Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Rep. Stuart postponing constituent event “due to violent threats and malicious false misinformation”
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rep. Stuart postponing constituent event “due to violent threats and malicious false misinformation”

Friday, Feb 24, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* House Democrats…

State Rep. Katie Stuart, D-Edwardsville, is postponing a Collinsville constituent coffee event originally scheduled Saturday, Feb. 25 due to violent threats and malicious false misinformation being spread by special interest groups about bathroom privacy and safety legislation.

“We’ve seen how hateful misinformation just like what is now flooding into our community can result in real violence, and I will not put my staff and my constituents in harm’s way,” Stuart said. “I want to be very clear: Out-of-touch special interests are manufacturing controversy where none should be. These actions are inciting violence, and now preventing people from peacefully participating in our democracy. I will reschedule this event when it is safe to do so, and will continue to confront misinformation with truth.”

Extreme special interests have spread misinformation about Stuart’s House Bill 1286, resulting in violent threats directed at Stuart and her office.

In truth, Stuart’s bill establishes privacy, safety, and functionality standards for building developers that choose to offer a bathroom without a posted gender – but only if and when developers choose to include a bathroom without a gender designation. These standards would only apply to new construction. House Bill 1286 does not require gender-neutral bathrooms; builders would choose what bathroom facilities to offer, and would be required to meet appropriate standards for toilet and urinal privacy in the event they choose to build a bathroom without a gender designation. Extremist groups and some politicians have attempted to misrepresent the true purpose of the bill in an attempt to score cheap political points and divide people.

“This bill is about ensuring all bathrooms are private, hygienic, and functional facilities – and if using a bathroom in peace and privacy doesn’t sound like it should be controversial, that’s because the only controversy is one fabricated by the same out-of-touch extremists who have tried time and time again to mislead people for their own political gain,” Stuart said. “The fact is, some developers are choosing to offer bathrooms without a designated gender. It’s also a fact that if they choose to do that, they’ll need to consider privacy, safety, and functionality of these facilities. It’s time for people spreading misinformation and fear to deal in facts instead of lies.”

The bill is here.

* So many lies have been spread about this bill

Rep. Charlie Meier, R-Okawville, said the bill’s requirements could impose significant costs on the owners of large arenas where plumbing fixtures are already in place.

But Stuart said those facilities would be under no obligation to convert their existing restrooms to all-gender facilities. She said the bill would only allow them to do so if they choose.

Jeanne Ives recently sent her followers the Illinois Family Institute screed I shared with you the other day. And Awake Illinois, along with others, has gone full-on lie mode…

The bill merely says if venues want to construct all-gender restrooms, then they must follow some privacy and safety guidelines. That’s it.

*** UPDATE *** From Equality Illinois and the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, which are both supporters of the bill…

“We denounce the hate, violent threats, and disinformation being perpetrated and spread about HB1286, which would simply give businesses the flexibility to make decisions based on what is best for their individual circumstances. This legislation is not a mandate, but is permissive, meaning businesses have a choice whether to implement it or not. Facts matter.”


  1. - levivotedforjudy - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:15 am:

    Unfortunately, Rep. Stuart is doing the smart thing. It’s probably only a matter of time until the next “Paul Pelosi” incident occurs. I hope history is extremely unkind to us during this era.

  2. - /s - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:17 am:

    One of the movie theaters that I frequent in Chicago had a plumbing issue with their men’s room recently. Due to that, all customers had to use the women’s restroom.

    While I personally think that the movie theater went to unnecessary lengths to designate which portion of the restroom was for men and which was for women, there were no issues. People did their business, washed their hands, and left, just as they always have in any restroom I’ve ever been in.

    The staying power of this particular manufactured outrage continues to baffle me. I hope Rep. Stuart stays safe.

  3. - Homebody - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:18 am:

    Groups like Awake Illinois have ALWAYS been in “full-on lie mode.” They’ve just gotten mainstream traction now over the last decade as the GOP (both at a state and national level) has decided to lean into their crazy to maintain a voting base.

    I track this back to the birther and tea party astroturfing that the GOP and its allies started in response to Obama getting elected. They started lifting up the craziest voices, and now they are here to stay.

  4. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:21 am:

    Meijer grocery store near me currently has an all-gender bathroom. Somehow the world didn’t end.

    My favorite complaint about this bill is the one where there are suddenly concerns about concerts at ‘outdoor venues’. Nothing says “I haven’t been to an outdoor venue rock concert” quite like being worried about opposite genders being in the same bathroom.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:23 am:

    First, I hope Stuart and *all* are safe everywhere, as hate and danger are now part of the Far Right anger.

