*** UPDATED x1 *** Question of the day
Thursday, May 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller * Describe what you think former Gov. Bruce Rauner’s official portrait will look like…
*** UPDATE *** Some of you will remember this infamous and hilarious Twitter account…
The Rauners obsessed over who was behind that account.
- Seymourkid - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:21 pm:
He will definitely be wearing that weird motorcycle vest and a plaid shirt.
- Blue Bayou - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:24 pm:
- 47th Ward - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:24 pm:
He should be portrayed wearing nothing, exposed for the fraud that he was, ala Marge Simpson’s painting of Mr. Burns, with a copy of the pension clause of the state constitution covering his naughty bits.
- NIU Grad - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:25 pm:
If it doesn’t have Carhartt, what are we even doing here?
In all seriousness, I appreciate that the Governor’s Hallway is getting back into being updated after the awkward gap following Blagojevich. For the sake of history, I hope that they find a tasteful way to point towards that six-year gap (even if it’s not a picture of him). Maybe a small plaque with the name, years of service, and date of removal.
- Earnest - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:25 pm:
He’ll have one foot firmly planted in Florida and one in Illinois crushing unions and social service agencies. There will be two slogans in little banners above his head: don’t mess with me republican caucus members, and, focus Amanda, focus.
- Jocko - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:25 pm:
One-dimensional…much like his term.
- Treefiddy - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:25 pm:
I’d pay a lot of money for the portrait to be him looking depressed at the Trump rally while decked out in all of his motorcycle gear.
- OneMan - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:26 pm:
Him sitting on the edge of a desk, on the desk will be a copy of the Madigan indictment, and Bruce will have a half smile on his face.
- MisterJayEm - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:26 pm:
– MrJM
- JS Mill - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:26 pm:
He should be wearing a frown.
- ANNON'IN - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:26 pm:
B-B QUE w GovJunk makes one want gag
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:28 pm:
Holding a sledgehammer and smiling at the budget sabotage wreckage, “shakin’ up Springfield.”
- Keyrock - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:29 pm:
The background should be Bruce’s Village People outfits on hangers or a coat rack.
- Norseman - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:29 pm:
Posed like Snidely Whiplash.
- Loop Lady - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:32 pm:
Who cares?
Hang it low to the ground…lol!
- Keyrock - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:33 pm:
The plaque on the frame should mention that Bruce starred in Dad’s Home State.
- Socially DIstant watcher - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:34 pm:
Isn’t there a rule that all of the two-termers should hang portraits before the one-termers get to?
- OneMan - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:35 pm:
== For the sake of history, I hope that they find a tasteful way to point towards that six-year gap (even if it’s not a picture of him). Maybe a small plaque with the name, years of service, and date of removal. ==
I know Leroy Neiman is no longer with us, but a painting in his style of the legislature when they voted to remove Rod would be a good substitute.
- Lurker - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:35 pm:
It will be blank. He forgot to approve the budget for it.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:37 pm:
a ghoul, with Griffin holding the puppet strings
- Red Ranger - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:39 pm:
He will try to pull off the aw-shucks, plaid shirt, motorcycle riding, trashcan van driving look, and like his tenure in office, it will be a failure.
Any word if Pritzker will attend? Also, does anyone have to approve this? Could the Blago portrait be far behind?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:41 pm:
It’ll look sad, lonely, with props, and a pretend and phony smile
… with a Florida tan and a U-Haul truck seen out a window.
- Glengarry - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:41 pm:
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:42 pm:
Short trip for Diana, Illinois resident and all…
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:45 pm:
===The plaque on the frame should mention that Bruce starred in Dad’s Home State.===
Aw, that’s so nice.
The WGA strike will preclude me from attending, but I hope the cast and crew have a great time.
I can’t even give a synopsis of this “reunion episode”
- TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:47 pm:
Whatever it is, I hope a high resolution picture of it is posted. I’m hoping somewhere in a tiny swirl of paint will be an almost imperceptible detail poking fun of him.
