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Today’s quotable

Friday, Jan 20, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chicago mayoral candidate Willie Wilson’s closing statement during last night’s debate

* Transcript…

We’ll be running Chicago from a business perspective. Business perspective. Help bring more business in, keep the ones here, keep families here. We will get a situation that nobody has to be worried about high taxes.

We’ll be tough on crime, we’ll move all the restriction things from our police officer. Somebody run, chase somebody by foot, or car, that police officer should be able to chase them down and hunt them down like a rabbit. K? That’s all I gotta say, that this mayor here will not be in this office coming up the next few months.

* Politico

Lightfoot fumed: “For a candidate for mayor to say we have to take the handcuffs off the police and let them hunt down human beings like rabbits, is an extraordinary thing,” she told reporters after a debate that saw her take heat from all sides on public safety. The mayor invoked Chicago’s dark history of misconduct at the hands of police commander John Burge, who tortured people in custody. “I fully and utterly condemn it,” she said.

Wilson doubled down. In a statement to Playbook, he said the issue is “personal.” Wilson lost a son to gun violence years ago. “If someone murders another person, police should hunt the perpetrators down at all cost,” he said in a text statement sent by a spokesman.

The man makes Darren Bailey look positively mild.


  1. - Jerry - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 8:47 am:

    So he wants to run things like a business. No thanx.

  2. - JS Mill - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 8:52 am:

    I never paid much attention to Wilson, even with his gas and money giveaways. I caught part of the debate on accident last night. He has my attention now, not in a good way.

    And, what @Jerry said.

    I would like to see a responsible and effective police force that can work with citizens to significantly reduce crime, especially violent crime.

    But the idea of “at all costs” suggests that law enforcement commit crimes to solve some crimes and that makes no sense.

  3. - Arsenal - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 8:54 am:

    Hunting someone down like an animal in a dense urban environment sounds like a huge risk to innocent bystanders.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 8:56 am:

    I’ve long concluded that Willie Wilson is another of the wealthy guys that are surrounded by a bunch of hanger-ons cashing them easy money checks that are so weak to the cash that they plum let Wilson say anything and support whatever it takes to get in on the grift.

    Being wealthy isn’t license to saying things that anyone else “not wealthy” would be seen as out of touch with a sense of reality.

    Now. I say that knowing that Wilson has lost a child to violence. I know that. I know it and it’s tragic and not something to dismiss but should be seen and thought of with grace towards Wilson…

    Even with grace, Wilson is running for mayor of the 3rd largest city in America, and as such, words deemed a governing styling should be scrutinized

  5. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 8:57 am:

    Someone should’ve told Wille Wilson a long time ago that he doesn’t got it, but hacks got to eat too.

    The Mayor’s actions say something completely different than her words. There is no rational reason to think she’ll change either.

  6. - Amalia - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:00 am:

    And Vallas saying Lightfoot should not be criticizing Governors who dump busloads of immigrants on us. that debate featured a terrible choice for people in Chicago. who among that panel?

  7. - MisterJayEm - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:08 am:

    “Somebody run, chase somebody by foot, or car, that police officer should be able to chase them down and hunt them down like a rabbit. ‘K?”

    This is literal dehumanization.

    I wish I could say I was surprised by it.

    – MrJM

  8. - Someone You Should Know - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:12 am:

    I think he destroyed his campaign last night, not that was that much there. But he broke it. The Sands of time have taken their toll on Willie, no doubt about it. He was really off his game.

  9. - PublicServant - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:12 am:

    Get those multi-million dollar lawsuit checks ready when innocent people start getting run down by these “take the handcuffs off” chases, Willy.

  10. - Google Is Your Friend - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:14 am:

    It takes some mighty strong cognitive dissonance for the mayor to condemn police brutality (note only past brutality) but proudly employ Proud Boys and other racists and extremists in the department.

  11. - Teve Demotte - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:16 am:

    The city is losing businesses. The city IS in decline. Wilson choses a poor use of words, no doubt, but he lost a son to gun violence, so I empathize with him. Most moderates want crime better managed. Lightfoot is a poor manager.

  12. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:25 am:

    Wilson is verbalizing what Lightfoot tacitly endorses regarding CPD, so her statement is insulting. Her calculation is apparently that voters are too dumb to notice her two-step.

    How are you going to have a police department that does not have a “hunt people down like rabbits” mentality in the ranks while also endorsing keeping Proud Boys in uniform, as Lightfoot did? It is literally impossible to square those positions. A leader takes an actual stand in that situation, whereas a moral coward who thinks everyone but her is stupid tries to have it both ways.

  13. - skutt - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:29 am:

    I watched the debate last night and am still deciding who to vote for in the upcoming elections. I never really paid much attention to Willie Wilson, but I was surprised at how poorly he communicated his ideas, and how terrible his ideas were. That closing ‘argument’ was appalling. I can’t imagine how anyone could take him seriously.

