Evening news roundup
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Center Square…
Last month at an Illinois Chamber of Commerce event in Springfield, Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch, D-Hillside, was asked if they’d really end session early as scheduled.
“May 19th is the goal, that’s for sure,” Welch said. “If we can get a budget on the board May 19th that’s fiscally responsible and compassionate, we’ll get out of here on May 19th. Does that answer your question?”
Separately attending the event last month, Senate President Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, was asked the same question.
“We’re out of here May 19th,” Harmon said.
The Senate will be outta here tonight, but it’s coming back Wednesday. Oopsie. The Senate President’s spokesperson at least weekly reminds me that he doesn’t do predictions. His boss might wanna consider following suit. /s
* Hmm…
* Here’s the link to the full presser mentioned in another post…
* Center Square…
Illinois Democrats seek to allow noncitizens to be police officers in state
The bill originally passed the House without a single dissenting vote and has several Republican co-sponsors.
The bill was amended in the Senate, which allowed the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police to move from opposed to neutral. It’s even backed by the Chicago FOP.
And the concurrence motion in the House passed tonight 100-7.
* Press release…
The Illinois Early Literacy Coalition celebrates the passage of SB2243 (Lightford/Mayfield), one of several bills in the ‘Literacy & Justice for All’ bill package. The bill was approved by the Illinois Senate earlier today and will soon be sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature.
“Teaching children to read is the most fundamental function of a public education system, and yet, every year, students are slipping through the cracks without mastering even basic literacy skills. Every child deserves the instruction and support that meets their needs to become a proficient reader. This initiative moves Illinois off the sidelines and into the action to fight for every student to have access to the literacy instruction they deserve,” said Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford (D – Maywood).
Most states have taken on literacy reforms, but not all of those efforts have actually moved the needle on literacy outcomes. SB2243 directs the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to create a comprehensive, statewide literacy plan in collaboration with stakeholders by January 31, 2024. ISBE would also be charged with developing tools and supports for districts and educators, such as a curriculum rubric, district literacy plan template, and teacher training modules. Finally, the bill would add transparency around a language and literacy subscore to the licensure test for elementary teachers (grades 1–6).
* Isabel’s roundup…
* Cook County Record | IL gives up defending likely unconstitutional, politically motivated limits on judicial campaign contributions: Following that order, court documents indicate Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, also a Democrat and noted ally of the governor, opted not to appeal, and ultimately agreed not to continue to defend the law in court. A motion filed on May 17 indicates that concession was made as part of a deal, in which the plaintiffs agreed not to force the state to pay their legal bills for being forced to sue over the law.
* SJ-R | Not done yet: General Assembly continues past scheduled adjournment: Friday was the original adjournment day for the spring session, but with no budget introduced as of that morning and hundreds of bills still requiring final action, an extension is necessary. … Lawmakers have until May 31 to pass the budget before all bills passed would require a three-fifths constitutional majority with an immediate effective date.
* Crain’s | Legislature goes into overtime as lawmakers finalize budget — but other bills are moving: Another measure would allow individuals convicted of a felony to serve as an estate executor, allowing those not currently incarcerated to carry out the terms of a family member’s will. House Bill 1268 passed the House 80-34 Thursday after clearing the Senate on a 43-8 vote.
* WAND | Illinois lawmakers extend session for potential budget votes next week: House Republicans told reporters Friday night that they’re upset about the lack of time management from the majority party. … “Our budgeteers have been meeting throughout the budget process and the Leader and the budgeteers plan to continue conversations,” said Senate Republican Leader John Curran’s (R-Downers Grove) spokesperson Whitney Barnes.
* WQAD | Here’s what cleared through the Illinois General Assembly on Friday: Those include a requirement that schools teach a unit of Native American history and a bill allowing individuals convicted of a felony to serve as estate executors. Another measure would classify ride-share companies as “common carriers,” which would subject them to liability in cases of accident or injury, like other forms of public transportation.
* Capitol News Illinois | Illinois’ optional all-gender bathrooms bill heads to governor: Justin Sia, a Chicago attorney, testified in committee this week that he came up with the idea for the bill while in law school at Loyola University. He described it as “a pro-family, pro-business and pro-safety bill that permits, not mandates, public and private entities to install gender inclusive, multi-stall restrooms.”
* WIFR | ‘Zachary’s Parent Protection Act’ close to becoming an Illinois law: Zachary’s Parent Protection Act (SB2034), entitles up to six weeks of unpaid leave for small business employees and up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for employees of large businesses in the case of child loss. Currently, parents are only entitled to use up to 10 work days of unpaid bereavement leave.
