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Assault weapons ban news coverage roundup

Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Politico

Giffords, the gun violence prevention group founded by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, says its polling shows views on assault weapons fall along party lines, with Democrats supporting a ban and many Republicans opposing it. Some questions in the poll might indicate the challenges lawmakers are facing as they consider the legislation.

From the poll

Please tell me whether you support or oppose this policy: “Banning Assault-Style Weapons”

Please tell me whether you support or oppose this policy: “Banning high-capacity ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds”

* Tribune

Dozens of faith community leaders came together Wednesday morning to share their support and perspectives on proposed state legislation aimed at addressing one of the biggest problems to plague Chicago — gun violence.

Pastors, reverends, rabbis and imams, including the Rev. Michael Pfleger and Pastor Cornelius Parks, filled the stage of Good Hope Free Will Baptist Church in East Garfield Park — just blocks from where a deadly mass shooting took place on Halloween — to voice their concerns on gun violence across the city. They used the rally as a call for action to support House Bill 5855, or the Protect Illinois Communities Act.

The legislation would ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, help to further implement Illinois’ Firearm Restraining Order law and address illegal gun trafficking in the state and is a response to the mass shooting at the Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, where seven people were killed and dozens of others injured by a shooter using an assault-style rifle and high-capacity magazines.

Rep. Bob Morgan, a Democrat from Deerfield who was marching in the parade when the shooting occurred, introduced the bill in December after months of work by the Illinois House Firearm Safety and Reform working group, which he chairs. The group was formed in July with a goal of creating legislation that the General Assembly could pass to reduce gun violence in Illinois, he said.


The act would do a number of things, including banning the sale or purchase of assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. It would also raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21.

It would even extend the duration of a firearm restraining order from six months to one year. […]

The bill had two committee hearings last month. Legislators are returning to the Capitol Wednesday for a lame-duck session.

Currently, no hearing is scheduled in the session for this bill.

* Patch

As of midday Wednesday, 35 state representatives, all Democrats, had signed on to Morgan’s bill as co-sponsors. It will still need to win approval in the state Senate, where similar measures have stalled in the past.

Democrats have supermajorities in both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly, which rewrote the state’s gun laws in 2013, but they have never called a floor vote on the issue of an assault weapons ban and it remains to be seen if it will called for a vote this time.

Gun owner advocacy groups have opposed the bill and pledged to fight it in court if it passes. The National Rifle Association, Guns Save Life and the Illinois State Rifle Association have called for their members to lobby lawmakers to vote against the bill.

Rallies in support of the bill are planned for Thursday in Springfield.

* Center Square

Gun-rights advocate Todd Vandermyde says they won’t negotiate despite hearing there could be amendments.

“They’re looking to modify the magazine limits,” Vandermyde told WMAY Wednesday. “We hear the number they’re kicking around now is 12. Not a big jump from 10 to 12. And we think that they’re having some discussions about the age limit stuff. I think reality is setting in with some people that they have constitutional issues with what they’re proposing.”

Vandermyde and others promise lawsuits will be filed challenging the various aspects of the proposed bill if it were to be approved and enacted.

Opposition continues to mount. Before the Christmas holiday, the Madison County Board voted to denounce House Bill 5855.

* NBC Chicago

Data obtained by NBC 5 Investigates shows that more than 73,000 residents filed applications for FOID cards in Illinois during the five months after the Highland Park shooting, marking a 19% increase over the months prior to the attack.

Those individuals who currently own weapons that are deemed “assault weapons” under the proposed legislation would have the option of registering those guns with the Illinois State Police, according to bill sponsors.

* Three buses filled with gun violence survivors and advocates will be arriving in Springfield to rally and meet with legislators. ABC 7

This grassroots effort is being led mostly by moms, as some call it a personal crusade. […]

Ashley Beasley is a parade survivor.

She will be on the buses with other moms Thursday morning to rally and meet with legislators in Springfield.

“For me, activism has been a huge part of therapy. Getting involved in trying to make change has been something that has helped me to take control,” Beasley said.

* Sun-Times

Legislators held a hearing on the bill in mid-December, when critics questioned its cost and constitutionality and supporters recounted the trauma of the year’s mass shootings.

There are enough Democrats in both state chambers to pass the bill without Republican support, but conservative, downstate Democrats have been wary of supporting similar bills in the past

In 2018, after the Parkland, Florida, school shooting that killed 17 people, Illinois tried to increase the age minimum to buy an assault weapon to 21. But the bill was vetoed by then-Gov. Bruce Rauner, who had called for the bill to expand the purchase wait period for all guns to 72 hours and to institute a death penalty for cop killers.

In 2005, after a federal ban on assault weapons ended a year earlier, state Rep. Edward Acevedo, D-Chicago, sponsored a bill to ban semiautomatic assault weapons, assault weapon attachments, .50-caliber rifles and cap magazines at 10 rounds, similar to this year’s bill. But the bill failed after getting only 57 of the 60 votes needed.


