Proofread your campaign pitches, please
Monday, Oct 24, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller * John Tillman’s new committee… ![]() Zoom in… ![]() It’s two mailers in one! * Meanwhile, no relation… ![]() Zoom in… ![]() “I’ll take the Blue Sponsorship, please.” “Great! The $1,000 Blue or the $2,500 Blue?” * Is your household getting much campaign mail these days?
- OneMan - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 8:57 am:
A fair amount. It is always interesting to see what is addressed to whom. The person who replaced me (I didn’t run, and it was vacant for a while) sends stuff to my wife and daughter, not me, I guess I am a lost cause.
- Bruce( no not him) - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:02 am:
I think the $2500 Blue sponsorship was supposed to be the “Sucker Sponsorship”.
- very old soil - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:05 am:
Almost every day from Esther Joy King and now a few from county races. They are immediately put in the trash.
- Friendly Bob Adams - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:07 am:
Everyone has made dumb mistakes in ordinay communication, like work emails. Even more in anything you type with your thumbs.
But campaigning is supposed to be professional work, people. Geez Louise….
- Anon221 - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:08 am:
I’m surprised Miller even has “Blue” sponsorships. Doesn’t that “clash” with her ideology???
- Sir Reel - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:09 am:
Not much.
Sloppy mailers indicate, to me, an undisciplined campaign and mind, something I look for in a candidate
- Osborne Smith III - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:12 am:
I’ve already voted, so the ten or so mailers a week that I’m getting mean absolutely nothing to me. I’m having fun marking out my address and putting “Return to Sender” on a lot of them, particularly the candidates that I’d never support.
- Moved East - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:20 am:
Too many mailers, and mostly all from the wrong party. To any candidates out there, I have a standing rule that if you personally visit my house and meet with me I will vote for you (unless your opponent also visits and I like them better). This is election number 3 where I live, and so far no one has got that vote.
- G'Kar - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:22 am:
For the primary we were getting 10-12 mailers a week. For the general we’ve received a couple total. On the one hand it is nice to live in a county where there really are no local races. On the other hand it sucks when there are no local races and the various officials are from a party I no longer support.
- Larry Bowa Jr. - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:22 am:
“Trump won” is a pretty clear way of demonstrating your contempt for democracy, and the country itself.
Indicative of a country about to come unglued in a big way, whether in 2022 or 2024.
- Bruce( no not him) - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:25 am:
You forgot to point out the biggest error.
===Trump Won===
- Riversidian - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:30 am:
The Cook County Forest Preserve folks sent out a very expensive mailer last week urging support of the referendum. It included some perforated postcards that one could pull out and share, and spelled Cook as “Coook”.
- Vote Quimby - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:34 am:
==Everyone has made dumb mistakes in ordinay communication==
or blog comments /s
I get the standard mailers, but I don’t look at them long enough to proofread. Apparently no one at the campaign or PWPBTR do either..
- Dirty Red - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:35 am:
RPAC is opening up for Hamilton. Not as much coming from Turner. DPI still sending dual sided, full color 8.5×11 for Nikki. They come at about the same rate as RPAC.
- Bean Counter - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:37 am:
Maybe 1-2 a day. I put it down to being new to the address (moved in earlier this year), and neither of us being registered to either party.
I find mailers from one particular candidate ironic, given that her opponent is next door.
- Siualum - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:42 am:
Probably sell mostly “white sponsorships”.
- Vote Quimby - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:45 am:
==Probably sell mostly “white sponsorships”==
Chris Miller limits them to three percent, but doesn’t know why /s
- Behind the Scenes - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:49 am:
1 or 2 daily for at least two weeks. If I don’t get that many, I think the postman/woman missed me that day.
- VerySmallRocks - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 9:53 am:
Being sloppy, inaccurate, incoherent and vindictive shows they’re “regular folks” or “Real Americans”, unlike pointy headed bolsheviks who proofread and don’t wallow in communication diarrhea.
- Annonin' - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 10:03 am:
No so much. I piece for Workers Right and one from the meathead, Smile Darin Lahood. Thank goodness there are a candidate to vote again him and the Confessed Congressman, Even Tribbies figured out LaHoods no good for IL
- Highland IL - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 10:10 am:
Almost no mailers for us, and we haven’t missed voting in any elections or GOP primaries in over twenty years. Received two Duckworth mailers on the same day Friday, & an IEA mailer.
- JoanP - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 10:22 am:
Very few. I had one pro-WRA the other day, and a sample ballot from the Cook County Democratic Party (that one emphasized the Dobbs decision). But that’s about it.
- walker - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 10:23 am:
Tillman is uncoordinated, I’m sure.
- train111 - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 10:23 am:
Daily - even the Kevin Wallace one which went into the trash - with the rest - with the error unnoticed.
Nothing like the primary where one day I got 13 mailers from the 2 Dems in the 3rd CD race.
- The Velvet Frog - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 10:33 am:
I guess having two different dollar amounts both “blue” is consistent with “Illinois first - America first”. They can’t both be first, which is it?
- The Velvet Frog - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 10:34 am:
Here it mostly has been Walker and Vrett. Mostly from PACs and lots of misinformation in the Vrett ones.
- Huh? - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 11:13 am:
Getting several a day which go directly into the recycling bin with the rest of the junk mail.
- thisjustinagain - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 11:31 am:
Got a pro-WRA on Saturday, not getting them for individual candidates; maybe they’re holding off the election push in zip code 60827, or it’s so solidly Dem they won’t bother.
- froganon - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 11:49 am:
We’re are and have been getting 5 to 8 per week replete with darkish figures in hoodies against a chaotic background. Crime rates are actually down in both Kane and McHenry Counties per both county sheriffs’ departments. Conversations online are full of anecdotes and alarm about a suspicious guy or car or a friend of a friend stories. The Chicago criminals are coming for us narrative is gaining. Election Day can’t come too soon.
- Responsa - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 11:53 am:
Not getting very many this season but “not very many” is still too many. Most use the oversized extra heavy card paper with glossy finish which makes it quite easy to separate out as junk mail.
- Retired SURS Employee - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 12:24 pm:
Someone beat me to the punch by posting that Kevin Wallace “two for one” mailer!
- RNUG - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 1:19 pm:
Getting one or two every day. Goes straight to the circular file.
- snowman 61 - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 2:02 pm:
It seems like we get something daily. At least the money is keeping the printers and USPO in business. Also, watching the grand kids during the day last couple of weeks and they are funny as they keep saying “to Extreme” as it seems every commercial talks about the opposing person is “To extreme”.
- Rahm's Parking Meter - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 2:49 pm:
I already cast my vote in SD54 for Mary Beth Canty and I got a flyer from Michele Hunter. I am a strong D and was wondering why someone was wasting their ad buy on me.
Now that I am aware it is John Tillman, I am less surprised.
- Manchester - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 7:39 pm:
Yes. I’m averaging 3-4 pieces every day. Can we please disable their postage meters?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 24, 22 @ 7:46 pm:
Getting very limited mail, nothing like Rich posts, I have zero unique in the mail.
I’m old enough to remember the art and science of mail was a true thing of pride… actual art, poetic words, striking font… now it’s like a bunch of folks just using their phone to print stuff at a FedEx office with an indicia… just some real awful work product, no seems to proofread, might as well print children’s with whole pages missing so know one knows how the book ends.