* WCIA | Bipartisan proposal would give emergency crisis mapping data of schools to Illinois first responders: “Making sure the proper authorities have an up-to-date map and layout of the school would undoubtedly increase response times and action in times of emergencies when all of us know that every single second is precious,” State Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris) said.
* Center Square | Measure to lift moratorium on nuclear power in Illinois one step away from Pritzker’s desk: Senate Bill 76, if concurred by the Senate and signed by Pritzker, would delete language in state statute that says no construction shall commence on any new nuclear power plant located within the state. The legislation also gives energy companies an option to invest in the construction of traditional, large nuclear reactors or new, small modular reactors.
* 25 News Now | Voting along party lines, State Senate approves CIRA tax change: The legislation creates a new property tax for McLean County landowners living outside Bloomington-Normal, while the property tax would be lowered for Twin Cities landowners. The chairman of the airport board said even with the change, the airport would collect the same amount of taxes.
* Center Square | Measure to protect children from social media ‘influencer’ parents passes Illinois Statehouse: The bill provides that a video blogger who features a minor child in 30% of their content shared on online platforms like YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, or others must set aside 15% of gross earnings on the video content in a trust account to be preserved for the benefit of the minor upon reaching 18 years old. The measure also would allow the child to request the deletion of the content upon turning 18.
* CBS Chicago | Illinois lawmakers pass bill making it easier to sue gun manufacturers: The legislation amends the state’s current Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act to clarify that businesses in the firearms industry are subject to civil liability if they engage in unlawful business and marketing practices.
* Center Square | Illinois business, health care, tech groups denounce proposed changes to Biometric Information Privacy Act: During a news conference Friday, representatives from several groups, including the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, Illinois Manufacturers’ Association and the Illinois Chamber of Commerce denounced a proposed change that was made late Thursday, the day before session was scheduled to adjourn. An amendment filed with House Bill 3811 includes a 50% increase in the minimum penalty businesses face for violating BIPA that can be awarded in future cases. The amendment remains in a Senate committee.
Legislature to return Wednesday
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Press release…
Senate President Don Harmon and House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch issued a joint statement on progress toward an agreed budget.
“When we came to Springfield in January, we made it clear that our top priority was a fiscally responsible budget that prioritized hardworking Illinoisans. That continues to be true. Conversation is ongoing and negotiations are productive. We are committed to passing a good, balanced budget for the people of Illinois.”
Both chambers will return next week to finish work for the spring session. The Senate is scheduled to return Wednesday and Thursday. The House is scheduled to return Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
* But, wait. WGN TV just told its audience that the budget is already passed…
Illinois lawmakers wrapped up a busy week in Springfield Friday after passing the state’s budget by the democratic imposed May 19 deadline.
…Adding… Press release…
On the last scheduled day of legislative session in the Illinois House, and no news of a potential state budget agreement in sight, Minority Leader Tony McCombie released the following statement:
“We have made every effort to be at the table. Now, with extra days in the session schedule we will continue to make ourselves available. There is much to accomplish and too much on the line to disregard our caucus from this process.
“We want to govern, so I say it again: don’t disregard our value.”
* Senate Amendment 1 to HB3903 bars campaign contributions from red light, speed cam and some others…
No vendor that offers or provides equipment or services for automated traffic law enforcement, automated speed enforcement, or automated railroad grade crossing enforcement systems to municipalities or counties, no political action committee created by such a vendor, and no vendor-affiliated person shall make a campaign contribution to any political committee established to promote the candidacy of a candidate or public official. An officer or agent of such a vendor may not consent to any contribution or expenditure that is prohibited by this Section. A candidate, political committee, or other person may not knowingly accept or receive any contribution prohibited by this Section.
“Vendor-affiliated person” means anyone with an ownership interest or distributive share above 7.5 percent, or is an executive employee, or is the spouse, minor child, or other immediate family member who lives with the person.
Back to the proposal…
No member of the General Assembly and no officer or employee of a municipality or county shall knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from a vendor that provides automated traffic law enforcement system equipment or services to municipalities or counties.
There’s also a 2-year revolving door provision.
Beginning 6 months before it installs an automated traffic law enforcement system at an intersection, a county or municipality may not change the yellow change interval at that intersection.
It also requires municipalities and counties to conduct a statistical analysis to assess the safety impact of each automated traffic law enforcement system within a year and requires them to conduct those studies after they install new systems.
