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Pritzker, Proft release new ads

Friday, Oct 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Posted in the order they were received. Pritzker campaign…

Today, the JB for Governor campaign released a new ad featuring two-term Democratic President and South Side resident Barack Obama sharing his endorsement of Governor JB Pritzker and Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton for reelection.



President Barack Obama: Illinois will always hold a special place in my heart. You believed in me before anyone else did. And you believed in JB Pritzker, too.

He’s made Illinois a national leader on so many issues we care about: raising the minimum wage, protecting voting rights, cracking down on the sale of illegal guns.

JB also signed a landmark law protecting a woman’s right to choose.

That’s why I’m proud to cast my ballot to reelect JB Pritzker.

That’ll be on broadcast TV, as well as other platforms.

Looks like Obama taped other candidate endorsement ads in the same room. Click here.

* Proft’s PAC…

People Who Play By The Rules PAC has launched a new ad, “POLITICIAN VS. PROSECUTOR.” It is available on YouTube, the PBR PAC Facebook Page and will run on statewide media this week.

:30 YouTube:
TV Script:

The Politician vs. the Professional Prosecutor.

Both are Democrats, but only one is telling the truth.

Pritzker: “There’s no such thing under the SAFE-T Act as ‘non-detainable offenses.’ No one is getting out of jail, if prosecutors do that that’s on them.”


Glasgow: “Well obviously, that is not the truth. We have about 640 people in jail. Half of them would walk out on Day 1, and that’s not on the prosecutor, that’s on the statute.”

Make the SAFE vote on November 8th.

Vote NO on Pritzker.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:00 am:

    As an aside…

    Jim Glasgow is the most Scott Drury of all the Ken Dunkins

    To the Pritzker ad?

    It’s an A

    Favorite son, former POTUS, polls well for Illinois, and Dems, a rally call to Dems to “be like me”

    Not much is bad. Lots of good to an ad like this.

  2. - Bull Durham - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:06 am:

    Query: What did Glasgow do to oppose the legislation before it was enacted into law?

  3. - Amalia - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:11 am:

    the time to oppose the legislation was short in legislature. maybe could have opposed the signing by the Gov, but let’s be serious, the legislation was pushed through so fast that serious consideration was impossible.

  4. - Henry Francis - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:19 am:

    I like the characterization of Obama being a “two-term” President.

    Proft’s ad didn’t say which one was not telling the truth.

  5. - Socially DIstant Watcher - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:19 am:

    Both of these are appeals to the respective bases, and they may well both bump turnout. Net effect is nothin, but they’re both well done.

    I do wonder what Glasgow is going to say on January 3 when all those prisoners are still in jail. Maybe he’ll acknowledge he was wrong?

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:22 am:

    Proft’s Ad?

    Probably the best he’s run this cycle, and admitting it’s a low bar, it clears it with plenty of room.

    It’s a B/B+, if only to purposely show in an obvious way the two visions of the Safe-T Act, and allowing those watching to have a stronger reason, to this ad specifically, to look into what might be happening, with far less ridiculously added hyper crime scenes or ginned up angst for effect.

    It’s Proft’s best work to this cycle.


  7. - /s - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:26 am:

    I genuinely do not understand how the State’s Attorney of the 4th largest county in Illinois is essentially saying, and has said, repeatedly, that there are at least 320 people currently locked up in the Will County Jail, who will assumedly still be locked up in jail come January 1, who have not been convicted of a crime, who are accused of non-violent crimes, and who are only in jail because they cannot pay bail, and that’s not somehow the bigger story here. 320 people in one county incarcerated solely because they are poor. How many others are there across the state in the same situation?

  8. - Moe Berg - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:28 am:

    Strong Charles Thomas counter from the Pritzker Team. /s

  9. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:30 am:

    –the legislation was pushed through so fast–

    ‘The legislation’ was an omnibus bill that consisted of bills that had existed and was debated in session for months prior.

    That’s what omnibus means. Should we start with these basic definitions before you embarrass yourself even more?

