Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Another day, another Darren Bailey revelation
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Another day, another Darren Bailey revelation

Tuesday, Aug 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Vice

The Republican nominee for Illinois governor has held multiple events involving the gun store where the alleged Highland Park shooter acquired the semi-automatic rifle he allegedly used during a Fourth of July shooting spree.

Illinois GOP gubernatorial nominee Darren Bailey held a January event at Red Dot Arms, a gun store in Villa Park that’s about a 45-minute drive northwest of Highland Park. And in April, the company was involved in a gun raffle to benefit Bailey’s campaign. […]

Bailey’s campaign held a gun raffle campaign fundraiser in late April and posted footage of it online, but later deleted it. Red Dot Arms was listed as a partner for the event on a campaign flyer, along with two other gun stores. […]

One of the guns Bailey auctioned off at the event was an AR-15, which he described as “a beautiful rifle, certainly one that emulates freedom here in our country.”

* Also from the story

“The shooter is still at large, so let’s pray for justice to prevail and then let’s move on and let’s celebrate the independence of this nation,” Bailey said immediately after the Highland Park shooting occurred on July 4.

Bailey quickly apologized for those remarks.

Along those lines, here’s Politico today

And there was the Facebook comment after the July 4th mass shooting in Highland Park, in which he said, “Let’s move on and celebrate.” To his credit, Bailey pulled back on the comment, issuing a statement: “I apologize if in any way we diminished the pain being felt across our state today.”

As I told subscribers last week, the news media is getting into the unfortunate habit of merely quoting Bailey’s initial apologies. As we know all too well, he has walked back two of those apologies, saying, in the case of Highland Park that the media took his remarks out of context and claimed he explained all this to a Highland Park Democrat. They’re only telling part of the story.

* WGN reporter…

* From Bradley’s story

Trussell has used Facebook posts to mock Planned Parenthood.

“President Obama became the first sitting president ever to address Klanned Parenthood,” she posted. […]

Trussell is sharply critical of politicians that back the “gay agenda.”

“Since Bill Clinton was called the first black president can we call Barack Obama the first gay president?” she tweeted in 2015.

Political analyst Paul Lisnek says answering questions about social media posts is the last thing Bailey and Trussell want to be focused on as they ramp up for the general election.

“Crime is skyrocketing and jobs and families are fleeing under JB Pritzker’s watch. But his campaign and the media are making a big election about old social media posts. Darren Bailey and I are focused on making Illinois safer and more affordable for every Illinoisan,” [Trussell] said in a statement to WGN News.

* Meanwhile, Bailey has a new video

“I challenge J.B. Pritzker to come down to my farm and spend a day planting, plowing, and harvesting. We’ll see how much energy he has at the end of an 18-hour work day to lob his pathetic attacks.”

I’d just like to see Bailey put the energy into holding a press conference more than once in a blue moon while answering questions on all topics.

* Politico

Republican Darren Bailey’s campaign says he’s committed to debate Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker on Sept. 22 on NBC 5. Pritzker’s campaign hasn’t confirmed that face-off, though a spokeswoman for the campaign told Playbook that “yes,” Pritzker is planning to debate Bailey.

…Adding… Press release…

…Adding… Pritzker campaign…

Rudy Giuliani, a Bailey campaign ally, was informed yesterday that he is the target of a criminal investigation seeking answers related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Darren Bailey, a proud supporter of Donald Trump and his allies, has pushed the Big Lie, understated the January 6 insurrection, and questioned the integrity of the FBI and the Department of Justice during their probe into the former president’s misconduct.

Does Darren Bailey stand by Giuliani’s attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and keep Trump in power, even amid this criminal investigation?

In May, Bailey and Giuliani campaigned together on behalf of Scott Kaspar, a Republican Congressional candidate who, like Bailey, has downplayed the January 6 insurrection and stated that he would not have ratified Joe Biden’s presidency.

“Darren Bailey needs to disavow Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, and their attempts to undermine our democracy,” said JB for Governor Press Secretary Eliza Glezer. “Bailey continues to tie himself to individuals who threaten our free and fair elections. Any candidate who cannot stand up to election deniers and insurrection defenders is unfit for public office.”


  1. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 9:48 am:

    No idea what is going on but the couple of yards near our house that have been flying Trump flags and have Bailey signs no longer have either. Just noticed it yesterday.

