Johnson’s anti-gay rights supporters and Vallas’ Daley people
Tuesday, Mar 28, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller * Yesterday, we talked about Paul Vallas’ coziness with homophobic activists. Here’s Block Club Chicago on Brandon Johnson’s issues…
Vallas has either just avoided the question or appeared indignant that anyone would question his beliefs. * On to Politico…
Yeah. There’s a whole lot more than that one guy. Crain’s…
Unaware? From their State Board of Elections page… ![]() I was thinking last night that while John Kass may finally get a fellow conservative Greek-American in the mayor’s office, that fellow will be surrounded by all of Kass’ surviving enemies from the Daley era. * Also, too, Vallas appears to be moving even further to the left as election day nears. From Block Club Chicago…
He’s right about the current mayor’s universal income lottery program. But do you believe he’ll actually go through with a new and improved version? * But that late leftward lurch may be having an impact…
…Adding… Progressive Caucus members…
…Adding… OK, now I’m just laughing…
* Press release…
Good spot. * Press release…
Click here to watch the video. * Isabel’s roundup…
* WGN | Vallas leading Johnson in Chicago Mayoral runoff election: With eight days left before Chicago voters choose a new mayor, new WGN-TV/Emerson College/The Hill poll shows Paul Vallas holding a five-point lead over Brandon Johnson, 46% to 41%. The exclusive poll also found that 13% of likely voters are still undecided. * Block Club | Paul Vallas Vows To Fire CTA Boss, Doubles Down On Plan To Bring Back Retired Cops In Block Club Interview: Vallas has said he’s heard from retired officers through his work as a consultant for the Fraternal Order of Police during recent contract negotiations to back up his claim. The police union has endorsed Vallas in the mayoral race. “We know, because we’ve put together a list of retirees, and there’s a list of officers who would like to return,” he said. … Asked to confirm Vallas “has a list” of officers who would return under the conditions he mentioned, Vallas said he was referring to a list kept by the Fraternal Order of Police of retired officers. * WBEZ | Rehiring retirees as a quick fix for Chicago Police could undermine reform, experts say: Vallas has said the rehired cops would analyze records for detectives, run witness protection efforts, and even respond to domestic violence complaints. He has not said what he would do about a municipal code that requires cops to retire from sworn ranks at age 63 or whether he’d offer terms competitive with what many CPD retirees have: a police pension and a non-city job. * CBS Chicago | 4th Ward chief of staff Prentice Butler faces Illinois State Rep. Lamont Robinson: Butler said he would like to improve collaboration between people who live in the ward and the officers who patrol the streets. But he also said the city needs more mental health first responders to respond to mental health calls rather than police; and more social workers, violence interrupters, and other programming to address the causes of crime. Robinson, who has served in the Illinois House since 2019, touted his efforts to bring in resources for anti-violence initiatives, a local senior center, and a community center; and said he believes the City Council needs new leadership. * Sun-Times | Lightfoot put Knudsen in 43rd Ward seat — and into runoff against challenger Comer: Five months after Lightfoot appointed him to replace retiring former Ald. Michele Smith, Knudsen came out on top in the Feb. 28 election. But he did so with just about a quarter of the vote across Lincoln Park, Old Town and the Gold Coast — and by less than three percentage points over the upstart, runner-up challenge from consultant Brian Comer. * Sun-Times | 6th, 21st Ward candidates discuss future of South Side ahead of runoff: Time to ‘resurrect dreams of residents’: After more than a decade as 6th Ward alderperson, Roderick Sawyer stepped down from the council to run an ultimately unsuccessful campaign for mayor. […] Hall, 38, lead pastor at St. James Community Church in Chatham and a field director for the Rainbow PUSH social justice organization, narrowly came in first place with 23.82% of the vote during the Feb. 28 election — about 70 votes ahead of Wooten, an Army veteran and retired police officer. * Sun-Times | Contractor now accused of bribing worker in Cook County assessor’s office: Alex Nitchoff is charged with conspiring to bribe a key employee handling commercial properties with home improvement goods and services, jewelry, meals and sports tickets. * Block Club | ‘I Don’t Want To Be A Statistic To You’: Chicago’s Latino Communities Are Focused On Gun Violence: The most striking differences between Vallas and Johnson are their approaches toward public safety. Some Latino voters are leaning toward Vallas because of his promise to hire more police officers and his statements on taking a “more aggressive” approach to prosecuting those who break the law. Others favor Johnson because of his pledge to reallocate police funding toward issues like housing, mental health, and job creation. Both candidates face the tall task of convincing Latino voters that they are sincere in their promises to urgently address the gun violence crisis. * Sun-Times | City backs 3 subsidized housing plans for La Salle Street corridor: The proposals deemed eligible for