Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Daily Herald drops Proft papers
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Daily Herald drops Proft papers

Thursday, Sep 22, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Excerpt from an open letter by the “Senior Management of Paddock Publications”

Paddock Publications has made the decision to cancel commercial printing jobs with LGIS. As an independent newspaper publisher, we want no part of the flame-throwing accusations taking place between Gov. J.B. Pritzker and LGIS. Many critics cannot or refuse to differentiate between a commercial printing operation, for which the parent company Paddock Publications has many customers, and the Daily Herald’s editorial mission to be unbiased and fair.

On Thursday morning came a public news release from Pritzker’s campaign manager, Michael Ollen, excoriating Paddock for the print job. No one from Pritzker’s office had contacted the company regarding its concerns and instead sent out a news release announcing it would withdraw from an upcoming online forum with his Republican opponent, Darren Bailey, because of the printing issue.

The Daily Herald arranged for the forum on behalf of the Illinois Associated Press Media Editors group, which represents dozens of newspapers around the state. The joint forum was created to provide a variety of papers access to the candidates.

Senior company leaders sought an audience with Pritzker Thursday afternoon, but he was unavailable. Instead, campaign manager Ollen agreed to meet. Senior management outlined Paddock’s position on the printing, but Ollen would not commit on the governor’s behalf to participate in the forum.

Withdrawing from the forum would be a grave disservice to voters.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From Natalie Edelstein at the Pritzker campaign…

Millions of Illinoisans have received copies of fake newspapers supporting the Bailey campaign—much of the damage to credible, local journalism has already been done. However, our issue was never with the IAPME and in light of the Herald dropping Dan Proft like the lying grifter he is, we are reconsidering the Governor’s participation in the forum.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Proft says he was a “longstanding client” of the Daily Herald…

People Who Play By The Rules PAC President Dan Proft has issued a statement in response to Pritzker now “reconsidering” the Daily Herald Candidate Forum:

Proft: “Little Lord Fauntleroy threw a tantrum and got his way. The Daily Herald is just another staffer in Pritzker’s comm shop which masquerades as the Chicago press corps. They were exposed as, horror of horrors, capitalists so now they must renounce a longstanding client. The whorish response from the Herald is surprising? Hardly. Like Cato’s Letters, the papers will continue to be printed and distributed even if we have to return to the Gutenberg press and must enlist fair-minded people across Illinois who want the truth, not Pritzker’s ‘truth,’ to hand deliver them door-to-door. The truth of Lord Pritzker’s reign will be told.”


  1. - Roadrager - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:26 pm:

    Oh no, my culture, it has been canceled.

    Guess it’s back to the Xerox machines at Uline for Danny and his merry band of news inventors.

  2. - MisterJayEm - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:27 pm:

    On Thursday morning came a public news release from Pritzker’s campaign manager, Michael Ollen, excoriating Paddock for [what we did]. No one from Pritzker’s office had contacted the company regarding its concerns and instead sent out a news release announcing it would withdraw from an upcoming online forum with his Republican opponent, Darren Bailey, because of [what we did].

    Maybe this can help clear up the apparent confusion over at Paddock Publications.

    – MrJM

  3. - misfire - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:27 pm:

    What a defiantly tone deaf letter. The parent company gets caught peddling the proft stuff and somehow it’s team JB’s fault this spiraled on Paddock? Pretending like the Daily Herald remains an objective honest broker is a grave disservice to consumers of news.

  4. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:30 pm:

    A grave disservice to voters is the fake news Paddock Publications has been publishing.

    I don’t know how much Proft was paying them, but you can’t buy integrity.

    This explanation is an F.

  5. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:35 pm:

    Too little too late after getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:37 pm:

    ===Instead, campaign manager Ollen agreed to meet===

    Send an emissary.

    Pritzker shouldn’t have to be whistled in for an apology.

    Guess ethics and a business decision do go hand in hand… sometimes.

    ===Many critics cannot or refuse to differentiate between a commercial printing operation, for which the parent company Paddock Publications has many customers, and the Daily Herald’s editorial mission to be unbiased and fair.===

    That’s adorable.

