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Question of the day

Wednesday, Mar 22, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

We asked if you’ve ever called your state legislator.

Randy Bukas, Freeport city manager: “Called my state legislators on a number of issues. What’s really nice is when they call me about a municipal issue that’s pending and how it would impact the community.”

Graham Grady: “Called legislators who represent Cook County asking them to support a funding campaign for Brookfield Zoo and the Botanical Gardens.”

Christine Walker: “Called then-state Rep. Julie Hamos when insurance repeatedly denied speech therapy to my son when he was diagnosed with autism. Turns out it was happening throughout Illinois.”

Chris White: “Called my state for help when a health system denied Paxlovid to my kid who was eligible due to their disability.”

I think most people don’t realize how varied the job of a state legislator can be.

* The Question: Have you ever called your state legislator? Explain.


  1. - Alice Blue Chicago - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 11:36 am:

    Thank you!
    Yes, contacting your Rep/Senator makes a difference. Will continue to do so.

  2. - NIU Grad - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 11:45 am:

    I’ve reached out to my state rep (a 10+ year rep in a safe seat in Chicago) a couple of times without getting a response back. I’ve only been able to get responses from state reps/senators in Chicago who are in their first 1-2 terms.

  3. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 11:46 am:

    Many times. Sometimes regarding a bill to express support or concern. Sometimes to offer assistance when there is an issue within my area of expertise. Sometimes bringing others to discuss an issue of concern. Sometimes just to say hi and see what they are doing.

  4. - Panther Pride - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 11:51 am:

    I have indeed, though I do work for them. Comes with the territory.

  5. - Dog Lover - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 11:51 am:

    No, I haven’t called. I have written a few times. Most were good enough to reply. The last tme I wrote, I didn’t get a response but was added to an email list. One who was very responsive called me.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 11:54 am:


    Tom Cross never returned my call… or accepted my golf invitation…

    Oh, sorry… the answer is still yes.

  7. - Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 11:55 am:

    Senator Geo-Karis fielded a call from a soon to be constituent on Christmas Eve. They had all the permits to move into their newly built home but no electricity. The town told them they couldn’t move in until ComEd turned on the electricity. I was in her office at that time. I didn’t make the call. Both Geo and her legislative aide spent the entire day badgering ComEd to get out there and turn on the lights. They did. The family moved in that evening and invited her over. She went.

    One of several incredible stories about Senator Geo-Karis and her constituent services skills that I will never forget. That one I saw first hand.

  8. - Cheswick - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:01 pm:

    I have called, emailed and faxed my legislators. But never for personal assistance. Only to support (or not support) certain legislation. Larry Bomke was always shocked when he heard from me for some reason. Or at least he acted like it.

  9. - Peanut Gallery - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:03 pm:

    I used to be a staffer so I have the luxury of having my rep/senators cell phone. Both have always been just a text away. However, I tell my friends and family to call their legislators about issues on a regular basis and how that can help.

  10. - Cheswick - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:04 pm:

    My comment didn’t go through for some reason.

  11. - Norseman - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:05 pm:

    No. Prior to retirement, Either I or my wife personally contacted members. More convenient for her. Her boss and others got an earful when they were trying to cut our pensions.

  12. - New Day - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:05 pm:

    I’m going to interpret this question to in my private capacity, not as a lobbyist. And yes on community issues, but not often.

  13. - Grateful Gail - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:06 pm:

    Numerous times, and always received a personal call back from them.

  14. - FKL - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:09 pm:

    I have called my rep on several issues regarding state services. District staffers are some of the hardest working people who need to know a lot about what the state offers and how to access those serves.

  15. - education first - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:09 pm:

    Reached out to my State Senator who claims to be against the gun lobby but holds fundraisers at a local restaurant that boasts framed proof of support of the NRA. No answer

  16. - frustrated GOP - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:18 pm:

    yes, but it’s an occupational hazard and needs to do so. and do get replies sometimes, as simple as ok, thank you for your concern.

    always important to remember, you may be on opposite sides on one issue one day and support something else the next.

