Question of the day: 2022 Golden Horseshoe Awards
Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller * The 2022 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Campaign Staffer - Illinois Senate Republicans is a tie. Brent Ellis…
Brent has now won this award two cycles in a row. * And Matt Butcher…
* The 2022 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Campaign Staffer - Illinois House Republicans goes to Mark Revis…
Zach Emberton wins runner-up based on this outstanding nomination…
Congrats! * OK, let’s move on to today’s categories…
Best Campaign Spokesperson Spokespersons can be for federal, state and local offices/campaigns, but keep the nominations Illinois-centric, of course. Please do your best to nominate in both categories and make sure to explain your nominations or your votes won’t count. * And after you’ve voted, please consider clicking here and donating to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois to help them purchase presents for foster children. Here are some of those very kids making Christmas crafts… ![]() We are just a few hundred dollars below matching last year’s online record, without factoring in inflation (I factored that amount into our newly stated goal). So, please, click here and give if you can. Thanks! …Adding… That was quick. Thanks!…
- JoanP - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 10:24 am:
= We are just a few hundred dollars below matching last year’s online record =
Just did my bit, because, jeez, that Superman face is too cute [banned punctuation].
- The Duke of DuPage - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 10:34 am:
Not sure which category this fits as he does both sides but i wholeheartedly nominate and support Aaron DeGroot for best spokesperson!!! Aside from being the nicest person in politics I’ve ever met, his skittles (or skills) are second to nobody, surely his significant other Avery Bourne sure can pick them! He personally gave up time on a family trip this year to help on special communication projects, that’s dedication right there!! He helped pull off near miracles for the Republicans on the smaller battles, of course when the R’s lost the war this year, but his efforts should be recognized. Thanks for everything, Aaron, and good luck with your potato farm!!! I can’t wait to try a DeGroot potato from Kankakee County!
- Golden Comment - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 10:59 am:
Government: Eleni deserves the award on her way out of state government. She’s a delight to work with and is wildly talented. In a state where Republicans are becoming more irrelevant every year, she knows how to keep them in the spotlight.
Campaign: A joint award to Eliza and Natalie on Gov. Pritzker’s campaign. They have proven to be effective messengers and have a bright future ahead of them. Their ability to spin any situation in Pritzker’s favor is one the best.
- Osborne Smith III - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 11:27 am:
Government - John Patterson has been the gold standard for a long time.
Campaign - Eliza Glezer made a name for herself this year for JB. She has a bright future ahead of her, no doubt.
- alrighty then - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 11:39 am:
Government: Its been said many times how Eleni is able to successfully to push the HGOP Caucus position on issues in the press. No brainer and she will be missed.
Campaign: Whitney Barnes had a host of GOP candidates she was helping this cycle. Having multiple comms jobs requires a steady hand, good relationships with reporters across the state, aware of the candidate, and issues - both state and federal level. Whitney did a tremendous job navigating for a lot of candidates.
- Captain, Oh Captain - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 11:44 am:
Government: Ellie Leonard. She was someone thrown into the role and has excelled. Not easy being in that position.
Campaign: Aaron DeGroot. His communication skillset gets sharper every cycle. Any campaign with him on their team knows they are getting a top-notch operative.
- Former Springfield Reporter - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 11:53 am:
Government: House Spokesperson Jaclyn Driscoll has really come into her own working with Speaker Welch. She has given reporters access to Speaker Welch that is just unprecedented at the Illinois Capitol. During session, she also does a good job of organizing press gaggles with other House members that seem to be blessed by her boss. Again unprecedented. As a former reporter, watching a former reporter do her job this well deserves nomination.
Campaign: Natalie from the Pritzker Campaign deserves this nomination. Her work this past campaign cycle is commendable just for dealing with all the lies and fearmongering around the Safe T Act. The push back clearly worked.
- Sharon - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 12:00 pm:
Government spox - John Patterson. A Class Act. Comedian Extraordinaire. Fishing Award Winner. Under Review.
Campaign Spox - Whitney Barnes. She has been an asset to every team she’s joined, excellent at multi-tasking and managing multiple candidates/members with different personalities.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 12:03 pm:
Best Campaign Spokesperson
When you look at a campaign and the voice of a campaign, it’s important to recognize the difference between clear spin and professional communication. Anyone can decide to speak to the easiest and most political thoughts to things. What separates the gifted political spokesman is one that clearly allows the words (written or spoken) to speak to things without the political ambiguity which looks very phony. It’s the job about making the argument the best you can, on offense or defense, where those words are taken seriously enough that they can’t sit out there alone. It’s taking what you have and making it as sharp or pointed to help the campaign meet its messaging agenda or quick response.
I nominate Eleni Demertzis from the Irvin Campaign.