    “Our lack of ethics was your not understanding that we don’t care about ethics. That’s on you.”

    But… then what?

    ===Paddock Publications has made the decision to cancel commercial printing jobs with LGIS. As an independent newspaper publisher, we want no part of the flame-throwing accusations taking place between Gov. J.B. Pritzker and LGIS. ===

    Oh. Sorry. This was *first*

    A phony “above it all” schtick that isn’t true… until now.


    I hope Pritzker thinks about it.

    Meaning… “let them sweat”

  7. - Norseman - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:40 pm:

    === No one from Pritzker’s office had contacted the company regarding its concerns and instead sent out a news release announcing it would withdraw … ===

    Oh please. While the withdrawal response maybe a surprise, the controversy was not.

  8. - vern - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:47 pm:

    === No one from Pritzker’s office had contacted the company regarding its concerns and instead sent out a news release===

    Did anyone from the Daily Herald/Paddock contact Pritzker’s campaign before printing and mailing smears against Pritzker’s daughter?

  9. - How high - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:51 pm:

    Commies can’t stand free speech.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:55 pm:

    ===Commies can’t stand free speech.===

    Fan of alternative facts, are ya?

    It’s also free speech if they choose (which they did) not to print.

    See, thing is about free speech… you can say things, but the ramifications of that speech are free to be too

  11. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:57 pm:

    Maybe the publisher learned that Dan Proft is the most William Randolph Hearst of all the Charles Foster Kanes

  12. - ste_with a v_en - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:57 pm:

    Now I really can’t wait for tomorrows show. Proft will be extra angry and I’m here for it.

  13. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 5:57 pm:

    -Commies can’t stand free speech-

    Commies. What a witty retort. Is that you Archie Bunker?

    Free Speech means you can say what you want. It doesn’t mean you can have whoever you want print it and mail it for you, oh great civil rights scholar.

  14. - Lulu in Lake - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 6:07 pm:

    –in light of the Herald dropping Dan Proft like the lying grifter he is–

    This is a quality burn.

  15. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 6:08 pm:

    === Did anyone from the Daily Herald/Paddock contact Pritzker’s campaign before printing and mailing smears against Pritzker’s daughter? ===

    That nailed it, right there.

    Look, if you ask me, Pritzker did Paddock Publications a big favor.

    Once it became public, this was a nightmare for management. Every news story about every Proft mailing moving forward would include a reference to the Daily Herald. The news must have come as a shock to folks inside the newsroom. It was not well received in other outlets as a clear, unmistakeable conflict of Interest.

    I mean, how do you accuse Pritzker of conflicts of interest when every reply is “it’s really no different than the Daily Herald writing about the Proft mail pieces that it prints and distributes.”

    The DH needed an excuse to quickly cut ties with Proft, and JB gave it to them. Proft and the GOP can blame JB, and after the election whichever numbskull signed the contract for this job can quietly retire.

  16. - Roadrager - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 6:13 pm:

    To the Senior Management of Paddock Publications:

    There is supposed to be a “wall” in every paper between the reporting side and the business side. Too often in the chase for cash, that wall can be breached. In this instance, it seems it was not, and that is commendable.

    However, your incredibly evasive and defensive responses are doing your newsroom no favors whatsoever. Trying to skirt around the question of your involvement with this pink slime operation only raises further questions about the depth of that involvement. Lashing out at the governor for being called out on it only further damages the credibility of your journalists, who, again, had zero to do with this brilliant revenue strategy.

    Redirect your righteous anger for the person or people in sales who got you into this easily avoidable ethical pickle. This isn’t a grocery flyer you agreed to print and mail. Proft and Timpone make no secret of who they are and what they do, and someone on your end decided the money was worth the hassle, and besides, probably no one will notice. Your business side decided to get into business with overt political actors who make their hay by posing as a news operation and trying to sucker people in with half-truths or worse. That was a conscious choice on your end, and the consequences of it are yours to bear. This is not the governor’s fault.

