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Campaign notebook

Tuesday, Aug 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Lynn Sweet

The Highland Park City Council on Monday unanimously approved a resolution urging state and federal bans on assault weapons, high capacity magazines and other actions to curb gun violence, with the move stemming from the July 4 parade massacre where a shooter with an assault rifle killed seven people and wounded 48.

The Highland Park vote came after the Lake County Board, mainly on a party line 16-5 vote on Aug. 9, passed a measure adding to its legislative agenda a call for the state of Illinois and Congress to take action.

The measures from Highland Park and Lake County are advisory — and throws the spotlight on Democrats in Springfield, where they hold a supermajority in the state House and Senate and the governorship.

There is internal debate over whether to bring up legislative proposals before the November election — and expose some Downstate Democrats to a vote they would rather avoid — or wait for the fall veto session, which takes place after the election. The state House needs 71 yes votes to make any bill effective immediately and 60 votes for a 2023 effective date.

* Must’ve overslept…

* Press release…

Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Esther Joy King in Illinois’s 17th Congressional District.

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Esther Joy King is a commonsense leader with the drive and commitment needed to advocate for the Midwestern values of Illinoisans, and we are proud to endorse her campaign.

“Esther is a true servant leader who has dedicated her life to improving the lives of others. She served as an aid worker in Afghanistan fighting for the dignity of oppressed women, and she is a vocal critic on the disastrous way Biden botched the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

“After finishing her time helping women in Afghanistan, Esther desired to serve our great country in a new way, and joined the U.S. Army Reserve. Not only is she a JAG Officer, but she also practices law as an attorney and focuses on real estate and economic development. Her law background and real-life experience working with everyday Americans allows her to understand the challenges and struggles Illinoisans face under Biden and Pelosi’s regime.

“Illinoisans have been hit hard with record-high inflation and skyrocketing prices in every area, and with massive tax hikes and reckless spending flooding out of Washington, D.C., the hits will only keep coming unless we elect battle-ready leaders like Esther to reverse the course. Esther knows the thousands of farms in the 17th District are the heart and soul of the local economy, and she’s determined to fight to protect the rights of local family farms so they can thrive and create new jobs.

“The people of Illinois need a Representative like Esther who will put their interests first and get the government off their backs. Tea Party Express applauds Esther’s pledge to stop reckless spending and her commitment to force Congress to live within their means, and we are proud to offer our endorsement to Esther Joy King as the next Congresswoman from Illinois,” Russo concluded.

* I missed this Fox32 interview with Republican US Senate nominee Kathy Salvi while I was on vacation, but then a commenter pointed it out yesterday

Salvi is a staunchly pro-life activist who says it’s the pro-choice Duckworth who is an “extremist” on abortion.

“The law in Illinois is nine-month elective abortion, taxpayer-funded. This is the law in Illinois that my opponent supports. And she wants to let this law be the law throughout all 50 states. This is extreme, radical,” Salvi said.

But Salvi declined to answer when FOX 32 Chicago asked several times if there are any circumstances — rape, incest or to preserve the life of the mother — in which abortion should be legal.

“I’m going to go on to what the issue is, I think I’ve answered this well enough. And you can press me on and on,” Salvi said.

She’s wrong about the Illinois law

• There are no restrictions on abortion before “fetal viability.”

• After fetal viability, an abortion may be performed to protect the patient’s life or health.

She also opposes Ukrainian military aid

The Republican running against Senator Tammy Duckworth called Wednesday for cutting off American aid to Ukraine.

“This is another example of the Washington elite just sending our money, spending our money to oblivion,” said Kathy Salvi.

* From US Rep. Mary Miller’s district newsletter…


Every American should be alarmed and outraged by what’s happening in this country. The raid on a former President’s home is unprecedented and has all the markings of a total abuse of power.

The policies of the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats have led us into a recession with open borders, a massive crime wave, food shortages, supply chain issues, a destruction of our youth, and a foreign policy crisis showing extreme weakness on the world stage. In an act to make us all forget, the Department of Justice is now engaging in partisan politics by smearing President Trump, creating lasting and permanent damage to our democracy.