It also allows IDOT to revoke any permit for the cams “if any official or employee who serves that county or municipality is charged with bribery, official misconduct, or a similar crime related to the placement, installation, or operation of the automated traffic law enforcement system in the county or municipality.”
* Crain’s…
A bill intended to undo former Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s 11th hour appointment of right-hand man Samir Mayekar to the McPier board has abruptly surfaced in Springfield and appears to have a good chance to pass.
The measure — pushed by allies of the new mayor Brandon Johnson and organized labor groups headed by the Chicago Federation of Labor — would reverse Lightfoot’s decision, announced in the final days of her tenure, to place her deputy mayor for economic development board that oversees the city’s McCormick Place convention center.
The move to install Mayekar in the coveted board seat rankled members of Johnson’s transition team, current members of the board and union leaders who believed the incoming mayor should be afforded the opportunity to make the appointment and was likely to tap someone friendlier to the labor movement for the position.
…Adding… From the Chicago Federation of Labor’s Bob Reiter…
Lori Lightfoot has been incredibly supportive of the convention and tourism industry, as well as, our folks who work in it. This is a policy difference on late term appointments and not reflection on our relationship with her. And to be clear, this is not an initiative of or an ask of Mayor Johnson.
As subscribers know, there’s more to this bill.
* The House Executive Committee has approved Amendment 1 to SB1559. That’s the cannabis omnibus.
I assume this post will be updated. As always, keep an eye on the live coverage post for instant updates.
…Adding… The Senate has an amendment making changes to the The Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Act. They’re allowing the tollway and units of local government to work with PPPs instead of just IDOT. The proposal also clears the way for leasing existing toll roads and using the PPPs to repair roads and add lanes and ramps to any tollway (like Local 150’s plan, for instance). It will also allow the tollway to use proceeds from the sale or lease of assets to provide funding for a PPP agreement and to “receive unsolicited proposals for a project.”
The amendment also completely deletes this provision from existing law…
Any new transportation facility developed as a project under this Act must be consistent with the regional plan then in existence of any metropolitan planning organization in whose boundaries the project is located.
…Adding… John Amdor testified against deleting that regional planning provision…
A major point of why we do regional plans in the first place is to ensure that we’re coordinating our major infrastructure investments to achieve shared regional growth. And we believe that eliminating requirements, that consistency would be really detrimental to the public interest.
It’s a huge bill, so maybe some of y’all can find more stuff.
…Adding… The revenue omnibus has a provision to terminate tax credits if investment or job creation and retention requirements aren’t met in 10 years.
The Reimagining Energy and Vehicles in Illinois Act is expanded to include financial incentives for electric vehicle or component or renewable energy manufacturers that intend to convert or expand, in whole or in part, from traditional manufacturing and will make at least a $500 million capital investment and retain 800 full-time employee jobs at the project. Hmm.
It also has a $500 volunteer emergency workers tax credit and a bunch of other stuff.
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Afternoon roundup
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller
* Here you go…
* State Week | Not so fast on a new budget: The past few weeks have made putting a new state budget together more complicated. Estimates predict a drop in revenue, while lawmakers are also dealing with sticker shock for certain programs. It has resulted in a delay on approval of a new spending plan for the fiscal year that starts July 1. The General Assembly set May 19 as the adjournment date. But the timeline for wrapping up the spring session and passing a budget is now less clear.
* WTAX | Beyond the last day: “We to date have not seen a draft copy of any budget yet. We are approaching our deadline. We are due to be out of session (Friday). I was wondering if anyone in the chamber has seen a draft copy or when one might be available,” Keicher said, “or also any revenue estimate upon which that budget is going to be based.” Hernandez only said, “The chair will inquire,” and that’s the last we heard about that.
* Capitol News Illinois | Native American history, ride-share regulation measures clear General Assembly:Even though it became clear this week that the General Assembly’s spring legislative session would go longer than scheduled as lawmakers finalize a budget, several measures cleared the legislature by its original Friday adjournment date. Those include a requirement that schools teach a unit of Native American history and a bill allowing individuals convicted of a felony to serve as estate executors. Another measure would classify ride-share companies as “common carriers,” which would subject them to liability in cases of accident or injury, like other forms of public transportation.
* Joe Cahill | Call the Bears’ bluff on subsidies: Anyone, it seems, except politicians in the northwest suburbs, who apparently believe the team won’t come without generous taxpayer subsidies. State legislators who represent the area in Springfield are pushing a bill in the Illinois House that would authorize the village to give the Bears a special deal on property taxes. Village officials haven’t spoken out on the bill, but it’s unlikely the legislators would float the subsidy measure if local leaders weren’t onboard.