    And if your next defense is that you print and mail out a wide range of things for your commercial operation, and that you welcome a vast, diverse array of clientele without discriminating, fine. I’ll be at your offices with a stack of cash and some naked pictures I’d like to have in mailboxes across the seven counties in time for the holidays.

  17. - jackmac - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 6:18 pm:

    Instead of blaming the so-called “flame-throwing” between Pritzker and LGIS, here’s a shorter but more heartfelt statement that Paddock/The Daily Herald COULD have produced:

    “While part of our company slogan is ‘to make money,’ that should never take precedence over ethics and journalistic responsibilities. We’re sorry. We’ll do better in the future.”

  18. - Arsenal - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 6:28 pm:

    == Commies can’t stand free speech.==

    This is free speech and free markets in action.

    Pritzker decided he didn’t want to be associated with Proft. That’s free speech.

    The DH calculated that it needed the prestige of a candidate forum more than it needs Proft’s money. That’s the free market.

    So, DH decided that it didn’t want to be associated with Proft. More free speech.

  19. - Arsenal - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 6:29 pm:

    == No one from Pritzker’s office had contacted the company regarding its concerns and instead sent out a news release announcing it would withdraw from an upcoming online forum with his Republican opponent, Darren Bailey, because of the printing issue.==

    God, can you imagine the right wing caterwauling if Pritzker had tried to handle this privately?

  20. - Arsenal - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 6:29 pm:

    Maybe U-line can pay Proft’s postal bills.

  21. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 6:33 pm:

    So does this mean Proft can’t moderate the forum now? /s

  22. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 7:05 pm:

    “….Daily Herald’s editorial mission to be unbiased and fair.”

    (In Announcer Voice) “They’re not.”

  23. - Mary Poppins - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 7:21 pm:

    I think we know the answer to How high’s username: very.

  24. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 7:28 pm:

    Whether or not Herald was wrong or just doing business and really had a Chinese Wall between paper and printing/business side I think it was small of Pritzger to pull out. He can handle himself well and I would expect him to manhandle his opponent. His opening statement should have address this and slammed Paddock publications before slamming Bailey

  25. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 7:45 pm:

    Between Natalie and Jordan, I’m really liking who Pritzker has hired to speak for him in these situations.

  26. - Socially DIstant Watcher - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 7:59 pm:

    ==like the lying grifter he is==

    Did anyone miss that?

  27. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 8:08 pm:

    aw, poor Paddock Pubs got found out and Danny boy lost his easy publisher. Good.

  28. - Moe Berg - Thursday, Sep 22, 22 @ 10:09 pm:

    An especially galling aspect of the Paddock statement is this line:

    “ As an independent newspaper publisher, we want no part of the flame-throwing accusations taking place between Gov. J.B. Pritzker and LGIS.”

    Perfect illustration of false equivalence and the both-siderism of much mainstream media coverage, which the radical right is so proficient at gaming to the detriment of American democracy.

    How about instead, “we want no part in promoting racism, homophobia and lies?”

  29. - P. - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 6:57 am:

    I’d like to see this drama major delivering handbills door to door. Lord Fauntleroy? Aside from undeserved wealth, what drug is that that makes someone think that quote is a solid good zinger?

  30. - Sign of the Times - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 7:48 am:

    “we want no part of the flame-throwing”

    And yet they printed & mailed the kindling for a month.

    It’s not like Paddock has no clue how inflammatory Florida-man Dan Profit Proft is. Did they think there would be no blowback?

    Do they need a fainting couch too?

  31. - Big Dipper - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 8:04 am:

    Proft uses the words “papers” and “truth” but not “news” or “journalism.” So they are truthpapers?

    BTW his tone is unhinged, he needs a nap.

  32. - Thomas Paine - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 8:10 am:

    === “ As an independent newspaper publisher, we want no part of the flame-throwing accusations taking place between Gov. J.B. Pritzker and LGIS.” ===

    Editor’s Note: We have been taking part for quite a few years actually, and getting paid handsomely for it, although that only accidentally slipped out this week.

