Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Bailey hit on campaigning again with 1/6er, lashes out at “liberal media,” claims Dems looking to take away free speech rights
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Bailey hit on campaigning again with 1/6er, lashes out at “liberal media,” claims Dems looking to take away free speech rights

Tuesday, Aug 30, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* DGA…

Just days after new reporting revealed video footage of two Bailey campaign surrogates participating in the January 6th insurrection, Bailey marched in Du Quoin with campaign supporter David Paul Blumenshine, organizer of a “Stop the Steal” bus tour to Washington, D.C. on January 6th and current “regional director” on Bailey’s campaign handling “election integrity.” Bailey has yet to explain his associations with the two pastors or Blumenshine, and has refused to acknowledge their work for his campaign.

These new ties are just the latest in Bailey’s long string of connections to disgraced former President Trump and the violent attack on the Capitol.

Lawrence Ligas, a “good friend” of the Baileys, was seen campaigning alongside a paid Bailey staffer as recently as May after being charged with three criminal counts for his involvement in the insurrection.

On his support for Bailey, Ligas said: “I believe in Darren Bailey so strongly that I’m out here trying to wake up the people that don’t get it.”

Ligas and Blumenshine weren’t the only Bailey supporters involved in the January 6th attack. One couple, identified by the article as Bailey supporters, is seen in a video yelling: “Do your (expletive) job or swing!,” presumably in reference to the MAGA refrain to “Hang Mike Pence.”

That’s after Bailey himself perpetuated uber-MAGA voter fraud conspiracy theories in the aftermath of the 2020 election and happily accepted millions from billionaire Dick Uihlein, the same man who threw millions at the ultra-conservative ‘Patriots’ group that helped organize the rally leading to the violent insurrection.

“From surrounding himself with extremist insurrection participants to spreading the same lies that sparked the violent attack, Darren Bailey has made his stance crystal clear: his allegiance is to his party, not his country,” said DGA Illinois Press Secretary Yael Sheinfeld. “Illinoisans won’t let an uber-MAGA insurrectionist apologist anywhere near the state’s highest office.”

* Bailey on Facebook this morning

The clip was provided by the Pritzker campaign, but the full video is here.


You know, one thing I can’t figure out, and I really can’t, I have not discovered the answer to this: Why the liberal media and press wants to try to destroy any conservative conversation or idea to get this state under control? And why instead they go ahead and prop up people like Joe Biden and and JB Pritzker with their destructive policies? I, I really, truly don’t understand that because the freedom of speech is what makes this country so great. So you could do and say what you want, but they’re the ones that are able to, you know, report what they want and, and the I see, you know, people on the other side of the aisle looking to eventually take that away. I mean, we’re seeing that in our college campuses and in our schools. It’s not like we’re making something up. There’s a problem here. And we have got to stand up and change out our governments this year and in 2014. We have an amazing opportunity to do that. So keep spreading the word


  1. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:38 am:

    That dang liberal media. How dare they report truth and facts?

  2. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:40 am:

    I cannot, for the life of me, parse what he is trying to say. I guess it’s another round of “Only MY side gets free speech and your right to criticize what we say should be abolished”?

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:41 am:

    ===Why the liberal media and press wants to try to destroy any conservative conversation or idea to get this state under control?===

    This is a *direct* appeals to the racist thinkers, insurrection apologists (or even participants?), and conspiracy theorists.

    The ILGOP embraces these elements, it’s their base, it’s Bailey’s base, it’s 56% plus of the ILGOP.

    Bailey is just angry that *these libs* folks are calling them on it, as Bailey embraces 1/6 folks… himself.

  4. - H-W - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:43 am:

    Bailey has identified 2000 high risk polling places. Really? 2000? Come on now. If you have identified 2000 polling places that you think are high risk of voter fraud, then you need counseling.

  5. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:44 am:

    Bailey steady spreading…the word…and the word for “changing out” our government based on nationalism and racial superiority is… fascism.

  6. - okkkkkk - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:45 am:

    honestly, the dems get hit by the “liberal” media way more than the right does and they complain a lot less.

  7. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:45 am:

    This guy has never really faced scrutiny. He’s accustomed to leading the choir. He’s been living in an Eastern Bloc echo chamber. Now he’s out in the real world. Time and again he is showing that he does not know how to handle being challenged. He stomps his feet and blames. He’s got a lot of the same personality traits of the impeached governor whose name shall not be mentioned.