  2. - Big Dipper - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 9:51 am:

    Villa Park is southwest of Highland Park.

  3. - Friendly Bob Adams - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 9:57 am:

    I have some doubts that Bailey spends many 18 hour days actually farming.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 9:59 am:

    ===“I challenge J.B. Pritzker to come down to my farm and spend a day planting, plowing, and harvesting.”===

    When the Illinois constitution requires candidates to work in a farm before an election…

    Run like 3rd grader, then you do or say silly things like a 3rd grader… and I hope I’m not disparaging 3rd graders.

    Bailey is not a serious candidate, but a truly dangerous candidate to not only women’s health, but to Illinois…

    …and here Bailey is concerned Pritzker won’t pass the “Green Acres” litmus test.


  5. - Publius - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:01 am:

    The ILGOP keeps talking about crime. However I keep reading how crime is also a problem in St Louis and Kansas City Missouri. Is the GOP Governor of Missouri Mike Parson at fault like JB here in Illinois? Same for Indiana and most all other states with GOP governors.

  6. - Wise Guy - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:02 am:

    Bailey is a train wreck. Any candidate who is moderately talented or popular should be able to beat him by a margin well into the double digits.

  7. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:04 am:

    ==spend a day planting, plowing, and harvesting==
    I’m not farmer, but I am thinking you can’t do all three of those things in a single day..

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:05 am:

    ===I’m not farmer, but I am thinking you can’t do all three of those things in a single day..===

    I laughed out loud. That was top shelf

  9. - Publius - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    Does Bailey actually do planting, plowing, and harvesting anymore? Most I would assume would be taken care of by his employees. Most equipment is very advanced these days. Also yes it is impossible to do all in the same day and no one plows anymore especially in Illinois.

  10. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    Pritzker spent lots of money in the GOP primary to “warn” the state about Bailey. But the problem is not Democrats promoting such candidates, it’s Republican voters choosing them. It’s not Democrats who routed the ILGOP establishment slate in June. Republican voters were not offended by Democratic meddling to any point that it mattered.

  11. - OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:14 am:

    ==I challenge J.B. Pritzker to come down to my farm and spend a day planting, plowing, and harvesting.==

    Would he have to wear a mask like you said folks who would do that sort of thing have to do when you filed for visas?

  12. - MoralMinority - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:16 am:

    ==spend a day planting, plowing, and harvesting==All on one day, Darren? I thought the way it worked is you plow first, if at all, then plant, then harvest a few months later. I guess Darren applies so much fertilizer from the nearby hog farm that all the steps come together on one day at the Bailey “Family” Farms. I think he might be trying to apply the same technology to his campaign, at least the fertilizer application part.

  13. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:21 am:

    So much for balancing the ticket with that Trussell choice, huh Darren?

  14. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:26 am:

    ===President Obama became the first sitting president ever to address … Parenthood,” she posted===

    Let’s be crystal clear, clearer than clear;

    Projection upon others is the feature, not the bug.

    When using language like she did, projecting ON Planned Parenthood… it’s not that she’s oblivious to the projection, it’s to soften the truth by which the GOP has embraced racist thinkers, some may even belong to that group she decidedly want attached to PP.

    Features, not bugs… as always.

    Despicable thinking to steer away hot spotlights.

  15. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:27 am:

    Rural conservatives’ myths about themselves are fully dependent on the listener never having spent any time in small town USA.
    Having spent too much time in towns with less than 1500 people in them, the only people working 18 hour days in those places are the migrant workers.
    Anyway Darren plowing in August would explain why so much of our valuable topsoil is in the Gulf of Mexico. Big brain stuff.

  16. - Notorious JMB - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:30 am:

    @Quimby, actually you can, especially if you have multiple people working for you. In the fall of the year you can harvest a crop, work the ground and plant winter wheat. Then in June you could ostensibly harvest the wheat, bale the straw, work the ground then plant soybeans. If you no till, you cut out the need to work the ground. Sometimes the bean crop works out, sometimes it doesn’t, just depends on the weather.

  17. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:35 am:

    Eighteen hour days?…Bailey looks good for maybe half a day…maybe.

