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The Flowers banishment and removal goes way beyond a single remark

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This piece covers only a tiny part of the real story

Rep. Mary Flowers removed from leadership after saying staff member resembled Hitler

A longtime Democratic state representative has been removed from Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch’s legislative leadership team.

State Rep. Mary Flowers of Chicago believes it’s because she told a House staff member he resembled Adolf Hitler. She said his appearance that day made her feel uncomfortable and disrespected.

“This is my workplace. I was stunned when I walked in and saw this young man looking like Hitler,” Flowers said of the staffer, whom she did not name. She said she also asked him about the look directly, to which he laughed. […]

“This is so petty it’s ridiculous,” Flowers told WBEZ, accusing Welch of not following established protocol. “There’s a process. There’s an [Office of Executive Inspector General] process, and whoever my accuser is, is supposed to go fill out a form.”

While OEIG oversees complaints for agencies that fall under the governor’s purview, someone making a complaint against a state representative would likely go through the Legislative Inspector General, or LIG.

Deputy Majority Leaders aren’t banned from party caucus meetings and stripped of their positions for an isolated remark. There’s so much more to this story.

* Here’s House Speaker Chris Welch’s full letter to Rep. Flowers, which I shared with subscribers after it was sent yesterday…

Dear Leader Flowers:

On Monday, May 8, I called you to request a meeting in my office in Room 300. The intent of this meeting was to discuss your repeated unwillingness to meet the expectations enumerated in the Leadership Agreements that all members of the House Democratic Leadership team agreed to, and the actions I would be taking as a result.

While I believe we owed it to one another to have this conversation in person, you refused to meet unless told the purpose of the meeting. I informed you that as a result of your behavior in caucus meetings, in leadership meetings, and toward staff you would no longer be invited to participate in meetings of the House Democratic Caucus and meetings of our Democratic leadership team during the 103rd General Assembly. You stated that you would not meet in-person without your attorney present.

As you know, in February, the members of the House Democratic leadership team wrote and adopted Leadership Agreements stating how we will communicate with fellow members and staff. Included in this document, drafted by you and your leadership colleagues, are pledges to:

    - Start with respect
    - Find the commonality
    - Pick our battles
    - Check our intentions
    - Don’t start with blame or accusations
    - Show others grace

Since signing the Leadership Agreements, you have consistently shown an unwillingness to meet these expectations.

Specifically, in a Caucus meeting on Tuesday, May 2, you used language widely recognized as a slur intended to divide people - including members of our own Caucus - based on their national origin. In this same meeting, you compared the appearance of a staff member to Adolf Hitler. You declined to offer the caucus a sincere apology for either comment when asked. This was not the first time you made derogatory comments toward colleagues and staff.

At a Caucus meeting earlier this year, when several members expressed that they felt bullied or insulted by you, you dismissed their concerns and attempted to further belittle them in front of colleagues and staff.

In individual meetings with you, I have informed you of how I expect members treat colleagues and staff, and I have requested specifically that you refrain from abusive behavior. This conduct has continued unabated.

These are a few of many examples of pervasive behavior that fails to start with respect, divides rather than builds commonality, weaponizes blame against colleagues, and refuses to show others grace. You have made no effort to correct your behavior despite being asked and despite being informed your actions violate the Leadership Agreements, and potentially the spirit of the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act. I cannot, and will not, tolerate this behavior toward members and staff.

Your refusal to even meet to discuss this situation shows a further lack of respect for your colleagues and the agreements we all signed. I am again requesting we meet before the end of the spring session, along with any counsel you deem necessary.

As discussed in our call, participation in the House Democratic Caucus meetings and leadership team meetings are a privilege. Your actions have precluded your further participation in these meetings.

I am further informing you that as a result of your refusal to meet and discuss this matter respectfully, I am removing you as a member of my leadership team effective at the end of the day on May 31, 2023.


Emanuel “Chris” Welch
State Representative, 7th District
Speaker of the Illinois House


  1. - Moved East - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:19 am:

    Unless a person has a toothbrush mustache, they do not look like you know who.

  2. - The Truth - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:20 am:

    Now that is a man who has kept his receipts!

  3. - soccermom - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:21 am:

    Wow. I would like to know a LOT more

  4. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:21 am:

    ===has kept his receipts===

    “It was revenge for Billy Batts… and a lot of other things.”

  5. - Perrid - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:27 am:

    I mean, Flowers has always been a hothead. Just listening in to some of her committee hearings is always eyebrow raising. Which is saying something, because I think the rhetoric can get a little heated from just about anyone.