    You’d think the ILGOP would denounce such hate, such vile, even come forward, proactively against hatred.

    Oh. Ah.

    Jeanne Ives *IS* the ILGOP, even the official ILGOP.

    Keep in mind, as a party, as a whole, collectively, the ILGOP embraces Jeanne Ives, Illinois Family Institute thinking, and that ILGOP base sees nothing wrong in allowing gate to manifest for the old, angry white base they desperately need to appease.

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:26 am:

    ===Jeanne Ives *IS* the ILGOP, even the official ILGOP===

    She’s a state central committeeperson.

  7. - Peters Piece - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:29 am:

    Recently attended a concert at Thalia Hall. The bathrooms signage do not refer to gender. Rather they refer to the facility available. I choose All Stall which afforded all genders maximum privacy and efficiency.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:30 am:

    ===She’s a state central committeeperson.===

    Yep. The state political operating committee, and there sits Ives.

  9. - rtov - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:31 am:

    Is there difference between “misinformation” and “false misinformation”?

  10. - vern - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:32 am:

    Charlie Meier could help his party start back down the road to relevancy by saying “I misread this bill. It does not require any location to have all-gender restrooms, and I apologize for my incorrect statements. I ask anyone who still opposes the bill to communicate respectfully with my colleague Representative Stuart and her staff.”

    Of course, he won’t do that. He’d much rather be in a rump superminority that only tries to affect policy through threats of violence.

  11. - Phineas - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:47 am:

    I fail to see the difference between this rhetoric and someone yelling fire in a crowded theater. My kids are in the theater and they are more threatened every day by this ilk

  12. - Bathroom Methuselah - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:47 am:

    Of course that’s all the bill does…for the time being. Democrats must think those who disagree with their positions on Transgender issues are blind to the intent of the bill, and that’s to make incremental steps toward making it a requirement. This is obvious, but as usual, Rich and the Cap Fax crowd have an intentional misreading of the situation. Par for the course around here circa 2023.

  13. - OneMan - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 10:54 am:

    Wonder if these folks would watch Ally McBeal episodes and think the world was ending. If I recall, they had an all-gender bathroom as a mostly comedic thing in the show.

  14. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:04 am:

    ===blind to the intent of the bill===

    That’s not the intent of this bill. You can argue slippery slope all day, but in the end it’s about this particular bill, not your feverish dreams.

  15. - don the legend - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:06 am:

    Announcer: GOP, GOP, your table of intolerance and ignorance is ready.

  16. - Give Me A Break - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:11 am:

    Charlie Meier likes to fan, promote and even make up his own fabrications and “facts”.

    He flat out lied about numerous issues with the proposed closure of the Murray Center even when told by House GOP staff he was wrong. He has no interest in facts.

  17. - Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:12 am:

    Awake Illinois and other groups who are actively aggressive toward others might heed the words of Rodney King in 1992…”Can’t we just all get along.”

  18. - WestBurbs - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:14 am:

    I hear this BS every day and really appreciate Rich giving me a good comeback - “You can argue slippery slope all day, but in the end it’s about this particular bill, not your feverish dreams.”

  19. - Anon324 - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:17 am:

    ==…as usual, Rich and the Cap Fax crowd have an intentional misreading of the situation.==

    As opposed to you and those you agree with intentionally misreading of the bill, which is objective fact, your opinion on the situation is fear-based Chicken Little opinion.

  20. - Arsenal - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:18 am:

    ==Of course that’s all the bill does…for the time being.==

    No, that’s all the bill does forever. We can all read it, y’know?

    ==emocrats must think those who disagree with their positions on Transgender issues are blind to the intent of the bill==

    No, we can just objectively see that you’re lying about the *content* of the bill.

    ==This is obvious==

    Then prove it.

  21. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:19 am:

    –and that’s to make incremental steps toward making it a requirement.–

    Even if that was true, and it isn’t, why is that a problem?

    Do you prefer only looking at those of the same gender when you are in a bathroom?

    Maybe stop looking at people while they are in the bathroom. That seems to be an easier solution to your fabricated problem.

  22. - Misery Loves Company - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:19 am:

    Significant costs? Just put up an ALL GENDER on each bathroom and keep them clean (something that should done anyway).

  23. - Arsenal - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:21 am:

    ==You can argue slippery slope all day==

    The thing about “slippery slope” arguments is every bill still needs 60/30. If a later bill goes further than you want, you can stop that one.

  24. - Arsenal - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:23 am:

    ==Significant costs? Just put up an ALL GENDER on each bathroom and keep them clean (something that should done anyway).==

    Well, I think the point of the bill is establishing that you have to do a little more than that. But only if you want unisex bathrooms.

