Illinois this November? Too bad Mr/Ms None of the Above will be on the ballot this year.

    Perhaps we should all vote for the crass views of Bailey to end the crass sneaky behavior of boss Pritzker? T

  57. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:39 am:

    I feel for the oppo researchers who had to listen to the hundreds of hours of video the candidate himself has made. And we are still three months out from the general election… what other nuggets have they found that they will disclose before then?
    Drip, drip, drip

  58. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:41 am:

    Didn’t finish my last comment. That would be a lesson learned for those who play ugly politics while pretending to be nice guys.

  59. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:42 am:

    Bailey is who is base knows he is. For years I’ve heard conservatives in central and southern Illinois say the reason the GOP can’t win Gov’s races is they haven’t had a “true conservative” as defined by their definitions.

    Well they got themselves one now. And they deserve every bit of their guy’s results.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:44 am:

    - Louis G Atsaves -

    Are you voting for Bailey?

    Bailey *is* the GOP, like you are. You may not like it, but 56% plus agree Bailey *is* the GOP, no matter who funded what.


    It’s a yes or no, - Louis G Atsaves - on will you be voting for Bailey.


  61. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:44 am:

    ==Perhaps we should all vote for the crass views of Bailey to end the crass sneaky behavior of boss Pritzker?==

    We all knew you were gonna talk yourself into voting for the guy dabbling in anti-semitism, we just didn’t know it’d be as pathetic as “Big bad JB Pritzker MADE ME DO IT.”

    Pritzker ran ads calling Bailey too extreme for Illinois. Republicans said, “Awesome, give me some of that.” Make all the excuses you want, but that’s their fault.

  62. - New Day - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:51 am:

    “An objective discourse would not presume that Bailey is antisemitic. An objective discourse would see that Bailey is simply referring to the fact that estimates claim that 1.7 million Jews lost their life in the holocaust.”

    Wow, man. Just wow. To decry supposedly false claims of anti-Semitism in the same paragraph in which you trot out some textbook Holocaust denial is a real work of art.

    Repeat after me: six million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis. SIX MILLION. Those weren’t potential lives. They were men, women and children murdered because of their religion. They were people who had their lives taken away. Their futures taken away. You and Darren Bailey think the lives of zygotes and embryos and fetuses are equivalent in moral weight to fully formed human beings?

    Thanks for showing us who you are. Now run back to the cave you crawled out of and go learn some history before ever commenting on this blog again.

  63. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:53 am:

    Candidate Bailey’s glaring intellectual deficits and crass remarks on the Holocaust…time to withdraw.

  64. - New Day - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:53 am:


    Thanks for keeping the Needs Deleted comment up. It’s really important for people to see the vile nature of what’s out there.

  65. - New Day - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:57 am:

    Forgot to mention. The ad is an A+

    Also, if this is what they’re putting out on August 1, imagine what else they’ve got for the fall.

  66. - vern - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:58 am:

    === Perhaps we should all vote for the crass views of Bailey to end the crass sneaky behavior of boss Pritzker? ===

    Ah yes, my favorite fallacy. Republicans didn’t want to nominate Bailey, they were duped by the nefarious Pritzker. Now Republicans don’t want to vote for Bailey, but they’re forced to by the nefarious Pritzker.

    Pritzker would have had no power to sway R primary voters if the Republican Party hadn’t spent the last twenty years radicalizing their base and destroying their media literacy. The party can make the meddling ineffective any time they want, but it would chilling out their base. They chose this.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:58 am:

    Pick a name… otherwise…

  68. - vern - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:59 am:

    would *require* chilling out their base, apologies for the typo

  69. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:00 am:

    ==However, if he is so dangerous and unfit for office, then the Governor bears much of the responsibility for his nomination as his largest funder/promoter in the primary.==

    It really is amazing how everything Bailey does is Pritzker’s fault with you guys.

    Republicans nominated him. Pritzker called him “too extreme for Illinois”, and Republicans nominated him anyway. Irvin even said that Pritzker was trying to face Bailey, and Republicans nominated Bailey anyway.

    Take some responsibility, jeez.

