Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » The Republican Party really needs to stop feeding its trolls
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The Republican Party really needs to stop feeding its trolls

Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Sally Turner is a reasonable Republican. She and many others like her undoubtedly fret at the state of her party these days. With respect, it’s just bizarre to me that these same people never seem to realize how they have enthusiastically enabled that base

In an interview on WGLT’s Sound Ideas, [Sen. Sally Turner, R-Beason] said she plans to introduce a bill to require voters provide ID at the ballot box.

Turner, a former county clerk, said she’s not seen evidence of election fraud in Illinois, but added some voters may feel disenfranchised.

“They think others may be casting a ballot that really isn’t them. Indeed, I have not seen that be the case personally, but that might alleviate some of that headache,” Turner said.

People have to show proof of identification when they register to vote. Your voter registration signature is then your ID at the polls. Introducing a bill based on other people’s perceived feelings about stolen elections or whatnot is empowering the conspiracy theorists.

During the winter break, some goofy Minnesotan was going on and on at the pool about how tons of people were bused from Chicago to vote in Minneapolis. It didn’t appear to occur to this dude how impossibly difficult it would be to conceal such a gigantic logistics effort at either end, or even in between. Laws shouldn’t be passed to placate that person’s feelings, who would undoubtedly just come up with an insane replacement conspiracy theory anyway.

If there’s a problem, fix it. Sen. Turner says there’s not a problem, and she was a county clerk so she would know. Stop pandering to the mob.


  1. - Jerry - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:21 pm:

    Is this constitutional?

  2. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:28 pm:

    Had some committeemen who used to say that about Aurora and Kane County, having them explain the logistics never seemed to help them understand the lack of logic in the story

  3. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:28 pm:

    ==Is this constitutional?==

    Yes, it’s just an unnecessary hassle, and frankly one designed to suppress votes.

  4. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:29 pm:

    A solution in search of a problem.

  5. - Dysfunction Junction - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:30 pm:

    A great way to disabuse oneself of suspicions about false voter identities is to call the local election board and volunteer for a 14+ hour stint as an election judge. Watch every signature as it happens, challenge the ones you think are suspicious and see if you can get agreement from all the other judges in your precinct. Make the voter try their signature multiple times if you’re still not convinced. By the end of that long day, you’ll understand how well-designed the voting system is.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:30 pm:

    ===Turner, a former county clerk, said she’s not seen evidence of election fraud in Illinois, but added some voters may feel disenfranchised.

    “They think others may be casting a ballot that really isn’t them. Indeed, I have not seen that be the case personally, but that might alleviate some of that headache,” Turner said.===

    This is literally fixing a non-existing problem to placate the troublemakers.

    Here’s the thing, for me.

    Be it voter ID, or any bill… the thought of legislating to placate red herring worries, that’s legislating to a make believe truth.

    That’s it.

    Less government should mean deciding that there’s NO way legislating to fear and the whims of the fearful where no fear exists… that’s creating government, and oversight of phantom threats.

    It’s disappointing to read this.

  7. - Save Ferris - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:31 pm:

    She’s pandering to the isolated primary mob.

    Make primaries non-partisan, where you have to appeal to everyone and not just one side’s extremes, and most of this crap will end.

  8. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:32 pm:

    The senator missed a great chance for a teaching moment helping those that “may feel disenfranchised” to understand the safe guards in place to protect the voting process.

    But instead, she chose to play to the lowest information voters and confirm in their minds they are victims.

  9. - Roadrager - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:33 pm:

    If a voter ID law were to pass in Illinois and Democrats won elections anyway, that would just provide further “evidence” to the voter ID crowd that the elections are still rigged and corrupt and further measures need to be taken. There’s no end to it. Well, there is, but it’s also the end of some other things.

  10. - Lake Villa Dem PC - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:33 pm:

    I am fine with showing ID as long as the ID being checked is free and accessible to all eligible Illinois residents. Never forget how the DMW in Sauk city Wisconsin was open on the fifth Wednesday of the month under Scott Walker, that’s around 4 times a year.

