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Campaign notebook

Tuesday, Sep 27, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The basic logic of DeVore’s belief is that government ought to use the force of law to compel private speech and force private people to associate against their will

It’s interesting to watch Facebook suppress messages from accounts that spread messaging they don’t agree with. When…

Posted by Thomas DeVore on Monday, September 26, 2022

* New York Times

Republicans elsewhere who, with Mr. Trump’s endorsement, won primaries against the wishes of their local political establishments are facing similar disparities in TV advertising in the final weeks of the midterm campaigns. Along with Mr. Mastriano in Pennsylvania, Trump-backed candidates for governor in five other states — Arizona, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts and Michigan — have combined to air zero television advertisements since winning their primaries.


Trump-backed candidates are very likely to win GOP primaries given the sway the former President still holds over the party faithful. But those candidates oftentimes appear ill-equipped to run the sort of professional (and well-funded) operation that is required to persuade voters in a general election. […]

Of course, Trump could help solve this problem – or at least mitigate it. He is sitting on more than $90 million in his Save America PAC, all of which could be spent on ads to bolster the underfunded candidacies of the likes of Mastriano and Dixon. To date, he has not done so, though his allies formed a new super PAC last week aimed at supporting his endorsed candidates.

The companion story about the new super PAC did not mention Illinois.


“Public safety is on the ballot this November. This election is about more than the usual policy differences; it’s about what kind of state we want to be on January 1st when the Democrats’ no-cash-bail provision is slated to go into effect,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy. “Beyond merely being ‘soft-on-crime’, Illinois Democrats are fast becoming the party of ‘crime’. 15 Democratic legislators and Chicago Alderman have been indicted, convicted, or plead guilty to criminal misconduct since Pritzker became governor. Some of these same legislators helped pass the [un]-SAFE-T act in the dead of night. We must send corrupt Democrats packing and repeal the Democrat’s no-cash bail law on November 8th, before it’s too late.”

* CD17


I don’t know yet whether those are on the air, but oof.

* WLS Radio interview with CD6 Republican candidate Keith Pekau

Steve Cochran: You’re running for Congress in the Sixth. And the incumbent, your opponent, has not spoken out about something that’s very important to Illinois residents the you have. I’m talking about the SAFE-T Act. There are lots of things that have been said on the far right. There are some reactions on the far left, but it’s hard to argue with 100 state’s attorneys who all say the same thing, this is a bad law. So what do you say to potential voters about how you could, if not repeal it prior to going into play, at least fix it?

You’d think a bigtime radio host who’s been doing this politics thing forever would know the difference between a state and a federal law. Sheesh, man. C’mon.

Pekau’s response

Well, so you’re right about my opponent. And that’s because at the national level, he voted on a law that was very similar to this, to impose it federally, that would have done many of these things nationwide. It didn’t pass. But so we have a very different, very different opinion. This law, as you mentioned, it’s very dangerous, as all states attorney’s have said, and we have to do something to to repeal it, or at least make significant changes. And the changes are so significant. And this is what happens when you pass a 760-page bill in the middle of the night with 40 minutes for people to review it. You get extremely bad laws like this that are very, very one sided and frankly, quite dangerous. You talk to our police officers, you talk to our police department, that we’re not exactly sure how we’ll handle it. We do have some workarounds, like we have entered a new partnership with the ATF to deal with, two of our officers are now part time special agents, and they will be able to take anything that’s weapons related. So a lot of violent crimes we can take straight to the USA and go federal which will allow those people to be kept behind bars on bail.

Unless, of course, they bail out of jail.

…Adding… Pekau’s campaign just purchased $39,000 in cable TV ads.

* CD8 press release…

Yesterday, we saw the impact of the anti-police rhetoric Raja Krishnamoorthi’s allies in Washington DC continue to promote. An active shooter training turned into a live shooter situation putting the lives of officers and civilians at risk when the offender turned his weapon on police.

Click here to see the story.