The Biden DOJ officials involved in this attack on the democratic process must be held accountable by Congress under a new majority. If this is what they’re able to do to the former president of the United States, think about what they could do to you.

Neil Steinberg

We have to always remember the swiftness with which the Republicans turned, savagely, on the FBI, on the Justice Department. In a totalitarian state, the leader is the king, and his word is truth. His word is law. Period.

* Bailey

GOP candidate for governor Sen. Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) expressed concerns about rising school supply prices, and says Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s policies are “hitting these hardworking families the hardest.”

He notes that while Pritzker talks about helping middle and lower-income people, his policies have disproportionately harmed Illinoisans.

“The cost of school supplies is so high that some people are looking at using buy-now, pay-later plans just to get their kids the supplies they need for the new school,” Bailey said. “These costs are up 40 percent, and many families are struggling to be able to afford the increase. The paltry sales tax holiday Pritzker is touting is not enough to help working families.”

* Patch

A Will County judge ruled Thursday that Tinley Park Mayor Michael Glotz and a police officer will not be required to comply with State Sen. Michael Hastings’ subpoena request made as part of his divorce proceedings.

Judge Dinah Archambeault dismissed the subpoenas, saying that any potential testimony would not be relevant to Hastings’ divorce case, according to a Chicago Tribune report.

The requests were made in connection with a police report Hastings’ estranged wife reportedly filed with Tinley Park Police on Father’s Day 2021, the Tribune reports.

In a copy of the subpoena issued to Glotz obtained by Patch, the request called for Glotz to disclose any and all communications between him and Hastings’ wife Kathleen, including text messages, social media messages, emails, phone messages, and other digital communications. It also called for Glotz to share any communications discussing the dissemination of the “defamatory statements and documents, receipt of photos, audiotapes, videotapes” pertaining to the couple, and any documentation of money owed to or by either Glotz or Hastings, or money gifted or loaned to Hastings.

* Politico

— Rich Janor is scheduled to be introduced today as the new Republican nominee for state representative in the 41st District. Janor will join House Republican Leader Jim Durkin and state Sen. John Curran on the steps of Naperville City Hall for the announcement. Janor will replace Jennifer Bruzan Taylor, a Naperville city councilwoman, who dropped out of the House race earlier this month for personal, family reasons. Janor will face Democratic incumbent state Rep. Janet Yang Rohr in November. The 41st District includes parts of Naperville and Warrenville and spans DuPage and Will counties. […]

— Democratic Congressman Sean Casten has been endorsed by the Illinois AFL-CIO in his bid for the newly drawn IL-06.

— Judge Elizabeth Rochford has been endorsed by the Illinois AFL-CIO in her bid for the Illinois Supreme Court’s Second District seat.

* Sun-Times

Former Gov. Pat Quinn, who is considering a run for mayor, called on City Hall to release an inspector general’s report on the botched 202 implosion of a power plant smokestack that left Little Village smothered in dust.

Quinn wanted to hand-deliver a letter Monday to Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Corporation Counsel Celia Meza at City Hall, seeking the public release of an investigative report that was completed last year but which Lightfoot’s administration has kept secret. The Chicago City Council and Little Village community activists have made similar demands.

But the former governor got no farther than the lobby, denied permission to go upstairs because he didn’t have an appointment. Someone came to the lobby to get the letter.

* Tribune

The Chicago Board of Ethics voted to fine South Side Ald. Derrick Curtis $1,000 for using his city email account to invite residents to a campaign breakfast for Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

The board voted to fine Curtis on Monday. They did not name Curtis, who represents the 18th Ward, but the pattern of facts released in the board’s probable cause statement fit conduct first reported by the Tribune in June.


  1. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:24 pm:

    Awake Illinois not woke up yet.

  2. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:27 pm:

    “The paltry sales tax holiday Pritzker is touting is not enough to help working families” Ok, I’ll bite, specifically which Pritzker policy has caused the price of a box of pencils to go up?

  3. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:39 pm:

    Who had a bigger crowd witness their publicity stunt… former Governor Quinn or (soon) former Governor candidate Bailey?

