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Campaign notebook

Monday, Sep 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Then again, he’s flip-flopped a lot since the primary…

* The IEA endorsed the Republican candidate for secretary of state…

The Illinois Education Association (IEA) Board of Directors recommended five candidates for the state’s constitutional offices.

The IEA board is made up of 93 IEA members from throughout the state of Illinois and the board made its decision at its monthly meeting Saturday in Springfield.

The candidates who have been recommended are:

    • Governor: JB Pritzker, Democrat
    • Secretary of State: Dan Brady, Republican
    • Attorney General: Kwame Raoul, Democrat
    • Treasurer: Mike Frerichs, Democrat
    • Comptroller: Susana Mendoza, Democrat

“The decision to recommend candidates is one made by IEA members,” said Kathi Griffin, IEA president. “We are an organization that is run by its members and our recommendation process is indicative of this. We have always been proud to be a bipartisan organization that makes its decisions based on what is best for public education in Illinois. We believe this slate of candidates reflects those beliefs.”

* Crain’s

Within an hour of becoming governor, Pritzker said [in a speech today to the Laborers’ Union] he issued an order mandating the use of PLAs. Now, Illinois has 800 of them, “more PLAs than the other 49 states combined.”

PLAs indeed raise wages but also raise costs on taxpayers who end up footing the bill, responded Illinois Chamber of Commerce President Todd Maisch. PLAs also can require workers to pay dues that end up going for political causes they may not support and drive up pension costs, Maisch said. “PLAs are not good for taxpayers.” […]

“The average Illinois family pays more than $2,000 in taxes and fees today than when Pritzker took office,” [Darren Bailey] said in a statement that did not break down that figure, but referenced in part gasoline and other hikes passed as part of the governor’s $45 billion Rebuild Illinois infrastructure program. […]

Bailey notably did not attack PLAs. They mostly cover workers in the building trades unions, many of whom traditionally vote Republican.

* Bailey is now giving exclusive statements to Breitbart

Following Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s call to send Illinois Republican candidate Darren Bailey “back to the farm,” the Republican nominee fired back, calling on the Democrat mayor to get off her “elitist high horse” and “remember who puts food on your plate.”

In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News on Sunday, state senator and Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey, who is a third-generation farmer, stated his intention to “restore” the Prairie State in light of the “mess” created by Democrat leaders.

“Mayor Lightfoot, I’ll go back to my farm after I clean up the mess you and [Gov.] J. B. Pritzker made and restore Illinois,” he said.

“In the meantime, get off your elitist high horse and remember who puts food on your plate,” he added.

* Catalina Lauf is one of the Latina candidates here…

* Sneed

Sneed hears via a top source the likely site for the 2024 Democratic National Convention is becoming a battle between Chicago and New York.

And it’s looking more and more likely the event will come to Chicago, according to the Sneed source. […]

The Buckshot: The big problem overshadowing Chicago and New York: public safety and mayors who have been unable to tamp crime down!

“Crime may be increasing in New York; but Chicago’s crime has had the biggest national impact news-wise,” said the source with both feet in DNC doings in both cities. “It’s the proverbial fly in the ointment,” the source added.

* Crain’s

Already, nearly 50,000 voters in DuPage–a one-time GOP stronghold that has turned purple–have registered to vote by mail every election, Kaczmarek said. That’s almost one in 10.

Meanwhile, a new round of election skepticism has hit the state board. According to Dietrich, callers and emailers “believe we are selling their (registration) information to Rock the Vote,” a left-leaning group that appeals to young people. The board has neither sold nor given any information to Rock the Vote, Dietrich says.


  1. - Big Dipper - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    Is Cruz calling those women spicy tacos?

  2. - ChicagoBars - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:05 pm:

    Both the DNC and RNC 2024 conventions being held in or within 100 miles of Chicago would be a very, very helpful thing for the Chicago hospitality industry. Fingers crossed.

  3. - Cook Street - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:18 pm:

    What’s a PLA?

  4. - XonXoff - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:20 pm:

    == calling on the Democrat mayor to get off her “elitist high horse” and “remember who puts food on your plate.” ==

    Shoot, I could have a big time on just the postage spent for all the government checks mailed to the Bailey family in recent decades. He’s so proud to do his own grocery shoppin, he’s obviously not killing everything he eats. Therefore, right back atcha, Senator. Enjoy your dinner.

  5. - nunya - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    Did he really hashtag spicy tacos?

  6. - H-W - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    Bailey: “get off your elitist high horse and remember who puts food on your plate.”

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I am fairly certain Bailey isn’t that kind of farmer. He grows corn syrup and commodities for export.

  7. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:29 pm:

    ===He grows corn syrup===

    Corn feeds animals, which we then eat.