  1. - Stephanie Kollmann - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:07 am:

    That debate and coverage of this bill includes far more input from the gun industry than analysis of the fact that the bill as drafted constitutes the largest criminal penalty bill in two decades is quite an indictment of both the political and the reporting process on gun policy issues.

  2. - Team America - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:10 am:

    Has anyone analyzed the expected increase in incarceration for violators of the proposed law? What will be the impact on the prison system?

  3. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:18 am:

    ===political and the reporting process on gun policy issues===

    It’s easy to frame it this way.

  4. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:19 am:

    “We hear the number they’re kicking around now is 12″

    That’s a non-concession as the majority of standard issue mags that are larger than 10 are either 15 or 17 - moving to 12 looks good only to the uniformed.

  5. - Jibba - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:21 am:

    ==the expected increase in incarceration for violators ==

    But these folks are mostly law and order types who would be expected to follow the new restrictions, no? /s

  6. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:21 am:

    “What will be the impact on the prison system?”

    Well, for those who “Back the Blue” and claim adherence to the strict rule of law, nil.

    For those who talk a mean game about taking their guns from their cold, dead hands, again, nil, as it is all talk.

  7. - Team America - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:31 am:

    Flying Elvis - like many, you are thinking only of the suburban or rural right-leaning person who loves guns. What about people arrested for other crimes (robbery, carjacking, whatever) who happen to be carrying a handgun with a ‘now illegal’ magazine? You don’t think if enforced, this new laws won’t increase the prison population? If the law won’t be enforced, what’s the point?

  8. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:34 am:

    ===What will be the impact on the prison system?===

    Considering DOC is understaffed, underfunded, and depriving people of basic constitutional rights as things stand right now, we can assume adding more people to the system would have a negative impact.

  9. - Todd - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:38 am:

    ==But these folks are mostly law and order types who would be expected to follow the new restrictions, no?==

    NO. Th gun guys/gals have played along and after 4 Supreme Court cases are tired of the BS & nonsense. no matter how many background checks, finger prints FOID CHL it’s never enough.

    So this will be where you see civil disobedience and defiance. New York, Mass Ct all got between 13 - 18% compliance rate on a registration scheme. now the Ct governor wants to confiscate the registered “‘AWs” So hes said what we have all known.

    And with 70 counties as sanctuary gun counties, and others saying no county resources to enforce said law what’s the downside to non-compliance? If you’re not in cook County I see very little.

    you gonna have State Police camp out in front of my gun club? How are you gonna enforce this? I’ve been asking that for the past 18 months and no one has an answer.

  10. - West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:51 am:

    I suppose I shouldn’t hold the fact that someone is too lazy to proofread and check for spelling, punctuation and capitalization against the content of their opinion, but if I wanted that simple lack of attention to detail I’d be looking at Twitter.

  11. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:52 am:

    ===civil disobedience and defiance===

    Armed folks defying legal orders from the police doesn’t seem like the best “civil” disobedience strategy. Nevermind the rhetoric they use.

  12. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:54 am:

    “ How are you gonna enforce this?”

    In the abstract, it really won’t be enforced. When a different crime is committed, this will just add to the charges if you are non compliant.

  13. - Galena Guy - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 10:57 am:

    Armed folks defying legal orders from the police doesn’t seem like the best “civil” disobedience strategy. Nevermind the rhetoric they use.

    Seems like these folks are all for “law and order” as long as the the law and the order is imposed on somebody else.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 11:00 am:

    The politics of this is so very terribly simple.

    With abortion, Republicans are dangerous to women’s health…

    … voting against an assult gun ban, Republicans are dangerous to our school children, to us all.

    The framing of the GOP as a party riddled with unpopular policy positions that have danger at the core, that’s the raw politics of a “Red or Green” vote on this gun policy.

    It’s not going to matter if the policy/bill is constitutional, in fact, it’s now, “today”, about what can get passed and signed that has an opportunity to face scrutiny within the legal system and courts.

    I’ve been an advocate to run, pass, and sign a bill that has the greatest chance to withstanding court challenges, while not embracing the zealot choice of either side, and see where society can find itself.

    Since it seems that the finding of an avenue is untenable, run a bill, get the entire GOP to be “red” on it, oppose it, get weaker GOP members on at least a voting record, let alone have them speak against a ban, and press on.

    It’s so terribly simple, the politics, but that we are at that part of the program where it’s the politics after might be a win, what exactly is a measure of win-loss anyway.

    Run a bill, vote, pass, and sign it, and let’s see how the GOP sits for the next two years as a party against abortion and against curtailing guns

  15. - Stephanie Kollmann - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 11:05 am:

    ==What about people arrested for other crimes (robbery, carjacking, whatever) who happen to be carrying a handgun with a ‘now illegal’ magazine==

    That’s definitely not who will be most targeted by the criminal penalties in this bill.