Chris Dargis released the following statement:
“Raja Krishnamoorthi has hid behind one local grant to bolster his ‘law and order’ credentials but has stood idly by as his allies in Congress decry our law enforcement, leading to violence like we saw yesterday in Chicago. This is hardly an isolated incident, and while Democrats like Raja continue to defame law enforcement, chaos on our streets will continue.”

Blaming a suburban congressman for some whacked-out nutjob trying to break in to a Chicago police station is a bit much, but, whatevs. Politics.

* CD13…

Today, Nikki Budzinski, candidate for Congress in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District, called out her Republican opponent, Regan Deering, for her silence on Republicans’ recent policy agenda, “Commitment to America,” which doubled down on extreme Republicans’ recent promise to implement a nationwide abortion ban. The plan was even praised by the radical anti-choice organization, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, which is supporting Regan and advocating for a national abortion ban if Republicans win back Congress this November.

Deering said that she was “thrilled” when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last June and supports allowing states to outlaw abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or danger to the life of the woman.

Nikki Budzinski made the following statement: “Regan supports allowing states to ban abortion without exceptions, and now she is standing by and saying nothing while extreme Republicans work to implement a national abortion ban. It’s clear Regan will be a rubber stamp for national Republicans. She is drastically out of step with voters in this district on choice and many other issues. I’ll always stand up for a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions without interference from the government.”

* Suzanne Baker at the Naperville Sun on another political run for Awake Illinois’ founder

Awake Illinois founder Shannon Adcock announced her bid for the Indian Prairie District 204 School board this week.

The announcement comes two days after her organization and the parents rights group she chairs, Mothers for Liberty, hosted a school board candidate training program in Des Plaines — an event that drew protesters opposed to the organizations’ positions on several issues, including diversity curriculum. […]

After losing in 2021, Adcock launched Awake Illinois to push against school and library COVID-19 mitigations and then went after schools for equity and inclusion training. […]

Cassie Creswell, director of Illinois Families for Public Schools, said plans are underway to host candidate training sessions for people who support equity and inclusion.

They’d better start cranking up.

* New ad by MKO…

Justice Mary Kay O’Brien, candidate for Illinois Supreme Court, Third District, released a second commercial today. The ad highlights the pro-choice organizations that support Justice O’Brien’s candidacy and the extremist groups that support opponent Mike Burke, who want to ban all abortion for Illinois women.

The new ad is entitled “Clear Choice.”

TRANSCRIPT: Now that the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade -

In Illinois, extreme groups are trying to take away women’s freedom to choose

And THIS State Supreme Court race will decide who controls our Court.

Mike Burke says he agreed with the decision to overturn Roe.

He’s supported by the extreme groups that want to ban all abortion for Illinois women.

Justice Mary Kay O’Brien is supported by pro-choice groups, and in the past fought to protect a woman’s freedom.

Illinois has a clear choice, Mary Kay O’Brien. A Justice for All.

The ad is here. She needs a better producer.

* More…

* Democratic nominee for Macon County judge voted in Republican primary: “At this point, the ballot is set,” said Matt Dietrich, spokesman for the Illinois State Board of Elections. “That candidate could have been challenged in the primary, was not, won the primary (and) went on to be certified. So I’m unaware of any process at this point where they could file any sort of objection to it.”

* NFIB opposes labor amendment: ‘Very problematic for small business owners’

* Statewide, local candidates converge on Lake Zurich for meet-and-greet with voters: ‘We want to make sure people are informed’: Toward the end of the night, Sen. McConchie made his way over to Democratic booths — including his opponent Maria Peterson — and started up quick, but friendly conversations.

* Kane County Democratic Women to host forum on abortion rights: The panelists will be Ameri Klafeta, director of the Women’s and Reproductive Rights Project for the Illinois American Civil Liberties Union; State Rep. Anna Moeller, D-Elgin; and Rianne Hawkins, director of Advocacy and Campaigns for Illinois Planned Parenthood.

* Candidates draw distinctions in state 32nd Senate District and 64th House District races: Wilcox said he considers himself a right-to-life legislator and candidate, though he does not see the Illinois General Assembly changing the law here. He believes it will remain legal. He said there is a lot of support for the law as it was decided in 1973, but people pushed for more including in Illinois. “Had abortion remained safe, legal and relatively rare, Roe v. Wade would likely not have been overturned,” Wilcox said.


