* The governor, via the Democratic Party of Illinois, supported two candidates for Hinsdale Township High School 86’s board. Only one prevailed, and now the folks who took over the board are up in arms about an upcoming Pritzker visit. Here’s David Giuliani at the Patch…
A Hinsdale High School District 86 board member is asking the district to cancel the half-hour assembly at Hinsdale Central High School with Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker as the speaker.
In a text to Patch, Board member Jeff Waters said that as a resident, he was “beyond disappointed” that Pritzker had been invited.
“It is inappropriate, completely lacking in precedence, and fails to serve the interest of students,” Waters said. “At the same time, it drives chaos and distraction to a student body needing nothing but calm and concentration.” […]
On Wednesday, the terms for Held and members Kathleen Hirsman and Cynthia Hanson end. Three new board members take office that night, with the new majority expected to be at odds with Superintendent Tammy Prentiss.
At Thursday’s board meeting, incoming member Catherine Greenspon said the assembly runs the risk of violating the school code. She also said it could be a logistics issue, with up to 40 percent of students who don’t agree with the governor opting out.
With Waters and Greenspon opposed, they would need just two more votes to cancel the assembly. In his statement, Waters suggested the board take action to end the event.
*** UPDATE *** From Jordan Abudayyeh…
We declined the invitation because it’s during the last week of session.
So, apparently the school district got ahead of itself when it announced the visit before confirming the governor’s attendance. And now everyone is angry over nothing.
- New Day - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:42 am:
Good grief. Teach civility and respect for the office, please. They shouldn’t be able to “opt-out” any more than I could when I was a kid and Jim Thompson came to my middle school and gave a speech.
- Jibba - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:45 am:
Yeah, kids don’t need to see or hear from their elected officials. Gosh forbid they want to become politicians someday.
- 47th Ward - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:46 am:
I’m old enough to remember when a visit to a local school by a sitting Governor was a pretty big deal regardless of politics. Dude is the highest elected official in the state. It isn’t like this is a campaign event, this is official business. Why deny the students this experience? Can’t you trust them to make up their own minds about whatever topic he may bring up?
Do they still teach civics in school?
- Siualum - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:48 am:
Seriously? The governor of the state is invited to speak to a high school assembly, and some people find fault with that? It is almost beyond belief.
- New Day - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:51 am:
“Do they still teach civics in school?” Often, no. It is not a required class.
And to the update, hysterical. What a clown show in Hinsdale.
- Bothanspied - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:51 am:
Man, I wish I had known we could opt of grade school assemblies simply by waving the Ideological Differences flag.
- 47th Ward - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:53 am:
Cue Emily Litella: Nevermind.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:54 am:
The Hinsdale Karens versus the Hinsdale “Woke”…
They fought over nothing? There was controversy for one over something not happening?
Most any school would want a governor to speak, by the by.
- Interim Retiree - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:55 am:
I remember when congressman Phil Hare (D) came to our school for a middle school assembly and was asked how he felt about President Bush. He replied that while he disagreed w/the President on a number of issues, the President deserved respect no matter what because that’s what our country is all about. Too bad that belief is not in vogue any more.
- Blue Bayou - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:56 am:
Remember the parents who ruined a sport in middle or elementary school? The dad or mom who complained when their kid didn’t get sufficient playing time, or coached the team and picked his son’s friends?
Well, these are the parents coming forward to bully everyone. The folks who just want kids to play and get an education are going to have to get more involved.
Shorter: jerks are exhausting.
- JoanP - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:56 am:
= Do they still teach civics in school? =
Not in Texas: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/01/texas-civics-students-democratic-participation
- JB13 - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:57 am:
Elected school board members should welcome the chance to talk with the governor of their state face to face, whether you agree with him politically or not.
- Near West Side - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 10:59 am:
Does anyone sense that the right is terrified of Gen Z?
- Save Ferris - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 11:01 am:
It appears Hinsdale 86 is Labels a Character Counts! district, or at least uses some if its points on its website (there are also receipts of payment to CC! in their public BoardDocs reports)
Which pillar of Character is the Board demonstrating by not wanting a sitting governor to address public school students?
- OneMan - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 11:15 am:
== At the same time, it drives chaos and distraction to a student body needing nothing but calm and concentration ==
So are they against assemblies in general? If the baseball team was going downstate, would they not want a pep rally because it drives chaos?
Why not eliminate sports, then? They get students excited and do not always promote calm.
==. She also said it could be a logistics issue, with up to 40 percent of students who don’t agree with the governor opting out. ==
I will go on a limb here and say that if 10% of those students have an opinion about the governor, that would be a lot. I am a merit badge counselor for the citizenship merit badges. Most kids don’t have a clue who the governor is.
I almost think someone did a bit of rope-a-dope on the new board members.
- ChicagoBars - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 11:19 am:
It was a long time ago and I went to a pretty conservative high school but they had elected officials from both parties speak and I could joke the only “opting out” would’ve been “opting in to detention” but wouldn’t be true. Would’ve been incomprehensible to the whole school to skip an assembly for any speaker with over different view points. Unfortunate Hinsdale sees this any other way today.
- levivotedforjudy - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 11:19 am:
I hope this wouldn’t happen of course, but if there was a natural disaster in town would that attitude still hold up on a JB visit? This is kind of disgusting. Be better than this folks.
- Todd & Margo - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 11:19 am:
The GA should pass legislation that a community that passes a local ordinance that conflicts with state law, they are ineligible of receiving a gaming license or having a casino in their community.
- Arsenal - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 11:29 am:
==Does anyone sense that the right is terrified of Gen Z?==
They should be. Plenty of Gen Z will vote for Republicans eventually, but that will be, in part, because Republicans will eventually move to the center to get them. And that alone is a scary thought for the Right.
- DuPage - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 11:40 am:
It was a long time ago I went to high school at Hinsdale Central. A very strict administration, it does not seem to have changed much.
- Lake villa township dem pc - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 11:49 am:
Of all the places to pull this stunt, Hinsdale is probably not the wisest.
- Not a Superstar - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 12:05 pm:
Not sure where the disconnect occurred between school leadership and the Governor, but it is sad that he will not be speaking. A lot of parents in this district sadly believe the worst about our elected officials, and it was a missed opportunity for their kids to see a non-partisan speech.
- Appeara - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 12:12 pm:
The problem isn’t the kids. The problem is the adults.
- ChrisB - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 12:17 pm:
I remember when Pres. Clinton came to speak at HF and it was a MASSIVE deal to everyone, no matter their politics.
How times have changed.
- JS Mill - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 12:22 pm:
=“It is inappropriate, completely lacking in precedence, and fails to serve the interest of students,”=
I beg to differ.
=Often, no. It is not a required class.=
Actually, it is required.
=The problem isn’t the kids. The problem is the adults.=
This is true, all day, everyday.
- Tired teacher - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 12:39 pm:
Hinsdale school politics have been a train wreck for quite awhile now. What a shame.
- Jerry - Monday, May 1, 23 @ 1:57 pm:
If the author of the Art of the Deal were to speak at the school, would the parents permit their children to attend? Given the author has publicly stated their “interest” in one of their own children. Just curious.
- NotYourGramma - Tuesday, May 2, 23 @ 5:21 pm:
@Todd & Margo - I’m quite sure Hinsdale would vigorously accept a no casino / gaming license policy.