    Unless policing changes suddenly and significantly, it will mostly impact Black Chicagoans with a valid gun permit and no felony background who are stopped and frisked or pulled over for an “equipment violation” and have their vehicle searched by CPD following a “smell” or “plain sight” or “description” rationale.

  16. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 11:17 am:

    Team America-

    If they are going to be charged and tried on one felony, carjacking to use your example, an add on gun charge is still the same person going to prison.

    Don’t see how that factors in to your “increase in incarceration” argument.

    Bye the bye, if they cop to the more violent charge, most SA’s will drop the gun charge. Seen it a million times.

  17. - ChicagoVinny - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 11:18 am:

    ==Seems like these folks are all for “law and order” as long as the the law and the order is imposed on somebody else.==

    “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

  18. - We've never had one before - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 11:33 am:

    >>>>>Armed folks defying legal orders from the police doesn’t seem like the best “civil” disobedience strategy. Nevermind the rhetoric they use.

    I’ve heard that before, 246 years ago.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 11:36 am:

    ===I’ve heard that before, 246 years ago.===

    Like I said yesterday.


    The zealots are those that will take down any opportunities to find where the people can find common ground, as those so callously and creepily want “revolution” as the seemingly only alternative

    Run the bill, let the GOP be “Red”, then let the voters do the rest.

  20. - Jerry - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 11:38 am:

    Enforced? The same way Government Mandated Birth is going to be enforced.

  21. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 12:11 pm:

    “… voting against an assult gun ban, Republicans are dangerous to our school children, to us all.”

    comparing a gun control bill to abortion is silly. Abortion is an issue that has clear and established support/opposition lines. While the ranks of 2A supporters grow each year - 163,000 Foid aps in 2015 - 483,00 in 2020, Illinois leads the nation in firearm Background checks.

  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 12:12 pm:

    ===While the ranks of 2A supporters grow===

    I’m not thinking everyone is buying guns because they support a constitutional amendment.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 12:18 pm:

    ===comparing a gun control bill to abortion is silly.===

    When was the last “pro-assault weapon” so vocal?

    I’m also comparing assault weapons to abortion in polling, not the 2A.

    Please, keep up.

  24. - Old Muttonhead - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 12:32 pm:

    Comparing the debates on abortion to assault weapons is entirely because the polling is so similar. Just because FOID applications rise does not necessarily equate to a dramatic shift in the debate. Access to abortion care and support for “Banning high-capacity ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds” is similarly matched. I refer you to the polling data at the top of the article.

  25. - Jerry - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 12:46 pm:

    Gun law enforcement should be done the same way abortion laws are trying to be enforced in “Red” states. Nothing wrong with the guv’mint tracking you on social media, for instance. Conservatives whine all the time about “Limited Government”. Now all of a sudden gun owners are “Woke?”

  26. - Fivegreenleaves - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 12:50 pm:

    “What will be the impact on the prison system?”

    None. Criminals won’t obey the new law, just like they don’t obey they old law. Those of us that do will continue to obey. This law literally changes nothing, which is why it’s pointless.

  27. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 1:15 pm:

    =None. Criminals won’t obey the new law, just like they don’t obey they old law. Those of us that do will continue to obey. This law literally changes nothing, which is why it’s pointless.=

    By your “logic” we then should have no laws. WHich is illogical.

  28. - Leap Day William - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 1:19 pm:

    == While the ranks of 2A supporters grow each year - 163,000 Foid aps in 2015 - 483,00 in 2020, Illinois leads the nation in firearm Background checks. ==

    I’m one of those 2020 FOID Applications, and have never ever ever purchased a gun. Promise that I, along with almost every other FOID holder I know, are very much in favor of the assault weapons ban and most other common sense gun regulations.

  29. - We've never had one before - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 1:28 pm:

    I’m not “pro-assault-weapon” and don’t know anyone who is.

    I’m pro-freedom, I’m pro-2A.

    I want the government out of the bedroom, out of the doctor’s office, and out of my gun safe.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===I’m not “pro-assault-weapon” and don’t know anyone who is.===

    But you’ll start a revolution if you don’t get to keep one?

    Like I said. Creepy.

  31. - Jerry - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 1:53 pm:

    The only gun that was available when the 2nd Amendment was written was a single shot musket. And the Amendment only applied to White Male Land Owners. And they had to fight for the country.

    Let’s go back to those rules!

  32. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jan 5, 23 @ 2:31 pm:

    =I’m pro-freedom, I’m pro-2A.=

    “pro” what does that even mean? And how about the 7 articles and 26 other amendments? Are you “pro” those? Because your friends on the authoritarian right have slowly pecked away at some of those.

    Consider the conservative restrictions/denial of your 4th amendment rights that directly affect your freedom. Ever been stopped at a “safety checkpoint” by police trolling for DUI’s?

    Maybe think about the whole of our constitution not just one mis applied amendment. Give the whole thing a read, the constitution is quiet and incredible achievement.

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