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Afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the other day

The Illinois Department of Transportation and the Chicago Department of Transportation have come to a new agreement that will streamline and accelerate the process of delivering proven and scalable safety measures on local roads and state routes within the City of Chicago.

Active Transportation Alliance

While we’re thrilled with this progress, we still have work to do at the state level. Based on a 2017 state law, all intersections in Illinois must accommodate the turn radius of a semi-truck, regardless of the “design vehicle” being used.

This turn radius law prevents the city from building true protective infrastructure such as bollards or raised curb-bump-outs across the city.

Part of the Safe Streets for All platform calls for repealing or amending that state law to create safer intersections across our state. No neighborhood intersection should be designed to accommodate a semi-truck at the expense of human safety.

I did not know that. But here’s IDOT’s interpretation of that 2017 law

The new legislation means a WB-65 should now, by policy, physically be able to traverse any intersection, including local street to local street intersections, through the utilization of possible encroachment.

A WB-65 is a full size semi truck.

* SGOPs…

Today, Illinois Senate Republican Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove) introduced Senate Resolution 27 that calls on the Illinois Senate to protect the will of Illinois voters and reject any progressive income tax measure that is introduced in the 103rd General Assembly.

“The people have spoken, and they could not have been more clear that they do not want a progressive income tax,” Curran said. “The tax failed in the collar counties that I represent, and was crushed downstate where our caucus has the largest geographic representation. It is time to move in a new direction. We are standing behind the people of this state who resoundingly said no, and standing up for families who cannot afford to be overtaxed.”

In 2020, the “Fair Tax” Amendment fell more than 360,000 votes short of a simple majority and more than 760,000 votes short of a three-fifths majority of those voting on the question.

The 3,059,411 “No” votes cast against the proposed constitutional amendment were a majority (53.3%) of the votes cast on the question and were also a majority (50.2%) of the total votes cast in the November 2020 election as a whole.

“Bringing a renewed attempt for a progressive income tax back into the conversation while so many Illinois families are struggling to buy basic groceries is completely out of touch,” said Rezin. “It is time to utilize the increased revenue Illinois is already receiving to provide tax relief, not tax increases. I am proud to sign onto this resolution to help fight against increasing taxes on Illinois families and businesses.”

The Governor’s Office has been sharing news of record growth and financial success. The General Funds base receipts are up $2.034 billion year-over-year, including the one-time federal ARPA reimbursements received earlier in the year. Illinois also has the second-highest effective tax rate and the highest corporate tax rate in the entire nation.

“Nearly every county in the state voted against the amendment,” Anderson said. “This is just another example of the Majority Party saying ‘we know best’ and completely ignoring the will of the people. I am proud to join this resolution to defend their voice.”

Today, Senate Resolution 27 was read into the official Senate record. It now awaits to be assigned to a Senate committee.

* New Paul Vallas TV ad

* Press release…

Today, the Chicago Federation of Labor launched a digital ad campaign in support of the city’s bid to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention. The ad, which can be viewed here, highlights Chicago’s strong union culture, its many union hotels and restaurants, and its legacy of labor activism.

“There is no better city to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention than Chicago, the hometown of the American labor movement,” said Bob Reiter, President of the Chicago Federation of Labor. “From our many union hotels to our abundance of union convention workers, Chicago can guarantee a union strong DNC like no other city. Holding the convention in Chicago would make it clear the Democratic Party supports and honors the labor movement, a constituency we cannot afford to take for granted in 2024. Democrats must invest in winning the Midwest and winning working class voters, and holding the convention in Chicago will help us do just that.”

The multi-platform digital ad buy will target key decision makers and constituencies involved in the selection process. The Democratic National Committee is expected to pick a host city in the coming weeks. Four cities have applied to host the convention, including Chicago, New York City, Houston, and Atlanta. City and state officials hosted a delegation from the DNC last summer, along with labor and business leaders from across Chicago.

The ad’s narrator details why Chicago is the perfect choice for the 2024 DNC:

“As Democrats, we live our values every day. That means supporting working people. Chicago is the Hometown of the American Labor Movement. We lead the nation in union hotels, event centers and worker advocacy. When you come to Chicago, you’re in the heart of democracy, progress and innovation.”

Since 1896, the CFL has fought for economic, social, and racial justice for all working people. The CFL represents 300 unions, who in turn represent approximately 500,000 working people in Chicago and Cook County

* Press release…

The Park District of Tinley Park today announced it has received support from 14 additional members of the Illinois House and Senate for its proposed plan for the site of the former Tinley Park Mental Health Center and Howe Development Center to transform the long-vacant property into a hub of athletic fields, track and field facilities, a domed sports complex and open recreational space.