  8. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:30 pm:

    Yes, Big Dipper, it appears so

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:35 pm:

    - ChicagoBars -

    I’m not saying that a guided day by you could clearly close the gap and the deal for Chicago, I’m not saying that, I’m not going to say that, but…

    Any update to that “non saying” by me to that, please update me, a discussion off-air to it could be interesting.


    To the post,

    Alexi being singled out by being frozen out is the type of ballot one might cast this November?

    Folks like the idea of being bipartisan when they can…

  10. - Big Dipper - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:35 pm:

    It would have been worse if a white guy said it but it’s still awfully sexist.

  11. - Annonin' - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:39 pm:

    Project Labor Agreements
    Never forget Todd’s cronies were also all for right to work and less of those senseless regulations that hinder the good people at the poison gas company to spew their stuff in the neighborhoods

  12. - XonXoff - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:42 pm:

    == Yes, Big Dipper, it appears so ==

    Yikes. Heidi must be an exceptionally understanding spouse.

  13. - Ben Tre - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    Sad times when it is news that a candidate will accept election results.

  14. - New Day - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:47 pm:

    “Yikes. Heidi must be an exceptionally understanding spouse.”

    Umm, she married Ted Cruz. Nuff said.

    And yea, #SpicyTacos. Wow. The GOP ain’t like you and me.

  15. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 3:56 pm:

    -“remember who puts food on your plate.”-

    She’s not insulting farmers, just you. Feel free to explain how your experience growing food qualifies you to hold the highest office in the state, rather than getting all offended.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:00 pm:

    Ted Cruz’s classless tweet puts in a harsh light where first Cruz was insulted by one man, first insulting his father with a conspiracy theory, and later the same man insults Cruz’s wife… Cruz now looks at where a party can’t comprehend classless because the in-law uncles have to say things that the favorite aunt overlooks daily.

    Sure, be upset at Cruz, it’s warranted, but in context, Cruz is pandering to a bottom denominator. It’s not accidental

  17. - BCOSEC - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:01 pm:

    Maybe he’d had something to drink from that huge bar in the photo before he posted that hashtag?

  18. - granville - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:07 pm:

    I guess it’s a callback to Jill Biden mentioning tacos? What a way to “own the libs.”

    Actually it makes me think back to when Marco Rubio claimed Ted Cruz “didn’t even speak Spanish” - maybe the oddest insult ever thrown at a candidate during a Republican debate - and Ted answered in Spanish with such a heavy American accent that he sounded like a substitute 6th grade Spanish teacher. What a weird time.

  19. - Hot Taeks - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:08 pm:

    What residents want the DNC to be in Chicago for 2024? This is going to be way worse than when NATO was here in 2012. I know the UC hosted in 1996 but the amount of protests and police presence will make life in the city unbearable for every-day residents.

  20. - Simply Sayin' - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:11 pm:

    A reasonable understanding of his tweet would be that it is a satirical reference to the First Lady’s breakfast taco remarks, especially since many (if not all) of the listed candidates have been outspoken on Twitter against the First Lady’s remarks:

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:17 pm:

    ===reasonable understanding===

    Now it’s the readers’ fault?

    Got it. Whew.

    To Bailey and elections,

    The real problem Bailey has is that Bailey ran in a primary where many of the things Bailey wanted amplified… were… by Pritzker.

    The mere idea… that Bailey has flipped and flopped, and he tries to find a middle… Bailey can’t run away from who he is, or who he wanted primary voters to seek him as.

  22. - Simply Sayin' - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:28 pm:

    ==Now it’s the readers’ fault?==
    Yup. (they must have muted all of that chatter about the First Lady’s speech…whew).

  23. - John Lopez - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:32 pm:

    === Is Cruz calling those women spicy tacos? ===

    The “tacos” reference in Senator Cruz’s tweet was a dig at First Lady Dr. Jill Biden for her referencing South Texas Hispanics as “breakfast tacos” in a speech to the group formerly known as National Council of La Raza in San Antonio on July 11.

    FLOTUS’ speechwriter thought it was cute, but it did not go over very well with Hispanics, and she apologized through her spokesperson a couple of days after the San Antonio speech for the inappropriate comment.

    Even the Daily Herald editorialized on the reference.

    For those who do not recognize the people in the pic with Ted Cruz, outside of Catalina Lauf, they are from left Monica de la Cruz (TX-15), Congresswoman Mayra Flores (TX-34), Catalina Lauf (IL-11), Senator Ted Cruz (TX), Yesli Vega (VA-07), Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13), and Casandra “Cassy” Garcia (TX-28)

  24. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:36 pm:

    === Yup===


    Love this.

    “Hey, I can be classless, if you can’t grasp context…”

    I’m all for Easter eggs. I mean, I’m love them so much I’d like to be an Easter bunny… but if one wants to be crass and classless… “because context”… why the beef with FLOTUS?

    You’re (and Cruz) only half as clever as you think you are

  25. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:49 pm:

    “What residents want the DNC to be in Chicago for 2024?”

