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Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* What’s up today?


  1. - illini - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 8:10 am:

    I watched a fantastic overtime win by the Fighting Illini against the #2 ranked Texas Longhorns. Looking for an exciting year from our talented, but very young, team.

  2. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 8:10 am:

    Congrats to Quentin Fulks, Sen. Warnock’s campaign manager, for the victory and strategy of appealing to GOP and independent voters. The lesson for the ILGOP is candidate quality, having good people who can gain suburban voters and others. That proved successful in Georgia state races. MAGA is election poison. Good luck.

  3. - Red Ketcher - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 8:34 am:

    Pearl Harbor Day
    Never Forget

  4. - SouthernCentrist - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 8:34 am:

    Last night saw a great Illini win, a Warnock win, and the Cubs making moves in free agency. I continue to be very impressed by Senator Warnock. He hits all the right notes while his opponents try to paint him as an angry radical. Hard for voters to reconcile that with who he actually is and with how he presents himself.

    I’m doing great. Now that the races are over I’m hoping to relax a bit through the New Year. Hoping you’re doing well, Rich.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 8:35 am:

    Candidate Quality matters, part 5,175

    Illinois need only to be reminded *again* with a very impressive and complete win by Quinten Fulks,.

    Make no mistake, even in Illinois, it’s about candidate quality, GOTV, working smart and working together to build coalitions, something that this GOP, nationally and in Illinois, refuses to do because of cultist thinking and purity.

    So much of what Georgia showed reminds me of Illinois;

    The suburbs of Atlanta, once rock solid… Romney, “W” Bush, now staying quite blue… not unlike DuPage or even Lake…

    Rural areas still so Red, uneducated white voters, with pockets of college towns and urban hubs, the contrast to where this GOP is and where it was, it’s a credit to Dems, like here in Illinois, fighting for every inch, trying to build even in Red counties… Fulks took what he learned and applied it to his home state.

    When multiple states show patterns, it’s not “well, it’s Illinois”.

    It’s not.

    Georgia, now for the 6th time, the 4th time Warnock, had democracy on display and democracy won, despite all the unnecessary but forceful challenges put upon it.

    Not one GOP or Dem incumbent US Senator lost, and the irony, not really irony if one pays attention, of poor candidate quality flipped an open seat in Pennsylvania.

    Illinois was put on notice.

    It’s up to the GOP to evolve or it will be left behind.

    Feeling aggrieved that your way of life is evolving and you don’t like that evolving, that’s not how elections are won, being angry.

    Republicans, especially Illinois Republicans need to realize… winners make policy, there are no wins other than seats, owning the libs is losing the battle, the “war”, and losing yourselves to the American emerging and the Illinois that is changing and not going back.

  6. - Amalia - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 9:30 am:

    Belinger looks high is a constant meme from Dodgers fans. Perfect for the Cubs.

  7. - Baloneymous - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 9:58 am:

    Huge win over #2 Texas last night. What a comeback after so many turnovers. They really need that experience to get through upcoming close Big 10 games. And their only losses are to very good Virginia and Maryland teams. Can’t wait for Braggin’ Rights game. Mizzou is 8-0 but plays #6 Kansas before the Illini game.

  8. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 10:27 am:

    ===Quinten Fulks===

    Just don’t ask him to run your constitutional amendment campaign.

  9. - Amalia - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 10:42 am:

    LOL, Trib Sports front page headline “Eyeing big payoff” for Belinger story. everybody talks about the eyes.

  10. - Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 10:45 am:

    Back to OEIG’s report on IDOC this week. The Lt. who asked the employee to fill out the Fictitious Form? In 2019 it was reported he and another officer “both received five-day suspensions after they mocked a transgender woman during a lewd back-and-forth exchange.”

    Sounds like the OEIG report is just the tip of the iceberg.

  11. - Chicago Guy - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    Not sure the Atlanta suburbs are “quite Blue” as some one suggested here. These same Atlanta suburbs elected Republicans to the following state-wide offices: Gov., Lt. Gov., Secretary of Sate, Atty. Gen., Secretary of State. Mr. Fulks and Sen. Warnock should be thanking Trump for their win and should not congratulate each other for anything specular they did..Just saying.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 12:22 pm:

    ===some one suggested here===

    Aw. Don’t be bashful, lol

    The trend is not the friend of the GOP here in those suburbs, and looking at those GOP statewide wins, what they had in common was the all but denouncing of Trump, in fact Trump had issues with two specific statewide GOPers.

    The goal for the GOP there is mirror winners that denounce the cult.

    If they don’t, you get Warnock type of vote totals where Dems find votes.

    But, let’s look at this…

    ===should not congratulate each other for anything specular they did..Just saying.===

    Are you saying that the GOP statewide winners that denounced Trump, or worse, understand that the tide is turning against what the GOP is and continues to be at its base, or…

  13. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 12:47 pm:

    Very sad to see the Pickwick Theatre in Park Ridge will be closing–a loving old theatre:×5ophedm-story.html

  14. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 12:48 pm:

    Just noticed: why does the “Say It” button that you push to comment use the banned punctuation? I know, your site, your rules.

  15. - Mitch1959 - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 12:49 pm:

    Lets get tourism started again at Old Slave House in southern Illinois. It may not be great history, but it is history. Thanks

  16. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Dec 7, 22 @ 3:35 pm:

    ===should be thanking Trump for their win===

    Donald Trump won the Republican Nomination for President of the United States quite handily in 2016. That’s indicative of what exactly Republican primary voters were interested in. For 2020 the GOP effectively canceled the primary process to protect him from a challenge.

    When Donald Trump lead a coup attempted on the United States Capitol on January 6th, the Republican congressional leadership and almost all of the members of congress remained in lockstep with Donald Trump.

    You should really dispense with this idea that Donald Trump is some kind of anomaly that the GOP was involuntarily subjected to. Republicans across the country have repeatedly been given opportunities to break ranks with Donald Trump and they repeatedly fail to do so.

    Donald Trump is the Republican Party. Donald Trump represents the Republican Party. Donald Trump leads the Republican Party and the last several decades of Republican rhetoric and political action made a figure like Donald Trump inevitable.

    It’s not like Donlad Trump showed up and before he did the GOP wasn’t filled with white nationalists and christian nationalists seeking to reduce the rights and freedoms of others.

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