  25. - Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:31 am:

    Folks who are so concerned that they might face a gender-neutral bathroom have an easy remedy. Stay home. Never leave the house. Order goods, groceries, and all else for delivery to the doorstep.

    In the event that an individual must leave home for an unplanned excursion, wear disposable underwear.

  26. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:35 am:

    ==Maybe stop looking at people while they are in the bathroom.==

    Right? It’s hard for me to grasp why people can’t do that. Anyone who’s been to Europe or Japan has likely seen an attendant (commonly female) mopping and cleaning while customers are doing their business. The attendants never try to sneak a peek, the customers never try to ogle or grope the attendants, and everybody just gets on with their day like civilized adults. Grow up folks.

  27. - Sonny - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:37 am:

    Awake doing a great job of inciting the unstable to threats and violence and then standing back to avoid responsibility for the crazies when they act out. The handful of people involved in that group should be real proud of themselves.

  28. - Flapdoodle - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:50 am:

    =Of course that’s all the bill does…for the time being.=
    Maybe concern yourself with what is rather than what you like to imagine might be?

    =the intent of the bill, and that’s to make incremental steps toward making it a requirement.=
    And you know this exactly how?

    =This is obvious=
    Really? Prithee, do tell us what makes it so, other than your fevered imagination.

    =an intentional misreading of the situation.=
    Projection much?

    =Par for the course around here=
    As my father would have said, nobody’s got a hook in your fanny making you be here. It’s a private blog. You can go elsewhere.

    =circa 2023=
    Um, it is 2023, not about 2023.

  29. - Roadrager - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 11:58 am:

    I don’t know how you fight this. The people who push the lies don’t care that they’re lying, and the audience they’re pushing them to either won’t believe or doesn’t care that they’re being fed lies. These people have money, power, influence, and standing in one of the two major political parties in the country.

    What are we supposed to do about it? Vote? No number of votes stops rocks through windows or threats of elected officials or worse. One part of one party really, really likes this, and the rest of the party is wholly unwilling to decry it or shut it down, because power is power and all that matters is getting it.

    I don’t want this country turning into Florida.

  30. - Huh? - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 12:17 pm:

    “gender-neutral bathroom have an easy remedy. Stay home.”

    This whole gender neutral bathroom thingy is stressing me out.

    What’s a guy supposed to do when he has a household full of women? Can’t get into the bathroom, much less get a few inches in the medicine cabinet.

    Don’t get me going about the hair products and razor issues.


  31. - Jane - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 12:20 pm:

    A plain reading of the bill says that things are not this simple. The “all-gender” restrooms would have urinals, not in private stalls, but with only “partitions” for private. Now, I don’t want to walk into a restroom and see a man peeing at a urinal, partition or no, and I don’t think that man wants me to see him.

    It is possible to have unisex-restrooms done properly, with floor-to-ceiling doors, and without urinals. This is not that bill.

  32. - Stormsw7706 - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 12:27 pm:

    Katie Stuart is a top notch rep. We need people like her. Hopefully people like this don’t scare good people out of public service. Maybe it’s just me but when I have to go to the bathroom I most concerned with doing just that. It’s not a Armageddon type moment. Besides this detracts from the real issues like what is being done with the new M & M colors

  33. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 12:28 pm:

    –Now, I don’t want to walk into a restroom and see a man peeing at a urinal–

    This isn’t a restaurant. Bathrooms don’t take requests. People use them to… go to the bathroom. At best, you will see his back. If you are looking any closer than that, the problem is with your wandering eyes, not the design of the bathroom.

    I’m sorry(not really), but if you are so offended by someone using a room for the exact purpose it is designed for, perhaps some personal introspection would be more helpful to you than getting worried people are going to the bathroom, in a bathroom.

  34. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 1:00 pm:

    = Now, I don’t want to walk into a restroom and see a man peeing at a urinal, partition or no, and I don’t think that man wants me to see him. =

    Here’s a secret: nearly every guy would second the motion for floor-to-ceiling doors. Sometimes we don’t even get partitions between the urinals let alone doors. And no, we don’t like to look at other men peeing at urinals either. So we don’t do it. Again, when some of us visit other countries, we even manage to do our business even with female or male bathroom attendants running a mop right around our feet like we are part of the plumbing.

    Know what those attendants look like? Me neither. Nobody looks at each other. That’s the point. If you had to use a facility like that, I suspect you’d manage somehow.

  35. - Henry Francis - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 1:16 pm:

    When will the republicans and awake types admit that the real reason they are so against all gender bathrooms is to protect the Larry Craig types from taking their usual wide stance in bathroom and having it accepted by a woman in the next stall.

