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Campaign notebook

Thursday, Oct 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I totally forgot about this story, but I stumbled across an outline I worked up during the long weekend and I can’t waste it now. WGN

Last night’s debate between the major party candidates running for Governor of Illinois, Democrat J. B. Pritzker and Republican Darren Bailey, was a ratings winner for WGN-TV. The first debate, “YOUR LOCAL ELECTION HEADQUARTERS: ILLINOIS GOVERNOR’S DEBATE,” took place on Thursday, October 6, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. CT, at the Illinois State University campus in Normal, IL.

The debate reached over 240,000 total viewers, finishing #1 in the time period. It also finished #1 in the key Adults 25-54 demographic.

The actual number was 241,313. The WGN numbers above were only for the Chicago media market.

According to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America, there are 3,471,560 TV households in the Chicago media market.

Nielsen’s average is 2.4 viewers per household. So, that equals a potential of 8,331,744 total viewers.

Now, subtract out the 813,000 viewers in Indiana and you get 7,518,744 Illinois viewers.

According to the US Census, 22.1 percent of Illinoisans are under 18, and therefore cannot vote. Subtract those 1,661,642 people and you’re left with 5,857,102 adult Illinois viewers in the Chicago media market.

The statewide voter registration rate among eligible voters is 74.4 percent. So, somewhere around 4,357,684 registered voters are in the Chicago media market.

And that means, with 241,313 viewers, about 5.5 percent of registered voters in the Chicago media market watched last week’s debate on TV, assuming all the viewers were 18 and above. More may have watched online, but even so, as I always warn people, the vast majority of folks just don’t watch gubernatorial debates.

* The Tribune goes against type again and endorses Alexi Giannoulias for SoS

However, [Rep. Dan Brady] also discussed his plan to reduce vehicle registration fees by $50 during his first year in office. Brady insisted that this would be affordable for the state and would be a way to help cash-strapped motorists.

But there are 11 million vehicles registered in Illinois. Even if 1 million of those vehicles do not renew their registration in a given year, that still appears to amount to a loss in revenue of some $500 million which would need to be plugged. Brady insisted that this was not the case, but even at the end of our session, we couldn’t fully understand his math. And, since we have editorialized against schemes that look like vote-getting giveaways (already a feature of the mayoral race in Chicago), we found this aspect of Brady’s plan to be problematic.

Giannoulias appeared further along in his thinking on how to enhance the digital capabilities of the office, discussing with us his ideas for a new secretary of state app (long overdue) and developing a digital driver’s license, meaning that you would be able to carry around your license on your smartphone. And, of course, that would also allow for instant updating.

Brady rightly pointed out the real dangers of cybercrime and identity theft, but Illinoisans already carry their credit cards and other sensitive documents on their phones. And digitization (to varying degrees) already has happened in other states, including Arizona, Delaware, Oklahoma and Colorado. Much attention has been paid to security. As Giannoulias said, “Illinois doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel.”

* OK, on to a couple of oppo dumps. Last year…

Somehow, Bailey must’ve forgotten about that statement this week when he was on WPNA Radio

Host: During the same debate, Gov. Pritzker accused you for not being vaccinated for COVID-19 [laughs]. He said, ‘He, himself is not vaccinated.’ You responded, ‘How do you know that?’ What was the reason for your reply?

Bailey: Well, I’ve had a lot of people suggest that I file suit against him for a HIPAA violation for, for purporting information like that. He has no idea if I am or not. And how dare a governor of a state, such a high position, to go around and talk about someone else’s health and whether or not such you know, yeah, no, I think that’s wrong, but to him…

Host: Yeah personal medical medication. Right. Nobody should know if you got vaccinated, if you got X-ray, tooth pulled out, right?

Bailey: And I think that shows how dangerous this man is by what he’s potentially looking for in the future that we might carry some card or wear some kind of a badge to say, you know, we’re vaccinated or you know, give our health status. It’s dangerous.

