Post-election coverage roundup
Tuesday, Nov 29, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller * OK, now do Chicago, where the lines to vote are regularly just as bad, if not worse…
* I swear I am not making this up… ![]() Kinda curious what sort of degrees they offer. /s * The Patch…
* Speaking of close races, this one went a different way…
* ILGOP fundraising email…
* HGOP staff memo from Mike Mahoney…
Love that dude. * HR1013 synopsis…
Love that dude, too. Here he is in the press box today… ![]() * The hazing had gotten out of hand…
* Isabel’s roundup… * Sun-Times | Suburban man gets 18 months probation for entering U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6: David Wiersma, 68, was arrested in Posen and charged along with Dawn Frankowski in September 2021. He pleaded guilty in late August to misdemeanor parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building. * Axios | Refining the SAFE-T Act during this week’s veto session: With most veto session business done behind closed doors, we may not know what got changed until after the fact. But here are some provisions officials have cited as ripe for tweaks. Tickets for trespassing: Critics of the PFA say requiring police to ticket rather than arrest people for certain misdemeanors could mean cops can’t remove trespassers from property. PFA supporter and state Rep. La Shawn Ford told the Tribune, “I’ll be advocating for clarity … so it’s clear that they have the instructions through law to arrest people for trespassing.” * Greg Hinz | Time finally expires on Ed Burke the survivor: The first time I ever really talked to Ald. Ed Burke, 14th, was on the back of a fire truck. We were both young, me a cub reporter who’d covered the City Council for a bit, Burke the fresh-faced political lord of a nice Southwest Side fief that he in the Chicago way had inherited from his father, the ward’s alderman and committeeman. I happened to be down there to report on something, perhaps the South Side Irish parade, and when Burke and his 14th Ward Regular Democratic Organization fire truck rolled by, he offered me a ride. * Crain’s | Blue Cross trans care lawsuit tests limits of employer plan admins’ liability: A federal judge this month certified a class-action lawsuit against the nonprofit insurer that alleges its refusal to cover a transgender teenager’s gender-affirming care through a self-funded employee benefits plan it administers for Catholic Health Initiatives violates the ACA. Patricia and Nolle Pritchard of Washington state initiated the lawsuit two years ago after Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois declined to cover gender-affirming care for their son, identified as C.P., in adherence with Englewood, Colorado-based Catholic Health Initiatives’ company policy. * ABC 7 | Lincolnwood Public Library declines to remove books with LGBTQ content from children’s collection: standing room-only crowd gathered at the Lincolnwood Village Hall Monday for a heated debate about a book with LGBTQ+ content on the public library’s children’s collection. The monthly library board meeting was moved from the library to the village hall to accommodate a large turnout after last month’s meeting got heated and ended early with police being called. * CBS Chicago | Some parents object to book read to kids at library in Lincolnwood, others say complaints stigmatize LGBTQ+ community: The debate at a library board meeting centered on respect, decency, and values – and on the selection for kids’ summer reading. That selection was the children’s book, “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.” “So I went and found a copy of it,” said Jen Mierisch. “I read the whole thing. It’s a garden variety picture book.” Mierisch defended the book at the meeting Monday night. “I searched it cover-to-cover for anything obscene, sexual, raunchy – you would come up with a big fat zero,” he said. * Sun-Times | Whistleblower trial begins in alleged CPD cover-up in shooting of unarmed autistic teen : Testimony begins Tuesday in a lawsuit alleging Chicago Police Department brass demoted a detective after he refused to clear a fellow officer in the 2017 shooting of an unarmed, autistic teenager. Veteran CPD Officer Isaac Lambert claims he lost his job as a detective sergeant and was sent back to patrol just five days after he signed off on a police report on CPD’s investigation of the shooting of Ricardo “Ricky” Hayes by CPD Officer Khalid Muhammad. * Tribune | Illinois, other states reach $9.4 million settlement with Google, iHeartMedia over misleading ads: The settlements stem from complaints alleging Google paid to have radio personalities endorse and talk about their personal experiences using the Pixel 4, one of the company’s cellphones, according to California Attorney General Rob Bonta. At the time, the phone wasn’t available and many of the radio DJs had not used it, Bonta said. * ABC 20 | Illinois Product Holiday Market returns to Springfield: “We are excited to partner with Downtown Springfield’s Holiday Walks to bring local products to shoppers this holiday season,” said Jackie Sambursky, IDOA Bureau Chief of Marketing. “Building off of the success of our Illinois Product Farmers Markets and Illinois Product Expo, the holiday market allows our vendors to showcase their products in a unique location during the giving season.” * The Hill | Teddy Roosevelt’s glasses, JFK’s rocking chair among presidential auction ending Thursday: Other items include Roosevelt’s famed eyeglasses and pages from a 1912 speech that saved the then-White House hopeful during an assassination attempt, Thomas Jefferson’s signed letters from the 1790s, Dwight Eisenhower’s Stetson hat and Abraham Lincoln’s desk from the Illinois State House where he first served in public office. * We raise money here during the holiday season for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, the largest foster care provider in Illinois. As of 1:35 pm, the fundraiser had reached $9,250! While needs vary for each child, $25 is the average cost of a Christmas gift. A big thank you to all who have donated! Let’s keep this going!
- Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 1:42 pm:
” … cliffs notes on Bill Black speeches … .”
To do the distinguished gentleman from Vermilion County justice would require both audio and video …
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 1:55 pm:
Quick Hits:
Proft University is known for its marching band, 76 trombones, 110 cornets, and two or three folks trailing behind to take your Venmo if you are named Uihlein.