* Crain’s | Peotone airport is back, but will it get off the ground?: “What you don’t want is, ‘If you build it, they will come,’ right? Just building the thing and hoping that people will show up to essentially pay for the airport having been built,” Pritzker said in an interview earlier this month with The Daily Line. “You need to make sure that you’re building it because you have interest from cargo carriers who are committing to make that a cargo airport.”
* Shaw Local | Lawmakers push to expedite reopening of Peru hospital: Thursday, state Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris) and state Rep. Lance Yednock (D-Ottawa) said in a statement they’re working with Gov. JB Pritzker to expedite OSF HealthCare’s application to acquire some St. Margaret’s Health units, including the former Illinois Valley Community Hospital.
* BGA | Supreme Court FOIA Ruling Limits Transparency; Significantly Broadens Exemptions to FOIA: “At a time when the need for government accountability is greater than ever, the Illinois Supreme Court with this ruling has taken a step backward. The language of the court’s ruling may seem narrow, but its implications are vast,” said David Greising, president of the Better Government Association. “The ruling will have the effect of blocking access to public records. They are called public records for a reason, and creating hurdles to access is not in the public interest. The BGA’s policy team will work with good-government protectors in the General Assembly to develop legislation that will repair the damage done by the Supreme Court’s ruling.”
* Crain’s | Johnson names his deputy mayor for community safety: Mayor Brandon Johnson has tapped Garien Gatewood to serve as the city’s deputy mayor for community safety, a position charged with formulating the progressive mayor’s strategy to address the root causes of crime. Gatewood currently serves as the director of the Illinois Justice Project, a nonprofit policy organization focused on criminal justice reform. He was appointed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, a state agency that develops strategy to address public safety.
* Michael Petrilli and David Griffith | What Brandon Johnson can do to improve Chicago schools: In principle, Johnson should close at least some chronically underenrolled schools when the school closure moratorium ends in 2025 (or nominate school board members who will do so). And he should at least consider allowing charter schools to use some of the unoccupied building space, as New York City has done. Yes, closures are unpopular. But research shows that students benefit when the worst schools are closed. And if Johnson really cares about funding equity, then he ought to care about charters’ long-standing facilities woes.
* Sun-Times | More respite centers in Hispanic neighborhoods key to reducing migrant crisis tensions in Chicago, mayor’s floor leader says: Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa wouldn’t say where the new centers could be, only that the administration was “very close to moving on a number of locations, some big and some small, primarily in Spanish-speaking communities.”
* TMA Applauds Increased Support for Manufacturing in Springfield: State senators that scored 100% on TMA’s Legislative Scorecard include: Dan McConchie (R-26), Dave Syverson (R-35), Neil Anderson (R-36), Win Stoller (R-37), Sue Rezin (R-38), John Curran (R-41), Sally Turner (R-44), Steve McClure (R-50), Chapin Rose (R-51), Darren Bailey (R-55), Terri Bryant (R-58), and Dale Fowler (R-59).
* Aurora Beacon-News | Organizers aim to host Pride Parade in Aurora after receiving preliminary injunction in connection with lawsuit against city: City officials said they were unable to get enough Aurora police officers to work overtime or extra-duty shifts to provide adequate security for the parade. The city has said it can’t compel off-duty employees to work security at special events.
* 25 News Now | Catalytic converters stolen off Peoria school buses Wed. morning: Peoria Public Schools and Peoria Police are investigating the theft of 10 catalytic converters off district buses earlier Wednesday. […] Cages covering the converters are being installed on buses to prevent future thefts. The suspects failed to steal from other vehicles because they had cages on them.
* SJ-R | Beck-Griffith ‘heartbroken’ she didn’t have chance to discuss library’s future with mayor:Summer Beck-Griffith said she was “disappointed but not shocked” after being dismissed as Lincoln Library’s director Monday. Her real regret? Not having a chance to talk about the public library’s future with Mayor Misty Buscher.
* Tribune | Biden EPA pushes for federal regulation of toxic coal ash dumps threatening drinking water in Illinois, Indiana and other states: One of the sites that would come under federal oversight is the Waukegan Generating Station on Lake Michigan, a former ComEd coal plant ringed by two unlined ash ponds and an unlicensed landfill. Another is a Joliet quarry where ComEd and other companies dumped coal ash until NRG Energy overhauled a nearby coal plant in 2016 to burn natural gas.
