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Afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Illinois Department of Corrections has failed to create and implement a plan to improve medical care at state prisons, a federal judge ruled Tuesday in an opinion that cited a history of delays by IDOC to comply with a 2019 federal consent decree.

In a ruling from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois’ Eastern Division, Judge Jorge L. Alonso reminded the IDOC of its obligation under a 2019 agreement to work with a court-appointed monitor to develop and put in place major improvements to health care. The lawsuit is based on a 2010 complaint from Don Lippert, a diabetic inmate at Stateville Correctional Center who claimed he was denied his twice-daily doses of insulin, that grew into a class action against the state.

“For reasons that the COVID-19 pandemic does not fully explain and that remain unclear to the Court, defendants never prepared and submitted any implementation plan that came close to fitting” the 2019 agreement until December 2021, said the judge.

Efforts to resolve differences between the state and the monitor’s recommendations broke down last year, resulting in the IDOC bringing a new version of the plan for the state’s 29,000 detainees to the table.

“Not only was this not the process that the parties agreed upon and that the Court had ordered, but plaintiffs and the monitor believe this new version of the plan had regressed rather than improved,” the judge said in his ruling.

* This is a good idea…

Republican members of the Illinois House and Senate will hold a press conference on Thursday to call for joint House and Senate Committee hearings to investigate reports of neglect and abuse at Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center in downstate Anna.

WHO: State Representative Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona), State Representative Charlie Meier (R-Okawville), State Senator Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg), State Senator Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro), State Senator Jil Tracy (R-Quincy)

* “Iffy at best” is a quite charitable prognosis

As promised, a new proposal for an Illinois graduated income tax has been introduced in Springfield, and though its prognosis is iffy at best, it is has some significant differences from the “fair tax” plan by Gov. J.B. Pritzker that voters rejected in a 2020 referendum.

Under legislation filed by state Sen. Rob Martwick, a Northwest Side Democrat, tax rates on low-income single filers would be cut to as low as 4%, well under the state’s current 4.95% flat rate and the 4.75% rate the governor proposed. The tax rate wouldn’t even hit the 4.75% mark until a person’s annual income tops $100,000.

* Tribune editorial

Interestingly, DeSantis appeared before friendly law enforcement audiences in suburbs ringing three major cities. He also showed up Monday in Staten Island in New York City and Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia. He was hardly playing to stadium-sized crowds, although the panic his appearances caused was demonstrative of just how much he scares politically ambitious Democrats.

Panic? I’ve noticed lately lots of folks automatically claiming that fear or panic is the motivation when somebody goes negative on someone else. Maybe it’s just politics. That’s part of the way it’s been done in this country for centuries. Did DeSantis drag the governor’s family into his Pritzker slam Monday out of some sort of panic?

* Illinois Review

As Illinois Review reported last month, State Rep. Dan Caulkins of Decatur had filed a lawsuit challenging Gov. JB Pritzker’s Assault Weapons Ban nearly identical to the three lawsuits filed by former Republican AG candidate Thomas DeVore. […]

But in a surprising turn of events, counsel for Rep. Caulkins filed a two-paragraph opposition to DeVore’s consolidation motion yesterday with the Illinois Supreme Court. Joining with Gov. JB Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul, Rep. Caulkins is opposing consolidation on the basis that his case – while nearly identical to and filed after DeVore’s initial case – is procedurally different than DeVore’s three cases. […]

An adverse ruling on Rep. Caulkins’ summary judgment motion could threaten DeVore’s three cases and the Temporary Restraining Orders in place for the 4713 Illinoisans and 148 federal firearms dealers, who currently are exempted from the restrictions put into place by the Assault Weapons Ban.

Please continue to follow Illinois Review and DeVore Law Offices for more updates as they become available.

* That’s a lot of dead deer…

Hunters in Illinois harvested a preliminary total of 158,010 deer during all 2022-2023 archery and firearm seasons that concluded Jan. 15. The total preliminary deer harvest for all seasons compares with a total harvest of 146,438 deer for all seasons in 2021-2022.

During the 2022-2023 deer seasons, hunters took 45.04% females and 54.96% males.