Michael Mahoney, classy email, way to exit the stage.
Who exactly is running the shop down there in Georgia when it’s been widely reported that one Georgia nominee took two homeowner exemptions… in Texas… and we all are reading about it now?
Nothing is worse than bad politics by an inept campaign… that seemingly miserably failed in oppo research
Every dime, nickel… penny… that a certain campaign is asking is admitting that the campaign completely failed in fundamentals… and now needs everyone else to bail them out.
Now it’s “long lines and voting”…
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 1:57 pm:
-Kinda curious what sort of degrees they offer. /s -
Not those LIB-eral arts, that’s for sure.
- New Day - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 1:58 pm:
“ OK, now do Chicago, where the lines to vote are regularly just as bad, if not worse…”
I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve been voting for almost 40 years including most of that time in Chicago and I’ve never waited more than 15 minutes to vote. Usually it’s five minutes or less. Up until this year, we had far more polling places than they do in GA, where they cut back to create these kinds of lines, particularly in minority areas. This is classic GOP voter suppression. We don’t have anything like that here.
- 48th Ward Heel - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:00 pm:
==We [ILGOP] have accomplished so much this year==
[citation needed]
- Bud's Bar Stool - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:00 pm:
Proft University, from the guy who spent time and money completing law school but then never bothered to take the bar! Makes so much sense.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:01 pm:
===Kinda curious what sort of degrees they offer.===
They offer a BS in BS.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:03 pm:
“Proft University’s Name, Image, Likeness Deal Worth ‘Tens of Millions’, Says Uihlein”
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:06 pm:
===We don’t have anything like that here===
This is an early voting site. And, yes, you do have that in Chicago. A lot.
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:11 pm:
By all means address long lines in Chicago, but I think there’s a critical difference: here the long lines work against the interests of the party in power.
- Commissar Gritty - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:13 pm:
Proft University - Where you can get a degree in “Loudly and deliberately misunderstanding things, then making that everyone else’s problem.”
Doesn’t roll of the tongue, but the cut English classes because they deemed them to be too Marxist.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:13 pm:
===I think there’s a critical difference===
The difference is that a Democratic city in a Democratic state has similarly long lines and nobody ever wants to come to grips with that, including this year when Black turnout was down.
- dave ristau - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:21 pm:
Ditto Rich,
My 44 Ward polling place was moved a 1.5 miles on the other side of I-290 without notice to me.
FWIW .. LaShawn Ford is not Lazy … He is very active, positive and effective in our ghetto. Ford is a lifeline to many at the bottom of the barrel.
- Donna - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:27 pm:
I’ve never heard of anyone waiting hours to vote in Chicago. If u say otherwise show us the evidence.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:32 pm:
===If u say otherwise show us the evidence. ===
Scroll up.
- Lurker - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:51 pm:
First Rule: Never trust a man in a V-neck
- JS Mill - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 2:55 pm:
=No one, and I mean no one, should be forced to trade hours of their time as a transaction to cast a ballot.=
We should make it easy to vote, and generally I think that is true of most places anecdotally speaking. Not all.
I also think we are little lazy when it comes to our time. People have given their lives to, in part, preserve our right to vote. Lets respect it a bit more and live with a bit of a time commitment.
Chicago seems to have gone the other way on making it easier to vote which is mind boggling. I think it will come back and bite them at some point.
- JoanP - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 3:06 pm:
That t-shirt is misspelled. It’s missing the “I”.
- Socially DIstant watcher - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 3:17 pm:
==it is only up from here==
Trust us. We have hit rock bottom. We cannot go any lower. We double pinky swear.
- H-W - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 3:23 pm:
To the Axios story: They say we all should be following this session. “Why it matters: Called the Pretrial Fairness Act (PFA), the provision ends cash bail. It was used to hammer Democrats as “soft on crime” during this year’s midterm election cycle.”
Yeah, how did that hammering work out?
- New Day - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 4:25 pm:
I looked at all the stories you posted. While I appreciate that last day of early voting does tend to produce long lines, my experience in Chicago and the suburbs is that that is the exception, not the rule. Pro tip: don’t wait until the last day of early voting to vote. In November, 2020, that day produced ridiculous waits of more than an hour. But if they just waited until Election Day, or voted earlier in the cycle, the lines were nonexistent. I still maintain that that is a very different situation than you find in Georgia in minority areas where the lines are 2-4 hours regularly during early and regular voting. We don’t have those problems with regularity here.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 4:32 pm:
===I looked at all the stories you posted. While I appreciate that last day of early voting===
You didn’t look very closely.
- thechampaignlife - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 5:05 pm:
Did they make Welch wear the Taper hat? That is hazing gone too far indeed.
- G'Kar - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 5:33 pm:
Mona’s and Capponi’s [banned punctuation] You gotta love a guy who knows fine dinning in Toluca.
- Michael Westen - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 6:00 pm:
As in Chicago, the number of polling places in Fulton County and Atlanta is decided locally, by Democrats, not some evil Republican in the state capital. This would be similar to blaming Governor Pritzker (or Rauner) for the stories Rich linked to. No. The number and location of Chicago polling places is decided by the Chicago Board of Elections, not the Illinois State Board of Elections. Election details like this are decided locally.
- Emmerder - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 6:27 pm:
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out MM.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Nov 29, 22 @ 8:08 pm:
Proft University? Maybe Uihlein’s linebacker grandson will enter the transfer portal and play for Proft. His grandfather sure does.