  70. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:02 am:

    === Governor bears much of the responsibility for his nomination as his largest funder/promoter in the primary.===

    The “promotion” was rebroadcasting Bailey’s message; Bailey had no objections to how he was characterized. And, the GOP elector was overwhelmingly in favor. Seems to me the problem is the GOP’s base.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:02 am:

    Here’s a truth that might hurt;

    You can, in a very phony way, blame Pritzker for Bailey.

    You need to blame 56% plus of GOP primary voters that went to the polls to vote “Bailey”

    It’s wholly disingenuous to think 56% plus of voters saw those ads and decided “we don’t stand with Bailey, but golly gee we’re voting for Bailey”

    Stop. Just stop.

    The harsh truth is Bailey is the GOP. They can’t be denied.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:04 am:

    Bailey welcomed the Pritzker and DGA help.

    Welcomed it. Loved it.

    But, “because Pritzker”?

    Still waiting on - Louis G Atsaves -‘s choice on Bailey. Should be an easy one.

  73. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:05 am:

    It seems all the bellyaching about Bailey is “Pritzker fooled us!”

    Here’s a tip. Stop being fooled.

  74. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:05 am:

    ==You need to blame 56% plus of GOP primary voters that went to the polls to vote “Bailey”==

    You also need to call them stupid.

    But then, no one has more contempt for Republican voters than Republican politicians.

  75. - New Day - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:11 am:

    56%. Caveat Emptor. Let the buyer beware. Irvin put millions on the air saying Pritzker wanted Bailey. The GOP knew exactly who he was and they voted for him overwhelmingly. Blame your party for losing its mind and its sould. Don’t blame JB.

  76. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:27 am:

    =Ah yes, my favorite fallacy. Republicans didn’t want to nominate Bailey, they were duped by the nefarious Pritzker. Now Republicans don’t want to vote for Bailey, but they’re forced to by the nefarious Pritzker.=


    So Louis, let me get this straight…Every sentient being (which may leave out a few people) knew that Pritzker was funding the “Bailey is too conservative” ads (which, by the way, is not supporting Bailey if you understand the meaning of words).

    Yet you assert that Pritzker was backing him and the ilgop faithful were just too dumb to know better?

    Spoken like a true (sour grapes) Raunerite. Poor team Rauner.

  77. - Cool Papa Bell - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:29 am:

    I saw some meme about how after 70 years of public life Betty White never had to disavow a statement or picture or act. Because she was never that person.

    So if it happened in 2017 I don’t care. It happened. He said it. And he was a grown man when he said it. I’ll give you slack and understanding if you are still developing your world outlook. But come’on here.

    Darren is who he is and for a large group of people that’s just fine.

  78. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:31 am:

    The other thing that’s Big Dumb about the “boosting” tempest is that Pritzker never told anyone they should vote for Bailey. In fact, he explicitly said people *shouldn’t* vote for Bailey. Republicans heard that and said, “Oh yeah? I’ll show you, fatso.” Their reaction was predictable, but you have to be unusually devoted to the idea that every Republican action is the Democrats’ fault to think that amounts to “boosting” a candidate.

  79. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:32 am:

    You also somehow have to puzzle through the fact that Pritzker also ran ads attacking Irvin, but somehow those don’t count in the “Ackshually Pritzker is responsible for Bailey’s actions” thought process.

  80. - Baloneymous - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:47 am:

    Man, that JB is the master of reverse psychology. He told everyone in Illinois, including Republicans, don’t vote for Bailey, he’s too extreme, he’s just like Trump. And then Trump endorsed Bailey which also must have been Pritzker’s doing because those “types” like JB basically control the media, right?

    And then 56% of Republicans were so fooled, even with that Trump endorsement, that they went ahead and voted for Bailey, because JB Pritzker tricked them. And only Lou Atsaves is smart enough to point out this convoluted conspiracy on a blog post. The mental gymnastics some of you go through to blame others for your misfortune and horrendous candidates, and the “stolen election”, and Trump is still leading the country, the Dems were being Jan. 6 or it was just peaceful demonstrators voicing their dissatisfaction with government, and all the other lies and crazy conspiracy theories.