* Sun-Times | BP refinery hit with $40 million fine, agrees to spend $200 million on pollution control: BP agreed to pay a $40 million penalty and spend almost $200 million on environmental controls to settle government allegations that the company released excessive toxic chemicals at its Whiting, Indiana, oil refinery on Lake Michigan.
* Block Club | Chicagoans Tell Fox News To ‘Shut The F— Up About Chicago’ With New T-Shirts: The idea for the shirt was hatched amid a Twitter backlash to a Fox News segment on Chicago’s new mayor — filmed more than 30 miles west of the city in suburban Naperville.
* Sun-Times | Want to test drive the NASCAR Street Race course? Crews wrapping up downtown repaving: For those interested in testing out the 2.2 mile, 12-turn course — and those willing to obey traffic signals — begin driving east along Columbus drive, directly south of Buckingham Fountain, where you’ll find the starting line.
* NBC Chicago | Here’s What AI Thinks an Illinoisan Looks Like — And Apparently, Real Illinoisans Agree: A stereotypical person in Illinois, according to the post, appears less distinctive, and rather ordinary. In fact, one commenter compares the man from Illinois to Waldo.
Dems’ BIPA change assailed by business groups
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The law firm of Mayer Brown…
In what is becoming a pattern, the Illinois Supreme Court recently issued another decision interpreting the Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) to expand potential liability for businesses. The court held in Cothron v. White Castle that each time a business collects or discloses an individual’s biometric data without first obtaining BIPA-compliant consent, a separate claim accrues under BIPA. BIPA authorizes statutory damages of $1,000 for “each violation” of the statute—and $5,000 if the violation is found to be intentional or reckless.
* From the majority opinion…
White Castle estimates that if plaintiff is successful and allowed to bring her claims on behalf of as many as 9500 current and former White Castle employees, class- wide damages in her action may exceed $17 billion. We have found, however, that the statutory language clearly supports plaintiff’s position. […]
(T)here is no language in the Act suggesting legislative intent to authorize a damages award that would result in the financial destruction of a business.
We respectfully suggest that the legislature review these policy concerns and make clear its intent regarding the assessment of damages under the Act.
* An amendment was filed today by Senate President Pro Tempore Bill Cunningham…
(A) private entity that, in more than one instance, collects, captures, purchases, receives through trade, or otherwise obtains the same biometric identifier or biometric information from the same person using the same method of collection in violation of subsection (b) of Section 15 has committed a single violation of subsection (b) of Section 15 for which the aggrieved person is entitled to, at most, one recovery under this Section.
However, the amendment also increases penalties by fifty percent. That’s just one of the complaints, many of them legit, from business groups.
* Press release…
Leading business, healthcare and technology groups are united in opposition to proposed changes to the state’s Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), which fails to enact needed reforms and would instead increase financial damages against businesses and further suppress security, innovation and economic growth.
A coalition including the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association, Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, Illinois Railroad Association, Illinois Retail Merchants Association, Illinois Trucking Association, TechNet and National Federation of Independent Business Illinois is urging lawmakers to reject the proposal, which is contained in an amendment made to HB3811.
The proposal undermines months of negotiations intended to limit the impact of BIPA, which has been routinely abused in order to extort businesses for financial gain where no harm has ever been alleged. The legislation represents a 50 percent increase in penalties that can be awarded on future settlements. Furthermore, there is no standard to prove harm which is the definition of a frivolous lawsuit.
“Just when we thought BIPA couldn’t get any worse for businesses in Illinois, lawmakers unveil a proposal that will only increase abuse of this law by trial attorneys,” said Mark Denzler, President and CEO, Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “To say this is a disappointing end to negotiations understates the true harm this proposal will cause if enacted.” […]
In the 15 years since BIPA was enacted, more than 1,500 frivolous lawsuits have been filed by class action lawyers against manufacturers, retailers, hospitals, nursing homes, entertainment venues, hotels, and other businesses by claiming violation of employee or consumer rights even though there has been no harm to individuals, theft of identities or nefarious intent. Of those more than 1,500 lawsuits, the vast majority occurred after a 2019 Illinois Supreme Court decision in Rosenbach v. Six Flags, which held that a plaintiff need not demonstrate any form of harm beyond a violation of the law.
