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Afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* MFT = Motor Fuel Tax…

* You kinda have to wade through Russ Stewart’s stuff, but often there’s a good nugget

Cynthia Santos, the now former $127,000-a year member of the Illinois Pollution Control Board and defeated 38TH WARD aldermanic candidate (she got 10.7 percent), is not hapless. She did NOT put herself in a situation beyond her control, which makes her somewhat clueless.

After 20 years as a $70,000-a year Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) commissioner, Santos was appointed to a 6-year term at the PCB by former Governor Bruce Rauner in January of 2017. The PCB hears appeals from environmental decisions by state agencies. Like a judge, a PCB member is supposed to be non-political and abide by state ethics rules which bar overt political activity. No “appearance of impropriety” is allowed. The PCB meets twice monthly and each member is assigned an attorney who does all the legal appeal research work.

In the summer of 2022 governor J.B. Pritzker re-nominated Santos for another 6-year term, subject to IL Senate confirmation. That did not occur during the autumn session. Also in the late summer of 2022 Santos and her husband Rich Bradley, an ex-state rep and current staffer for MWRD commissioner Marcelino Garcia, began circulating nominating petitions for each to run for 38th Ward alderman, a job held by Nicholas Sposato. The incumbent had dawdled until late August before deciding to run in 2023. Ed Bannon, a member of Rob Martwick’s 38th Ward Dems, also got into the race.

Santos did not take a leave-of-absence or resign her PCB job. She, not Bradley, filed in December, as did Sposato, Bannon, Franco Reyes and Bruce Randazzo. She did not file a D-1 statement with the state Board of Elections (IBOE) to create a campaign committee to report receipts and expenditures. “I’m paying my own expenses,” she later told me. That was not true, however a group called “Citizens in Action for Better Government” (CABG) paid for her flyers, which was an in-kind contribution and reportable by Santos and CABG. Neither has. […]

And she kept collecting her PCB paycheck. “I don’t campaign on work time,” she later told me.

Meanwhile, her PCB re-nomination stalled. Firefighters Local 2 is rumored to have intervened. (Sposato is a retired firefighter.) On March 6 Pritzker withdrew her PCB re-nomination. Santos was then on holdover, so she was out-the-door. […]

Credit Santos with a two-fer: She LOST for a 140K job and then LOST her 127K job all within the span of several days.

“She has nobody to blame but herself,” said Sposato

I told subscribers about this a while ago.

* Tony Peraica lost another case, this time at the 7th US appellate court

Anthony Peraica represented Jelena Dordevic in her Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding. Alongside filing the bank-ruptcy petition, Peraica submitted a form disclosing his fee compensation (known in bankruptcy parlance as a Rule 2016 disclosure) in which he reported that Dordevic had paid him a total of $5,000 for his services. But Peraica’s disclosure was incomplete. As the Trustee learned during discovery, Dordevic had actually paid Peraica $21,500.

The U.S. Trustee contacted Peraica to inform him that he needed to file an updated Rule 2016 fee disclosure with the bankruptcy court. Rather than heed this advice, Peraica instead sent the Trustee an informal accounting document listing $21,500 in fees. Recognizing this would not suffice, the Trustee responded: “The Rule 2016 disclosures actually need to be filed with the Court” by submitting “an official form.” But Peraica again ignored his obligation and continued to do so even after receiving a third reminder from the Trustee a few weeks later.

In time the Trustee sought the bankruptcy court’s intervention. The Trustee filed a motion under 11 U.S.C. § 329 to examine the fees. After Peraica failed to respond, the Trustee supplemented its motion with a request that all fees be forfeited. The bankruptcy court granted the motion. Beyond Peraica’s brazen disregard of the Trustee’s advice, the bankruptcy court found Peraica’s proffered explanation for not updating his fee disclosure lacking, if not downright false. Peraica claimed that he lacked bankruptcy experience and thus was not familiar with his Rule 2016 disclosure requirements. But a search of the federal judiciary’s docket management system showed that Peraica had been involved in more than 350 bankruptcy cases in the Northern District of Illinois alone. The bankruptcy court ordered Peraica to disgorge all past fees as a penalty for his blatant lack of compliance with his obligations under Section 329 of the Bankruptcy Code. […]

The bankruptcy court found Peraica’s behavior inexcusable. We do too. […]

So the bigger picture takeaway should be clear: counsel for debtors in bankruptcy proceedings should recognize that failures to disclose will not be taken lightly.