  18. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:38 am:

    “Having spent too much time in towns with less than 1500 people in them, the only people working 18 hour days in those places are the migrant workers ”

    I have lots of farmer friends, and it is very common for the family members to be out for 12-18 hours in the fields - particularly during harvest - Corn kernel moisture level is the trigger and when it is right you work - straight through till it is all harvested. The wrong level can increase costs as buying stations charge growers per/bushel fee to dry grain.

  19. - walker - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:39 am:

    ““a beautiful rifle, certainly one that emulates freedom here in our country.””

    Sorry, I just can’t get my mind around these words.

  20. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:40 am:

    =the only people working 18 hour days in those places are the migrant workers.=

    Grew up on a farm, can confirm (gramps would work 18 hours too, but he was the only one).

  21. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:40 am:

    – a beautiful rifle, certainly one that emulates freedom here in our country –

    Emulates. As in it is designed to look like something, but it really isn’t.

    I think he meant to use the word exude, but got confused midsentence.

  22. - XonXoff - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:47 am:

    The whole hard working noble farmer shtick is played out on me. Many of we non-farmers have worked plenty of 18 hour days in an effort to actually cash-flow a business without the benefit of those grueling trips to the mailbox to pickup the gubmnt checks. And we couldn’t afford to play politician at the time, voting against others who need a leg up either.

  23. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:48 am:

    Planting-done automatically while one drives the tractor, often following GPS.

    Plowing-lot of no-till done around here.

    Harvesting-see planting.

  24. - The Captain - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:48 am:

    These two are such a pure distillation of what the modern GOP is now, both locally and nationally.

  25. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:52 am:

    Because Darren Bailey’s physique screams hard work.

    …and before someone makes the straw man about Pritzker, he isn’t singing the working man blues.

  26. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:55 am:

    Bailey challenges JB to do some plowing. He’ll find out how effective JB is when Bailey gets plowed on election day.

  27. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:58 am:

    How does a rifle “emulate” freedom?…asking for every tyrant who has ever lived.

  28. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 10:59 am:

    @Notorious JMB- Bailey does not grow wheat. Sorry to ruin your explanation.

    ===spend a day planting, plowing, and harvesting===

    Yeah, it is a real backbreaker sitting in the air conditioned cab of your tractor or combine while someone else pulls up and loads your planter, fixes and broken down equipment, drives up next to you and off loads what you have just combined etc. You don’t even have to steer, the GPS takes care of that for you.

    If you don’t know how it all works you would think Bailey was leading a team of mules in the hardscrabble dust bowl days. But now, the different activities he described are not real physically demanding. Even hitching up to the implements won’t cause you to break a sweat.

    Maybe, and it is a big maybe they work a handful of really long days during planting and harvest. 6-8 weeks out of the year. Maybe.

    I never drove a farm tractor before and I learned how to cultivate a field in 30 minutes and then helped out one of my board members when he was down a farm hand.

    I love farmers, and most of the ones I know want to treat people right and don’t complain about others getting help because they are self aware and know the American farmer gets a pretty good deal most of the time. Bailey isn’t one of those guys.

    I would love to see Bailey do the work that JB did before he is governor. It takes intelligence.

  29. - Pundent - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:01 am:

    Well I guess this is the campaign that Bailey is destined to run. Not sure how claiming the tough farm guy mantle puts him over the top. But even though he might not know what the word means, hyperbole is all Bailey knows.

  30. - Dan - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:01 am:

    As Bailey well knows, there won’t be any “plowing.” Farmers, at least in the Midwest, haven’t even owned plows for decades. Too much erosion.

  31. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:03 am:

    Watched the Bailey video. Eyes and ears are burning. What a petulant man child.

    Next time Bailey is in Chicago. he could enjoy a concert at the Pritzker Pavilion. Designed by Frank Gehry, it is one of the most accessible parks in the US. Be sure to bring a brown bag lunch, Darren.

  32. - Siualum - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    It’s no wonder there are few (if any) good, intelligent candidates to come forward in the Republican party any more. What decent person would want to be associated with what are out there now?

  33. - MoralMinority - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    I wonder if Darren grows genetically modified crops on his farm. As suspicious of the Covid vaccines as he is I find it hard to believe he would approve of anything related to bioengineering. Too much chance that it could be a deep state plot to control the populace. Then again, maybe that’s how he can get so much done in a single day. I still think it’s the fertilizer, though, because he spreads a bunch.

