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It’s just a bill

Thursday, Apr 6, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Animal Legal Defense Fund

Whether the patient is a human or an animal, a healthcare professional’s first duty is to do no harm. Following that ethic, numerous veterinary providers and practices in Illinois have chosen not to perform elective declaw surgeries on cats.

While a small percentage of declaw procedures are necessary for the health of the cat, the majority of these surgeries are elective, performed for the convenience of the cat’s guardian. But declawing can cause lifelong pain and discomfort for the cat, and often leads to more serious behavioral problems. Meanwhile, guardians can typically control unwanted scratching of furniture and other possessions through humane, non-invasive measures.

Currently, Illinois lawmakers are considering a bill, HB 1533, that would ban elective cat declawing, while still permitting the procedure when necessary for a therapeutic purpose.

* Rep. Ann Williams…

* Energy Storage News

Legislation could soon be introduced in the US state of Illinois that aims to promote the cost-effective deployment of energy storage on the grid.

Sponsored by Democrat Senator Bill Cunningham, Senate Bill 1587 (SB1587) would make energy storage-friendly amendments to the Illinois Power Agency Act, which is the framework for electricity procurement in the service territories of Illinois grid operators ComEd and Ameren.

SB1587 was filed by the Senator in February, when it had its first reading in the Senate. Now being considered by lawmakers, it “makes legislative declarations and findings regarding the deployment of energy storage systems,” according to the bill’s text.

It calls for the establishment of an energy storage credit system, which would be added to the procurement processes of the Illinois Power Agency (IPA), the independent state body established in 2007 with duties that include developing electricity procurement plans and conducting competitive procurement processes, long-term electricity system planning and the development of electric and co-generation facilities.

Through the bill, the agency would be authorised to conduct competitive solicitations for storage credits and execute contracts to ensure the Illinois electric system gets sufficient energy storage resources. It would also be tasked with developing an electricity storage procurement plan within 90 days of the bill’s amendments becoming effective.

* Illinois Family Institute

What do you get when you cross a “non-religious” person with an eco-freak? You get a devotee of human composting. And by that, I don’t mean humans who compost. I mean humans who are turned into compost—after death, of course. Lesbian Katrina Spade has been promoting the eco-friendly composting of human remains since 2014 when she founded the Urban Death Project, since renamed Recomposed. Get it? Composting humans is recast as re-composing them, kind of like re-purposing them. What the new name loses in forthrightness, it gains in marketability. […]

Isn’t “recomposition” what the “trans” cult believes they can do? Don’t they believe they can recompose male bodies into female bodies? […]

Human composting will be voluntary at first, but how long will that last? Probably about as long as voluntary euthanasia. Doctors are now performing non-voluntary euthanizations. And what comes after non-voluntary human composting? Mandatory human composting.

How long before cannibalism of recently deceased humans is legalized? After all, why waste all that good meat. Maybe we could call it Soylent Green.

* Investigate Midwest

Legislation that increases the fines for spraying humans with pesticides has passed the Illinois Senate.

First introduced in 2021, this is the first time the legislation passed a statehouse chamber. The push for higher fines came in the wake of two 2019 incidents involving the same crew of farmworkers. On two separate occasions that summer, an airplane and a helicopter sprayed them with pesticides while they detasseled corn, according to a lawsuit and state investigations.

The legislation, which passed the state senate March 30, now moves to the state’s House of Representatives. The higher fines would apply only if an applicator is spraying “off-label” — meaning they’re not spraying exactly as the product label dictates.

Illinois currently uses a point system to assign fines to pesticide violators. More points means a higher fine. Spraying a human — the current law doesn’t take into account how many — is worth the same number of points as spraying without a permit or falsifying records.


  1. - MisterJayEm - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 12:50 pm:

    Note: ALPR = “automated license plate recognition”

    Maybe everyone else already knew that, but I didn’t.

    – MrJM

  2. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 12:51 pm:

    Why stop at automatic license plate reader data? The state could outlaw any law enforcement cooperation regarding these abortion “trafficking” laws.

  3. - Socially DIstant watcher - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 12:53 pm:

    The family institute’s statement is particularly hilarious as it was issued at a time when Christians are reading the account of how Christ’s body was wrapped in a shroud and placed in a cave. No embalming fluid at all!!