With these closing observations, we AFFIRM.


* Isabel’s roundup…


  1. - Ivanka - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 1:19 pm:

    Who is the Gov and Dem Party endorsing in the Mayor’s race for the City of Chicago?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 1:24 pm:


    The incumbent democratic mayor lost in the initial election, a mayor neither the party or the governor endorsed.

    It’s an open seat.

    Vote accordingly.

  3. - Vandalia Beer - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 1:38 pm:

    ===The incumbent democratic mayor lost in the initial election===

    it’s a non-partisan election, officially.

  4. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 1:39 pm:

    “I have no knowledge of bankruptcy filings” yet Peraica filed 350 cases in the Northern District of Illinois.

    Is Tony Peraica taking cues on fees and filings from the Eddie Vrdolyak playbook?

  5. - Big Dipper - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 1:51 pm:

    Kinda funny when Russ gets sanctimonious when he had his law license disciplined repeatedly for unethical conduct.

  6. - crazy gonna crazy - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 1:55 pm:

    Peraica admitting “I have no knowledge of bankruptcy filings,” despite filing 350 cases, may be the first honest thing he’s ever said.

  7. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 1:58 pm:

    Anyone who is pro coyote has never had problems with coyotes.

  8. - P. - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 2:00 pm:

    You mean Russ the dean of Northwest Side politics for over 40 years who picked Willie Wilson to win Round One?

    What I do find interesting is how local electeds are so scared of Local 2 they won’t take a public position on the 45th Ward race and instead feel fine standing pat and saddling 60,000 people with a psycho representing them in City Council.

  9. - DuPage - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 2:13 pm:

    @- Flying Elvis’-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 1:58 pm:

    ===Anyone who is pro coyote has never had problems with coyotes.===

    Agree 100%. Same goes for racoons, skunks, and possums. Once the chew their way into an attic or garage, it costs a small fortune to hire a pest control company to get rid of them.

  10. - Keyrock - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 2:24 pm:

    Is the Santos funder “Citizens in Action for Better Government” a rebranding of Dominic Longo’s group, or something different?

  11. - regular democrat - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 2:34 pm:

    Dominick Longo and Russ Stewart in one day? That’s a good day. Are you referring to the Coalition for Better government? The ultimate oxymoron

  12. - Betty Draper’s cigarette - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 2:39 pm:

    === Anyone who is pro coyote has never had problems with coyotes. Agree 100%. Same goes for racoons, skunks, and possums. Once the chew their way into an attic or garage, it costs a small fortune to hire a pest control company to get rid of them.===

    An animal in one’s attic has nothing to do with wildlife killing contests. The contestants aren’t hunting in your house or property.

  13. - Give Us Barabbas - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 2:42 pm:

    The Medicaid setup for nursing homes is ridiculous, and is set up so that residents are literally penniless and powerless at the tail end of their lives. The private pay system is terrible; we’re avoiding it for our family members as long as we possibly can, with in-home care and eventually hiring a day nurse if needed. But at some point we’ll be unable to keep our loved one at home, and I dread that day.

  14. - JoanP - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 2:44 pm:

    Even if Peraica were a total bankruptcy newbie, he was told multiple times what he needed to do, and he didn’t do it.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 3:06 pm:

    My favorite Tony Peraica is “Pitchfork and Torch” Tony Peraica.

    That was the very last time Peraica was at least interesting.

    Since then, Peraica is a poor man’s DeVore, poor at grifting, poor at show business… poor at losing.

    I mean, think on it, DeVore cashes checks, Periaca is being audited.