* More over the transom stuff, this time on Bailey-related gun raffles. One of Bailey’s schools

‼️ We are having our 2nd annual gun raffle! ALL proceeds go back to pay off our new gym.🤩

‼️ WINNER gets the choice…

Posted by Full Armor Olney on Wednesday, October 5, 2022

And here’s Bailey’s running mate…

* On to a semi-related press release…

Gun Violence Prevention Action Committee Launches Six-Figure Campaign to ‘Halt The Assault’

Following months of public outcry demanding policy change, today the Gun Violence Prevention Action Committee launched a new campaign to bolster and build legislative support around a ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines dubbed ‘Halt The Assault.’ A statewide effort supported by leading national gun violence prevention organizations, Halt The Assault will utilize tools to organize and activate supporters to reach their state lawmakers and ultimately advance the life-saving measure in the coming months. […]

Halt the Assault will pair digital advocacy and paid media to reach concerned residents and drive them toward action. Campaign assets are attached, and you can learn more about the affiliated political action committee, G-PAC, in this video profile.

The campaign will focus its efforts on DuPage, Kane, Kankakee, Lake, McHenry, Suburban Cook and Will counties, as well as the Bloomington, Champaign, Metro East, Peoria, Springfield and Quad Cities metro areas. An updated legislator contact tool will be employed to connect constituents with their lawmakers and put facts front and center in the policy conversation. GVPAC is investing six figures into the campaign and will activate its advocacy network of nearly 200 organizations that have organized behind past efforts to hold gun dealers accountable, require universal background checks for all gun sales, and make ghost guns illegal.

Organizations supporting Halt The Assault include GVPAC, One Aim Illinois, Everytown, Giffords, Moms Demand Action and Brady.

Click here for some online graphics.

* Roundup from Isabel…

    * Democrats are counting on Duckworth to help them keep control of the U.S. Senate: Although Salvi has said she expects “full well” to win the November general election, a defeat to Duckworth would be far from the first electoral setback for the Republican nominee and her husband, Al Salvi. […] But in a state where Democrats far outnumber Republicans, Duckworth has eagerly highlighted the differences she has with Salvi on virtually all of the biggest political issues of these times, including gun control, abortion and immigration.

    * Close election expected for Illinois’ 17th Congressional District: The district, which was held by U.S. Rep. Cherri Bustos before she announced she wasn’t seeking another term, was redrawn by Democrats in what some say was a blatant case of gerrymandering, but the move may backfire. Bustos, D-Moline, is backing Democrat Eric Sorenson, a former TV weatherman. He faces Republican Esther Joy King, an Army veteran who narrowly lost to Bustos in 2020.

    * The election for Illinois’ attorney general comes at a dramatic legal moment: The attorney general’s race rarely grabs front-page headlines — but experts and advocates across the political spectrum say the position is one of the most essential in the state. In addition to the hot-button issues of crime and criminal justice reform, Illinois’ next attorney general could play a key role in everything from abortion to LGBTQ rights.

    * Police groups endorsing different candidates for Illinois’ 13th Congressional District: “I am proud to announce that with our 34,500 plus members out there whom we represent … we unanimously endorse Regan Deering as the candidate for U.S. Congress for the 13th Congressional District,” said Illinois Fraternal Order of Police President Chris Southwood during a news event this week. […] Earlier this year, the Police Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois announced their endorsement of Nikki Budzinski in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District.

    * Endorsement: Casten for Congress from Illinois Dist. 6: [Casten] is articulate as well as passionate about issues including abortion rights, gun control and, with his particular expertise as the former head of an energy business, climate policy. And, he is a frequent presence in the district, having conducted more than 60 town halls in his two terms to discuss his ideas with constituents. We would have liked to have seen more thoughtful engagement during the campaign between these two candidates, but we’re confident that Casten’s background and congressional experience make him well suited for a third term. He gets our endorsement.

    * Daily Herald opinion: Wheeler for Illinois’ 83rd House district: Wheeler, the House assistant minority leader, has impressed us as a thoughtful, business-oriented legislator who maintains solidly conservative values while understanding the need to work across the aisle. He is measured and compassionate on the issues, including being open-minded about proposals in response to mass shootings and supporting the need to keep guns away from those who should not own them. When voicing concerns about provisions of the Safe-T Act, he does so with reasoned arguments, steering clear of the hyperbole and ugly rhetoric that have dominated the debate for so many of the act’s opponents.