    I don’t know if it’s gotten worse of if everyone’s just tired of her S***, but this isn’t that surprising either way, imo

  6. - vern - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:29 am:

    === She said his appearance that day made her feel uncomfortable and disrespected. ===

    Even a toothbrush mustache doesn’t justify this. Unless the staffer was in full Hugo Boss regalia, Flowers is too delusional to be in leadership. Good on Speaker Welch for making the tough but correct call.

  7. - jim - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:29 am:

    re billy, great comment - loved it

  8. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:32 am:

    ===“It was revenge for Billy Batts… and a lot of other things.”===

    That sums it up.

    The major issue that it seems, either brevity or shallowness to the subject is missing, is there’s so much to this, choosing to only look at the snapshot result, in actuality you are missing the biggest of picture to “why”.

    It’s like when national news media want snapshot views of moments to be a whole picture. Local media and news matters, and in this instance it wasn’t “one” moment or another.

  9. - Too Close - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:33 am:

    I have always heard that staff feared her comments & attitude, and did not want to exist around her. I am sure there is even more to the story, and I am beyond sure she used all the rope afforded her. Behavior of the sort is highly unprofessional and should not be tolerated even in the body proper, let alone in the leadership team. Kudos to ECW for sticking to principles, even if it also serves an agenda nicely.

  10. - Graybeard - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:35 am:

    Welcome, if long overdue, news.

  11. - The Doc - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:38 am:

    I appreciate the manner in which Speaker Welch has handled this situation. Decisive and justifiable action, without any inflammatory rhetoric.

  12. - Just Another Anon - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:39 am:

    @Moved East

    And even if they do, they look more like Charlie Chaplin.

  13. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:41 am:

    Bullying staff is both common and monstrous.

    And, in the midst of a union drive, stupid.

    Shame on Flowers.

  14. - Save Ferris - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:42 am:

    Does “banned from party caucus meetings” mean she’s effectively removed from the Party?

  15. - Norseman - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:44 am:

    === There’s an [Office of Executive Inspector General] process, and whoever my accuser is, is supposed to go fill out a form. ===

    Sure, every IG should investigate a lawmaker for being a jerk. The IG would be very very busy.

    Having dealt with Flowers, I don’t doubt her inability to get along with colleagues and staff.

  16. - Stormsw7706 - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:45 am:

    Well done Speaker Welch. Would be nice if some
    Senators and Representatives at the Federal level noticed this

  17. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:48 am:

    As reported, she clearly also chose to disrespect the Speaker as he sought to discuss the issues. He’s not our enemy, yet she chose to treat him as if he was. And then expects a leadership role? Her arrogance is fairly astounding.

  18. - Sonny - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 9:55 am:

    The amount of energy saved by not having to strategize around her bs on legislation or the lunch order or whatever could power Springfield for a week

  19. - Spice Girls Gen - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:00 am:

    The Speaker’s letter is a MASTER CLASS in how to deploy misogynistic and racist dog whistles to silence Black women. Shame on Welch and anybody who suggests Flowers polarizing disposition could ever justify misogynoir

  20. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:01 am:

    If Flowers was in the other caucus, her comment may have been taken as a compliment.

  21. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:04 am:

    ===her comment===

    Again, this goes way beyond one comment and beyond what’s in Welch’s letter.

    ===how to deploy misogynistic and racist dog whistles to silence Black women===

    That’s one view. Maybe talk to her colleagues for another.

  22. - Perrid - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:05 am:

    “They are only doing this to her because she is black.”

    This has to be sarcasm, but the suggestion that Speaker Welch is racist against himself is just funny.

  23. - twowaystreet - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:06 am:

    I really enjoy the part where she tries to claim there’s a process and points to the wrong oversight authority.

  24. - historic66 - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:08 am:

    ===They are only doing this to her because she is black.===

    1. Seriously?
    2. Who is the “they” that is doing this to her? Is it some sort of organized effort?

  25. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:10 am:


    The comment was deleted for being ridiculous. Move on.

  26. - JS Mill - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:13 am:

    I have long maintained, and commented here, that Mary Flowers is the craziest member if the ILGA. She lost that mantle to Bailey, but he is gone now and she is back in her rightful place.

    I have family in her district, they are out on the west edge. SHe has never been to that part of her district. Neither she nor her staff have ever responded to repeated attempts at contact.

    That she has been in the ILGA for 40 years is also a problem, but she continues to work on behalf of some of her constituents. Definitely not all though.