  8. - SAP - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:50 am:

    Back in my Village we have a saying: The antidote for speech that you disagree with is more speech, not less.

  9. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:53 am:

    Democrats want to take away free speech? No, hate speech.

  10. - Pundent - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:53 am:

    Bailey is the perfect candidate for the aggrieved who can’t really articulate why they’re angry, they just are. His indecipherable world salad might work with his “friends” but it’s not going to convert the rest of us.

  11. - Roman - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:54 am:

    Bailey is still campaigning for the Republican nomination. He’s not alone. The Uihlein-funded Proft ads (featuring a cavalcade of aggrieved white males) continue in high rotation on Chicago television. It’s almost like they’re trying to lose. “Owning the libs” is apparently more important than winning.

  12. - Lurker - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:55 am:

    I know I’m wrong in saying this but his voice makes my ears bleed. It’s annoying.

  13. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:56 am:

    –Why the liberal media and press wants to try to destroy any conservative conversation or idea to get this state under control?–

    That pesky liberal media must have been who took over Baileys social media accounts and blocked me from having any discussion at all about his conservative ideas.

  14. - Downstate - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:59 am:

    Wow - all I read about is how the MAGA folks are trying to bam library books and run school board members out who have different opinions. The conservative “cancel culture” is alive and well - yet Bailey whines about liberals?


  15. - Colin O'Scopy - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 9:59 am:

    Let me get this straight: Bailey wants to keep the liberal media from saying things (”prop up”) about JB and the other JB (Joe Biden). He immediately goes on to say (checking notes) “they’re the ones that are able to, you know, report what they want and, and the I see, you know, people on the other side of the aisle looking to eventually take that away”. Say what?

    I am glad to see that Uhlein finally left some money on the nightstand for Darren though.

  16. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:00 am:

    “So you could do and say what you want, but they’re the ones that are able to, you know, report what they want and, and the I see, you know, people on the other side of the aisle looking to eventually take that away.”

    So the liberal media is in league with the democrats to take way the first amendment rights of the liberal media? I really have no idea what this guy is trying to communicate.

  17. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:09 am:

    When you’ve got nothing, bluster.

  18. - sulla - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    Dear Mr. Bailey:

    The media is not “propping up” politicians like JB Pritzker and Joe Biden. The media is accurately reporting on their performance.

    And while their milquetoast performance as leaders is certainly mediocre, by contrast of the incessant circus parade of wingnuts, conspiracy theorists, religious fanatics, proto-fascists and anti-government extremists that populate the rank-and-file of your norm-breaking political party - you are making people like JB Pritzker look like giants of statesmanship by comparison.

    The remedy for what ails your moribund GOP is to expel the fringe elements and get back to the genteel business of operating a reasonable political party that abides by the confines of our constitutional democracy and does not actively seek its destruction.

  19. - Socially DIstant watcher - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:14 am:

    Bailey sees Illinois colleges narrowly as a benefit for existing residents. He should see them more broadly as a recruiting tool for students, graduates, and the employers who want to hire them.

    Baileys position here is entirely consistent with his end-times, batten-down-the-hatches worldview. The problem with that is it becomes self-fulfilling if enacted, but I’d completely avoidable with a real vision for a better future.

  20. - vern - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:20 am:

    We got a real “every word you just said is wrong” situation here.

    === Why the liberal media and press wants to try to destroy any conservative conversation ===

    The same press that supported Rauner in 2014 and Gary freakin’ Johnson in 2016?

    ===people on the other side of the aisle looking to eventually take that away.===

    If conservatives are so supportive of local press, why are they refusing to attend endorsement interviews? Why are they funding pink-slime alternatives? Why won’t they say a word against Alden Capital?

    === we’re seeing that in our college campuses and in our schools. ===

    Bailey should go to a Barrington school board meeting to see if it’s liberals or conservatives trying to ban speech in schools.

  21. - Vote Quimby - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:21 am:

    Legitimate Political Discourse.

  22. - Commissar Gritty - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:31 am:

    “And to conclude, freedom of speech is what makes this country great.

    …Onto the next agenda item. The book burning has been rescheduled to Tuesday on account of the weather.”

  23. - MoralMinority - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:34 am:

    This is what happens when you drink Mountain Dew in the morning. Oh, I forgot, Darren doesn’t drink Mountain Dew himself, he just gives a lot to people like his father-in-law.

  24. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:39 am:

    “I can’t figure out why the media doesn’t want to amplify messages they consider repugnant.” — Darren Bailey, probably.