    * Judicial races include 2 write-ins: Six candidates are seeking three judicial seats Nov. 8 in a sometimes controversial election in Madison County. Current Associate Judge A. Ryan Jumper, a Democrat, and attorney Tim Berkley, a Republican, are competing for the seat of retiring Chief Circuit Judge William Mudge, who is stepping down in December.

    * Video: House District 65 candidates Ugaste, Robertson discuss state finances, helping businesses, more: Republican state legislator Dan Ugaste and Democrat Linda Robertson are running for the 65th state House district in the Nov. 8 general election. Here, they discuss their own take on issues facing Illinois with a representative of the Daily Herald Editorial Board.

    * Video: Candidates for 66th House debate parental notification, Illinois pension reform, and more: Democratic state legislator Suzanne Ness and Republican challenger Connie Cain are running for the 66th state House district in the Nov. 8 general election. Here, they discuss their own take on issues facing Illinois with a representative of the Daily Herald Editorial Board.


  1. - Demoralized - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:10 pm:

    ==that we might carry some card or wear some kind of a badge to say, you know, we’re vaccinated or you know, give our health status. It’s dangerous.==

    That is absolutely absurd. And yet you have people out there who believe such stuff.

  2. - Demoralized - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:15 pm:

    They need to pass a law to make gun raffles illegal.

  3. - danray - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:22 pm:

    File a HIPPA violation suit? Wow.

    This man is not very bright.

  4. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:22 pm:

    I spent longer than I care to admit trying to figure out what sorority recruitment advice (the five b’s) had to do with the conservative movement before realizing it was just where they’re getting the BBQ from.

    ===He has no idea if I am or not===

    Even if he hadn’t already publicly made the claim that he wasn’t vaccinated, suggesting that Bailey isn’t vaccinated in a political forum is as easy of a guess that he’s been diagnosed with high cholesterol.

    I’d also wager good money on him having been diagnosed with a learning disability, but there’s no evidence that he’s received treatment for whatever it is that makes him the way he is.

    Bailey should change his campaign slogan to “Dunning Kruger and Privilege for Illinois.”

  5. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:24 pm:

    Trib edit board getting frisky with their last ever set of endorsements per Alden corporate edict.

  6. - danray - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:26 pm:


    Apparently my brightness is a bit dimmed today.

  7. - Amalia - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:27 pm:

    ok we get it, you are still, always talking about science things related to your anti choice position. cannot wait to stop hearing from you Bailey.

  8. - Peanut Gallery - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:27 pm:

    One of the top things I learned during the pandemic is that nobody actually knows what HIPAA is.

  9. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:29 pm:

    What’s in the MMR vaccine? Measles, mumps, and rubella. That’s how vaccines work until RNA vaccines were created (though RNA vaccines are still have parts of the virus obviously) All three are RNA viruses and it’s one of the safest vaccines out there.

  10. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===their last ever set of endorsements===

    Not true. Governor and up are over after this year. Everyone else will still be fair game.

  11. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:30 pm:

    === Well, I’ve had a lot of people suggest that I file suit against him for a HIPAA violation for, for purporting information like that.

    The Governor is not a covered entity. Head desk head desk.

  12. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:31 pm:

    -Well, I’ve had a lot of people suggest that I file suit against him for a HIPAA violation-

    Another law he doesn’t know anything about. It certainly doesn’t apply to a person not covered under the law talking about something you disclosed in public.

  13. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:35 pm:

    ===Well, I’ve had a lot of people suggest that I file suit against him for a HIPAA violation===

    And by “a lot of people,” he means “Tom Devore.”

  14. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:38 pm:

    == in the future that we might carry some card or wear some kind of a badge==

    You just know he was this/close to saying like a Star of David.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:40 pm:

    So much of the Bailey tail chasing on HIPAA, vaccination, any and all Covid-19…

    … it’s designed to first be a victim, and last be a martyr.

    It’s the simple that allows Bailey to seemingly be untouched by his dishonesty towards Covid, and the thumbing of the nose towards science for the cult.

    Do I believe Bailey believes every word and such he says?

    It doesn’t matter what I believe, or even what others believe, it only matters what the cult will embrace, not just believe.

  16. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:43 pm:

    -You just know he was this/close to saying like a Star of David.-

    His imaginary Rabbi friend was giving him the cut sign.