    Good on Welch for taking action, but she should never have held a leadership position.

  27. - low level - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:16 am:

    Mary Flowers has always been strong willed and to the point and I always loved her for that.

    That said, it definitely has gotten worse and crossed the line some time ago.

  28. - H-W - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:18 am:

    I am an outsider, with know real knowledge of the workings of either chamber. I also have no knowledge of Flowers or Welch, other than generic knowledge of their roles in governance.

    Having served on faculty senates at Millikin and at Western Illinois universities for roughly 16 years however, I am familiar with and understand the value and importance of rules of order. I have served occasionally as a parliamentarian for committees and departments.

    In this context, I can assume that the issues that would lead a leader to remove someone from positions of leadership are numerous, not singular.

    And if those actions consistently violate the following principles, them those actions represent a person working against the collective good of the body politic.

    - Start with respect
    - Find the commonality
    - Pick our battles
    - Check our intentions
    - Don’t start with blame or accusations
    - Show others grace

    If we cannot do this while enacting our roles as government representatives of the people, then we need to learn to do so. When we do, we should be welcomed back into that body politic.

    But again, I am not privy to what has been going on specifically.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:26 am:

    At some point one’s actions, words, and working style that treats others poorly, at minimum, that’ll catch up with that person

    She chose not to participate in discussions, wanted legal counsel to discuss how she is being, and taken by others by her own actions.

    Think on this, her approach was hostile to a discussion to perceived hostility.

    Tough to see victimhood here

  30. - Politix - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:28 am:

    =They are only doing this to her because she is black.=

    They who? Speaker Welch?

  31. - JS Mill - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:32 am:

    =The Speaker’s letter is a MASTER CLASS=

    You CLEARLY have never had firsthand experience with flowers.

  32. - NIU Grad - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:33 am:

    “You stated that you would not meet in-person without your attorney present”

    Usually a side that someone is on the losing side of a political discussion.

    For those who know more: Has Rep. Flowers gotten worse over the years, or was this behavior tolerated more during the Madigan Era?

  33. - Bud's Bar Stool - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:34 am:

    === Unless the staffer was in full Hugo Boss regalia ===

    Seriously, what could a House Democratic staffer possibly have been wearing to make her “feel uncomfortable and disrespected”?

    And did Alex Degman even bother to ask? If you’re going to pin the story on the staffer’s supposedly offensive wardrobe, seems a good reporter might want to explore that detail.

  34. - Amalia - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:35 am:

    always bizarre and not useful. some who kissed way up to her seemed to be transparent in their method to get something they wanted. sad.

  35. - JS Mill - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:36 am:

    =For those who know more: Has Rep. Flowers gotten worse over the years, or was this behavior tolerated more during the Madigan Era?=

    Yes to both. But she was not in a real leadership position either.

    Funny how she treated Welch who is an ally.

  36. - Time - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:37 am:

    This behavior from Rep. Flowers has been going on for a very long time. It has escalated since Welch became Speaker. Members, staff and advocates have been victims of this behavior. We should all applaud Speaker Welch for his leadership. Bullying needs to stop.
    I had so much respect for Flowers, who she was, what she has achieved. That has all been lost by her flagrant disrespect for colleagues, staff and advocates.

  37. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:39 am:

    I totally agree what goes around comes around and love the leadership statement with the six pledges.

    Those are words to live by, and I truly wish more people would do so.

    Limiting their comments to the substance of the remarks and not distracting with hyperbole and insults

  38. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:41 am:

    She has left more than a few agency directors and agency legislative staff in tears with her bullying tactics. She really refuses to respect others or the part they play in the lawmaking process. More than few people on the rail and out of government could tell you stories.

  39. - King Louis XVI - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:46 am:

    All the committee witnesses who have also abused, demeaned, and berated by Mary over the decades are also raising a glass to this, albeit, belated move.

  40. - Dr. Love - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:46 am:

    Disgraceful. She should be removed from office.

  41. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:46 am:

    It appears that Ms. Mary Flowers has no home training.

  42. - Gravitas - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:47 am:

    Flowers is a relic of an earlier age in the General Assembly. It would be a good thing if she retired.

  43. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:48 am:

    Jerks come in all colors and genders. To suggest this action was taken because she is a black woman is ludicrous and enables bad behavior.