  11. - Save Ferris - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:33 pm:

    Also, unless she’s asking for the state to issue free IDs, this amounts to being forced to pay a price (the cost to purchase the ID) to vote.

    A poll tax.

  12. - JoanP - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:38 pm:

    Nothing like proposing a solution to a non-existent problem that then creates a problem.

  13. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:43 pm:

    The trolls are the base now.

  14. - L. Scripps - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:45 pm:

    I am quickly coming around to the idea of non-partisan primaries. We have to figure out a way to stop the pandering to the extremes because of the fear of losing a Primary. That is all this is. She knows that bill will not see the light of day, yet she can yell on the campaign trail that she is fighting to stop voter fraud (that does not exist according to her).

    I also do not think it as easy as “finding brave legislators” to stand up and run. Look what happened to Kinzinger. Sure he was brave, and now he is no longer in Congress. Why? Because he didn’t run because he would not of been able to get out of a Primary against a clown of a candidate.

    Something needs to change

  15. - Illiana - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:47 pm:

    Save Ferris-

    In the article she did say the state would have to provide free IDs for those who don’t already have one, which I guess doesn’t make it completely unreasonable.

  16. - H-W - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:48 pm:

    Yeah, that idea is just dumb on so many levels.

    It obviously will not get through the legislature. In addition, if some (republican-leaning) people feel “disenfrancised,” it is not because they cannot vote. It is because more people have a different vision for the future and how to get there.

    But disenfranchising some citizens so that another set of citizens may feel more enfranchised is just irrational, as well as immoral.

    As noted, making laws to disenfranchise some others, because a minority of citizens believe their candidates representing a minority position cannot win if everyone is allowed to vote, is just dumb, not to mention fundamentally anti-voters, and anti-voting, and anti-American democracy.

    It is also anti-republican as well, since rather than encouraging cooperation between collectives of different interests (a collective of republics), it is about eliminating other groups (republics) from the process.

    Just dumb.

  17. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:49 pm:

    =I am fine with showing ID as long as the ID being checked is free and accessible to all eligible Illinois residents.=

    I agree, and the same would have to be extended to any document required for a voter id.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:50 pm:

    ===which I guess doesn’t make it completely unreasonable.===

    Cost is (could be) a hurdle.

    Access and ability to get one is another.

    A thought.

  19. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:52 pm:

    ===and accessible===

    Define accessible.

  20. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:54 pm:

    Dysfunction Junction:
    No,that would require much more time and effort than they want to put into anything.
    For them it is easier to believe some anecdotes they hear from people on their side.
    Or whatever their favorite talking head on the teevee says.
    Or whatever the politician or candidate on their side thinks.

    And,worst of all,they might be proven wrong or the people they believe in might be wrong and above all else they never ever want to admit they or “their side” is wrong.

  21. - Illiana - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:56 pm:

    Oswego Willy -

    You’re right that accumulating the cost of handing out free IDs for an non-issue doesn’t make sense. I’ve also somewhat supported the idea that the state could provide free IDs to any resident who wants one. However,that support has never been tied to voting.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 2:57 pm:

    ===I am quickly coming around to the idea of non-partisan primaries. We have to figure out a way to stop the pandering to the extremes because of the fear of losing a Primary.===

    I can’t disagree more, adamantly disagree “times ten”.

    Why bail out the ILGOP? The Dems here in IL aren’t hijacked, and forcing Dems into this type of primary system because the GOP embraces racist thinkers, insurrection apologists and conspiracy theorists… nope. Sorry.

  23. - Huh? - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:00 pm:

    =I am fine with showing ID as long as the ID being checked is free and accessible to all eligible Illinois residents.=

    I flash my county issued voter registration card every time I vote.

    What else do I need?

  24. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:00 pm:

    Sally Turner won’t vote for a budget that supports let alone expands any of the projects, properties and institutions in her district so the only thing she can do is file red meat press release bills that she can tout in the next election as examples of how Republican she is while continuing to hope and pray that the locals remain angry at the outside world and never figure her out.