  4. - thisjustinagain - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 12:54 pm:

    Illinois Family Institute is simply out of their minds. Next they’ll claim the deceased are being processed to make Soylent Green. Like we all don’t decompose at some point after death. And since when does someone have to ‘be religious’ to have a valid viewpoint??

  5. - Appears - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:01 pm:

    IFI-”Doctors are now performing non-voluntary euthanizations.” Will IFI please back that up with real facts/data.

  6. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:04 pm:

    I’m working with SOS @Giannoulias” to pass a bill which limits IL ALPR data from being shared with states like Idaho”

    In no fan of Automatic license plate readers- but if we have them - why limit them for this purpose? Many dangerous fugitives are captured via sharing this info. The Univerity of Idaho shooters was identified in part using out-of-state ALPR data.

  7. - Nagidam - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:05 pm:

    Laurie Higgins at IFI went from eco freak to “trans” cult to cannibalism. That’s something even for her.

  8. - MisterJayEm - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:06 pm:

    Do people from the Illinois Family Institute still conduct “undercover investigations” of Halsted street Market Days and the International Mr. Leather conference?

    – MrJM

  9. - itsjustme - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:14 pm:

    I made the mistake of clicking on the composting story. Oh lordy. She quotes someone who’s VP of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property what even is that ugh

  10. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:17 pm:

    –limits IL ALPR data from being shared with states–

    Jim Glasgow has been bragging about installing these all over the county. He even made an ‘anonymous donation’ from his office(asset forfeiture funds), to his office to help pay for them. Since 2021 the States Attorney in your(royal your) county probably has been installing them at a breakneck pace too. Usually they are done with IGAs between the county/SA office and individual municipalities. Sometimes the SA/county installs them in unincorporated land, and has to pay for it out of their own budget with no cost sharing. They aren’t only on highways either, they are on generic commercial stretches of municipal roads, and places leading into neighborhoods.

    In my county, there are no restrictions on the use of this data. All the police have to do is ask for it with no oversight.

    Jim Glasgow is exactly why this law needs to be passed.

  11. - Lynn S. - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:19 pm:

    So nice to know that I wasn’t the only one to look at that IPI story and think, “good Gawd (banned punctuation).”

    Unfortunately, it will probably be reprinted in every newspaper with a circulation below 20,000 readers.

  12. - Nick Name - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:38 pm:

    ===the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property what even is that===

    Far-right fascist/hate group that pretends to be Catholic.

  13. - Steve Polite - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:44 pm:

    As a Christian myself, I don’t understand why some Christian organizations are against human composting. I am not aware of any biblical teaching against it. In fact Genesis 3:19 states, (God speaking to Adam) “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return the to ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” New International Version.

  14. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:45 pm:

    ===That’s something even for her.===

    That is her normal MO.

  15. - JS Mill - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:47 pm:

    =How long before cannibalism of recently deceased humans is legalized? After all, why waste all that good meat. Maybe we could call it Soylent Green.=

    Someone needs to be drug tested. Or involuntarily committed.

  16. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:52 pm:

    Non one is being forced to go through with a natural burial so I find the resistance bizarre and think the slippery slope argument is defeated by the extra dirt being created. Also, what does her being a lesbian have to do anything? The reference to trans individuals is completely bonkers.

    Steve–I agree and it seems to me to be a good example of creation care.

  17. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:54 pm:

    Whatever the free state of Illinois can do to fight back against unfree states seeking an 1850s-style Fugitive Wombs Act, Illinois should do.

  18. - H-W - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:54 pm:

    Re: Illinois Family Institute post

    == Lesbian Katrina Spade has been promoting the eco-friendly composting. ==

    == Isn’t “recomposition” what the “trans” cult believes they can do? ==

    Ignoring all other false claims in the article, how can anyone not see this as hate speech?

    For example, if the author had written, [White woman] Katrina Spade has been promoting the eco-friendly composting, surely its own membership would have asked why the need to reference race (why mention sexuality here). To present a person’s gender or sexuality or ethnicity in an article about end-of-life choices is irrelevant.

    Similarly, a person’s sexuality is unrelated to a persons gender identity. Yet, this article equates “lesbian” (sexuality) with “trans” (gender identity). They are not the same, and neither of these identity concerns of the author have any baring upon the issue of end-of-life choices.