  14. - James the Intolerant - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:29 am:

    one of the candidates should’ve asked Vallas how he is going to hire any CPD for CTA when they can not hire the 1,700 CPD that we are short.
    I wish LL would offer the $5,000 bonus for hires who stay 5 years, but we don’t know how many new recruits that would get.

  15. - Big Dipper - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:31 am:

    Someone who touts an honorary doctorate is always an automatic no for me.

  16. - cermak_rd - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:40 am:

    One of the reasons for the no chase rule is victims like Guadalupe Francisco-Martinez. A mother of 6 who was just going about her day when she was killed by a police chase. And one, that dispatch was trying to abort but the officers did not listen. If the PD is so ill-disciplined that officers won’t listen to orders over their radio, then yes, they have to be controlled.

  17. - TooManyJens - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:45 am:

    Granted that I don’t live in Chicago but we’ve seen increased violence where I live too, and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t stem from police not being able to hunt people down like rabbits.

    That’s not just a poor choice of words, it’s a bad analysis of the problem and a brutal, dehumanizing “solution” that won’t help (and will, as Arsenal mentions, put bystanders at increased risk). Using more euphemistic language wouldn’t have made it better policy, just perhaps less obvious.

  18. - Jerry - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:54 am:

    I think CTA riders would be happy to just enforce no smoking on the train. You dont have to put anyone in jail or tase them.

  19. - Rabid - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:55 am:

    what’s up doc

  20. - JS Mill - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 9:59 am:

    =The city IS in decline.=


    =Wilson choses a poor use of words, no doubt, but he lost a son to gun violence, so I empathize with him.=

    I feel for his loss, but it wasn’t just a “poor choice of words”. If he became mayor and implemented that vision, you would unleash rogue elements of CPD and it would be a free for all because “at all costs.”

    =Most moderates want crime better managed. Lightfoot is a poor manager.=

    I think it goes beyond moderates, and you are giving Lightfoot too much credit. She is a horrible manager that leads by vendetta.

  21. - Levois - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:27 am:

    I’m sorry I missed last night’s debate. I just wonder if anyone was able to break out of the back against Mayor Lightfoot.

  22. - Frumpy White Guy - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:28 am:

    Looks like he just won over the lions share of Vallas supporters.

  23. - Original Rambler - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:29 am:

    Going to be a fascinating election. Vallas with some very smart commercials ramping down his pro-police stance (probably thinking he’s got that vote in the bag) and here comes Wilson out of the blue going waaay to the right of him. Wilson’s message will play in many neighborhoods.

    I keep hearing rumors of how the police are, how to put this nicely, taking a more relaxed attitude towards law enforcement these days. Didn’t hear anyone address that last night.

  24. - Pundent - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:30 am:

    Whether it was his suggestion to bring another NFL team to Chicago, or the idea that the police would hunt criminals like rabbits, Wilson showed that he’s completely out of touch with reality.

  25. - Jerry - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:35 am:

    I dont think the city is in decline. I think the city is trying to figure out what do do after the pandemic. The “Loop”, neighborhoods, public transit.

  26. - ChicagoBars - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:39 am:

    Chicago Alderman Matt O’Shea (D-Beverly) proposed $5k - $10k hiring bonuses (depending on experience) or $10k City home purchase assistance to help recruit new officers to Chicago. That sounded like a good idea to try to me but don’t think it ever went anywhere at City Council.

    I have heard somebody in Mayor’s Office started targeting officer recruitment to service members leaving the armed forces which also sounds kind of promising but based on a lack of laudatory press releases I’m guessing it hasn’t worked much so far.

    It’s a tight economy, need to be creative to find and recruit people for a job where your summers will largely be spent doing mandatory overtime.

  27. - ChicagoBars - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:42 am:

    As to Doctor Wilson’s comments…

    Poorly articulated “If elected we’re going to carefully evaluate CPD technology and procedures to ensure violent criminals can’t continue terrorizing Chicago by merely running away while officers stand handcuffed by this administration’s pursuit policy…yadda yadda yadda.”

    Bit I’m cursed with a face that somehow encourages strangers to go “I’m going to tell you what I really think (banned punctuation)
    and they way Wilson said it will play with enough of them to get him enough votes to even further guarantee a runoff.

  28. - Give Us Barabbas - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:52 am:

    Chicago p.d. already has a hiring preference for veterans, it even lets them skip some educational requirements. But I don’t think soldiers make good cops, unless they are former military police. It’s a very different set of rules and approaches.

  29. - Hot Taeks - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:52 am:

    The juice is gone from Willie Wilson. Watching him speak last night was equal parts sad and amusing. He’ll still get like 10% of the vote though which will have a big impact on the race for top 2.