  25. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:03 pm:

    Voter ID?
    Ok… charge……EVER….for any part of it.
    No charge for a new ID… charge to replace a lost or stolen ID.
    And make it VERY easy for any eligible voter to get.
    From the most wealthy persons living in the most expensive houses to the poorest working people to the elderly in a nursing home to people living in any public housing from Chicago to Cairo.

    Then I might be on board with it….but it won’t happen.

  26. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:04 pm:

    ===VERY easy===

    Define very easy.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:06 pm:

    ===Sally Turner won’t vote for a budget that supports let alone expands any of the projects, properties and institutions in her district so the only thing she can do is file red meat press release bills that she can tout in the next election as examples of how Republican she is while continuing to hope and pray that the locals remain angry at the outside world and never figure her out.===

    This is restaurant quality, and also, frankly, why the GOP GA members that tout “this or that” then outright vote against things that should be slam dunk “green” for their district…

    … it’s now farcical that these GOP GA members feel government regulation is so necessary… yet the refuse to vote to fund the state with a budget.

    Good stuff.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:07 pm:

    ===could provide===

    Example? Access?

  29. - Huh? - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:07 pm:

    brown- does your county clerk send you a voter registration card? If so, what else is needed?

  30. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:10 pm:

    === (S)ome voters may feel disenfranchised. ===

    I feel the same way down here in looney red-state MO. Unfortunately for Turner’s voters and myself, the problem is the other side has more votes.

  31. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:16 pm:

    If Turner wants to introduce bills to address people’s fears, let her propose to make it illegal for bogeymen to hide under beds. That would address the fears of thousands of anxious young’uns.

  32. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:22 pm:

    == Is this constitutional? ==

    Yes, as long as the voter does not have to pay for the required ID(s).

    Having worked the polls, a fair amount of people will show their voter registration card. They don’t have to, but it does make it easier if the polling place has multiple precincts to direct them to the proper table. We do have booklets to look up their name, but the card in hand just is quicker. And it helps with hard to spell names, but not required.

  33. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:27 pm:

    ===During the winter break, some goofy Minnesotan was going on and on at the pool about how tons of people were bused from Chicago to vote in Minneapolis.

    I’ve heard this same story about Milwaukee, Iowa City (seriously), and Saint Louis. My favorite is when they get on and off the bus repeatedly voting many times because the logistics of that get truly insane. There’s another problem for those who claim this in Minnesota, turnout is really high in Minnesota so this would be even more difficult with people trying to use others names or if they are registering same day, require an enormous amount of paperwork and get it for the correct precincts.

  34. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:28 pm:

    I’ll second other’s comments that there is about zero chance of deliberate voter fraud when voting in person. That does assume the County Clerk did their job when the person registered to vote … and I have to believe the County Clerk’s do their job properly.

  35. - Lake Villa Dem PC - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:31 pm:

    Accessible=available to those who work day and night, are disabled and elderly, and live in rural/urban/suburban/exurban communities.

  36. - H-W - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:33 pm:

    IF we are going to go with free voter ID’s, then perhaps the sheriff deputies can be sure to deliver those free voter IDs to the citizens of their counties. If the can serve warrants and summons, then they can serve voter ID cards.

    Also, perhaps the local sheriff deputies can also deliver non-ambulatory voters to the polls.

  37. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:33 pm:


    Define available.

  38. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:34 pm:

    @ Michelle Flaherty +1

    =If Turner wants to introduce bills to address people’s fears, let her propose to make it illegal for bogeymen to hide under beds.=

    Whew, that is professional grade stuff right there. Well done sir.

  39. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 3:41 pm:

    Uncomfortable feelings are part of life… is a lesson that’s been forgotten…it seems.

  40. - Lake Villa Township PC - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:08 pm:

    Available=24 hour voter registration at least 5 days a week

  41. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:11 pm:

    ===Available=24 hour voter registration at least 5 days a week===

    Who are you going to get to work overnights to make available IDs, and convenience… you going to make or allow people to go to a location at 2:47am?

    Can’t do online, these folks rarely trust the intertubes for stuff like this…

    All for an ID that the sponsor of an ID bill says at jump street isn’t needed?

  42. - lowdrag - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:12 pm:

    So if i can duplicate your signature and go vote under your name, everyone is ok with that?