    This is clearly an attempt to elicit hate speech in order to frame an argument against an end-of-life decision. When people question why the SPLC defines the Illinois Family Institute as a hate group, they only need to look at rhetorical devices such as this. Using implicit hate to advocate policy decisions is hate speech.

  19. - Manchester - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 1:59 pm:

    The IL Family Institute can be counted on the fume and hyperventilate over anything that doesn’t meet their narrow definitions of acceptable, whether it has to do with Gay people, Trans people, abortion, birth control, a right to die with dignity, and now how your body is ultimately disposed of. I’m sorry but every dead body is going to decay and become a part of the Earth again anyway. The best embalming, casket, and vault only delay the inevitable, not stop it. It’s not like that dead body is going to get up and walk again. Does anybody really care what the IL Family Institute says or thinks. I sure don’t.

  20. - JoanP - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:08 pm:

    = It’s not like that dead body is going to get up and walk again. =

    You mean those zombie shows are . . . fiction?

  21. - Amalia - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:10 pm:

    how the IFI makes the jump from a person’s choice for their remains to trans issues really shows you how bizarre and awful they are. they observe people and issues from a truly sick perspective. I’m sorry for people whose names are invoked by them because they have to endure such creepy comments.

  22. - H-W - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:10 pm:

    @ Manchester

    I do, because what they say justifies harm to others. Hate speech encourages hate even when unintended, and even when hate speech is unintentionally used. As an educator, this is why I teach - to reduce hate speech and its harm.

    In this case however, when hate speech is intentional, and is orchestrated at the organizational level, it suggests institutionalizing hate and inequality. In this case, the IFI is intentionally inciting heterosexual citizens to blame non-heterosexual citizens for what they (IF) asserts to be immoral behavior.

  23. - Jocko - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:33 pm:

    By this logic, it’s a good thing the dinosaurs never found religion and/or behaved so immorally.

  24. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:39 pm:

    Doesn’t Idaho’s new law run afoul of the Commerce Clause? I’m not legal scholar, but that looks ripe for a challenge.

  25. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:41 pm:

    ===run afoul of the Commerce Clause?===

    They tried to get around that by making travel up to the border the actual crime.

  26. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:47 pm:

    That’s a novel approach. Still…I have a feeling the ACLU is already drafting an injunction.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:49 pm:

    Makes me wonder if Idaho will have border officers and checkpoints, ensuring pregnant Idahoans can’t leave the state?

    It’s snark.

    The bill/law isn’t snark.

  28. - 48th Ward Heel - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:57 pm:

    The Illinois Family Institute seems more unhinged than usual. What happened to “ash to ash, dust to dust?”

  29. - Norseman - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 2:58 pm:

    I wasn’t taught in confirmation class that your body had to be disposed of in a certain manner.

    I can’t wait to see what new bogeyman these crazies come up with next.

  30. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 3:03 pm:

    –Far-right fascist/hate group that pretends to be Catholic.–

    They are Catholic. They aren’t pretending.

    25 years ago, and only slightly before the Boston scandal broke it wide open, this is exactly the excuse made for covering up abuse in their churches.

    “That’s not a real Catholic Church, that would never be allowed to go on if they were really Catholic. I know that doesn’t happen in my church.”

    20 odd years later, we now know for a certainty that it in fact did happen in their church. And still is. There isn’t a single Catholic Diocese in the state which has avoided the stain of their own behavior and silence.

    It is a mistake to use the “not a real Catholic” in these instances. It’s usually done by those who belong to the church but don’t want the association of the activities of the church. I know how it works, I did the same thing in the 90s before I finally figured that by trying to protect my own membership, I was protecting the acts of that membership as well.

    Your beliefs are yours. You don’t need to belong to a man-made church to validate your beliefs. If you continue to knowingly remain a member of an organization(any organization) that is consistently doing terrible things, then that’s what you are.

  31. - Nick Name - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 3:25 pm:

    I mean, I have told my wife and other loved ones that I don’t want to be cremated. i want to be buried. Is that now a sin? LOL

  32. - Ann Williams - Thursday, Apr 6, 23 @ 3:32 pm:

    @Donnie Elgin…the bill limits the sharing of data with out of state law enforcement for purposes related to the criminalization of healthcare that is legal in Illinois. See HB3326 at

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