  33. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 8:14 am:

    === every reply is “it’s really no different than the Daily Herald writing about the Proft mail pieces that it prints and distributes.”===

    Except, I don’t think they ever did write any stories.

  34. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 8:25 am:

    “I’d like to see this drama major delivering handbills door to door.”

    Proft’s just here to start the war, not fight in it. The fighting is supposed to be done by the hoi polloi like Awake and the Proud Boys, et al.

  35. - Curious citizen - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 8:45 am:

    ==Commies can’t stand free speech.==

    You have to decide. Pritzker is either an entitled Lord Fauntleroy or he’s a commie. He can’t be both

  36. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 8:52 am:

    Yesterday, I’ve been thinking way too much about “the time Proft shared a stage with Pat Brady”

    Proft’s entire handling of this fiasco (by the DH, not Proft) was elevated in its heat because of Proft.

    Pritzker stated (thru a letter by his campaign manager) that, “nope, we’re out, won’t attend”… and why.

    The letter explained why, thoughts to the why, and an indictment on the choices of Daily Herald management that is the complete opposite of what the newspaper side chided.

    So here’s where that whole Pat Brady thing comes into play.

    Proft has been elevated to a level of discussion (even if it’s seen as disparaging towards Proft) where a governor acknowledges his (Proft’s) existence, and that Proft matters, even if it’s in a negative light.

    Pat Brady, and all his actual titled recognition and existence in actual leadership… Brady elevated Proft to a one-on-one discussion to what a party should do, and how should it exist.

    It’s like Proft can’t rise to the occasion.

    Like yesterday, Proft goes with fowl language, an attempted belittling, a lack of irony to his own words… in short, Proft lacks, in his own mind, that he (Proft) has the ability to be equal to his adversary. It’s as though Proft knows he’s outclassed, lacks the truth or honesty to an argument, and all Proft has in his own defense is bathroom (literally) denigrating and to be a victim.

    Sure, one can read this as the showmanship to help his grift…

    … but a pattern of Proft feeling small when elevated to time discussion of his part in the politics, Proft failed to live up to his end of any bargain to give “the other side” while looking reasonable… and not unhinged.

    Proft, yesterday, again, shrank to the challenge.

    I dunno if Proft has serious (no joke or snark, please) insecurity issues that even uihlein’s money can’t erase. I dunno if Proft subconsciously knows he’s a phony and the lashing out is part of that realization that others know his (Proft’s) secret that he’s a phony. It could plum be he’s scared the whole grift scheme is being exposed, and it’s merely about the money. I really don’t know.

    I do know that shrinking one’s self with ironically poorly thought phrases that lash out with bed wetting and Cato in his same thoughts…could there are real mental angst that when given the chance (chances) to be that elevated and important actor… Proft chooses to blow it all up, disingenuously… because Proft, in good conscience… can’t defend it, can’t really own it… so it’s best to go low… as others seemingly see him.

    In all that? In all that I feel bad for Proft in the mental aspect, even if all the checks cash the same.

    Proft needs to grasp that when the adults are talking, they are asking, elevating Proft to be an adult too, and Proft has failed to that charge often, including yesterday.

  37. - Scurvydog - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 9:12 am:

    That Proft response is the best drama school audition I’ve seen in a long time.

  38. - downstate dem - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 9:16 am:

    Paddock, I think you meant to write “What we did was deceptive and wrong. We are sorry. We will do better.”

  39. - G'Kar - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 9:42 am:

    Excellent analysis, OW (banned punctuation)

  40. - Chris in ChiTown - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 9:47 am:

    Worth remembering that Dan Proft worked as a spokesperson for Larry Dominick (a man who gave jobs to over 20 family members). I guess Mr. Dominick plays by the rules?

  41. - Highland IL - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 9:48 am:

    This brings to mind the Chamber of Commerce “newspapers” that Timpone is distributing. Are they also being printed at Paddock?

  42. - Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    “Like Cato’s Letters, the papers will continue to be printed and distributed even if we have to return to the Gutenberg press and must enlist fair-minded people across Illinois who want the truth, not Pritzker’s ‘truth,’ to hand deliver them door-to-door.”