It’s quite easy to nominate Demertzis, when you look at the primary cycle and come to realize the major component that kept Irvin from being irrelevant was the comms that came out from Demertzis, and when faced with so many compounding issues, it was Demertzis who was speaking to so much to so many questions and political points. What could’ve been for any other spokesperson a continual struggle with contradictions, she worked tirelessly to ensure what that campaign wanted was the message, on message, we all saw.
Unsuccessful campaigns have origins where even the best of the best find the uphill too steep for victory. Many times it’s those types of campaigns we see people shine far brighter than the result would normally indicate. That’s the case with Eleni Demertzis, and if you look at the work product given the challenges she faced and how her work stands out, it was easy for me with this nomination.
- Dave Dahl - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 12:09 pm:
The departing quinella of Druker / Haupt in the SOS. Always courteous, always available, always ready to do an interview themselves, all of which (unfortunately) set them apart from others. Alexi will find someone, but they won’t be as good as either of these gentlemen.
Matt Butcher because he is such a darned good guy and I can talk straight with him. Actually, I do that with everyone, but he has an excellent attitude, win or lose, and is always a pleasure to work with.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 12:17 pm:
Best Government Spokesperson
Good politics is government and the other side of that is also true. What can make an elected official shine brighter is a spokesperson that understands the idea of weaving a tapestry of who that elected is, and when they do the job, the office succeeds, the politics of getting the political bump is up to a strong governmental spokesperson who can show that success in easily edible ways.
I look at this that cycle and see who was not keen on taking on whom. How steep the hill, how great a chance a campaign has to defeat that incumbent. It’s not an accident that his boss got the most votes for a statewide this cycle, it’s part of a governmental success by him and the comms that make the difference in highlighting a job well done.
I nominate Abdon Pallasch from Comptroller Mendoza’s office.
The constant and communal education of what is going on in the office, with Mendoza, and weaving it all together as a tapestry, it’s not an accident that Mendoza found herself lacking stronger opposition… because the governing the office did, and the people in that office including Mendoza, had Pallasch spreading the message and educating on the levels of governing and leader, exactly what a good governmental spokesperson should do.
It’s a master class, what is said and reading the work done, focused on that message for that moment but always cognizant of the bigger picture of an elected doing the important work of the office, while being relatable and approachable too, showing the balance, and that’s the measure I saw Pallasch meet and continually surpass.
I nominate Abdon Pallasch as his work separates himself from others by understanding his boss, the job, the Office, and making all three “one” and that “one” allowed the office to be seen so successfully, in one compete picture.
- People’s Republic of Oak Park - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 12:35 pm:
I am not sure how to nominate here but Ed Maher the Comms Director at Local 150 is truly an unsung hero of the communication’s professional within the labor movement.
This last year he over saw the communications during a 6-week strike, mentored the comms director of the WRA campaign and handles the day to day of one of nations most active and powerful unions.
Ed is a gentleman and a scholar. He elevates any project he contributes.
- MG85 - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 12:51 pm:
Best Government Spokesperson
A joke often applied to a failing company goes like this, “a great product but a terrible sales department.” Good government is hard to explain legislation is even more difficult. In today’s multimedia world where a great spokesperson not only needs to provide speeches but tweets, Facebook posts, quick email responses, etc, it is hard to find an office better equipped to deal with it all than that of the Illinois Senate President. Not only has that office been on the forefront of big legislation but also big ideas. Those ideas are not easy to digest and certainly not easy to appreciate by both the general public and other legislative leaders.
Since President Harmon was elected, Spokeswoman Liz Mitchell has hit the ground running making sure the nuances of the President’s office has been shared both statewide and on the ground level.
Communications isn’t just press releases and speechwriting anymore. While Liz certainly is a master of both of those things, her skills with social media and person to person communications have been essential for President Harmon’s office.
With that, I nominate Liz Mitchell.
Best Campaign Spokesperson
Campaigns are meant to do one thing - win elections. The IL Secretary of State race was probably the most contested race in the state this year (primary anyway). Campaigns don’t win without great teams.
It’s difficult to think of a more effective communicator this year than Hannah Jubeh on Alexi Giannoulis’campaign. The messaging of that campaign stayed super tight and focused and dismantled a heavy field of Democratic heavyweights who had the support of big names in the state.
Thru it all, Hannah held the ship’s comms together and delivered an upbeat and effective messaging system that pulled the campaign to victory.
And so, I nominate Hannah Jubeh.
- Suburban Operative - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 1:09 pm:
Aaron DeGroot has been Rodney Davis’s Communications Director for as long as I’ve been paying attention to downstate. I believe Rodney is an honorable man, and DeGroot is both skilled and admirable. After Mary Miller beat Davis in a primary days after claiming at a rally in Quincy with Darren Bailey and Donald Trump that the Dobbs decision was a “victory for white lives,” I felt a shock I wish I never felt, and sympathy for what remains of good people in government and behind the scenes, like DeGroot.I know DeGroot will land on his feet whenever and wherever he wants to work. It is with my distinct honor that I join in the praise of Aaron DeGroot for this prestigious nomination.