    The fact is that 56% of Republicans want a guy like Bailey to be governor, and they want a woman like Mary Miller to represent them in DC. You chose this disaster all by yourselves.

  81. - Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:55 am:

    It feels like today’s GOP is just about blaming someone and calling foul. Not a winning strategy in dealing with serious people…and easy to see through. But why don’t more people see through it?

  82. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:57 am:

    Bailey’s highlight reel—-
    Literally blowing up the budget
    Claims he’ll die on his porch before giving up his guns
    Calls Chicago a hellhole

    This is Candidate Bailey. There were other options in the primary yet the GOP voters chose Bailey.

    Candidate Bailey’s words and actions are the gifts that keep on giving.

  83. - Baloneymous - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:03 pm:

    ===It feels like today’s GOP is just about blaming someone and calling foul.===

    Did you read about the Trump-backed Arizona SoS candidate that says he won’t concede even if he loses his primary.

  84. - Friendly Bob Adams - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:07 pm:

    As my Grandpa might have said- this Bailey is something special, alright…

  85. - Thomas Paine - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:11 pm:

    Oswego Willy has done a fine job of pointing out the ethical lunacy of Bailey’s statement and @Deeds Deleted defense.

    I want to add something to make perfectly clear that this is not some “mere” political gaffe.

    Abortion > Holocaust
    Abortion doctors > Nazis

    is an argument used by the Extreme Right to justify killing doctors and nurses who help provide abortions or abortion counselling. Darren Bailey’s views are nor just disqualifying, they are dangerous to the medical community, and I am surprised we have not seen a statement from the Med Society or Illinois Nurses Association yet.

  86. - Pundent - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:21 pm:

    Bailey’s beliefs pretty much align with where the Republican party finds itself today. He’s just running in the wrong state.

  87. - Lt Guv - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:22 pm:

    Louis G Atsaves, that may be the most disingenuous drivel I’ve encountered in politics. Given my 6 decades on the face of this planet, that’s really saying something.

  88. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:24 pm:

    ===An objective discourse would not presume that Bailey is antisemitic. An objective discourse would see that Bailey is simply referring to the fact that estimates claim that 1.7 million Jews lost their life in the holocaust.

    You left out the well your Holocaust Denial. Bad form.

    As some others have pointed out, the life begins at conception claim really has an issue when recent science suggests 1/3 to 1/2 of conceptions end with a miscarriage many of which are never noticed.

  89. - Hot Taeks - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:35 pm:

    I have no doubt Mr. Bailey will double down on his 2017 comments when he finally responds. Because the usual rule of not comparing events to the Holocaust doesn’t apply to many charlatans these days. Heck Mr. Bailey might as well have local anti-semite from Lyons Township Nick Fuentes running his campaign the way things are going.

  90. - Huh? - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:44 pm:

    I really wish the doppelganger at 9:30am would find a different handle. I’ve had this one since blago was in office.

    I’m not the only one with a squatter problem. In the recent past, Demoralized has mentioned it too.

  91. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:46 pm:

    Still waiting on a response from the Bailey campaign… (crickets)

  92. - Lurker - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:50 pm:

    This is why I find it sick Pritzker funded this guy. He knew he was a nut job but wanted an easy win so he gave the guy a stage for longer than he deserves. Congratulations on your win JB but I wish you would have done it more traditionally and democratically.

  93. - Pundent - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 12:56 pm:

    =Perhaps we should all vote for the crass views of Bailey to end the crass sneaky behavior of boss Pritzker?=

    The version of the ILGOP that was bought by the likes of Bruce Rauner and Ken Griffin was rejected - bigly. I know that’s a tough pill to swallow. But refusing to accept that is an affront to the 57% or so that voted for Darren Bailey.

  94. - G'Kar - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 1:06 pm:

    For the past year and a half, I’ve followed several downstate right wing FB groups. I’ve seen many post with comments similar to Beetle’s. I also observed that from the moment he announced, Irvin was a no-go to most of the commentators. I figured that Beetle would win with or without JB’s help. The only surprise, or maybe it shouldn’t have been, was how his winning percentage was so large.