    Here’s a comparable example you can use in your local area;

    Your local taxing body(pick one) has a meeting agenda that is released within 2 or 3 days of the public meeting. There are individual items on that consent agenda that may have been discussed for many meetings/months prior in an individual fashion. Each item might contain 20 or 30 pages of details for the board to base their decisions/votes on. The purpose of a consent agenda is to group all those individual items into a single vote, as they have all reached a board consensus in prior meetings. It’s easily possible the page count for all the items in a consent agenda might add up into the hundreds of pages, but that’s because all those other 20 page items are now 10 items, each with 20 pages.

    Now, the fact that the meeting agenda is released 2 or 3 days before doesn’t give a board member the excuse to try to claim “This 200 page item was rushed through with only 2 days notice to us”. You’d think such a thing would be silly, no doubt. Yet that is the exact same thing that is happening now with the claim of “this 700 page bill was rushed through at the last minute”.

    So please, do not repeat something someone else said just because you think it sounds good. You might end up telling on yourself that you do not understand how the process works, and never really bothered to read anything - no matter how many pages it is.

  10. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:33 am:

    –I genuinely do not understand–

    Sometimes I forget this is the first time many people have been exposed to the personality of Jim Glasgow.

    He has long had an… interesting personality. It’s hard to describe. He’s the ‘reality TV’ of state’s attorneys.

  11. - JoeMaddon - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:35 am:

    **the time to oppose the legislation was short in legislature. maybe could have opposed the signing by the Gov, but let’s be serious, the legislation was pushed through so fast that serious consideration was impossible.**

    Sigh… the SAFE-T Act (and the Pretrial Fairness Act portion of it) was debated for MONTHS, and there were numerous public hearings during those months.

  12. - JS Mill - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 11:50 am:

    =Well obviously, that is not the truth. We have about 640 people in jail. Half of them would walk out on Day 1, =

    That is more than two months from now. Why are you holding so many people in jail before trial for so long? They cannot all be murderers and rapists.

  13. - XonXoff - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 12:10 pm:

    Maybe I have selective hearing.

    What I heard front and center in the Proft ad was:

    “But only one is telling the truth; Pritzker (banned punctuation)”

  14. - Amalia - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 12:10 pm:

    @Joe Maddon I’m going with what Gino DiVito wrote, he’s always been very good and very respected on the law.

  15. - The Velvet Frog - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 12:29 pm:

    What alleged crimes are those 640 people in jail for? Hard to imagine that they are all for violent crimes. If someone is being held awaiting trial for shoplifting a pack of gum then yeah, they should walk on Jan 1 and never should have been held in the first place.

    Glasgow says that half of them will stay in jail January 1. Sounds about right to me, seems like the law is working. And that’s coming from a guy who’s vocally opposed to the law.

    So I guess Pritzker is the one telling the truth?

  16. - Politix - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 12:42 pm:

    Anyone else feeling SAFE-T Act lie fatigue?

  17. - anon2 - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 1:04 pm:

    == 320 people in one county (accused of nonviolent crimes) incarcerated solely because they are poor.== That’s the status quo the GOP and Glasgow defend. That should be the issue.

  18. - Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 1:30 pm:

    In 2006 Charles Thomas accompanied Senator Barack Obama on a trip to Africa. Bet Charles Thomas was in the crowd in 2008 when President Barack Obama appeared before thousands in Grant Park to mark the historic election.

    Could this be the same Charles Thomas in the commercials for Darren Bailey?

  19. - JoeMaddon - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 1:35 pm:

    **@Joe Maddon I’m going with what Gino DiVito wrote, he’s always been very good and very respected on the law.**

    I don’t expect the public to have paid attention, but I absolutely expect a sitting state’s attorney (in his 7th term) to have been paying attention.

    The last-minute, shell bill, etc argument doesn’t work for Glasgow.

  20. - JoeMaddon - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 1:37 pm:

    **It is irretrievably unconstitutional.**

    Also, the guy who you say is “very good and very respected on the law” makes the claim that the SAFE-T Act is “irretrievably unconstitutional.” That’s laughable. And we’ll find that out as these court cases move through the syste.

  21. - Anon324 - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 2:14 pm:

    “I’m going with what Gino DiVito wrote, he’s always been very good and very respected on the law.”

    This is a logical fallacy. Just because DiVito has an opinion on a legal matter, doesn’t mean it’s factually accurate. He’s started his position by mis-representing basic facts, which should be a red flag for anyone trying to view the matter objectively. As a former judge, he should be familiar with jurisprudence regarding the enrolled bill doctrine. His screed completely ignores it. If he wanted to be taken seriously, he shouldn’t put forth such an easily debunked column relying on apparently nothing more than his background since it’s not reliant on facts or law.

