SB 1763: A Much-Needed Increase In The GRF Medicaid Rate for Hospitals
Tuesday, Apr 18, 2023 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Dramatically higher labor, drug and supply costs have squeezed hospitals to the point of facing difficult decisions about which services to continue offering communities. Healthcare is essential to every Illinoisan. Yet Medicaid—the state’s largest insurer—only reimburses hospitals less than 80% of the cost of care. That financial loss makes it harder for hospitals to remain viable in their communities, preserving and investing in patient care and preventive services. Importantly, when a hospital closes or reduces services, it impacts everyone in the community, not only persons covered by Medicaid. Inflation has impacted all of us. For hospitals, costs have increased 85% between 1995 and today. The General Revenue Fund (GRF) Medicaid hospital inpatient rate has not kept pace. In fact, it’s less today than in 1995. Illinois hospitals are open 24 hours a day seven days a week to provide urgently needed care. Now, Illinois hospitals are in urgent need. These centers of hope and healing are relying on lawmakers to pass Senate Bill 1763 for the first GRF Medicaid hospital rate increase in 28 years. Passing SB 1763 will help preserve access to care for everyone by improving Medicaid hospital rates so they cover more of the cost of care. Support and co-sponsor SB 1763. Discover the facts to learn more.