This week, the 14 legislators, who represent communities surrounding the Tinley Park area, sent a letter of support, including: Reps. Dagmara Avelar, Kelly Burke, Will Davis, Anthony DeLuca, Marcus Evans, Fran Hurley, Thaddeus Jones, Natalie Manley, Nick Smith, Larry Walsh, and Sens. Napoleon Harris, Patrick Joyce, Elgie Sims, and Rachel Ventura.

The Park District has also previously received the support of three legislators who represent Tinley Park: Reps. Debbie Meyers-Martin, Bob Rita, and Justin Slaughter.

Last November, the Park District formally bid on the property located at 7400-7600 W. 183rd St. and laid out its vision to meet the needs of the Tinley Park residents and expand opportunities for neighboring communities.

The Park District’s Phase 1 of development for the property includes playground and sports facilities fully accessible for people living with special needs, multipurpose athletic fields, a domed sports complex with a full-size soccer field, a stadium with a track, a splash pad, concession stands, spectator stands, lighting, ample parking, as well as a pond, picnic areas and open green space.

In their letter this week to the Park District, the group of 14 legislators said the Park District’s Phase 1 plans would create an opportunity for people across the Midwest to attend tournaments, games and events at the site.

“Additionally, transforming this site into a place for all to enjoy addresses a critical need for many of our communities that could benefit greatly from access to more recreation opportunities,” the legislators wrote.

* Press release…

Today, Congresswoman and House Democratic Senior Chief Deputy Whip Jan Schakowsky endorsed Congressman Jesús “Chuy'’ García for Mayor of Chicago, the latest in a string of endorsements from elected leaders across Chicago.

“My dear friend Chuy García is a progressive champion with a real history of getting things done for everyday people. I proudly endorse Chuy for Mayor because he has the experience – and most importantly, the heart – to be an effective leader for all Chicagoans. He is the proven coalition-builder that Chicago needs in City Hall,” said Schakowsky. “Chuy is focused on the issues that matter – addressing the root causes of crime in our communities, improving our education system, and defending human rights. I trust Chuy to stand up for women’s rights, including the right to an abortion.”

* Nice gesture…

* Isabel’s roundup….


  1. - Snarky - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 2:42 pm:

    Maybe Rob Martwick and Will Guzzardi can hit the links with John Curran this spring and graciously tee-up his golf ball on every hole. I mean they just did it figuratively, might as well do it literally.

  2. - Perrid - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 3:11 pm:

    Regarding a progressive income tax, how long is it fair to say “the people have spoken”? We elect legislators every 2 or 4 years, the people are asked to speak again and again, so I don’t think that argument holds much water.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 3:19 pm:

    The last “Republican” win was the defeat of the Flat Tax, which then had Griffin leave anyway, after Griffin lost any control of the GOP he wanted, with Bailey and DeVore finishing off all the losing.

    It’s like Bears fans feeling a need to say “The 85 Bears were the best team ever” when talking about all the Bears losing.

    It don’t mean much today.

  4. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 4:44 pm:

    Funny, I don’t see Curran introducing any other legislation the “reflects the will of the voters” like:

    Millionaire’s tax
    Assault Weapons ban

    For starters

  5. - Lefty Lefty - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 4:47 pm:

    I live the IDOT policy “heck” every day; this policy must be revised. I live a few doors from a state route in a quiet Kane County exurb. Where my street intersects the state route, the rebuild of the intersection and the increase in the curb radius about 10 years ago resulted in the addition of approximately 6-8 feet of state road to traverse. There was absolutely no reason to increase the radii except for “policy.”

    There is no way any semi-trailer will be turning onto these streets with the increased radii. In fact I have not seen one even try in 10 years. It does add to my apprehension in trying to simply walk my dog to the park down the hill. It’s ostensibly a 30-mph zone but that’s not acknowledged by about 75% of the drivers.

    As one who works with IDOT regularly, I’m not going to hold my breath on it changing any of its policies toward ones with bicyclists and pedestrians in mind. Good for ATA to work on this for us.

  6. - Aaron B - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 5:01 pm:

    If we go down this progressive tax road again, can we please make sure that the proposed rates lower the taxes on lower earners

  7. - Aaron B - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 5:05 pm:

    (Sorry my previous comment got cut off)

    If we go down this progressive tax road again, can we please make sure that the proposed rates lower the taxes on lower earners (under $100k) more than they did last time around? I know they can’t lower them too much but reducing taxes by as much as $65 a year isn’t much of an incentive to vote yes on a progressive tax when someone is making $100k or even $250k a year.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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