  30. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:54 am:

    He’s talking, and I am nodding my head thinking this sounds pretty reasonable… then…

    “hunt them down like a rabbit.”

    And I scream like Kevin in Home Alone. Just… just wow….

  31. - Biker - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:56 am:

    Kam Buckner did great. Vallas, Johnson and Chuy tied for second. Green, Sawyer and King did decent. Lightfoot and Wilson were explaining untenable positions.

  32. - Pundent - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 10:58 am:

    The challenge for the Chicago PD, particularly in a tight labor market, is that the job is not particularly attractive. There’s a whole host of reasons for that. But I’m not sure that the incentives being suggested are enough to overcome the underlying reasons why someone would seek employment elsewhere.

  33. - PublicServant - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 11:10 am:

    We need someone who can professionally interact with the state, and the many other interested parties that are critical to the city’s success. Lightfoot combative, dictitorial style hasn’t accomplished that. Entirely the opposite. Whoever articulates a plan with details on asks will be high on my list of candidates.

  34. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 11:19 am:

    How the Mayor starts with acknowledging the very real concerns about public safety from Chicago business leaders like the CEO of Mc Donald’s instead of dismissing him as needing to “educate himself before he spoke”?

    The fact hunting down violent criminals is somehow controversial tells you everything you need to know about why violent crime is so out of control.

  35. - Techie - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 12:10 pm:

    Scary to hear those thoughts. Wilson just made clear that he is unqualified to be mayor.

  36. - ChicagoBars - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 12:11 pm:

    ==Give Us Barrabas==

    Beyond the veteran preference they were going to try to market to departing veterans in big military base towns. Don’t know if they ever did but worth a shot to expand the applicant pool. After all the police exam promoting locally last few years the local pond has to be empty.

  37. - Politix - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 12:25 pm:

    Run things like a business….because that worked out so well for us under Rauner.

  38. - Betty Draper’s cigarette - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 1:23 pm:

    Mr. Wilson was almost comatose, so at least he perked up during his closing statement. Vallas was terrible, just stupid idea after stupid idea and then he wants to cut property taxes to pay for all those stupid ideas.
    I thought Lightfoot did quite well defending her administration. Buckner, Green, and Johnson did great, but I was very impressed with Ms. King, a little disappointed with Garcia, who I had high hopes for.

  39. - Last Bull Moose - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 1:38 pm:

    Can’t hunt them like rabbits. These rabbits are armed.
    No holds barred pursuits hurt bystanders. No pursuit policies give the criminals a free pass. A balanced approach may need a lot more dogs and drones. Plus speedy convictions following capture.
    People are scared. Scared people are dangerous. If the next mayor cannot make people feel safe, Willie Wilson is just a harbinger of the ugly to come.

  40. - ArchPundit - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 2:27 pm:

    Paul Vallas: Like rabbits? No, more like squirrels. That’s better, right?

  41. - Amalia - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 2:38 pm:

    I’m not just sad for the quality of the candidates those in Chicago have for a choice but worried for the region and the state. Who would run the place if some of these people get in power? you wonder because they aren’t staffed well for a debate. none of them.

  42. - ArchPundit - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 2:38 pm:

    —If the next mayor cannot make people feel safe, Willie Wilson is just a harbinger of the ugly to come.

    But why are they scared? Do people talk about Wichita like this? Similar violent crime rate, higher non-violent crime rate. Houston–most similar in size similar with violent and higher non-violent.

    Crime is too high, but it’s been worse just 25 years ago and it seems to be normalizing after the spike during Covid. Or could we talk about Danville and Rockford with even higher violent crime rates?

  43. - Amalia - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 3:42 pm:

    oh my, just saw the Tribune headline. Chuy in the Com Ed case mix. omg. well, Victor Reyes did loom….

  44. - cermak_rd - Friday, Jan 20, 23 @ 4:31 pm:

    Archpundit, I think there are a few answers to why the crime rate from 25 years ago is so disturbing to modern day Chicagoans.

    First, many Chicagoans move there during the 2000s when things were better. They don’t remember the 80s. They wouldn’t have moved in if things were like the 80s.

    Second, like it or not, we are now in a position to read every detail of every attack on the red line or Logan Square or anywhere else. If it bleeds it leads has always been a thing, but the media back in the day would pick one or two stories, not deluge their audience with a full hour of crime stories. Social media, however, can. I think that’s for the better, too much was hidden back in the day, and social media makes for a better telling of full scope of the crime (not jus the primary but secondary and tertiary victims).

    3rd where the crimes happen has changed a bit. Violent crime on the CTA was low even in the 80s. Crime didn’t happen in wealthier neighborhoods in the 80s. It was limited to places like Uptown and other poorer neighborhoods. Here I would say that Preckwinkel was both correct and impolitic in her observations about violent crime and wealthier neighborhoods.

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