- Democracy - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 1:22 pm:
Government: Matt Dietrich. He can always be counted on to handle complex issues surrounding election laws and regulations.
- Thomas Paine - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 1:23 pm:
On the government side, I agree with my colleague Oswego Willy that Abdon Pallasch is the clear choice. Her election total is indeed a testament to not only her work and the work of her staff, but Abdon’s labor, skill and craftsmanship. He brings to the post the necessary understanding of the work of the comptroller’s office and its impact on the public, exceptional stewardship of relationships with the media, and the ability to weave stories like Charlotte and her web in a way that truly dazzles audiences and earns his work front page coverage.
On the campaign side of things, I have to confess, I went back and reread all of the nominations from 2018 to think about how we truly measure “Greatness” in this category, and I must say I really find myself wondering whether any campaign spokesperson this cycle handed in a memorable performance. Maybe this just wasn’t the year for great performances, when the victories are so lopsided, the losing side’s core message so wrong from jump street…can a campaign spox have a memorable performance? When paid media has such an outsized influence, can you really take credit for the outcome?
I would argue giving no one the award this year.
But, if I had to give the award to someone, I would have to give it to Dan Proft.
I know what you are thinking…disaster, right?
But here’s the thing: Dan, unlike Eleni, buried his primary opponents so deep in the ground, they will never be heard from again.
When Irvin announced, a lot of early commenters on this site thought that Irvin was the candidate to beat, a freight train that could not be stopped, with all the money, best talent, and insider endorsements and connections.
Proft made that freight train look like a clown car. He ran circles around them in messaging.
Yes, Proft had a terrible, terrible message for the general. But no one can claim he didn’t prosecute his case consistently and prolifically. He was so “on message” he had multiple ads pulled, a never before achieved feat, all so he could complain about how the media was stacked against him. He was the most talked about, most quoted, most tweeted, most ever-present voice for any campaign out there not just this cycle but in recent memory, even if it was all separated by a paper-thin wall claiming he was acting independently, which might still cost him tens of millions in campaign fines.
We, the readers, know that Proft was the true spox for the Bailey campaign, and we should bestow upon him the ignoble honor of having been spox for one of the worst campaigns for Governor in Illinois history, if for no other reason than to shame him into never returning to Illinois politics, and in the slim hope his Golden Horseshoe might be used as evidence in an ISBE hearing or criminal trial.
- Mocking Jay - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 1:27 pm:
You can’t say it better than Oswego Willy, but I too nominate Abdon Pallasch at the Comptroller’s office.
The topic areas the Comptroller covers is completely complex but Abdon has a way of boiling it down for the average person that encounters state government. There is a reason she was the top vote getter: it is her message and he is the main driver of that.
- Reality Bites - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 2:12 pm:
Best Government Spokesperson: Jordan Abuduyah hands down and 6 times on Tuesday. No offense to the other folks mentioned here but Jordan has the hardest communications job in state government and continually makes it look easy. I know she has won this in the past but honestly, doing her job in an election year is ten times harder. And her candidate won…just saying.
Best Campaign Spokesperson: Natalie Edelstein from the Pritzker campaign. Coming in from outside the state to do communications in Illinois is really really hard and Natalie made it look easy. She carved up not one but two Republicans in the primary and general. The day in/day out barrage of negative press on Irvin and then Bailey was a sight to behold. Natalie’s work helped everyone else on the ticket win and she should be recognized for it.
- Nominees Please - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 2:12 pm:
Government Spokesperson: Eleni is in a class of her own. She’s passionate, fearless, and quick witted. She knows how to bob, weave, and deflect like no one in this business. Because of their super minority status the GOP hasn’t given her a lot to work with, but she has managed to turn the tables on the Dems more than anyone else. She’s simply spectacular at her job.
Political Spokesperson: A year ago no one in state politics knew TaQuoya McConnico, and many weren’t sure how an unknown would handle the post-Madigan world. Now many are well acquainted with the Speaker’s firecracker spokesperson who doubles as the Executive Director of the House Dems operation. For more than 30 years the House Democratic Caucus had little to no voice with the media, and the new speaker wanted someone who wasn’t afraid to talk to the press and work with them to help formulate stories. When TaQuoya took over the entire approach to media relations and public communications changed. In one year she’s probably talked to more reporters on the record than Steve Brown did in a decade. This isn’t to knock Brown, but TaQuoya has certainly earned her stripes and proven herself to be a formidable spokesperson in this business.
- Opening Date - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 2:12 pm:
Government: Jordan Abudayyeh. She is incredibly loyal to Governor Pritzker, respected by the media across the state, deals with gross trolling from the right on social media, knows the most complicated issues inside and out (no offense to the Comptroller’s office but their issues really aren’t complicated), and keeps a smile on the entire time.
