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Awake Illinois releases its school board endorsements

Monday, Apr 3, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Awake Illinois has unveiled all of its school board endorsements on its website. They endorsed three candidates in the race for Lyons Township High School board

Awake Illinois supports Tim Vlcek, Frank Evans and David Herndon. The other candidates are incumbents Kari Dillon and Jill Beda Daniels and newcomers Tim Albores and Justin Clark. Three seats are available in the election. […]

In an email, Vlcek said, “I’m unaware of any endorsement from Awake nor have I requested one. I’ve run my own campaign delivering my message on my platform.”

Herndon said in an email that he did not seek the endorsement and that Awake did not speak with him about it.

“I made it clear from the start of my campaign since this was supposedly a nonpartisan election, I was not seeking or wanting any endorsements from any political organizations, and therefore I do not accept it,” he said. “I have received a broad range of endorsements from people that I have never met or spoken to. Because someone endorses me does not mean I absorb their platforms or values. All of this outside influence from all sides is distracting from the issues in this race which is how best to educate kids and bring transparency and public engagement back to the Board. If the Board was doing their job there would not be all of this influence pouring in from all sides.”

Vleck attended an Awake Illinois workshop in January. Vleck, Evans and Herndon were backed by an anonymous mailer last month.

* In Elmhurst, Awake Illinois is supporting Linda Nudera, Lan Li, Tom Chavez and Jammie Esker Schaer

In response, Nudera emailed a statement saying she was not aware of the endorsement and was not part of the group.

But she said that after a review of Awake’s website, the group is “not just a platform for concerned parents, but they support inner-city initiatives like Project HOOD and our military Veterans – both honorable philanthropies.” […]

“I find irony in the fact that Democratic organizations are supporting a slate of homogeneous women for the school board versus a heterogeneous panel made up of both men and women, multicultural with diverse skill sets,” Nudera said. […]

In an email, Li said he is independent and has no involvement with Awake. He said he has received just one donation – $100 from an old friend in Arlington Heights. He said he has paid for everything else.

“Concerning the endorsement from Awake Illinois, I have not been directly contacted or interviewed by any of its members,” Li said. “My assumption is that they endorsed me based on my website and word of mouth. Maybe they believe that I am not as radical as some of the other candidates. Nonetheless, I have no control over who finds me agreeable or disagreeable.”

* Elmhurst also had an anonymous mailer. Patch

A door hanger was spread in Elmhurst over the weekend urging residents to “save our children.”

The door hanger, which was authored anonymously, asked residents to vote in Tuesday’s election against incumbents Courtenae Trautmann and Beth Hosler and newcomers Kelly Henry and Kelly Asseff. […]

Then the flyer ended with a grammatical mistake.

“End Woke Policy’s and teach Math, Reading and Writing,” it said.

“Policy’s” is not possessive in this instance. It should have read “policies.”

* Awake Illinois is supporting Catherine Greenspon and Andrew Catton for Hinsdale High School District 86 board

Greenspon said who endorses her doesn’t change who she is and what she stands for.

“That any group or individual would endorse me when I so openly stand for collaboration and unity gives me hope,” Greenspon said in an email. “My actions speak louder than words. My whole adult life has been dedicated to serving others. That’s who I am today and who I will be after all the votes are counted.”

At board meetings, Greenspon said, “I talk to everyone. I want for everyone to feel welcome to conversation, feel seen and feel heard. Throughout this campaign, I have been supported by a diverse group of people, which is representative of our school district.” […]

The endorsement of Catton was not a surprise. He has aired views that resemble those of Awake. Last year, he posted a story titled “Assume Public Schools Sexually Abuse Your Kids Til Proven Otherwise.” In January, Patch documented some of Catton’s social media posts.


  1. - Norseman - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 1:50 pm:

    The bigots and book banners have spoken. Vote accordingly.

  2. - Lake villa township dem pc - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 1:57 pm:

    Are they supporting the candidate in warren township (Gurnee) that says that Sandy Hook shooting is/was a hoax?

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:01 pm:

    - Norseman - is all over it, “vote accordingly”

    What was it that Vallas embraces with Awake Illinois?

    Remember these folks, we have a few in Oswego 308 to worry about and defeat Tuesday.

    I’m grateful I’m reminded again who these folks are, I believe who they tell me they are.

  4. - Demoralized - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:01 pm:

    ==Assume Public Schools Sexually Abuse Your Kids Til Proven Otherwise==

    That guy has no business being anywhere near giving him a voice in policy development, especially for schools. I would love for someone who intends to vote for this dope to explain why they are doing so. Because I can’t imagine having any respect for anyone supporting his guy

  5. - Homebody - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:03 pm:

    So many of the people with terrible opinions know that their opinions are terrible. They immediately move to distance themselves from those who share the same opinions, but happen to have less shame.