  1. - Save Ferris - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 1:43 pm:

    WLS for Cochran, not WGN.

  2. - Roadrager - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    ==Yesterday, we saw the impact of the anti-police rhetoric Raja Krishnamoorthi’s allies in Washington DC continue to promote. An active shooter training turned into a live shooter situation putting the lives of officers and civilians at risk when the offender turned his weapon on police.==

    I wouldn’t be so hasty to jump on a story that almost certainly is going to sound a whole lot different late Friday afternoon than it did on Monday. Not that it matters, as the people messaging this don’t expect their targets to read the full story, anyway.

  3. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    -Regulatory oversight needs to occur sooner rather than later.-

    DeVore in favor of activist big government is a bit of a surprise.

  4. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 1:45 pm:

    “but it’s hard to argue with 100 state’s attorneys who all say the same thing, this is a bad law.”

    It’s pretty easy. These State’s Attorneys are all in a position of law ENFORCEMENT. If they want to create laws, then they can run for a state legislature postion.

    This is misguided perception they have about their offices. They are there to enforce the laws the people have enacted. They are not there to scold the people they are supposed to be representing on behalf of the law.

    If they have a problem with their jobs, and sincerely believe the things they are saying, then they can resign. Ethically, it’s the only thing they can do. But every day they try to pretend they should control the law instead of enforcing it as written, is making me have less trust in their motivations for holding these offices.

  5. - here we go - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 1:50 pm:

    Some national Dem consultants are scrambling over the new CD 17 crime attack ads against Eric Sorenson. The GOP will do its best to put Democrats on defense on crime, and the Democrats haven’t helped their cause by remaining on defense most of the time.

  6. - thechampaignlife - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 1:51 pm:

    ===15 Democratic legislators and Chicago Alderman have been indicted, convicted, or plead guilty to criminal misconduct since Pritzker became governor.===

    Weird of the ILGOP to heap such praise on the opposition incumbent just before the election. There has been more draining of the swamp under Pritzker at the state level than under Trump across the entire country.

  7. - Amalia - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 1:51 pm:

    Shannon Adcock is dangerous. thanks for including her in this post because watch out for what she is doing. small things can morph. she’s persistent and flashy. stop her because of her wrong views.

  8. - the 647 - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 1:56 pm:

    To Pekau’s comments, the federal bail reform act of 1984 eliminated cash bail in the federal courts. It does deny bail to most defendants but at least pre-trial release is not based upon ability to pay.

  9. - Jerry - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:03 pm:

    Devore should read the Constitution. Here is some help: (Schoolhouse Rock…The Constitution).

  10. - Bunga - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:03 pm:

    It’s real funny to see zero Regan Deering or any pro-Deering (NRCC, CLF, AFP, etc.) ads anywhere on TV and digital because it’s been all Budzinski or pro-Budzinski (House Majority PAC, Emily’s List, etc.) ads since Labor Day.

  11. - We’ll See - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:03 pm:

    == They’d better start cranking up ==

    Or maybe not - Burke’s pension check may be looking pretty sweet.

  12. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:13 pm:

    ==Regulatory oversight needs to occur sooner rather than later.==

    I wonder how he feels about the Hatch Act.

  13. - Huh? - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:18 pm:

    Debore is trying to pull a texas stunt in that texas has enacted laws prohibiting companies, such as facebook and twitter, from banning social media that violates the company standards.

  14. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:19 pm:

    “After losing in 2021, Adcock launched Awake Illinois to push against school and library COVID-19 mitigations and then went after schools for equity and inclusion training.”

    Can’t make this oxymoronic stuff up (operative word being moronic), creating an organization called “Awake” to try and force backwardness.