city subsidies together call for more than 1,000 housing units, a third of them affordable, and more than $550 million in investment to address downtown vacancies. * Axios | New report says Chicago police training is fundamentally flawed: The new report, authored by the city’s community member-led working group on use of force, documents fundamental flaws in the way Chicago officers are trained on new use-of-force policies. * Flint Taylor | The racist history of Chicago’s FOP: On Dec. 4, 1969, Fred Hampton, the charismatic chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party, was slain in his bed by Chicago police in what has been documented and widely accepted as a politically motivated assassination. But the fledgling FOP nonetheless staunchly defended the police raiders. * CBS Chicago | A Chicago woman rented out her car on a sharing service. Someone stole and totaled it: Barron had listed her white Nissan Rouge for rent through Getaround, the car sharing service. Someone reserved and picked up the car in the middle of the night last fall. “I called Getaround multiple times,” she said. “And they kept telling me everything was fine. This person had checked out. Give them the benefit of the doubt.” * Chicago Mag | Revisiting What Has Disappeared: During a tour of his old neighborhood, Pete Kastanes idles his Toyota Corolla in front of Frank’s Upholstery, a two-story beige brick storefront on 79th Street. An upholstery shop seems like an odd stop for a youthful reminiscence, but this building was not always dedicated to re-covering sofas. It once contained a music store, right across the street from Bogan High School, from which Kastanes graduated in 1981. “That used to be Kroozin’ Music II,” Kastanes recalled. “They sold cassette tapes, eight-track tapes. They sold bongs, black lights, posters. I used to hang out when I was in high school. Sometimes, I wanted to be alone and browse. I bought my first eight-track there — Styx, Renegade.”
- interestante - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:14 am:
Does Western Springs have a Greek candidate for Mayor in the race? Cuz that’s where Kass lives, not Chicago.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:20 am:
===Cuz that’s where Kass lives===
He lives in Indiana.
- Hot Taeks - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:21 am:
The Sophia King endorsement is enormous. The Johnson campaign has to ask itself why it keeps losing such critical progressive endorsements and why so many of them are willing to vote for Vallas. I think CTU influence and Defund talk is part of reason.
I’m glad the Johnson is a homophobe controversy is finally getting its deserved attention. We can’t have that intolerance from a potential Mayor Johnson in Chicago.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:21 am:
I was specifically told in comments not to “look back” at “Daley 95” things with nostalgia or political acumen.
Dominic and Ronnie.
Wonder if that’s a dealbreaker
- Keyrock - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:23 am:
Vallas putting the old Daley coalition back together?
It wouldn’t be surprising if the new U.S. Attorney has the opportunity to get back in the business of charging lots of City-related cases.
At least Lori hasn’t had large numbers of her administration convicted of federal charges.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:23 am:
Kass moving to Indiana, where the grifting divide dollar “goes further” as one still grifts off Chicago angst.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:27 am:
The Vallas Coalition
Right, wrong, but it’s truth? Vallas is unapologetic for this, and especially the third group:
* “Daley” folks harkening to the 1990s, including the likes of Dominic and Ronnie
* The “LaSalle Street” folks, banking on 1990’s and the dollars to be made
* AND the racist thinkers, conspiracy theorists & insurrection apologists
We’re at the point, only…
… are you’re cool with this.
- New Day - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:27 am:
“we were unaware of any connection between him and Coalition For Better Government.”
How do I say this in a way that won’t get this comment removed. Paul Vallas has a historically questionable relationship with the truth. In this campaign he’s been saying things just like this over and over in a way that clearly demonstrates he’s not being truthful. It’s a real problem because at this point in the race, is there anything he won’t say if he thinks it will help him get elected?
- regular democrat - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:35 am:
This is the last hurrah for all the guys. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jimmy De Leo name surfaces. Anyway a lot of the old crew is retired or too old but its all hands on deck.
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:37 am:
===having worked for former Mayor Richard M. Daley===
At least we have a pretty good idea of where Paul Vallas learned to be comfortable with ignoring police misconduct and crimes committed by police officers while on the job in order to get elected.
Whatever ills we might have about Richard M. Daley at least he lived in Chicago before he decided to move there. What kind of thought process leads a person to conclude that they’ll run for Mayor of a city they don’t live in by appealing to right wing organizations and blowing every dog whistle they can get their hands on is beyond me.