    After J6 and the GOP purging the few defending democracy, like Rep. Cheney, quite a few more than those who’d want the RNC.

  26. - Pundent - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:50 pm:

    =The real problem Bailey has is that Bailey ran in a primary where many of the things Bailey wanted amplified… were… by Pritzker.=

    Bitingly good. Pritzker knew exactly what the GOP voters wanted and made sure that they got it. And Bailey gladly played along. The 56% of primary voters wanted an “authentic” candidate regardless of the outcome. And that’s what they got.

  27. - Hot Taeks - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 4:58 pm:

    @Grandson of Man : My comment is related to a major party’s convention in general, not based on Dems vs. GOP. NATO here in 2012 was a disaster for residents. Lots of major streets will be shut down including highways. There will be massive protests. I’m not saying it will be as bad as 1968, but it’s really not pleasant hosting a political convention.

  28. - Amalia - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:04 pm:

    Jeezuz H. Cruz that is one stupid sexist hashtag. yep, he gets somewhat of a pass because he’s Hispanic, but calling out sexism everywhere is what should happen. Machismo. Quien es mas macho? Not Cruz.

  29. - Putrint - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:12 pm:

    Saith OW, [who likes the sound of his own voice]

    “Folks like the idea of being bipartisan when they can… ” as if anyone listens to the IEA.

    Oy, the irony with this third in a row Blue Wave. All that recurring Vote by Mail means that Alexi will be drug over the top, despite sourpuss defections.

  30. - Furtive Look - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:17 pm:

    Interesting that Rafael “Ted” Cruz wore a clown suit when he posed with those “amazing” candidates who look all dressed up for the junior prom. What you see is what you get.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:20 pm:

    === Saith OW, [who likes the sound of his own voice]

    “Folks like the idea of being bipartisan when they can… ” as if anyone listens to the IEA.===

    … and yet before Raunerism, teacher endorsements weren’t uncommon for (gasp) Republicans.

    Now you have ridiculous Trumpkins and angry white E-Van-Gel-Eye-Cals who believe teachers and educators are the enemy.

    I can’t help that the Raunerite/Trumpkin GOP here in Illinois are so angry at unions and educators.

    I’ve been on Zoom calls these past few weekdays, I’m absolutely tired of my own voice. I’m embarrassed for you that I hope your worry about me isn’t all consuming, lol

  32. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:26 pm:

    === means that Alexi will be drug over the top===

    That’s a good thing?

    It may be true but it’s always good when it’s recognized where choices are made AND statements are made too.

  33. - Big Dipper - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:31 pm:

    Yeah, not buying the Jill Biden stretch. She didn’t use the word spicy and “spicy Latina” is a trope. I’m sure Comptroller Mendoza would have some choice words for any man that directed that term at her.

  34. - Commissar Gritty - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:33 pm:

    I literally just shouted “What the ___!?” in our office after seeing that Cruz tweet. Even with the FLOTUS explanation (which I only got because of this comment section), that is horribly out of taste.

    Racist, sexist, disgusting pig. Texas deserves him.

  35. - Commissar Gritty - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:34 pm:

    Also re: IEA endorsing Brady, not sure why. I went to his office 4 or 5 times while I was an ISU student. Different times, different days, always during business hours; over the course of 4 years. He was never these, staff was never there. It was a vacant office, and nobody ever seemed to work at it.

    I’d endorse folks who actually show up and do the work, call me crazy.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:39 pm:

    === endorsing Brady, not sure why===

    Alexi, it seems? Hmm.

  37. - Steve - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:40 pm:

    Darren Bailey is the Stacey Abrams of 2022.

  38. - sal-says - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 5:53 pm:

    == accept the 2022 result ==

    Until Beetle loses ?

  39. - JS Mill - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 6:22 pm:

    =“In the meantime, get off your elitist high horse and remember who puts food on your plate,” he added.=

    Sounds like somebody else needs to get off their high horse. At least to give the horse a break, but I kid. I wonder if he remembers who paid for his primary? /s

    Bailey seems to have a bit of a messiah complex.

    =IEA endorsing Brady, not sure why.=

    Brady has had a long and positive relationship with the IEA which is based in his district. He was always very pro-education with the exception of the Rauner years. He was also not an anti pension guy. Over the years I never had an issue of getting in touch with Dan And he worked his district pretty well.

  40. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 6:54 pm:

    “My comment is related to a major party’s convention in general, not based on Dems vs. GOP.”

    I retract my comment, sorry for the misunderstanding.

  41. - Concerned Dem - Monday, Sep 19, 22 @ 8:20 pm:

    “He was always very pro-education with the exception of the Rauner years.”

    So pro-education & responsible until he is told not to be… real promising for when his party’s base demands he do something insane like refuse to send in Illinois’ electoral votes in 2024.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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