  22. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 2:24 pm:

    Are potential fortunes and wages lost to gaming less painful than from… gambling?

  23. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 2:32 pm:

    Um hello ex-prez Obama, you forgot something in your JB is a leader endorsement: marijuana legalization. Duuude. We might have been the first state to fully legalize via state government (sale plus possession).

    Very strong ad.

  24. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 2:40 pm:

    –I do wonder what Glasgow is going to say on January 3 when all those prisoners are still in jail.–

    Glasgow will probably let them all out, just so he isn’t shown to be a liar. Just as long as nobody pays any attention to the same thing not happening in the other 101 counties. It would be a perfect example of how Glasgow is not able to build a complicated case and see it through to the end.

    He is now, and always has been, only concerned with himself.

    Mark Maxwell would be the perfect fit to gather all these cases Glasgow keeps mentioning, and put a presentation and timeline together that is easy to follow.

  25. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    ***Jim Glasgow is the most Scott Drury of all the Ken Dunkins***

    Bet you weren’t comparing him like that back when he prosecuted cop Drew Peterson for murdering his third wife. That heater case drew national and daily attention. Peterson received a sentence of somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 years.

    But now he opposes the misnamed Safe-T Act and suddenly he is no longer a top, well respected prosecutor but someone on the bottom of the barrel?

    Glasgow has been elected multiple times as Will county prosecutor as a Democrat. A Democrat now calling out Pritzker about the Safe-T Act?

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 3:01 pm:


    Oh - Louis G Atsaves, lol

    Glasgow IS the most Scott Drury of ALL the Ken Dunkins

    Your betting on one doing a job, or not, versus the politics to the job.

    Glasgow is a phony to his own take, and while you pound the table to Drew Petersen, that has no relevance to playing politics like two of the most unhelpful Dems while your patron hurt the state’s most needy and vulnerable.

    Your family did ok under Rauner, so I can see why that take hurts you.

  27. - The Velvet Frog - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 3:07 pm:

    You have to go back to 2016 to make an argument why he is top well respected?

  28. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 3:11 pm:

    Glasgow is just like Scott Drury and Ken Dunkin except the part where 99% of their colleagues agree with them

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 3:49 pm:

    ===except the part where 99% of their colleagues agree with them===

    Did you just opening admit that Drury and Dunkin had no other HDems that thought as they did?

    You spent 4 years saying *all* these Dems *agreed* with Dunkin and Drury but were afraid of Madigan.

    Four Years.


    “except the part where 99% of their colleagues agree with them”

    I mean, if blowing up your whole argument for Rauner, during and post term, to shill for Proft is worth exposing your known phony and you knew the truth all along, LOL

    This is priceless.

    Thank you. Sincerely.

  30. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 4:03 pm:

    That is some dorm room logic at it’s finest

    I said All the Dems agreed with Rauner?

    Let me know if there are any openings in your course on Rauner Derangement syndrome next semester. I would love to sign up for it

  31. - MOON - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 4:07 pm:

    When you base your criticism on personality rather than the facts your argument is weak at best.

    Why are 58 states attorneys suing to amend/revoke
    the Safe-T Act.

    Oswego you are guilty of ignoring facts and reducing your objections to personality.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 4:15 pm:

    ===you are guilty===

    That is one turn of a phrase.

    Let’s see, I typed that the Proft ad is the best he’s done to this cycle, giving praise to it, you seemingly ignore that. Good try.

    To Glasgow, even his ardent supporters have made the case Glasgow show boats, not unlike the former federal prosecutor, and where both could be right, it’s really about the making of waves to buck folks and not an argument to its merits.

    Then, throw in I have real questions to the Safe-T Act, saying it often…

    Maybe you’re the one guilty to personality?

    I kid … I *kid*…. “Maybe”

    Anything else?

  33. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 21, 22 @ 4:28 pm:

    ===I said All the Dems agreed with Rauner?===

    You’re adorable, lol

    Now your hedge is all?

    You blew up your whole Rauner argument to agree with Proft?

    C’mon, even your silly logic sees you stepped in it.

    Take the weekend to reboot.

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