But here we are.
- Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:43 am:
===but he can “recognize that within all of our faith communities, that there are elements of our faith community that they don’t get it right.”===
Johnson wants his cake and eats it too when it comes to his faith but remains highly critical of Vallas who also wants his cake and eat it too?
Seven. More. Days.
- Quibbler - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:44 am:
== The Sophia King endorsement is enormous. ==
She came in sixth in her own ward.
- Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:50 am:
Big surprise - Vallas is saying everything he thinks people want to hear as he realizes he can win. The true Vallas is the one appearing with the far right before he thought he might have a chance.
- ZC - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:53 am:
“The Coalition for Better Government? Now that’s a name I have not heard in a long time.”
The CBG if my memory has not failed was one experiment among Daley veterans to see if they could recreate some of the old patronage-style, campaigning-for-political-jobs infrastructure that Daley’s father employed, except now targeted more at Latinos / Hispanics. My sense is some of them really believed in its mission, as a way to gradually expand Latino power / influence in the city. But it was discontinued because a) it didn’t turn out to be very politically cost-effective and b) it’s not the 1960s anymore and the legal and media scrutiny such organizations receive today, gets toxic fast.
- Old time Independent - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 10:53 am:
Last week I would have bet Johnson has this won however it just seems in the last 5-7 days he’s going backwards. With a week to go my gut tells me he’s lost that lead and Vallas might pull it off. The King endorsement is big she didn’t get many votes but she is the Progressive Caucas Chair and that’s a large optic
- Back to the Future - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 11:04 am:
Like @Hot Tacks and @Old time Independent,
I think the Sophia King endorsement is impressive.
During the debates Alderperson King was well prepared and expressed her views well. She came across to me as a very intelligent public servant.
Being Chair of the Progressive Caucus she has the credentials and voting record that adds credibility to the Vallas campaign.
- Keyrock - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 11:20 am:
CBG wasn’t Hispanic. It was a northwest side operation in which Longo and John ”Quarters” Boyle were active.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 11:23 am:
I was remiss. Thanks - Candy Dogood - and - Keyrock - for kind words yesterday.
To the post,
Johnson needs to not only clarify but recognize where it’s not just optics to what and who, but there’s a clearer understanding needed to how this connection versus governing within the laws not church doctrine is seen.
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 12:29 pm:
We’re at a point where if Johnson wins it will be a rejection of the establishment democrats showing up to vouch for a guy who pals around with racists and bigots without denouncing it and took actions to prevent the funding of public pensions.
It’s the 1970s Illinois democratic party trying to crush 21st century democratic leaders.
- Three Dimensional Checkers - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 1:15 pm:
John Kass is too busy looking for Pepe Silvia to be bothered.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 1:34 pm:
-5 Points to Rich for reminding me that Kass exists. Let him face back into the vile muck from which he came, please.
+5 Points to Three Dimensional Checkers for the Sunny reference.
- Commissar Gritty - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 1:35 pm:
Sorry, 1:34 pm Anonymous was me.
Also, there’s a typo. It should safe “fade back into”
- Sincerely Asking - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 1:42 pm:
Rich, why are you shadow banning anyone who shows the least appreciation of Paul Vallas? Are you that far to the left of Dick Durbin, or are you just fragile?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 1:52 pm:
===why are you shadow banning anyone===
You’re on a list because you have posted on the same thread using different names.
- Sincerely Asking - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 1:55 pm:
==You’re on a list because you have posted on the same thread using different names. ==
Fine, but that doesn’t explain why you shadow banned the FIRST post.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 1:58 pm:
===but that doesn’t explain===
Yes, it does.
- City Guy - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 2:45 pm:
Building off the reference to Vallas’ movie comment, City Club does a good job of posting videos of its programs. Yesterday’s program with Johnson is already up.
They have a library of presentations on public issues going back 20+ years.
- Old IL Dude - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 2:45 pm:
My guess is Vallas cleans up on the 60+ vote (any race), the Machine vote & the white vote. He gets 2/3rd of the Latino vote, and splits the Lakefront Liberal vote with Brandon Johnson.
CTU & SEIU comes out BIG for Johnson. Non-Union Black, and youth vote is paltry.
Vallas wins 54% of votes in dinky overall turnout.
- Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 2:55 pm:
Candy nails it at 12:29. Well said.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Mar 28, 23 @ 6:15 pm:
Blackkklansman by Spike Lee is a Vallas fav. he’s shapeshifted so deeply that he’s up his own…..