  44. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:50 am:

    =For those who know more: Has Rep. Flowers gotten worse over the years, or was this behavior tolerated more during the Madigan Era?=

    I think she’s gotten worse. But, I also think it’s fair to say that Madigan enabled her quite a bit to get there. I’m not sure he had a choice though - back then she could get the Black Caucus to walk on the budget if she didn’t get what she wanted. Happened several times.

  45. - Just Me 2 - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:51 am:

    Does this mean she loses access to staff analyses? More importantly, does she lose re-election (petition passing) support?

  46. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 10:52 am:

    Just Me 2, she’s still a House Democrat, just not allowed into meetings. So, I doubt they’d cut off her analyses, but I will ask. As for the second part, that’s likely TBD.

  47. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:01 am:

    …And the answer is “she’s still a member,” so she’ll continue to receive staff analyses.

  48. - sewer thoughts - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:02 am:

    no more mary flowers day, this is almost bigger than dumping madigan

  49. - Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:15 am:

    “am removing you as a member of my leadership team effective at the end of the day on May 31, 2023″

    I assume there will be no meetings of his leadership team in May. Otherwise, they could be stormy.

  50. - retired teacher - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:24 am:

    MaryNo one mentions her accomplishments. She has been a strong advocate for children for decades. Having heard her question or testify in numerous committee meetings, she deserves credit for a significant role in making Illinois a better place. She’s a firecracker but anyone who cares about children can’t fault her for her work on their behalf.

  51. - Pizza Man - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:32 am:

    Yikes…April showers, bring May Flowers?

  52. - Victor Kingston - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:39 am:

    I wish anything coming from Rep. Flowers surprised me. Sadly, it just doesn’t.

  53. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:40 am:

    ===I assume there will be no meetings===

    Please take the time to actually read posts before you comment. She’s barred from leadership meetings.

  54. - twowaystreet - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:42 am:

    ==No one mentions her accomplishments.==

    I’m sure if Welch put a paragraph about her accomplishments in a letter removing from caucus meetings and leadership it would have come off as sincere. /s

    Also, just because you’ve done good things doesn’t give you a license to belittle, intimidate, and threaten people. Her ego blinded her to the fact that she doesn’t have the pull she once did and she could be held accountable without major blowback.

    If that wasn’t the case, she would be working behind the scenes not talking to press about how she was treated unfairly.

  55. - Eire17 - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:43 am:

    Wasn’t going to comment. But I have to be fair to Mary in that I have known her for 30 years down here and never once had a negative experience with her. I don’t doubt any of the allegations but I feel bad for her because she always seemed ok to me.

  56. - levivotedforjudy - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:48 am:

    I’m 100% with the Speaker on this. She didn’t give him a choice.

  57. - Phineas - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 12:54 pm:

    15-20 years overdue

  58. - Glengarry - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 1:06 pm:

    She’s always been rough around the edges. Not surprised this happened at all. Difference of night and day between the current and former speaker.

  59. - Streeterville - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 3:07 pm:

    Considering that Rep. Carol Ammons who is also an African-American female legislator was removed from her leadership position, it makes me wonder if House Speaker Chris Welch has an issue with African-American women in general.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 3:10 pm:

    ===Considering that Rep. Carol Ammons who is also…===

    … not necessarily one in that caucus that has been a team player…

  61. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 3:59 pm:

    How about the Speaker has a problem with members who think they are bigger than the caucus as a whole? Whoever you might be, you’re not bigger than the whole.

  62. - low level - Wednesday, May 10, 23 @ 11:35 pm:

    ==it makes me wonder if House Speaker Chris Welch has an issue with African-American women in general.==

    Right. The first African American Speaker has a problem w African American women…. your comment is idiotic

  63. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 11, 23 @ 6:27 am:

    ===your comment is idiotic ===

    I second that.

  64. - Curiosity killed Vanna - Thursday, May 11, 23 @ 7:07 am:

    “[Mary Flowers] used language widely recognized as a slur intended to divide people - including members of our own Caucus - based on their national origin.”

    Inquiring minds have got to know, what term did she use? Please deploy asterisks as needed…

  65. - ugh - Thursday, May 11, 23 @ 8:32 am:

    These conversations remind me of asking what a woman was wearing when she reports a rape.

    It doesn’t matter what the staffer was wearing. No one should be called this name, let alone in a room full of their colleagues, and no one should be told their mere presence as a human being makes someone else uncomfortable.

    The staff member was wearing the same basic thing as every other professional in the Capitol that day. There is zero resemblance, and if there were it wouldn’t make it one ioata more excusable. This was just plain meanness, demeaning, abusive words towards another, said publicly.

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