  17. - H-W - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    Isabel’s note about the AG election is very important. While I have no reason to believe DeVore will win, at some point, a true conservative (as opposed to a Tea Party / Awake-IL nutcase) could win. And in the current federal climate, that could be serious.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    ===this/close to saying===

    The racial underpinning is baked in, saying it out loud isn’t how the cult wants its winks and nods served.

    It’s not about adding voters, it’s about giving credibility to feel racist thinking, and making that acceptable… with a wink… and a nod.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 1:48 pm:

    To Brady,

    It’s not that the Trib turned its back on Brady and in turn chose Alexi, a flawed candidate.

    I submit it’s the Trib here, and elsewhere, that where this GOP is… being who you are but framed in the GOP, it’s not enough to get the nod from an ethically challenged MIA former politician that still hides his own money measures behind his wife’s thoughts.

    That’s how bad it is, not for Brady, but the big picture, and the GOP has yet to see they are moving backwards yet again.

  20. - MoralMinority - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 2:24 pm:

    “Fall Freedom Fest”:Sounds like Johnny Bob Harrell redux.

  21. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 2:24 pm:

    Don’t we dare discuss families with LGBT members or racism in school, but let’s have gun raffles, with all the mass shootings. /s

  22. - Jerry - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 2:27 pm:

    The vast majority of “Pro-Life!” Christians have been vaccinated for Covid-19. They believed it was the morally correct action to take, like wearing a mask. What’s Darins problem?

  23. - ZC - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 2:35 pm:

    The more I think about that debate, which I do think Bailey won in terms of theatrics - when the moderators tried to stop even loosely controlling the crowd, it became who could get better applause lines, and Bailey won that - the more I think Pritzker was playing “prevent defense.” It wasn’t a particularly inspired performance, but he was happy to let Bailey run up yardage, so as long as there were no touchdowns, by which I mean mega-debate moments where Pritzker let Bailey fluster him into saying something really news-worthy. It wasn’t an inspired turn by Pritzker but Bailey was clearly trying to get under his skin and goad Pritzker into saying something he shouldn’t, and turn the debate into more of a post-media event. JB didn’t thrill but he largely kept his cool.

  24. - Sue - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    Hard to believe so many people cared enough to watch the debate for an election which was over the minute JB gave like 25 million to the Dem Gov Assoc to torpedo Irvin ‘s chances

  25. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 2:50 pm:

    ok thanks for clarifying the endorsement policy rich

  26. - Steve Rogers - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 3:49 pm:

    I know we’ve had a lot of HIPAA comments, but unless Pritzker is Bailey’s physician, it’s not a HIPAA violation.

    Someone running for governor should know that.

    Heavy sigh.

  27. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 4:16 pm:

    “They need to pass a law to make gun raffles illegal”

    The winner will have to follow all state laws before they can take possession of either weapon. Namely possess a valid FOID, pass a background check and wait 72 hours. Both the Remington 870 and the Sig Sauer p365 are sold as home defense weapons. A tiny percent of armed felonies are committed by those legally in possession of firearms. I suppose the guns could be stolen and used by others- but that is true for any weapon. Sure you don’t like gun raffles - but show the necessity for a new law first.

  28. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 5:52 pm:

    == election which was over the minute JB gave like 25 million to the Dem Gov Assoc to torpedo Irvin ‘s chances==

    Because GOP voters lack free will?

  29. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 5:54 pm:

    ===like 25 million===

    56%+ votes for Bailey in a 6-way race - Sue -, for the 6,734th time.

    Your beef is with the GOP base, the racist thinkers, conspiracy theorists and insurrection apologists.

    They own the party. it IS their party

  30. - AcademicUnionStateEmployee - Thursday, Oct 13, 22 @ 6:54 pm:

    Somewhere out there I wonder if Jesse is a little saddened by all of Alexi’s criticisms of the office (regarding technology and ethics especially) that he faithfully led for 24 years. Even though there were some of their own problems on occasion (e.g., Candance Wanzo, Derrick Smith).

    Or could Alexi’s criticisms of SOS technology be more taken as criticisms against the likes of Benigno instead of against Jesse?

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