Awake Illinois piles on, releases 2021 video of Vallas saying group leader should run for governor
Friday, Feb 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller * Yikes…
“After listening to Shannon Adcock’s speech, I think she should run for governor,” Vallas says in the video. * As noted in the tweet, this was a different event than the June, 2022 conference Vallas did with the group which brought his association to light. His protestations last year that he knew little about the group before the conference are a little tough to believe. So why today’s tweet? Well, the group got kinda bent out of shape after Vallas threw them under the bus. Stuff happens.
- The Truth - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 1:50 pm:
I wish you allowed GIF posting, because I need to post the Jon Stewart-eating-popcorn GIF right now so, so badly.
- Roadrager - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 1:54 pm:
Palos Heights and Chicago.
Being a true Democrat and courting the COVID and groomer conspiracists.
Sometimes, you simply cannot have it both ways.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 1:57 pm:
===4) Be ready to answer your own OR by extensively know and understand your own OR===
Vallas either will be ready now that “man bites dog” kind of turn is now happening… or Vallas walked into his own OR thinking he can ignore the folks that he’s turning on “because politics”
Vallas is turning on his “silent base”, now they ain’t so silent when one tries to distance an actual relationship
“We’ll see”
- Big Dipper - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:01 pm:
When Republicans turn on each other.
- Norseman - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:03 pm:
Paul, com ‘on down to opposite land MO. They’d love you here. You certainly aren’t qualified to run a city like Chicago.
- MisterJayEm - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:07 pm:
“And you want to be my latex salesman?”
– MrJM
- Oh Boy - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:09 pm:
The dumps on Vallas late in the game tells me he is running away with it right now… we shall see in a few weeks if it holds.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:13 pm:
===dumps on Vallas late in the game tells me===
Yes, because Awake Illinois is closely working with the lefty mayoral candidates. Right.
- Homebody - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:19 pm:
Vallas has been telling us who he is for years. Not sure how people are acting surprised by this.
- Amalia - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:21 pm:
I’m shaking. She’s a SWsuburbs gal so I was trying to triangulate old connects months ago when I was looking at AWAKE. she is awful. they are awful. Paul Vallas, what a shape shifter. jeez.
- Amalia - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:29 pm:
also always quote Marianne Dashwood, what else what else? and as Rich has written OG Goldmine.
- Dotnonymous - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:39 pm:
Will the real Paul Vallas please stand up?…then sit back down.
- Arsenal - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:49 pm:
==The dumps on Vallas late in the game tells me he is running away with it right now==
While that’s kind of what I was getting at earlier, Awake IL has no interest in helping LL, Chuy, Johnson, etc.
Better to say that Vallas seems extremely likely to get to the runoff, and you only need about 20% for that.
- SweetLou86 - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:49 pm:
Can we all just agree that this is very funny?
- Northsider - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:51 pm:
Chuy’s phoning it in, Palos Paul, Kam Buckner doesn’t stand a chance and the rest are at best irrelevant. My God, will I have to vote for Mayor Lightfoot after all?
- Demoralized - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 2:52 pm:
I would tie Vallas’s neck around Awake as tight as I could and remind the voters in Chicago how the guy has been buddy buddy with a bunch of hatemongers.
- Big Dipper - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 3:02 pm:
== His protestations last year that he knew little about the group before the conference are a little tough to believe.==
Seems like lying is his go-to move.
- The Truth - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 3:10 pm:
==Can we all just agree that this is very funny?==
It really, really is.
- Betty Draper’s cigarette - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 3:12 pm:
=== the rest are at best irrelevant.===
There are a couple of good aldermen in this race that are worth looking at. Hardly irrelevant.
- Montrose - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 3:27 pm:
I can’t land the semaphore joke I want to make involving the mounting pile of red flags in front of Vallas.
- Stormsw7706 - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 3:48 pm:
I used to have some respect for Vallas. This association with Adcock would be an absolute deal breaker for me if I lived in the Windy City
- Pundent - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 4:00 pm:
Paul Vallas knew exactly who Awake Illinois is. He opportunistically aligned himself with the organization. And then when it no longer served his purpose he threw them under the bus. He used them. It follows a pattern. And they don’t like it.
- Amalia - Friday, Feb 10, 23 @ 4:20 pm:
what Demoralized said.