  17. - Commissar Gritty - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:20 pm:

    When I was an ISU student, I went to Dan Brady’s District Office 4 separate times over 2 years. I went during normal business hours, and avoided the window of 11-1 for lunch. It was never open.

  18. - Suburban Mom - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:21 pm:

    Many times, most often on special education issues.

    But I also tell friends, “I think your state legislator can probably help with that …” and help them make the call. helped people solve a lot of little administrative life issues that way.

  19. - Chicago Voter - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:26 pm:

    Yes I have and with success.

    A legislator is only as good as their staff. Staff mostly deals with constituent issues. The problem is people often don’t know the difference with state and federal issues. When you contact a federal office about a state issue, people get frustrated because they can’t help.

  20. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:27 pm:

    Yes, many times to many legislators. I did get calls returned but mostly they just blamed Sheecawgo and the democrats for their inability to get anything done.

  21. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:30 pm:

    I’ve reached out to my State Senator a couple times without ever receiving even a courtesy reply. A dem, which I am also. I didn’t vote for her in the last election as a result, leaving that line blank. I also reached out to a now former State rep multiple times while she was in office (an R), and likewise did not receive even a courtesy response. All messages were left were via email. Sad but true.

  22. - illini - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:39 pm:

    It seems that my members of the GA are always of the opposite party and that my politics are well known to them. That being said, even though we likely disagree on many issues we have had some honest discussions about many issues and yet we remain friends.

    As examples, a former State Senator made sure that I had his private cell phone number - not just his official number. And I did use it occasionally but never to excess. My current State Rep never seems to be available when I call, but he always returns my calls.

  23. - froganon - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:39 pm:

    Yes, I call them regularly and ask for guidance or help with issues. I also work on their campaigns and donate. They are both responsive and helpful.

  24. - Amalia - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:43 pm:

    Long ago, in a location far away, asked for a vote to, in effect, keep the Sox in town.

  25. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 12:47 pm:

    Called with questions about 2 bills she voted on and about road projects in our area.
    Was very disappointed in the attitudes of both my representative and the representatives staff.

  26. - sulla - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:02 pm:

    Calling your state legislator’s constituent services person is kind of a necessary thing, given that Illinois is so utterly abysmal at customer service.

    Case in point: A few years back, I had a basic question about registering a boat trailer as a first-time owner. I placed 20+ separate calls to DNR across three weeks at various times of the day and never once did I get to speak to someone or get a call back on my messages. In utter frustration, I called my State Rep and asked them to help me get ahold of DNR. It took less than a day for them to get DNR on the phone and resolve the issue completely.

    Since then, my State Rep’s number has been close at hand for basically anything that involves talking to someone at the State.

  27. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:03 pm:

    =I’m going to interpret this question to in my private capacity, not as a lobbyist.=

    Same. I’ve contacted my members but it’s been pretty rare and almost exclusively on hyper-local issues. That said, if I’m talking to them about one of my (professional) issues and there’s some burning statehouse issue I’m not involved but care about, I’ll give them my opinion. For example, both of my members know I don’t want them authorizing a dime for the Bears.

  28. - Homebody - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:04 pm:

    No, but I’m lucky in that both my rep and senator pretty closely align in general with my politics, and I’m a fairly low-need individual. I don’t have a ton of interaction with state agencies outside of my work, so I’ve just never felt the need.

  29. - Jibba - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:17 pm:

    I contacted mine once. Got a curt reply back that my issue was not important to them. Not even politically savvy enough to be polite about it. I want a new legislator.

  30. - Aaron B - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:23 pm:

    I contacted my state senator a while back and never received a response. I was wanting to contact my rep recently to see if they had any information about a timeline for Illinois’ implementation of the Inflation Reduction act. Saw the (R) behind their name and assumed that I wouldn’t get any decent answers from them so I didn’t bother trying.