  6. - Jocko - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:14 pm:

    ==My actions speak louder than words==

    “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”
    -Maya Angelou

  7. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:22 pm:

    It’s fascinating to me that parents would assume that something like learning about racism is why their kids are bad at reading, instead of, you know, being deeply immersed in poverty with a parent who thinks a gay agenda is out to get their kids.

  8. - jackmac - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:28 pm:

    Adding to Oswego Willie’s comment about the Oswego 308 “Awake Illinois” backed stealth school board candidates. We’re fortunate that we still have some local media shedding light on the races (Shaw, but at least its something). And a local radio station (WSPY) did some journalism and found via a Freedom of Information request that one of the District 308 Awake candidates had an arrest and pleaded guilty to a domestic violence charge.

    The link from March 20:

  9. - OneMan - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:32 pm:

    A handy guide on who not to vote for.

    I am still trying to find the 1776 group’s filings with the state.

  10. - Anon 2:32 - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:32 pm:

    How inspiring. Most of the Awake Illinois candidates deny that they sought this organization’s support and all but publicly reject the endorsement.

  11. - Anon 2:34 - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:34 pm:

    =“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”
    -Maya Angelou=

    Regrettably, the Awake Illinois crowd would certainly ban Maya Angelou’s works from classrooms.

  12. - JS Mill - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:37 pm:

    Lyons Township has some issues related to a land sale that has community members upset. It was in the papers so when the candidate states: ” bring transparency and public engagement back to the Board.” I get the impression that quite a few people feel that way.

    =“Assume Public Schools Sexually Abuse Your Kids Til Proven Otherwise.”=

    S o now he wants to be a part of that? Seems counterintuitive.

  13. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:38 pm:

    With the “policy’s” blunder in a mailer, someone might expect a visit from the Grammar Police.

  14. - Loyal Virus - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:42 pm:

    I found this terminology telling: “the group is ‘not just a platform for concerned parents, but they support *inner-city* initiatives

  15. - TheInvisibleMan - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:47 pm:

    “So now he wants to be a part of that? Seems counterintuitive.”

    Every accusation from these groups is a confession.

  16. - Amalia - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 2:58 pm:

    but, but, it’s fine. they are the people Vallas hangs with….

  17. - The Truth - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 3:09 pm:

    It will be interesting to have that Awake IL preferred candidates page up on Election Night as results become known.

  18. - Shytown - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 3:12 pm:

    What a gift. Now everyone knows who not to vote for.

  19. - Basic mom - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 3:24 pm:

    The situation in Lyons Township is complicated. The current board and Superintendent are inexperienced to say the least and they royally fumbled the ball on a land deal that alienated at least 30% of the community; a portion of the community that also has a competitive municipal race so turnout will be high. The “Awake” candidates will probably win and there is a sleeper cell member on the current board who may flip the script and allow for the election of Herndon as board president. The current board leans very democrat and progressive and it is potentially going to do a 180. It should serve as a cautionary tale to all who serve on boards to question your administrators and always remember they work for you and you work for your constituents.

  20. - TheInvisibleMan - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 3:29 pm:

    I’m curious about the timing. Today is the last day of early voting, meaning most people who would use a list such as this to vote *against* a candidate supported by asleep, have likely already voted without the benefit of knowing about these specific candidate endorsements from them.

    Conversely, releasing it today favors the people who will vote specifically and only on election day.

    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, and not a pedestrian political strategy.

  21. - Suburban Dad - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 3:29 pm:

    Lyons Township High School has owned the 70 or so acres for 55+ years. It was bought in case they needed a 3rd campus. So the people living by there aknew the land could have been sold at some time and are complaining. That being said, there’s a huge UPS facility across the street. The Board’s fiduciary role is for all tax payers, not the small group of homes near the property. SO if the Board could get $55+M for vacant land, I say just do it. Then let the buyer deal with any zoning needed. So the property would be added back to the tax rolls.

  22. - Basic mom - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 3:37 pm:

    Suburban Dad it is a matter of communication and transparency with the land sale in the Lyons Township community. The board and administration did an extremely poor job of doing research and outreach in the community. Furthermore, the district’s fund balances are extremely high; irresponsibly so. The current board and administration really don’t seem to know what they are doing and it is a legitimate concern.

  23. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 3:47 pm:

    I wish the rightwingers had a monopoly on embarrassing campaign communication errors but I got one flyer from the teachers union supporting a tax increase that had vote spelled “vot” by mistake and some DPI texts over the weekend about the school board election that could not spell McLean County right (”McClean”)

    Crossing my fingers for tomorrow

  24. - Tim - Monday, Apr 3, 23 @ 4:44 pm:

    === I am still trying to find the 1776 group’s filings with the state. ===

    You have to look at the link for Federal Committee B-1 filings.

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