  36. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 1:19 pm:

    =At best, you will see his back.=

    Which one of you guys want to explain to her the restroom situation at Wrigley field before the renovation? Trough life ain’t for the timid.

  37. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 1:23 pm:

    ===At best, you will see his back===

    I am no fan of public restrooms to begin with. I seriously doubt that very many places will institute this. It’s an extremely narrow niche. For instance, when Equality Illinois throws its annual gala, they convert the restrooms to all genders. Technically, though, that’s against the law. I mean, nobody cares, but it’s still not legal. This helps them solve that.

  38. - Skeptic - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 1:42 pm:

    “and I don’t think that man wants me to see him.” I personally don’t care who sees me. My concern is for them, after all something things can’t be unseen.

    “Sometimes we don’t even get partitions between the urinals let alone doors.” And sometimes it’s essentially a horse trough with nothing between anybody.

  39. - Chicago Code - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 1:44 pm:

    Actually, it’s been legal in Chicago since October 2021.

  40. - OneMan - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 1:58 pm:

    == Of course that’s all the bill does…for the time being. Democrats must think those who disagree with their positions on Transgender issues are blind to the intent of the bill, and that’s to make incremental steps toward making it a requirement. ==

    Good golly, where to start with this?
    How about “to the intent of the bill, and that’s to make incremental steps toward making it a requirement.”

    You seem to imply some sort of big secret plot to do more. As a long-time CapFaxer, I would say ‘par for the course’ is that Illinois legislators are incapable of even being effective in the simplest of ‘plots’. There is a reason the US Attorney’s office is so busy in this state. Because Illinois legislators can not conspire their way out of a wet paper bag without someone wearing a wire or being dumb about it in another way. I would argue that Illinois legislators are not more corrupt than in other places. They are just way worse at it than other places. So the idea this is part of some grand plan is laughable.

    This like a lot of legislation is solving a problem for someone. Save your rage for when they make it mandatory, if you scream and lose your head now and it passes and people don’t see multigender bathrooms everyplace, they are going to ignore you when you complain later.

    As for ‘their positions on Transgender issues ‘

    I’d be a lot more impressed with people’s positions on these issues if they didn’t start making a big deal just in the last year or so as the latest hobgoblin to scare people.

  41. - West Wing - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 2:00 pm:

    The greatest challenge to our democracy is this wave of misinformation flooding into our lives aimed at generating division and hate.

  42. - Appears - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 2:14 pm:

    The ILGOP loves playing the victim. But in essence

  43. - Appears - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 2:15 pm:

    Sorry. Sent before I finished.
    But in essence the victimhood that the ILGOP is claiming is that they aren’t given control over how you live your life. ILGOP way or the highway.

  44. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 2:25 pm:

    Our secret plan to force people to use all gender bathrooms has been, pun intended, exposed.

    What is it with the Republican fascination/fear of bathrooms? What is it they do in there that frightens them?

    Imagine the horror if they saw the troughs at Wrigley Field?

  45. - Dysfunction Junction - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 2:28 pm:

    I do hope that if this all-gender restroom bill proceeds much further, they mandate the installation of a fainting couch. And possibly a dispenser for clutching pearls, maybe on one of those old-fashioned hand towel rolls. Call it the Karen-Kevin amendment.

  46. - Near West Side - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 2:40 pm:

    Tell me you have never been to another country without telling me you have never been to another country = people who are hung up on gendered restroom facilities.

  47. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 2:48 pm:

    ===Tell me you have never been to another country ===

    I’ve been to plenty. Still don’t like it. But I have precisely zero worries about this bill.

  48. - ArchPundit - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 3:24 pm:

    ===Which one of you guys want to explain to her the restroom situation at Wrigley field before the renovation? Trough life ain’t for the timid.

    It was always fine until the drunks started turning to talk to others.

  49. - Stuck in Celliniland - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 3:47 pm:

    ==Trough life ain’t for the timid==

    There’s also many troughs in the State Fair men’s rooms.

  50. - Justin - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 3:48 pm:

    I volunteered for Rep. Stuart’s campaign last year. She is a valuable State Representative in Springfield.

    Glad to see her prioritize the safety of her and her district’s constituents by postponing the event that was supposed to take place tomorrow.

  51. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 4:16 pm:

    Awake IL is obsessed with bathrooms, people using bathrooms, bathroom construction, policing bathrooms, etc. Ya’ll aren’t thinking straight. Step out of the bathroom and into the light.

  52. - Politix - Friday, Feb 24, 23 @ 4:17 pm:

    I’m Anonymous @ 4:16.

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