  15. - Old time Independent - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:35 pm:

    Pekau is a grandstander he constantly just makes stuff up as he goes along. His email yesterday said crime in Orland Park under him is at a 27 year low. The next sentence he says drug crimes in Orland are up 25% in last 5 years so we need stronger laws. He then says 600 hundred new businesses opened up in Orland Park since he became Mayor. Except the real number is around 200 he’s counting places who shut down during Covid that reopened weeks later as new.
    This guy is a walking talking Con Artist

  16. - MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:36 pm:

    “DeVore in favor of activist big government is a bit of a surprise.”

    Back in 2018, Frank Wilhoit explained the apparent paradox of people like Thomas DeVore:

    Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

    It really is that simple.

    – MrJM

  17. - Treefiddy - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    ==It’s real funny to see zero Regan Deering or any pro-Deering (NRCC, CLF, AFP, etc.) ads anywhere on TV and digital==

    I was thinking the same thing a week ago, but now I’m getting at least several Deering ads every time I watch a 30-minute show on Hulu. Don’t want local TV or cable, so can’t speak to that.

  18. - low level - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:44 pm:

    ==Making them ATF agents; go straight to US Atty== Pekau

    My understanding is federal courts determine if you are a risk or not and decide whether or not to detain you based on the judge’s determination. Meaning, no bail. Or similar to how Illinois courts will operate Jan 1st.

  19. - H-W - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:52 pm:

    = It’s so dangerous with the control these mega corporations are creating over controlling the narrative. = (DeVore)

    If by “controlling the narrative,” DeVore is suggesting media and internet corporations should not be allowed to eliminate or ban false narratives, but instead should be required to print false narratives, then we do have a problem.

    Thank God “free speech” means that the media has the freedom to ban and refuse to publish false narratives.

    Alternatively, as much time as candidate DeVore spends on Facebook, you would think he would avoid biting the hand that has fed him.

  20. - Bunga - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:53 pm:

    ==I was thinking the same thing a week ago, but now I’m getting at least several Deering ads every time I watch a 30-minute show on Hulu. Don’t want local TV or cable, so can’t speak to that.==

    Having looked through the most recent 24 hour FEC filings from NRCC, AFP, and CLF, I still haven’t seen any money pouring in for Deering and it’s nearly October now. I also haven’t seen not one Deering ad on Hulu either so it may very well be by location.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 2:58 pm:

    ===Of course, Trump could help solve this problem – or at least mitigate it. He is sitting on more than $90 million in his Save America PAC, all of which could be spent on ads to bolster the underfunded candidacies of the likes of Mastriano and Dixon. To date, he has not done so, though his allies formed a new super PAC last week aimed at supporting his endorsed candidates.===

    The grift is about Trump, not his endorsements

    It’s still adorable folks think Trump wants to help first, it’s the money first, last, always.

  22. - We’ll See - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 3:20 pm:

    == It’s still adorable folks think Trump wants to help first, it’s the money first, last, always ==

    Wait a minute…… what have you heard and why are you just now telling us?

  23. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 3:29 pm:

    DeVore isn’t the first to advocate compulsion of association. Going back to 1980, the Moral Majority said “freedom of religion” actually meant you were free to pick a religion, but you had to pick. And, if there were no audio recorders about (it was 1980), they’d say “Christian religion” … .

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 4:06 pm:

    The Sorenson ads?



    “Don’t press send”… don’t tweet. Don’t. Ya want to, but don’t.

    Can’t tweet ridiculous things that will seem ridiculous later.

    It’s tough in any context after that one tweet plays well to a discussion on crime

    Been saying it now for a while, and I didn’t come up with it, but it’s still true;

    Social media has ruined more people then it ever helped in politics.

    I can’t think of any good reason anyone in politics would or should be on any social media as a platform, so few, handfuls of few, get it right. Odds are… you aren’t gonna get it right.


  25. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 6:24 pm:

    Why in the name of all that’s holy didn’t Sorenson delete his accounts before he announced?


  26. - charles in charge - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 9:38 pm:

    Amazing self-own by Pekau, who wants cases to “go federal” so that defendants can be held on money bond . . . which isn’t used in the federal system.

  27. - ;) - Tuesday, Sep 27, 22 @ 9:42 pm:

    The O’Brien ad is rough.

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