  25. - slow down - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:40 am:

    You almost feel bad for Bailey for having to run for Governor in Illinois where he can’t speak his mind and go full MAGA like you know he would love to do.

  26. - Manchester - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:51 am:

    Beetle Bailey believes we are against free speech. Nothing could be further from the truth. We want Beetle to be free to spew his hateful MAGA rhetoric because we know that it is so far outside the norm of whatever the majority of the people of IL find acceptable. Every time he opens his mouth he cements his ties to his limited base but alienates the majority of the IL population. Feel free to keep speaking Mr. Bailey.

  27. - Suburban Operative - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 10:56 am:

    When Bailey loses, he will just say the election was stolen. He and his supporters will believe it and there will be no lessons learned…

  28. - John Lopez - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 11:00 am:

    === This is a *direct* appeals to the racist thinkers, insurrection apologists (or even participants?), and conspiracy theorists. ===

    Just say “dogwhistling”.

  29. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 11:06 am:

    Bailey should be happy the media is barely reporting on conservative conversations (riots, raids, threats, etc). Maybe he needs to fire up a hot rod and head for races in ChiTown to converse.

  30. - Pundent - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 11:10 am:

    Bailey seems to be suggesting that the media, instead of reporting on the comments he’s made, should be independently making the case for his campaign. That might be the way they do things over at Fox news but that’s hardly the role of the media. And while he’s occupied with this nonsense daylight is burning.

  31. - Techie - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 11:19 am:

    “…the freedom of speech is what makes this country so great…people on the other side of the aisle looking to eventually take that away.”

    Remind me again which party is banning books and preventing teachers from discussing history or sexuality?

  32. - Roadrager - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 11:20 am:

    Pritzker is having some stumbles this week, and he truly could not have picked a better opponent who is wholly unable to take advantage of them.

    Wikileaks could hand-deliver documents showing massive tax fraud by Pritzker straight to Darren’s doorstep, and he’d be on Facebook the next morning talking himself into a corner with whatever culture war nonsense he saw on TV the night before. The perils of the True Believer.

  33. - Crete-ture - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 11:59 am:

    “…on college campuses and in schools.” Really?

    Which side is banning books and screening what teachers can and cannot say in their classrooms?

  34. - Jocko - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 12:00 pm:

    Someone close to Bailey should fill out a Clear and Present Danger form for both feet.

  35. - Amalia - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 12:01 pm: one friend’s response whenever I mention Bailey. He sounds like…..

  36. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 12:22 pm:

    Whenever Candidate Bailey pontificates on FB, he proves time and again that he is unfit to serve as governor of Illinois.

    Rambling and riffing, Bailey no sense at all. Cogent and Darren Bailey should never appear in the same sentence.

  37. - Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 1:05 pm:

    - Why the liberal media and press wants to try to destroy any conservative conversation -

    As reported many times by Rich, Bailey has been getting kid gloves from most of the press. If he can’t take this kind of heat he should stick to his prayer groups and leave the adults to their business.

  38. - filmmaker prof - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    Pundent + 1

  39. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 3:01 pm:

    -Rambling and riffing, Bailey no sense at all. Cogent and Darren Bailey should never appear in the same sentence.-

    To paraphrase Hamilton’s Aaron Burr: Talk less. Smile more. Don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for.

    Because most people who know really don’t like you.

  40. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 3:31 pm:

    Bailey complaining about speech being restricted . . . while broadcasting on Facebook.

    Did Bailey ever think that his message isn’t getting out because: (1) he’s a very poor messenger; and/or (2) people aren’t buying into his message.

    Maybe instead of doing the normal “liberal media” whining that Republicans always do he should be a better candidate.

  41. - MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 4:14 pm:

    I, I really, truly don’t understand that because the freedom of speech is what makes this country so great. So you could do and say what you want, but they’re the ones that are able to, you know, report what they want and, and the I see, you know, people on the other side of the aisle looking to eventually take that away.

    As someone who loves music but can’t play it for squat, I have to sympathize with someone like Darren Bailey who loves free speech but can’t string two coherent sentences together.

    – MrJM

  42. - filmmaker prof - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 4:40 pm:

    As I told someone else, he’s running for Governor of south of I-80.

  43. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Tuesday, Aug 30, 22 @ 5:03 pm:

    “When Bailey loses, he will just say the election was stolen. He and his supporters will believe it and there will be no lessons learned…”
    That and something like “Chicago elects everyone.That’s why we need our own state.”

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