  16. - Cool Papa Bell - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 3:12 pm:

    ===Anyone who is pro coyote has never had problems with coyotes.===

    Shooting them and other varmints isn’t a warm and fuzzy feeling. But when you need to - you need too and this legislation shouldn’t move forward.

  17. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 3:21 pm:

    Animal killing contests are a (savage) human perversion.

  18. - Annon3 - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 3:58 pm:

    At least Peraica isn’t throwing his administrative staff under the bus. Then again maybe he doesn’t have any.

  19. - froganon - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 4:33 pm:

    ===Anyone who is pro coyote has never had problems with coyotes.===

    Shooting them and other varmints isn’t a warm and fuzzy feeling. But when you need to - you need too and this legislation shouldn’t move forward.

    No. One. Ever. Needs. to kill 400 coyotes. The legislation addresses coyote killing competitions. An ugly pastime perpetrated by ugly people. Killing a coyote to address a local problem is one thing. Mass killing events for pleasure and profit is a different animal (pun intended), a cancer on our collective souls. Read Coyote America, a great book about coyotes and the pointless stupidity of a century of trying to eradicate them. Full disclosure here, coyotes roam in my yard & suburban neighborhood. We deal with the troublemakers and live with the others. Google to see how coyotes live with us in cities and suburbs.

  20. - Google Is Your Friend - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 4:36 pm:

    Do coyotes prevent reading comprehension too? There’s nothing in the Humane Society proposal that says you can’t kill a coyote. There’s also no specific piece of legislation mentioned for Illinois. The Humane Society organized a petition calling for an end to killing competitions or in other terms, killing of coyotes for sport.

  21. - yinn - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 5:02 pm:

    $30 monthly allowances are last century. We can do better.

  22. - Regular democrat - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 5:12 pm:

    Anytime there is a Russ Stewart and a Dominick Longo mention its a good day. The Coalition for Better Government is his group. The ultimate oxymoron. That Santos thing really an unforced error. Came out well for Sposato.

  23. - Kippax Blue - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 5:14 pm:

    If you kill it — eat it. There is no sport in an organized killing competition. I can accept a Nuisance Kill … but for the freaking sport of it? All for the bill!

  24. - Amalia - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 5:29 pm:

    I hesitate to ask who is still behind Cynthia Santos because I’m sure it is someone I like. People should know by now that she is a fake credible official. Hmmmm, Santos…..

  25. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 7:44 pm:

    A fine tradition in Illinois is the moment it looks like we’re in a good place financially someone thinks it’s smart smart politics to start running on tax cuts.

    I hope giant holes in our infrastructure reduces that tendency.

  26. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Mar 15, 23 @ 8:57 pm:

    From the Wyndham article

    === though most would be studio apartments and marketed to medical personnel, renting for $800 to $850 monthly.===

    Ignoring the 18 million dollars of TIF funding — which no matter what anyone says about that is always an expense bore by other taxpayers as those diverted funds represent money that isn’t going into supporting taxpayer funded public goods and services, I think it is fascinating that the plan was also sold by suggesting that these overpriced studio apartments would be occupied by “medical personnel” which suggests a very predatory view of the medical students, resident physicians, and others that come to Springfield for training.

    They asked themselves, “what kind of demographic can we pretend these apartments are for that everyone is okay with?” and came up with an answer that makes me wonder if Springfield is deserving of the medical education and training programs that are based there.

    Way to paint “medical personnel” as the suckers who would over pay for a studio apartment in a hotel downtown instead of just trying to justify that the intent is to build unaffordable housing or apartments that they intend to operate a significant portion of as an AirBnB, et al.

    Springfield’s City Government: Classy as ever.

    But hey — I’m glad the public is supporting this private venture to the tune of 18 million while city leaders pretend like it’s free money because it comes out of future assessments.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Report: Underutilized CPS schools driving up costs
* AG Raoul lays out extensive defense of state immigration laws
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
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* Isabel’s morning briefing
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