Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Pritzker punts on budget hole and estate tax, reiterates opposition to helping Bears move, talks about crisis pregnancy centers, abortion rights constitutional amendment and slams Ron DeSantis
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Pritzker punts on budget hole and estate tax, reiterates opposition to helping Bears move, talks about crisis pregnancy centers, abortion rights constitutional amendment and slams Ron DeSantis

Wednesday, Apr 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker was asked today about how health care for undocumented immigrants was blowing a huge hole in the state’s budget. How would he propose filling that hole?

Well, let’s be clear. We are going to pass a balanced budget. That is what I’m focused on. The legislature is working out the details of what it wants, its priorities. For me, I’ve put forward my priorities. And I think that generally speaking, the budget that I put forward is the one that we will pass, with, obviously some changes here and there by the legislature. That’s an issue that’s gonna have to be worked out by committees, by working groups. But what I know is that we are going to end up with a balanced budget, no matter what.

Asked about proposals to increase or eliminate the estate tax, Pritzker said

Again, my priority is balancing the budget, making sure that we are continuing our march to credit upgrades and making sure we’ve set the real foundation for fiscal stability in our state.

* And what about that new bill to tax Chicago Bears tickets in order to help pay back the City of Chicago for some of the money it’s spent on the Soldier Field rehab, and does he have any other ideas?

I have not given that bill any review. Som start with that. And obviously, you know, again, my number one consideration is keeping us on a firm fiscal footing. So that means that the state really shouldn’t be in the business of providing handouts to private industry and that’s what the Bears are in their endeavors. I’m rooting for the Bears. I’m also a Chicagoan and I would love it if they stayed in Chicago, but it is their choice as a private business about where they’re gonna go.

* Pritzker was also asked about a bill that would penalize “crisis pregnancy centers” if they provide false information to women

Well, this is obviously something being considered in legislature. They’re going to send it to my desk, if they pass it. What I can tell you is that we need to prevent the kind of fraud that we’ve seen by folks who are taking out retail establishment locations next to Planned Parenthood, next to clinics where people seek their reproductive rights, and then trying to convince them to go in a different door where they won’t be offered reproductive rights, where actually they’ll be dissuaded from exercising those, and won’t be allowed to get them. And so that’s deception. That’s improper. We want to protect women in this state. And that’s why I think the bill probably has a good chance of getting passed and sent to me for signing it, and I will sign it.

* Will there be a constitutional amendment in Illinois to protect abortion rights?

Well, obviously, that’s something the legislature’s gonna have to determine. I do think it’s important for people to be able to weigh in on this subject. And of course, we’ve guaranteed it in the Reproductive Health Act in Illinois, a woman’s right to choose and reproductive rights. So we’ll have to see what the legislature decides to do on it.

* And Pritzker was queried about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ upcoming visit to Illinois

He doesn’t seem to be much for freedom, Ron DeSantis. He wants to take away people’s right to read the books that they want to read, wants to take away Black history in our schools, somebody who does not believe in a woman’s right to make decisions for her own self, about her own body. So you know, maybe he could learn something when he’s in Illinois, what freedom looks like.


  1. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:06 pm:

    =So that means that the state really shouldn’t be in the business of providing handouts to private industry and that’s what the Bears are in their endeavors.=

    I support the governor even when I do not agree with some of his agenda. I agree the bears should not get any money.

    But Illinois does and Pritzker has supported incentives for private industry. Not wrong to do it, but I bet he is going to hear about this little gaff.

  2. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:07 pm:

    Our Governor cracks me up…He’s ready to give bullyboy DeSantis a lesson…Illinois style.

  3. - Trap - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:14 pm:

    We’re still operating under his executive orders right? I feel so free.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:16 pm:

    ===So that means that the state really shouldn’t be in the business of providing handouts to private industry and that’s what the Bears are in their endeavors.===

    - Lucky Pierre - will have his work cut out for him.

    The word “handouts” is especially biting.

    This is especially fun trolling if read right…

    ===And obviously, you know, again, my number one consideration is keeping us on a firm fiscal footing.===

    Folks like - LP - complain about unbalanced budgets and fiscal chaos, well, the governor is worried too, rest easy, ‘cause the Bears aren’t getting a handout.