Examples of entities sued by trial lawyers under BIPA:
• US Department of Homeland Security
• The Salvation Army of Cook County
• Lutheran Senior Services
• Council of Jewish Elderly
• Nursing homes
• The Art Institute of Chicago
• School bus companies
• Colleges
• Ambulances
• Hospitals
This year, the Illinois Supreme Court issued two additional rulings that exponentially expand the scope and costs of BIPA lawsuits. The first, Tims v. Black Horse Carriers, Inc., eliminated the possibility of a one-year statute of limitations for claims under BIPA, ruling that a “catchall” five-year statute of limitations applies to these cases, dramatically increasing the timeframe for which complaints can be brought. […]
Needed changes include: updating the law to require proof that actual harm occurred to individuals before imposing fines; establishing a “notice and cure” period, which would allow businesses to address any potential issues in instances where there has been no actual harm; giving the Attorney General authority to provide companies with advisory opinions on whether or not their compliance efforts meet the requirements of the law; limiting the statute of limitations for legal action to one year; and allowing biometric identifiers to be used for security purposes such as managing access to controlled substances, preventing organized retail theft and other violent crimes, and accessing sensitive facilities, including electric plants and refineries.
Legislators should also provide for electronic consent as well as “evergreen” consent, which would operate similarly to the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule, which allows a single waiver to encompass multiple instances in which information is shared.
They had been negotiating for weeks, but apparently got the rug pulled out from under them last night.
It’s just a bill
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller
* HB1342 is in the House for concurrence on two amendments…
House Bill 1342 is a comprehensive public transit measure that includes the following proposals:
- Would allow public transit agencies to suspend problematic riders provided the rider commits or provides a reasonable apprehension of assault, battery, sexual assault, or violations of public indecency.
- Would provide that after July 1, 2026 CTA, PACE, and METRA should only purchase buses that are zero-emission.
- Would create a program requiring RTA to distribute 25,000 pre-loaded $20 fare cards to domestic violence providers to assist victims and their dependents.
- Would require the CTA to work the City of Chicago to provide rides to participants in the One Summer Chicago program.
- Would require the RTA to publish a report on all reduced fare and free ride programs as well as estimated cost of various expansion of those programs.
- The study would include looking into the impact and feasibility of providing year- round reduced or free transit fares, including to veterans, returning residents, students and youth, and people who experience low-income.
- RTA would also be required to issue reports monthly on staffing levels, scheduled and delivered services, and safety on the system – including the number of incidents of crime.
* Sen. Robert Martwick…
Legislation passed by State Senator Robert Martwick will secure the finances of the Cook County Pension Fund and protect taxpayers.
“Thanks to the incredible dedication and fiscal discipline implemented by President Toni Preckwinkle and her administration, the Cook County Pension Fund is one of the few pension systems in the state whose fund balance has improved over the course of the last decade,” said Martwick (D-Chicago). “This measure ensures that retirees will receive the benefits they have earned and protects taxpayers from future property tax increases by codifying these fiscally responsible practices.”
The measure makes various changes to the Cook County Pension Fund, most notably requiring an actuarially determined contribution and adjusting benefits to ensure compliance with the social security safe-harbor provision.
Martwick’s measure would require the CCPF to retain an actuary in good standing who would create an annual report to ensure the Fund is properly funded. […]
House Bill 2352 passed in the Senate Friday.
* Background is here. Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter and AARP Illinois…
We oppose Senate Amendment #3 to HB2450 because it unilaterally reduces critical dementia training for physicians and healthcare providers. Two years ago, alongside allied legislators, the Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter negotiated with the Illinois State Medical Society to add critical dementia training for healthcare professionals.
Our organizations learned of this new amendment that cuts in half the frequency of dementia training without ever allowing us a seat at the table.
To be clear – our organizations strongly support the addition of cultural competency continuing education for healthcare providers – but this must not come at the expense of weakening training of healthcare professionals on how to serve best those who are our most vulnerable citizens of Illinois.
The Alzheimer’s Association and AARP are disappointed with this new measure but will continue working on solutions to safeguard critical dementia training in Illinois.
A bi-partisan group of State Senators are calling on a bill to be voted on this week that would hope to increase safety in public schools.
Senate Bill 2577 would allow a public school to obtain crisis response mapping data and provide copies of the crisis response mapping data to appropriate local, county, State, and federal first responders for use in response to emergencies. The bill also would require the State Board of Education to provide grants to schools to cover the costs of obtaining the crisis response mapping data.
Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell joined the senators at the Capitol on Thursday explaining the importance for first responders to know where to respond in a school building should a crisis arise: “There’s no doubt that access to standardized maps at all of our schools across the county and across Illinois would be extremely beneficial. It would help save time and potentially lives depending upon the emergency. When there is an emergency call especially when there is a threat of any kind at a school, multiple agencies are going to respond. Even if one of those responding agencies is familiar with the school, the other police and fire departments that respond may not be. If we have standardized maps that are available and in the hands of the schools, our dispatchers, and on all of our platforms; we’ll be able to react much quicker to mitigate the threat.” […]
The bill is being co-sponsored by both Jil Tracy and Steve McClure. The first reading of the legislation came last Tuesday and still awaits a full vote.
* Sen. Laura Fine…
State Senator Laura Fine, chair of the Senate Behavioral and Mental Health Committee, is leading a measure to ensure Illinoisans can have annual mental health wellness visits covered under their insurance at no additional cost.
“Just as people need yearly physical checkups to make sure their health is in order, people need annual checkups for their mental health,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Covering these annual visits will encourage people to seek necessary treatment for their mental health.”
House Bill 2847 would require health insurance plans under the Insurance Code, State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971, the Counties Code, the Illinois Municipal Code, and the School Code to cover annual mental health checkups and wellness visits starting in 2025. It also encourages the Illinois Department of Public Health to engage in an educational campaign to bring awareness to the public regarding mental health and wellness. These initiatives will continue to normalize prioritizing and treating mental health concerns, leading to greater well-being throughout the state. […]
House Bill 2847 passed the Senate on Thursday.
* Rep. Mary Beth Canty…
Grocery stores located in food deserts would be eligible for grants from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity under legislation passed by state Rep. Mary Beth Canty, D-Arlington Heights.
“Poor access to affordable, healthy foods contributes to poor nutrition and perpetuates health disparities, leading to higher rates of obesity and other chronic ailments. Food deserts are primarily found in Black and brown communities and low-income communities, perpetuating a cycle of poor health outcomes for our most vulnerable residents,” Canty said. “Incentivizing grocery store development in food deserts helps to prevent chronic illness and combat the negative health outcomes associated with food insecurity, especially for low-income and historically marginalized communities.”
Food deserts are geographic areas where residents have few to no convenient options for securing affordable and healthy foods — especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Senate Bill 850 requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, subject to appropriation, to provide grants and other forms of financial assistance to privately-owned grocery stores, co-operatives, non-for-profit grocery stores, and grocery stores owned by a unit of local government, school district, or community college district located in or to be located in a food desert. The bill also provides for a study of food insecurity in urban and rural food deserts.
“Food deserts touch every area of the state, including rural, urban, and suburban areas. Everyone, no matter their race, background, financial circumstance, or zip code deserves access to nutritious food,” Canty said. “I am grateful to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for passing this important legislation, and I urge the Governor to sign the bill and reduce food insecurity across the state.”
Senate Bill 850 passed the House with bipartisan support.
* Sen. Linda Holmes…
Many homeowners have something lurking in their basement or garage that could be disposed of, but there hasn’t been a means to get rid of it safely: unused household paint. Legislation sponsored by State Senator Linda Holmes that would establish a program to dispose of household paint passed the Senate on Friday.
The Paint Stewardship Act in Senate Bill 836 creates a means for consumers to dispose of household paint in Illinois. No state resources are in place today to deal with this waste. Under this law, manufacturers of architectural paint will create and submit a plan to the Illinois EPA to establish the program. […]
Under this program, manufacturers will pay a fee to the Illinois EPA to set up a paint collection site, service or event, which will allow residents to drop off unused paint to specified locations free of charge. Those collection sites or events will be within a 15-mile radius for 90% of Illinois residents. […]
Similar programs in other states with paint stewardship laws include California, Minnesota, Colorado and New York. They have collected 62.6 million gallons of paint.
Senate Bill 836 passed the Senate today.
* Sun-Times…
Tempers flared on the state Senate floor Thursday during debate of Democratic-led measures, including a bill that clears the way for gun manufacturers to be sued and another that would allow businesses to create multi-capacity bathrooms open to all genders — an idea one Republican warned will spark violence.
State Sen. Neil Anderson, R-Andalusia, told lawmakers that he would “beat the living p—” out of any man who walked into a restroom with his daughter.
“This is gonna cause violence, and it’s gonna cause violence from dads like me,” the Moline firefighter and paramedic said to some cheers from fellow Republicans during floor debate on the measure. […]
The legislation, which now heads back to the Illinois House, would allow businesses to construct all-gender multi-capacity restrooms, but it would not require them to do so. The restrooms would include floor to ceiling stall dividers with locks and toilets instead of urinals, among other provisions.