  4. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:41 pm:

    So now the price of school supplies are the Governor’s fault? I’m sure the Governor would like half the power that Darren Bailey and the Republicans think he has.

  5. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:42 pm:

    So Team Bailey plans a “parental rights” rally in the middle of an August afternoon, in Springfield, exactly when many Illinois students are starting their first day/week of classes?


  6. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    ==In a totalitarian state, the leader is the king, and his word is truth. His word is law. Period.==

    This couldn’t be said better when talking about the modern day Republican Party.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:45 pm:

    With roughly ~23-24, they *can* say dozens for that Bailey rally.

    That’s fun.

  8. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:54 pm:

    Pretty sure they are counting the Lincoln statue in that crowd estimate.

  9. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:55 pm:

    Parental rights defined as the wishes of parents who are white Christian heterosexual nationalists.

  10. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 2:59 pm:

    Kinda ironic that Candidate Bailey complains about the cost of back to school supplies. Full Armor Christian Academy tuition rates are $3000 for first student, $ 2,700 for second student, and $2,400 for the next. Let’s not forget $200 to reserve a spot. Bus fees are $5.00 per day for transit.

    And Bailey complains about back to school costs. Whatever happened to free public education?

  11. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 3:03 pm:

    Citizen Quinn. How can we miss you if you won’t go away?

  12. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    “So Team Bailey plans a “parental rights” rally in the middle of an August afternoon, in Springfield” But but but everybody is already here for the Fair, all they have to do is drive downtown . . .

  13. - fs - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 3:05 pm:

    ==Bus fees are $5.00 per day for transit==

    Or, or, some lucky parent can take a chance to win one $100 gas card by signing on to his mailing list.

    What are the odds todays winner is at this rally?

  14. - vern - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 3:26 pm:

    Hastings has to start deescalating this situation, for his family’s sake and his own political interest. Voters hate this level of messiness, and it feels like we’re on a path to Hastings’ kids seeing their mom on tv attacking their dad. He should at least look like he’s trying for an amicable separation.

  15. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 3:38 pm:

    “She also opposes Ukrainian military aid…”

    That one’s gonna be fun for combat vet Duckworth to take on.

  16. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 4:27 pm:

    every day we wait for an assault weapons ban is another day a sale can happen in Illinois. the shop owner in Naperville is reacting to the Naperville effort to ban sales so you know that this will in fact stop the spread of weapons of war.

  17. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 4:28 pm:

    I’d argue Salvi isn’t “wrong” about Illinois law, she’s simply lying about it.
    What are republicans going to do at this point, tell the truth about the issue? That’s a non-starter politically.

  18. - 312 - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 5:45 pm:

    I never thought I’d say this, but Neil Steinberg’s column took my breath away. Wow. Completely forgot about Gacy’s lawsuit.

  19. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 8:18 pm:

    =Every American should be alarmed and outraged by what’s happening in this country. The raid on a former President’s home is unprecedented and has all the markings of a total abuse of power.=

    LOL, the hypocrisy is strong with this one.

    =“The cost of school supplies is so high that some people are looking at using buy-now, pay-later plans just to get their kids the supplies they need for the new school,”=

    Evidence? I know that is too much to ask.

    Bailey always cites private institutions like churches as the answer for everything, maybe he should ask his church to pass on collections this month to help? And waive tuition at full armor.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 16, 22 @ 8:32 pm:

    ===Hate to admit it, Kathy Salvi is right about this (abortion). I’m afraid Salvi is going to defeat our back-benching Duckworth.===

    Meh. Even as snark it’s stale, lol

  21. - MoralMinority - Wednesday, Aug 17, 22 @ 3:17 am:

    ==Full Armor Christian Academy==Rudy’s teeth, don’t forget about the fact that students have to bring their own lunch at FACA or shell out another five bucks (probably more now) for a lunch brought in from Subway or Salt n’ Strings. Bailey seems to think those brown bag lunches build character. Oh yeah, best not to bring anything that would need heated up in the microwave because they only have four microwaves for all the students and a short lunch break. So instead of balanced, home cooked meals FACA students eat a lot of bologna sandwiches.

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