Totals from specific seasons:

    • Archery deer hunters took a preliminary total of 69,557 deer during the season that began Oct. 1 and concluded Jan. 15. The total archery harvest during the 2021-2022 season was 66,630 deer.
    • Youth deer hunters harvested a preliminary total of 3,339 deer during the three-day Illinois youth deer season Oct. 8-10, compared to 1,847 in 2021.
    • Traditional firearm season hunters took a preliminary total of 76,854 deer during the firearm season Nov. 18-20 and Dec. 1-4. This compares to a harvest of 70,456 deer taken during the 2021 firearm season.
    • Muzzleloader hunters harvested a preliminary total of 2,856 deer during the muzzleloader-only season Dec. 9-11, compared with a harvest of 3,046 deer during the 2021 muzzleloader season.
    • Late-winter seasons: The 2022-2023 late-winter anterless-only and special chronic wasting disease (CWD) deer seasons concluded Jan. 15 with a combined preliminary harvest total for both seasons of 5,404 deer. Season dates for the seven-day late-winter and CWD seasons were Dec. 29-Jan. 1 and Jan. 13-15. During the same seasons in 2021-2022, a total of 4,504 deer were taken.

Sixteen northern Illinois counties were open to the special CWD season, which is used to assist in slowing the spread of chronic wasting disease in the Illinois deer herd. And 24 counties were open for the late-winter anterless season in 2022-2023. Counties that are at or below their individual deer population goal for two consecutive years may be removed from the late-winter season.

* Isabel’s roundup…


  1. - vern - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 3:17 pm:

    If Staten Island is “in New York City,” why does the Trib describe it as a “suburb?”

  2. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 3:27 pm:

    “the panic his appearances caused was demonstrative of just how much he scares politically ambitious Democrats.”

    Desantis has shown everyone how to win with the Trump playbook. He has a beautiful family will play a huge roll in a presidential campaign. I don’t know if it is panic, but going on offense against him as hard as possible is the right move. Because he is ready for primetime. And is as equally as dastardly as Trump, and certainly a more capable politician.

  3. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 3:29 pm:

    Really don’t like when politicians bring anyone’s family into the discussion.
    DeSantis was off base in bringing our Governor’s family into his FOP presentation in Elmhurst.

  4. - regular democrat - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 3:30 pm:

    I never hunted a deer in my life but I was fascinated to read those stats. Nice diversion from politics and this lame mayoral election. Lets get to round 2.

  5. - Jerry - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 3:32 pm:

    Democrats have nothing to be concerned about if 1-issue DeSantos is running on “woke”. America runs on Dunken. ;-)

  6. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 3:52 pm:

    == a new proposal for an Illinois graduated income tax ==

    I would suggest the author add a clause locking in the proposed rates for a specific period, say 10 years or maybe even 20. It might help overcome voter skepticism and distrust.

  7. - John Lopez - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 3:55 pm:

    DeSantis’ visit just politics.

    Was interesting seeing the elected Republicans listed in attendance in Elmhurst, including Darren Bailey.

    Makes one think some Republicans think DeSantis is the way to rid the party of Trump next year.

  8. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 3:59 pm:

    == I never hunted a deer in my life ==

    Lost access to the hunting property I used about 40 years ago due to a divorce. :-( So I haven’t hunted for a long time.

    Seriously, Illinois has a pretty healthy population of deer. Either you thin them by hunting, or you go through boom and bust cycles due to overgrazing and starvation. I criticize a lot of what State government does, but the people at Conservation do a pretty decent job with the limited resources they have. And the fees from the various permits pay for a lot of the conservation that happens in this state.

  9. - Facts Matter - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:21 pm:

    I suppose “iffy” is an appropriate description if it is synonymous with “unconstitutional”. “Martwick’s bill would be effective tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2024. The earliest a constitutional amendment could be on the ballot is the 2024 general election. Assume that such a constitutional amendment passes this time in November 2024 and is certified sometime in December. I suppose Martwick’s legislation, if enacted, could have retroactive effect back to January 1? While that could result in a nice windfall for anyone who has rates reduced under his legislation, it would be a nasty surprise for anyone who is subject to higher rates. It could also have a material impact on the state budget, depending on the net effect of his legislation revenues.

  10. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:21 pm:

    Akorn leaving Decatur…the last thing that the city needs is more decent-paying jobs leaving.