    Admittedly, three FB groups is a small sample size, but I do think it gave me insight into the current Republican mind set. The argument that JB “allowed” Beetle to win is just wrong, in my opinion.

  95. - Real - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 1:07 pm:

    Baileys comments is simply saying that if you know the loss of life was great for Holocaust victims then imagine the loss of life for aborted babies which is many times higher. Nothing about that is antisemitic. What’s extreme is the ones that want to abort babies that haven’t even had a chance to be born.

  96. - Pundent - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 1:13 pm:

    =Nothing about that is antisemitic.=

    There’s nothing reasoned or educated about Darren Bailey’s comparison. He’s using the persecution of Jews merely for effect. And yes it is an anti-Semitic dog whistle for which there is no excuse, not that Bailey is offering one. Most people are outraged by that. And in another time and place the ILGOP would be as well.

  97. - Roadrager - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 1:21 pm:

    ==This is why I find it sick Pritzker funded this guy. He knew he was a nut job but wanted an easy win so he gave the guy a stage for longer than he deserves. Congratulations on your win JB but I wish you would have done it more traditionally and democratically.==

    56% of Republican voters thought he was the guy. How many of them voted for him because JB hornswoggled ‘em with his mean ol’ money into voting for Darren Bailey, the candidate whose views they definitely would not support were it not for those gosh darn television advertisements?

    And how many times do we have to keep bringing this up before you all stop giving an entire state party’s electorate a free pass on sweeping a hateful huckster into the general election?

  98. - Juvenal - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 1:26 pm:

    @Real -

    We don’t need a translator, thanks, we have Bailey’s words and they are clear.

    He is downplaying The Holocaust.

  99. - Real - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 1:52 pm:

    -There’s nothing reasoned or educated about Darren Bailey’s comparison.-

    Maybe it’s not reasoned or educated for those that are hellbent on aborting babies. But for others what he stated is a fact.

  100. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:01 pm:

    ==But for others what he stated is a fact.==

    Keep defending his vile comments. You show your true character when you do so. You’re just as bad as he is in trying to defend him. There is no defense of it. Period.

  101. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:02 pm:

    ==What’s extreme==

    Some might say that those of you trying to stick your noses into other people’s healthcare decisions are the ones that are extreme.

  102. - Roadrager - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:03 pm:

    ==But for others what he stated is a fact.==

    Two different sets of “facts” seem to be a recurring problem in this country as of late. A “fact” which only some believe to be true in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, well… seems like there should be another word for that.

    ==those that are hellbent on aborting babies==

    It’s a hot week out there. Maybe find someplace cool and go soak your head for a bit.

  103. - Lurker - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:03 pm:

    Real, just stop. Baileys comments demean the holocaust and support ideology that is wrong. Wrong not only to Jewish people but to all others oppressed (such as gypsies, Catholics, disabled, etc) as well as offending all decent humans everywhere.

    If you want to say you oppose abortion, fine. If you want to be supportive of comments like Baileys, you are profoundly wrong.

  104. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:04 pm:

    == hellbent on aborting babies==

    Wow. No one is being forced to abort their fetus. They just want the choice if that’s what they decide.

  105. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:06 pm:

    ==But for others what he stated is a fact.==

    Change the word “fact” for “belief” and I would agree with you.

  106. - Retired and Still in Illinois - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:07 pm:

    As someone else mentioned. You should never use the Holocaust for any comparison. It was horrible in its own right. Along with using slavery as a comparison, it never works to sell your point, unless your point is to use it as a dog whistle.

  107. - Real - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:30 pm:

    -just stop-

    You, just stop. Bailey stated a fact and you all have not been able to disprove it. The number of aborted babies is higher than the victims of other major events including the holocaust. You all are the ones bloodthirsty about wanting to abort babies rather than promoting birth control, condoms, or sex after marriage.

  108. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:34 pm:

    ===Bailey stated a fact and you all have not been able to disprove it.===

    That’s a real sickening flex, still waiting to compare the Holocaust.


    You wanna keep using… the Holocaust… as a measure.

    Please. Go on. Tell me more about YOU

    Even Bailey is trying to walk it back, but… not you.


