Pass Senate Bill 1763 To Preserve And Expand Access to Healthcare
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Expanding access to care was a core component to the Affordable Care Act and is a big part of recent efforts to advance health equity, with significant progress made to break down barriers to care. From rural to urban Illinois, though, access to care is being threatened as hospitals face daunting financial challenges. Recent spikes in labor, supply and drug costs—along with below-cost reimbursement from Illinois’ Medicaid program—have left hospitals with the difficult choice to reduce services to survive. Earlier this year, St. Margaret’s Health – Peru closed because “factors beyond our control have brought about many unforeseen fiscal hardships.” Medicaid—the state’s largest insurer—only reimburses hospitals less than 80% of the cost of care. That financial loss makes it harder for hospitals to remain viable. Importantly, when a hospital closes or reduces services, it impacts everyone in the community, not only persons covered by Medicaid. SB 1763 would provide the first General Revenue Fund Medicaid hospital rate increase in 28 years, bringing a much-needed 20% across-the-board increase to hospital Medicaid base rates. The bill would narrow the gap between the cost of care and Medicaid reimbursement. Illinois hospitals need your help now: Pass SB 1763 to help preserve access to care for everyone by improving Medicaid hospital rates. Discover the facts to learn more.