  34. - levivotedforjudy - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:14 am:

    I had to read the post’s part on Bailey’s connection to Red Dot Arms twice. WOW and you gotta be kidding me! For decorum sake, it probably isn’t too hard to figure out what I really thought about it. I guess it’s true, you can’t make this stuff up.

  35. - H-W - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:31 am:

    Rich, you might parse through DeVore’s pages, to grab his photos from Mar Lago. In them, DeVore is seen suggesting Trump “acknowledged him,” and seen literally schmoozing with Giuliani. Those photos might make for some Caption of the Day opportunities.

  36. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:39 am:

    DarBy—2 1/2 minutes of whining that the rich kid is mean to you. On Facebook. That’s fine for true believers who are resentful of the “elites”. But on the chance you had some new viewers looking at it, you didn’t give them any reason to vote for you.

    I was working 35 hours a week as a high school sophomore. Zero school activities. Bought a lot of my own clothes. And my first car was a ‘66 mustang fastback. Today you would probably label me “elite”. All I get from you is more reasons not to vote for you.

  37. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:47 am:

    As my Dad used to say, Pritzker will clean Bailey’s plow.

  38. - MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:51 am:

    “I challenge J.B. Pritzker to come down to my farm and spend a day planting, plowing, and harvesting.”

    Like Darren Bailey, I have years of experience doing those things — also like Darren Bailey, I too am unqualified to be Governor of Illinois.

    – MrJM

  39. - Roadrager - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 11:53 am:

    If Bailey insists on portraying himself as the hardscrabble farmhand rather than the government-subsidized millionaire land and business owner he is, that’s fine by me. Harvest is less than three months away, and he’ll be reaping what he’s sown soon enough.

  40. - Seymourkid - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 12:06 pm:

    Red Dot Arms is in Lake Villa not Villa Park.

  41. - Commissar Bailey - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 12:17 pm:

    Rich really missed an opportunity to title this one “Daily Bailey Revelations”.

    Thanks, I’ll be here all week. Tip your servers.

  42. - Commissar Gritty - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 12:19 pm:

    “a beautiful rifle, certainly one that emulates freedom here in our country.”

    “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

    Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two quotes…

  43. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 12:28 pm:

    Candidate Bailey is the most unqualified candidate for governor. Bailey’s intellectual deficits prevent him from grasping the complexities of campaigning and governing.

    Nuance does not exist in Darren’s world.

  44. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 12:29 pm:

    As a young man, I bailed hay…weeded beans… and drove a grain truck… so, Hmmm…Governor?

  45. - G'Kar - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 12:32 pm:

    You know, I disagreed more than I agreed with Reagan, but I doubt he would have used the language used by “ReaganMom”, ie Stephanie Trussell.

  46. - Big Dipper - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 12:43 pm:

    == whining that the rich kid==

    The other rich kid.

  47. - sal-says - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 1:00 pm:

    == Trussell is sharply critical of politicians that back the “gay agenda.” ==

    What is the ‘gay agenda’ of which she speaks ?

    Treating everyone as a human being with dignity ?

  48. - Sonny - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 1:06 pm:

    Less beating on barely lucid corpse Rudy Giuliani more statewide assault weapons bans, JB

  49. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 1:11 pm:

    that ticket is gross.

  50. - Northsider - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 1:11 pm:

    == What is the ‘gay agenda’ of which she speaks ? ==

    Perhaps this one?

  51. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 1:16 pm:

    I’m only spitballing here… but… maybe we’ll see that Facebook video where Bailey says, “…and then let’s move on and let’s celebrate the independence of this nation”, before this campaign ends.

  52. - thisjustinagain - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 1:46 pm:

    Bashing Bailey for exercising his Second Amendment rights is one thing (and very wrong). But his constant harping about “working” for a living on a farm is just silly. We know he hires help to do the labor; he got a PPP loan and other handouts for his ‘family farm’ while decrying ‘gubmint overreach’. Next thing he’ll tell us about going school in July through the blizzard walking straight uphill…

  53. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 3:07 pm:

    “I wonder if Darren grows genetically modified crops…Too much chance that it could be a deep state plot to control the populace.” [Narrator] “Some believe there are microchips being implanted in the kernels of corn…”

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