    So… - LP -… you should say… “thank you” to the governor here, amirite?

    I got too cute recently with the “calling on” where the guv sits, while acknowledging the seen brick, what my hope was in the meantime was a comment like this… to reset the table again…

    The signature part isn’t in peril, it’s nowhere on a “handout”

  5. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:18 pm:

    =I feel so free.=

    What exactly are the limits placed on your “freedoms”.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:21 pm:

    It’s a “troll Trap”.

    Feeding that one is like explaining how a Florida governor got beat by a cartoon mouse.

    Everyone is free to move on to other “freedoms”, yet they stay.

  7. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:26 pm:

    I bet Disney would ante up to share development costs with the Bears with the right deal. They could also move their corporate HQ here… or at minimum pretend to… lol

  8. - Nathan H - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:35 pm:

    - JS Mill
    I don’t necessarily like incentives for private industry too, but I think the difference here is that in the past, incentives were given to entice a company from here from out of state, therefore benefiting the state.
    The Bears moving from Chicago to the burbs is just an intrastate move which has no added benefit to Illinois.

  9. - Jocko - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 2:37 pm:

    ==We’re still operating under his executive orders right?==

    JB is not stopping you from coughing on sick and elderly people…if that’s what you’re asking.

  10. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 3:12 pm:

    The Bears have not even asked for money from the state.

    Currently the state is standing in the way of Arlington Heights setting up a TIF for the development.

    I thought you were for Arlington Heights and the surrounding communities local governments doing what is best for them.

    Hilarious you think I am the only one concerned about unbalanced budgets and fiscal chaos.

    Not sure what the connection to this issue to the state budget is.

  11. - Steve - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 3:20 pm:

    JB gave a very good response to the Bears. The empirical data shows that subsidizing sports stadiums isn’t a net plus for taxpayers. A high valued franchise in a profitable industry can also sell their team.

  12. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 3:21 pm:

    I’d get a kick out of seeing someone protesting outside of DeSantis event wearing a Mickey Mouse outfit.

  13. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===Currently the state is standing in the way of Arlington Heights setting up a TIF for the development===

    A TIF? Is that what you’re calling it now?

  14. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 3:24 pm:

    ===The Bears have not even asked for money from the state.===

    If you are calling it a TIF, what exactly in this legislation is or is not garden variety to that thought?

    Take *your* time, this billionaire bailout bill ain’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===I thought you were for Arlington Heights and the surrounding communities local governments doing what is best for them.===

    Explain *why* this need for the legislation.

    How can I be for local control if legislation is seemingly necessary?

    ===Hilarious you think I am the only one concerned about unbalanced budgets and fiscal chaos.

    Not sure what the connection to this issue to the state budget is.===

    It’s fiscally irresponsible to bailout the billionaire Bears.

    Can’t be for balanced budgets and for a bailout of a monopolistic sports franchise worth $5.6+ billion, and rising

  16. - Jerry - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 4:20 pm:

    The Bears already received billions in Welfare Socialist Government Entitlements.

  17. - Commissar Gritty - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 4:25 pm:

    Anyone else just periodically think “Meatball Ron” then quietly giggle to themselves?

  18. - Sue - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 5:20 pm:

    One would think that if a benefit was to cost something in the neighborhood of 20 million per year and then actually ended up costing closer to ONE BILLION dollars a year- the legislature would acknowledge they got hoodwinked and would terminate the program or at best limit the program to the projected cost. Instead Illinois is compromising programs needed by our citizens and legal residents in order to afford a new benefit to undocumented residents. In what universe does that seem to be appropriate

  19. - RNUG - Wednesday, Apr 26, 23 @ 7:01 pm:

    == Pritzker was also asked about a bill that would penalize “crisis pregnancy centers” if they provide false information to women… ==

    That bill could be pushing into protected free speech areas. Kind of sounds like government wanting to set up a truth bureau.

    And that bill could end up a double-edged sword. I can see people using it to claim pregnancy centers are also engaging in deceptive practices.

    Think the sponsors need to go back to the drawing board on that bill.

  20. - Arsenal - Thursday, Apr 27, 23 @ 10:22 am:

    ==The Bears have not even asked for money from the state.==

    They’re asking for a change in the law.

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