  31. - West Sider - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:30 pm:

    I’ve spoken with my representatives any number of times. I have also had excellent conversations with staffers, both in district and Springfield. It is heartening that young people are still willing to serve.

  32. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:30 pm:

    Not sure if they still do, but years ago, the legislative research unit used to biannually publish a book called constituent services guide. It explained, by department, the most frequently asked constituent questions, and correct answers with phone numbers.

    They also help a conference on constituent services, with presentations from agencies on new developments. also had an exhibit hall.

    Some of the major agencies, like revenue, field literally hundreds of legislative inquiries per year.

  33. - illinifan - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:36 pm:

    Personally, Yes but only to express opinion on existing legislation. As an employee of the state I had regular contact with legislators and their case management staff to discuss issues their constituents brought to their attention that I needed to help resolve in my job capacity, or to provide them updates on what was being done by my office within their community. The staff at the offices were always caring and concerned about ensuring their communities needs were met.

  34. - Techie - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 1:59 pm:

    During the Rauner budget impasse, I called my then state-senator Jim Oberweis to urge him to vote for the budget put forth by Democrats. He returned my call on a Saturday morning and proceeded to talk with me for 15 minutes about it, saying he was absent because he had promised his wife he would take her on vacation…

    But he said he absolutely would have voted against it had he been present. He went on about how bad it is to raise taxes, how he was no longer managing the family business, his son was. And if his son had asked him why he should open a store in Illinois and not Indiana, he wouldn’t have a good answer.

    Funny thing is, only a couple years later after the Democrats did get a budget through with support from a handful of Republicans, a new Oberweis location opened on Randall Rd.

  35. - stateandlake - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:01 pm:

    Yes, most recently for help after several weeks of a knocked over roadsign and vehicle accident debris on a state road right-of-way not being repaired/cleaned up. It took another week, but the job got done.

  36. - Nuclear Bozo - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 2:21 pm:

    I called my local rep regarding the slowness in receiving a copy of naturalization papers needed to get a passport. Got a quick response and the document within a few weeks.

  37. - Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:23 pm:

    Written, yes; called, no. Letters / emails used to save someone from having to write down all the details.

    Hand delivered a letter to former-Rep. Mike Curran’s office. The staff person asked “What’s this about?” Replied “Can’t get a straight answer out of CMS.”

    The reply was the amongst the most chilling I’ve ever heard in Springfield: “Neither can we.”

  38. - JDuc - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 3:49 pm:

    Yes, many times. Call whenever I have a question or comment.

  39. - Cosgrove - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 4:14 pm:

    Yes, I’ve called mine numerous times and was publicly labeled by my former Senator Carol Ronen as “constituent from hell,” which til this day I believe she meant affeciontately.

  40. - Keep it Real - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 4:18 pm:

    I have contacted many legislators on many occasions over the years; it has always been a portion of my job. I have found that almost are are decent people who care about things, albeit not always as much as I’d like. There have only been two who I thought presented like a horse’s back side.

  41. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 5:17 pm:

    I wrote one once before email was a thing. Got a court answer back from staff because my view wasn’t the Senators view. Emailed one a couple years back - no reply. That elected official was never opposed on the ballot.
    Thoughts about it - they are elected to represent everyone in their district, not just the ones that agree with them. Truthfully I think my views on the topics that I tried to contact about were the majority views in the geographical area at the time.

  42. - thoughts matter - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 5:18 pm:

    Got a curt reply. Not a court reply

  43. - Salt Life - Wednesday, Mar 22, 23 @ 11:50 pm:

    Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. The late Zeke Giorgi’s constituent crush by phone, in person and by mail.

  44. - theicemancometh - Thursday, Mar 23, 23 @ 7:52 am:

    I’ve talked to him a number of times. I’ve been hunting at his property many times. Pretty nice and always willing to listen. We are on opposite sides of the spectrum, so I didn’t even vote for him and don’t agree with him on much.

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