    When a rich guy’s ego expands exponentially with the size of his fortune…

  43. - Dirty Red - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    = Many critics cannot or refuse to differentiate between a commercial printing operation, for which the parent company Paddock Publications has many customers, and the Daily Herald’s editorial mission to be unbiased and fair. =

    The LGIS mailers are not the same as the high school newspapers your commercial printing shop runs. The video game reviews in those pages have more factual standing than any idea LGIS has ever had.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 10:18 am:

    - G’Kar -

    I appreciate that.

    Happy Friday. Be well.

    To the post, I wanted to address this so much earlier but I lost track of it.

    === The Daily Herald is just another staffer in Pritzker’s comm shop===

    Proft goes after his chosen vendor after the vendor’s ethics was challenged.

    How does Proft go after the Daily Herald?

    “The Daily Herald is just another staffer in Pritzker’s comm shop”


    Like I said, irony, this time, irony to the ethical issue Proft caused the Daily Herald… and all this is on the DH.

    It’s hilarious and genius, both. It is the Daily Herald’s own fault, they brought it upon themselves, even Proft’s ire.

    But it also devalues Proft’s elevation in the discussion too.

  45. - Pundent - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 10:18 am:

    Sadly this is the attention that Proft craves. It keeps him relevant and the checks rolling in.

    This continues to be entirely on Paddock however. You can’t decry fake news in one part of your business while cashing checks for publishing it in another. And they knew that before they signed on to Proft’s dirty work.

  46. - Da big bad wolf - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 10:49 am:

    Ok this is a little off topic, but how does the LGIS not get sued by the people they libel. I don’t mean politicians and celebrities, the bar is much higher I understand.
    I mean people like the OPRF high school administrator whose picture was on the front page with a blatantly false story about how she was implementing grading children by race.
    Any thoughts?

  47. - MisterJayEm - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 11:34 am:

    “how does the LGIS not get sued by the people they libel?”

    Lawsuits are expensive.

    Even if the legal rules are the same for the wealthy and the poor — debate that amongst yourselves — the cost of litigation alone creates two distinct classes of justice in this country.

    – MrJM

  48. - Soccermom - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 11:58 am:

    A couple questions —

    Any idea how much Proft saved by getting the post office to view his publications as newspapers rather than political mailers?

    And who is the brilliant person who thought to look at the postal code on those things? This is some sweet oppo — and perfectly timed to land just before the Daily Herald forum.

    Well done. Nicely played.

    The Aaron Schock takedown remains the best I’ve ever seen, however,

  49. - Thomas Paine - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 12:37 pm:

    === This is the attention Proft craves ===

    People who are getting the attention they want do not act like this.

    He’s had two tv ads pulled, and now his direct mail campaign is on ice.

    That’s not what successful political operations look like, not even to a rube like Dick Uhlein.

    Uhlein has to be wondering right now what his money is doing between now and November.

    Also notable: I don’t see anyone notable coming to Proft’s defense. Episodes like this are picture perfect for the In-group social media echo chamber. Trump rants that the lame stream media is after him and gets six million retweets. Proft does it and gets retweeted by his own radio show, Chicago GOP, and…@BlueRoomStream?

    Proft desperately wants to lead the IL GOP. But you cannot call yourself a leader if no one is willing to follow you. And right now, If Proft held a presser in Chicago to denounce Pritzker, not a single Republican office holder or leader wants to stand next to him.

    I can’t imagine how many people are ghosting his calls right now, but it must be epic.

  50. - Here we go - Friday, Sep 23, 22 @ 2:23 pm:

    “The Rock Island Today,” one of dozens of fake right-leaning “newspapers” downstate, today features a front-page article about State Sen candidate Mike Thoms’ (misspelled Thomas) opposition to the SAFE-T Act. Is this Brian Timpone’s media enterprise? Downstate has been awash in these newspapers for at least five years, but they seem to popping up in Chicago for the first time.

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