Campaign: Eleni Demertzis. I mean she made a case for the guy at every turn even though she knew is was all fakery. She gets big points for that.
- PO2821 - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 2:15 pm:
I’ll second a nomination for Henry Haupt, outgoing from SOS. When I was a reporter more than 10 years ago, he was always not only available, but actually helpful on so many different issues.
And for campaign spox, Hannah Jubeh did knock it out of the park for Alexi.
- A vote for AP - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 2:17 pm:
Making good government sound interesting and comprehensible enough to make headlines can be near impossible, especially when it comes to fiscal matters. IL Comptroller gov’t spox Abdon Pallasch has proven up to the task.
- ILLest Fight - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 2:18 pm:
Government: John Patterson - Senate Presidents Office. He keeps it simple but can land a sharp shot when necessary. Which this past year called for quite a lot.
Campaign: Stomping Ground - Worked with so many people to push back against the misinformation around the SAFE-T Act. They were almost everywhere it seems.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 2:36 pm:
Abdon Pallasch is the Comptroller’s secret superweapon. Yes, she’s great — but Abdon is brilliant at communicating that greatness.
- JordanFan - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 3:26 pm:
Government: Jordan Abudayyeh does an amazing job. Jordan is accessible, direct and is a pure professional all while having a little fun. Jordan also has one of the strongest relationships inside the Pritzker camp with the Governor and senior level staff.
Campaign Side: A vote for Natalie Edelstein. Natalie did a great job guiding the JB comm side of the campaign. She worked hard and became part of a major part of the winning team.
- SPI_Transplant - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 3:39 pm:
Government: Jordan Abudayyeh. She has excelled in a position that would be tough for pretty much anyone else. Jordan guides her boss with grace and a little snark, when necessary. She lets things roll off of her and onto the next - sign of a real pro.
Campaign: Natalie Edelstein. This woman had to keep the campaign focused on the issues that mattered, while not letting those fake newspapers gain any real traction with fears of the “Safe-T Act” and other bogus claims.
- Shytown - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 3:42 pm:
No brainers
Government: Jordan Abudayyeh in gov’s office. She’s on fire. Her Twitter feed is goldmine.
Campaign: Natalie Edelstein from JB campaign never missed a beat it seemed. She was highly effective at covering multiple fronts at once.
- Conservative Circumspection - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 3:53 pm:
Best Government Spokesperson: Jordan Abudayyeh is simply a cut above. Think of the plethora of issues she deals with on a daily basis: a global pandemic, personnel issues, complex legislative initiatives like the SAFE-T Act, natural disasters, and the random trivia associated with being the chief executive of the state. And she does it with clarity, transparency and - when necessary - an appropriate edge. Despite the intense heat thrown at her by trolls the world over, she never takes it personally and suits up for the game again the next day.
Best Campaign Spokesperson: Natalie Edelstein hit the ground running in a state that doesn’t like nobody who nobody sent. She had to gain the trust of the reporters and the political class, and then deliver the earned media stories necessary to properly contextualize the Governor’s first term while cutting Richard Irvin (R-Ken Griffin) to the quick. After burying Mr. Irvin in the primary, she guided a communications strategy that kept JB’s positives at the forefront and executed a detailed “drip, drip” of Darren Bailey’s negatives at all the right moments in all the right ways. The margin speaks for itself, and earned communications was as much a part of it as great ads and a well-oiled operation.
- Special Agent Johnson - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 5:34 pm:
I would also like to echo Abdon Pallasch because while bad news most frequently demands staff’s highest efforts, what happens to the Comptroller’s office when the state’s fiscal house is awash in good news? Getting reporters to focus on the positive and the progress is in many ways the toughest job in comms. He and the comptroller have managed to rebut the naysayers to an almost comical degree while even successfully pushing for a rainy-day fund. Oh and also, he and the Comptroller gave no quarter (pun intended) to former Sens. Noland and Clayborne who sued for the very salary increase they voted against.
For campaign spokesperson, I don’t think I can make as strong an argument for anyone else as Thomas Paine has for Dan Proft. He may have burned hot and bright in the primary and flamed out in the general but he could not be ignored (despite our efforts).
- GC - Tuesday, Dec 6, 22 @ 7:20 pm:
Government - we should recognize Lake County Deputy Chief Chris Covelli, who navigated the Highland Park tragedy with great grace, tact, and cool mind and worked at an even higher level than he did for the Gliniewicz shooting. He knows the players in the national media, he knows where the public’s mind is, and he does as good a job of anyone in LE at conveying as much as he can. I only wish we (the people) didn’t need to call on his talents so often.
Campaigns - sadly can’t speak competently to this one. I defer to others.