  109. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:37 pm:

    @Real, a fertilized egg, up to 8 weeks an embryo, and fetus before viability….now around the 22 week mark, it’s just not equal to a living breathing human being. you just stop.

  110. - Real - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:39 pm:

    Lol so since you all can’t disprove the fact you all are saying why would you compare anything to the Holacaust? It’s called freedom of speech. Is that not a thing anymore?

  111. - Baloneymous - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:40 pm:


    Your posts are getting more disturbing by the minute. You really should stop. hellbent and bloodthirsty for those of us that are pro-choice and support women making choices about their own bodies and healthcare decisions?

    Now who again are the extremists and are just fine with a candidate for governor comparing abortion to the Holocaust?

  112. - Baloneymous - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:41 pm:

    Now you’re spouting the first amendment to defend your “facts”? wow just wow.

  113. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:53 pm:

    ===why would you compare anything to the Holacaust? It’s called freedom of speech.===

    Lack of character is fine as long as it’s freedom of speech as the flex?

    Keep it “Real”… wow.

  114. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:54 pm:

    ==It’s called freedom of speech. Is that not a thing anymore?==

    He can say anything he wants. Freedom of Speech doesn’t give you cover for consequences of saying whatever you want though.

    And you really do look ridiculous trying to defend this. Just. Stop.

  115. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 2:54 pm:

    ==You all are the ones bloodthirsty about wanting to abort babies==
    Real, or as your leader might say “unreal” perhaps you should read right above where you enter your name to spew your “facts.”:
    ==This is not Facebook, so uncivil comments, profanity of any kind, rumors and anonymous commenters will not be tolerated and will likely result in banishment.==

  116. - Baloneymous - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 3:02 pm:

    Real, since we’re tossing around the bill of rights now maybe you should use the fifth amendment instead of the first.

  117. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 4:12 pm:

    ===You, just stop. Bailey stated a fact and you all have not been able to disprove it. The number of aborted babies is higher than the victims of other major events including the holocaust. You all are the ones bloodthirsty about wanting to abort babies rather than promoting birth control, condoms, or sex after marriage.

    The problem with this sort of claim is that between 1/3 and 1/2 of conceptions end in miscarriage with many women not even knowing they miscarried. First trimester abortions would not make a significant change in natural miscarriages. If those are all human lives nature is the greatest source of abortions

  118. - Fixer - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 4:19 pm:

    Real- actions, and words, have consequences. The first amendment doesn’t protect you from people calling you out for your poor choices in either of those.

  119. - Pundent - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 4:48 pm:

    =It’s called freedom of speech. Is that not a thing anymore?=

    Well it seems that you don’t really understand that concept. Not surprising though. Bailey can say whatever he wants. And the voters can react to that speech accordingly. And my sense is that Bailey’s choice of words and analogies don’t resonate with the vast majority of voters.

  120. - Susan - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 6:53 pm:

    Bailey was insensitive with his awkward portrayal, no question. I would advise avoiding any Holocaust comparison on anything. But as a factual matter on the strict point he’s correct. Many times more babies have been slaughtered by the holocaust that is abortion than people who were slaughtered by the Nazis in the Holocaust of WWII. Just because left-wing extremists like JB Pritzker have no problem killing babies right up to the moment of birth doesn’t change that fact.JB Pritzker and his supporters are disgusting people.

  121. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 7:35 pm:

    ===have no problem killing babies right up to the moment of birth===

    You need to seek help.

  122. - Argon - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 9:10 pm:

    Petra dishes don’t count

  123. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 10:14 pm:

    If Kansas voted that way on abortion, imagine the vote in Illinois. People get that abortion in any case of medical emergency and abortion not in late stages unless medical emergency is the right thing to have as legal.

  124. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 2, 22 @ 11:54 pm:

    === If Kansas voted that way on abortion, imagine the vote in Illinois. ===

    Don’t take it for granted. IL voters may be complacent given the protections now in place. Light a fire under them and have them vote like their rights depends on it, because they do. Vote Dem for every office: gubernatorial, congressional, legislative, judicial…

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