Big hugs to Sen. Bryant
Thursday, Nov 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Background is here if you need it. Sen. Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) has written an open letter to the women in Sen. Michael Hastings’ district…
November 3, 2022
Dear voters of the 19th Senate District,
You deserve better.
You deserve better than State Senator Michael Hastings.
You deserve better than to be represented by a man who has a dangerous track record of abusing, harassing, and bullying women.
You deserve better than to have someone who battered his wife, choked her, slammed her into a door, and elbowed her in the face in front of their small children serve you in the State Senate.
You deserve better than to be stuck with an elected official who is so arrogant that he refuses to step down from office even after Governor Pritzker, a man of his same party, came out publicly calling for his resignation.
You deserve better than a state senator, who despite his unbecoming behavior, has been enabled and tolerated by his protectors in Springfield, in which they spent $150,000 of your taxpayer money to keep one of his accusers quiet.
But beyond what you deserve, the women he has abused and harassed deserve something even greater from you this election. They deserve to be heard, understood, and supported. And you have the power to give them that on November 8.
You have the power to side with the staffer who was discriminated against. You have the power to stand with the woman who works in Springfield and who now refuses to have meetings with Sen. Hastings after an experience that left her shaken and intimidated.
But most importantly, you have the power to show support to a brave mother and survivor of domestic violence. The hell that this “husband” has put his former wife and children through and continues to put them through must come to an end.
You don’t know me, and you’ve likely never heard of me. And you may be wondering why I am writing this letter. I’m State Senator Terri Bryant. I represent one of the most southern senate districts in Illinois. So why am I reaching out to you—residents of a south suburban district? It’s because I, too, am a survivor. I know firsthand the kind of men who conduct this sort of disgusting behavior and believe me, these men have no place in such a prestigious office.
As a survivor of childhood domestic abuse, I grew up in a house where my mother and us children were the subjects of daily beatings from my stepfather, including one in particular that caused my mother to have a miscarriage. There wasn’t a moment of those five years that I remember my mother not having a busted lip or a black eye.
Since then, there’s not a day that goes by that the abuse and trauma doesn’t impact me. It doesn’t leave you and it never will. The triggers will come out of nowhere, just like they did a couple of days ago when I read the news about the violence Sen. Hastings committed on his then-wife and in front of his children. But over the years, I’ve had the wonderful support of many who have stood by my side.
And now, another woman, going through similar experiences, is in need of your support. You know what you need to do. Your choice this election has never been easier because in your heart you know.
Terri Bryant, 58th District State Senator
The first time I read that letter I kinda dismissed it as not exactly “news-worthy.” But then I read it more closely and the heart of the letter that I’ve highlighted, when Sen. Bryant related her own experiences and the triggers that “come out of nowhere,” well, that really got to me.
Try to put the politics and partisanship and individuals aside. It’s a strong message. We do, indeed, all deserve better, and I thought you’d like to read it.
- Grateful Gail - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:11 pm:
A very powerful message, especially as it comes from someone who has lived through this abuse. This should not be a Republican or Democrat issue. It is an issue for everyone.
- Amalia - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:13 pm:
so sorry she went through that pain. brave to share.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:13 pm:
As another survivor of abuse, I can confirm that the triggers come out of nowhere. There’s almost no rhyme or reason to which ones I don’t even notice, which ones I notice but can push through, and which ones leave me a sobbing mess.
- dupage dem - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:21 pm:
I have always respected Senator Bryant as being a thoughtful and responsible legislator. While we do not always agree, we can disagree, we can have respectful discussions. This time I wholeheartedly agree with her. She does not make this a partisan issue but a human issue.
- thisjustinagain - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:26 pm:
I know not her politics, but her letter speaks volumes to her character. And she is correct; the district deserves better than Hastings, as does his family.
- Flapdoodle - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:31 pm:
That’s quite a letter Senator Bryant wrote: courageous, forthright, and empathic. Her letter and Arsenal’s comment remind me how very fortunate I was in having a loving family and home. I cannot imagine the pain of enduring such abuse and then living with its lasting effects. My genuine sympathy to who do so. As to Mr. Hastings, he is a blight on our State’s body politic and simply must go, now.
- train111 - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:33 pm:
A very powerful letter. As someone who lives day to day with the results of an abusive relationship, I can relate.
However unfortunately, it will most likely fall on deaf ears.
Keeping that Senate seat, or being able to appoint and approve judges is far more important in politics today than any issues of character.
I only have laugh at those in the 90’s who skewered President Clinton’s morality and now do theological backflips to justify supporting “their” own amoral president.
Unfortunately it is a sign of our time — a very bad one I may add.
- Close Observer - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:34 pm:
If Hastings wins, the first vote of the new ga should be one of censure.
- JoanP - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:44 pm:
Truly powerful letter. Kudos to her for talking about her own experience, and how it still affects her to this day.
I hope the voters pay attention, because she’s right - he does not deserve to be in office. The abuse, the gaslighting, absolutely disqualifying.
- Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:46 pm:
Hastings and Bryant are both members of the Senate Education Committee.
- Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 12:50 pm:
Senator Bryant’s letter is authentic, heartfelt, and sincere. To share such painful memories and details with an audience shows strength of character and a desire to bring the issue of abuse to the light.
- SpiDem - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 1:22 pm:
Amen. Would be great to see the Senate President show a fraction of the courage this moment requires, and join the calls for Hastings to resign. He should have no place in the Democratic arty, or in public life.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 1:24 pm:
Domestic violence is a tragedy to a family and my heart goes out to Bryant and all in her family.
It was an act of real courage to relive that truth by putting it to words for others to see/read.
My best to you. Real courage here.
- Day Late - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 1:29 pm:
== Would be great to see the Senate President show a fraction of the courage this moment requires, and join the calls for Hastings to resign.==
Agree. It would also be great for President Harmon to make a statement before the election that regardless of the outcome, Hastings will not be invited to participate in the Democratic Caucus, that he will receive no committee assignments, and will not be given staff or an office in the Capitol.
- Day Late - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 1:57 pm:
The Rich Township Committeeman Calvin Jordan and President Yumeka Brown must be so proud of their unwavering support of Mike Hastings today. They know exactly who he is and what he has done. Yet they have both chosen to still promote him. Without Rich Township, Hastings would lose. If he does win, it’s on them and people deserve to know. They should not be leaders in the Democratic Party. They are only out for themselves and the guy who pays them off. Disgusting. Stand up for what is right and make a statement retracting your support.
- The Old Man - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 3:28 pm:
Sen. Bryant speaks for a lot of us men too.
- Just Saying - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 3:43 pm:
I concur 100% with SpiDem. Wish the Sen President had half the courage as Sen Bryant.
- Joe Schmoe - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 4:28 pm:
Not that any Democrat would veer, but don’t you think at least one or two senators would consider at least a wee bit of criticism of Harmon’s lack of leadership on this fiasco. If it was Madigan, Hastings would have been long gone and firmly settled in a job in the a ward or township office….
- Leslie K - Thursday, Nov 3, 22 @ 5:00 pm:
Thank you for sharing the letter, Rich. It’s a strong and heartfelt statement from someone who didn’t need to weigh in and didn’t need to expose her own wounds. But she chose to because we all do indeed deserve better.