  43. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:14 pm:

    ===So if i can duplicate your signature and go vote under your name, everyone is ok with that?===

    When exactly has that happened, and at a plurality to overturn, say, statewide elections?

    Your hot pocket is burning in the dorm microwave…

  44. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:15 pm:

    I wouldn’t have a problem Turner’s pandering, all politicians do it to some extent. But like many in the GOP today it has taken precedence over actual governing. So while she continues to feed the trolls, her constituents are left without any meaningful representation and disillusioned about what functioning government actually is. It’s a vicious cycle.

  45. - H-W - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:17 pm:

    @ LowDrag

    I am okay with you trying. Give it a try.

  46. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:21 pm:

    ===So if i can duplicate your signature and go vote under your name, everyone is ok with that?

    Have your best shot at my signature. I can barely read it.

  47. - Moira - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:28 pm:

    ==So if i can duplicate your signature and go vote under your name, everyone is ok with that?==

    Good luck with that felony voter fraud you committed to prove a point.

  48. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:40 pm:

    Very easy as in easy as going to a store or gas station.
    Which will not happen.

  49. - Rabid - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 4:56 pm:

    If you feel disenfranchised with a headache after losing, don’t go to a casino

  50. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 5:12 pm:

    == Available=24 hour voter registration at least 5 days a week ==

    Do we really need that? Currently, at least in Sangamon County, there is a registration table in every polling place that is online to the County Clerk’s Office. Last November we had maybe 4 or 5 people who registered in our precinct on election day and then immediately voted. For most of them, it was about a 5 minute process. I do remember one person has to go home and get some ID in order to register.

    I see registration ease as a non-issue.

  51. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 5:15 pm:

    == So if i can duplicate your signature and go vote under your name, everyone is ok with that? ==

    Probably wouldn’t work in the polling place where I work. Most of the election judges also live in the same precincts and know a lot of the voters personally. So if you walk up claiming to be someone I know (and aren’t), I don’t care how good you can match the signature, I’m going to challenge your right to vote.

  52. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 5:18 pm:

    == Very easy as in easy as going to a store or gas station.
    Which will not happen. ==

    First time voter registration, or corrected registration if you have moved, IS that easy in Sangamon County … IF you have the required paper documents. As I said elsewhere, it takes about 5 minutes in the polling place on Election Day.

  53. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 5:22 pm:

    ===So if i can duplicate your signature===

    Less coffee, more naps and get off Facebook.

  54. - Big Dipper - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 5:29 pm:

    ==So if i can duplicate your signature and go vote under your name, everyone is ok with that?==

    Guess we can’t use checks or contracts anymore.

  55. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 6:20 pm:

    I would like to alleviate my concern that voters may not believe in democracy, so I’d like voters to sign a pledge to accept the results of elections whether their candidates win or lose, before they’re allowed to vote.

  56. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 7:54 pm:

    “brown- does your county clerk send you a voter registration card? If so, what else is needed?”

    Yep they do.
    It works for me.

  57. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Jan 18, 23 @ 7:57 pm:

    “…it takes about 5 minutes in the polling place on Election Day.”
    It’s great isn’t it?

  58. - wildcat12 - Thursday, Jan 19, 23 @ 8:39 am:

    This is ridiculous. Some people think Democrats are doing child sacrifice, too. Should the GOP introduce bills making it explicitly clear that’s illegal just to alleviate those concerns as well?

  59. - Save Ferris - Thursday, Jan 19, 23 @ 8:44 am:

    ==So if i can duplicate your signature and go vote under your name, everyone is ok with that?==

    So, you have the ability to find out what my signature looks like. Duplicate it by hand in front of election judges. In my precinct. Which you’ve been able to find. Drive to. And do this enough times on enough voters in a 13 hour period to change an electoral outcome?


  60. - Dysfunction Junction - Thursday, Jan 19, 23 @ 8:46 am:

    ==Should the GOP introduce bills making it explicitly clear that’s illegal just to alleviate those concerns as well? ==

    Yes, followed by a bill re-establishing the illegality of firing shots into the homes of political opponents, even in the case one believes an election was “stolen.”

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