- The Magnificent Purple Walnut - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:55 pm:
It’s been a long time since I viewed that hall. If I remember right, a suit in tie was worn by those in the 20th and 21st Century. So, unless the portraits of Otto Kerner, Dan Walker, George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich are redone in prison garb, a suit and tie would do for Bruce Rauner.
- Chito - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:56 pm:
“Florida man to host barbecue…”
- Columbo - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:57 pm:
A sweatshirt with 60/30 embroidered across the front.
- FIREDup! - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 1:59 pm:
He should be asleep, like he was at the current Gov’s swearing in. Superstar style. 🙄
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:01 pm:
The more I think about…
Yeah, the title at the time was controversial, but as the Floridian comes “home” for his portrait…
- Brief Shining - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:02 pm:
He will look happier than Madigan right now.
- Pizza Man - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:02 pm:
When it was MJM vs. Rauner, everyone sided with MJM. Now Rauner’s portrait will be hung and MJM’s will most likely not be hung in the House Chamber.
- CheapSeats - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:10 pm:
I hope that under the Carhartt it portrays a t-shirt that says “Because Madigan…”
- thechampaignlife - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:13 pm:
Not sure about Rauner himself, but the background definitely needs an easter egg. Perhaps a sign saying the state is closed due to no budget, or starved beasts fighting over table scraps? Or perhaps an allegorical interpretation of Rauner as a foreshadowing of a billionaire president.
Can AFSCME sponsor it? Well not the entire painting, just the end date on his dates in office.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:20 pm:
Ironic that Bruce’s portrait will be hanging in the Hall of Governors and Madigan’s is hanging in post offices.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:22 pm:
I’m hearing it’s a copy of this
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:23 pm:
That picture symbolizes so much, no wonder it was chosen
- Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:37 pm:
Danenbergers? This time will be different, because he won’t have a state trooper to drive his motorcycle back for him after the event, while Rauner takes a car home. It was typical of the performative stunts he used to do, to pull up on his ‘hog, acting all “i’m really one of you”. And then pay a guy to take the prop bike back home to the mansion.
- McCloon - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:37 pm:
An early commenter mentioned the 6 year Blago gap. I think elected officials should begin considering how to removing all traces of mike madigan from this beautiful building as well.
- H-W - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:39 pm:
A flow chart of all the credit downgrades under his watch.
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:46 pm:
In true Turn Around Agenda fashion he should be facing the wall.
- Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:47 pm:
Blago’s portrait should feature an empty suit with a placard—-Open to Work.
- At a Loss - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 2:49 pm:
In the foreground, a tasteful and traditional image of the former governor seated, with a Mona Lisa smile.
In the background, images depicting the havoc the impasse wreaked on social service agencies, vulnerable children, unpaid providers of human services, low-income college students, small business vendors, etc., in the style of Hieronymous Bosch’s “Garden of Earthly Delights.”
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 3:12 pm:
Looks like the former Governor is enjoying his retirement from public service more than the former Speaker, who he called the “most corrupt career politician in America”.
- Dotnonymous - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 3:25 pm:
It’s a childhood picture of Rauner… lookin’ for a friend…still.
- MG85 - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 3:39 pm:
I do not know what it will look like but I do know what it should be:
1) a memorial of all the dead veterans from Quincy Vets home from Legionnaire’s Disease
2) the exact dollar amount the state owed when he left office
3) this photo -
- Demoralized - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 4:02 pm:
Leave it to LP to post something like that. smh
I think it should be a picture of him in a T-Shirt that says AFSCAMMY
- Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 4:29 pm:
Rich, you’ll have to admit one thing. Rauner provided the funniest Caption Contests in CapFax history.
- thechampaignlife - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 5:43 pm:
===In the background, images depicting the havoc the impasse wreaked on social service agencies, vulnerable children, unpaid providers of human services, low-income college students, small business vendors, etc., in the style of Hieronymous Bosch’s “Garden of Earthly Delights.”===
Or Lt. Frank Drebin: https://i.imgflip.com/1tl0ns.gif
- Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, May 4, 23 @ 5:58 pm:
I think Blago should get a portrait on the wall, as a warning to future generations. It should be his booking photo.