    I’m skeptical of someone stepping in to utilize the facilities, as the old Firestone campus is still collecting dust after over 20 years.

  11. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:22 pm:

    EDIT: the city needs is *the loss of* more decent-paying jobs…

  12. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:22 pm:

    ===Martwick’s legislation, if enacted===

    I seriously doubt it’s gonna be.

  13. - Just Another Anon - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:25 pm:

    Pritzker did his visit to Tampa in July to test out his political pull in Florida (transparently testing the waters for a presidential race). DeSantis returned the courtesy by visiting urban centers in the NorthEast and Midwest. It’s called national politics and its unreasonable to expect either Pritzker (who I believe will run) to not visit the biggest swing state in the nation, or DeSantis to not seek to be on the ballot in Illinois. 67 pledged delegates is a pretty large number to just ignore.

    I get it, the comments section is used to a GOP that seems to commit political malpractice as a habit, but it seems a bit unreasonable to expect DEFCON 2 level gaffs and suicidally poor decision-making from legitimate national level politicians (certain recent presidential examples being an outlier).

  14. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:38 pm:

    The deer have to be “thinned” by hunters…who, by the way, killed the Wolf and the Bear…too.

    Nature had it’s own balance…once.

  15. - Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:50 pm:

    “Martwick said something needs to be done to avoid cutting funding for state services.”

    So the Graduated income tax is pushed to raise revenue for services. If Martwick is so concerned about that, and assuming he does not favor cutting spending, then pass an income tax increase. Raise the flat income tax from 4.95 % to 6%, 7 %, or 8%. Then use an EITC scheme to give breaks to low-income folks. They have the votes just not the will to pay the political price for one of their priorities.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:53 pm:

    ===I get it, the comments section is used to a GOP that seems to commit political malpractice as a habit, but it seems a bit unreasonable to expect DEFCON 2 level gaffs and suicidally poor decision-making from legitimate national level politicians (certain recent presidential examples being an outlier).===

    What’s adorable is looking at DeSantis’ governing “wins” and governing within the GOP thinking and missing that DeSantis going to run as the “acceptable Trump” but will be framed in a general election as the “acceptable David Duke” in policy, “without the “Trump baggage”

    Why I say adorable is what folks seemingly forget, or try to ignore;

    The GOP base is a cult, and what hasn’t translated in a large swath overall is a denunciation of Trump, it’s a wish to denounce him…

    But you keep thinking that “governing DeSantis” has in social policies an acceptable path, while not being Trump is quite a thought to…

    ===it seems a bit unreasonable to expect DEFCON 2 level gaffs and suicidally poor decision-making from legitimate national level politicians===

    Running on his accomplishments in a general election will be a heck of “contending”…

  17. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:55 pm:

    ==Please continue to follow Illinois Review and DeVore Law Offices for more updates as they become available.==

    It’s nice to see that the Illinois Review is now an extension of the DeVore Law Offices. lol. These people.

  18. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:55 pm:

    Demoralized, glad you caught that :)

  19. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 4:59 pm:

    ===It’s nice to see that the Illinois Review is now an extension of the DeVore Law Offices.===

    Chef Kiss.

    The grifting and side hustles to the existence of DeVore, and enablers… it will continue in “left handed” ways until the in-law uncle is broke, someone is disbarred, moved, or retired… or the Marks realize they are marks

  20. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 5:35 pm:

    - Just Another Anon -

    Think on this, as DeSantis tries to be the alternative to Trump, the ad where DeSantis is “indoctrinating” his child into Trumpism.

    Now, I ain’t no smarty ad person, but DeSantis reading that Trump book, “indoctrinating” a small child, while having as a governing policy… banning books

    Dunno if it’s DEFCON “anything”, but Trump has poisoned many a candidate, including DeSantis

  21. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 6:34 pm:

    ===“Not only was this not the process that the parties agreed upon and that the Court had ordered, but plaintiffs and the monitor believe this new version of the plan had regressed rather than improved,” the judge said in his ruling.===

    That gosh darned Department or Corrections better clean up their act or the governor’s just going to close them.

    I wonder if they have any explanation about why they refused to follow the judicial ruling, other than absolute contempt that people have rights even when they’re in prison.

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