State Sen. Kim Lightford, D-Maywood, said those who have problems with gender neutral bathrooms have a problem with the LBGTQ+ community.
“And it sounds like these are the same people who act as if they don’t have family members or friends who are members of the LBGTQ community,” Lightford said. “It sounds like it’s people who don’t understand that life is evolving. People are changing and growing and not afraid to be who they are and as a society we ought to offer options. So if you do not want to go in that particular bathroom, then just don’t frickin’ do it. Don’t go in the bathroom, don’t’ take your kids in the bathroom, just don’t use it.”
Nobody is forcing anyone into a unisex restroom. And nobody is forcing anyone to build any, either. The idea is to establish strong regulations in case somebody wants to build such a thing. Also, keep in mind that this bill is backed by the Illinois Pipe Trades Association, Chicago Plumbers Local 130, the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, the American Institute of Architects, the Illinois Public Health Association, the Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation and the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
* AIDS Foundation Chicago and Equality Illinois…
We applaud the Illinois Senate for passing HB 1286 and urge the Illinois House to act expeditiously to send the bill to the governor. Simply, the bill reduces red tape and eliminates unnecessary regulations by allowing businesses to adopt gender-inclusive multi-occupancy restrooms, if they want. The bill is not a requirement. If a business chooses to do so, they must follow strong privacy and safety parameters established by the legislation. Thank you to our legislative champions State Sen. Celina Villanueva and State Rep. Katie Stuart.
This bill has been the subject of so much disinformation and violence, including threats of physical harm against Rep. Stuart earlier this year and transphobic violence advocated by a state senator during debate Thursday. This violent language is appalling and emblematic of what trans and gender-expansive people experience in their daily lives. According to the US Trans Survey in 2015, 58% of trans respondents in Illinois avoided using a public restroom because they were afraid of confrontations or other problems they might experience. The violent language like that used by the state senator gives license to transphobic actors to harm trans people. Enough is enough.
Illinois is a welcoming and affirming state. The Illinois House can forcefully act against such hate and violence by swiftly passing the common-sense and permissive HB 1286.
…Adding… What he’s saying about the bill is just completely untrue. Illinois already legalized that in the Kitty Litter Omnibus Act of 2021 /s…
Question of the day
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller
* It’s just a bill (actually, two bills) and there’s no push on to pass these measures right away. With that in mind…
State Representative Stephanie Kifowit (D-Oswego) today has filed HB 4098, the result of a significant amount of Subject Matter hearings of the Illinois House Personnel and Pension Committee, of which she is Chair.
“Members of the General Assembly are taking the state of Illinois’ pensions situation very seriously, and the members of the Personnel and Pension Committee have devoted numerous hours listening to experts testify about the issues that we face with our Tier 2 pension system,” stated Kifowit. “It is time to stop talking about fixing our system, it is time for action. This bill encompasses a beginning point to a more comprehensive discussion on true solutions that need to be enacted as soon as possible for the state of Illinois.”
“It is not lost on any member of the General Assembly that fixing our pension system comes at a cost, but that cost compounds every year that we fail to address the needs of the employees of the state of Illinois,” continued Kifowit. “The purpose of holding additional Subject Matter hearings throughout the summer and fall will be to have discussions with regards to the expenses and revenues needed to achieve a sound pension system”.
HB 4098 encompasses many different components that have been discussed in the Personnel and Pension Committee along with input from various stakeholder meetings throughout the session.
Most notable is the discontinuation of the General Assembly Retirement System (GARS) and the Judges’ Retirement System. Future members would be offered enrollment into the existing State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS).
“These two systems are the worst funded in the state of Illinois,” stated Kifowit. “The only reason why these two systems were created is to provide better benefits than the average state employee. That is unacceptable and there should be no avenue for additional perks to elected officials.”
Additionally, HB 4098 creates a statewide Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) and expands the Pension Buy-Out program to more participants, while meeting the safe harbor provision over an eight-year time frame and creating an average COLA percentage over a three-year running average rather than a year-to-year calculation. It also creates a tiered retirement age schedule.
Furthermore, HB 4098 changes the target funding percentage from 90% to 100%, and identifies a funding of $1 Billion a year when two issues of bonds are retired. This shift allows additional funding that is already accounted for in the current budget. However, over the proceedings of the future Subject Matter hearings, additional revenue will be discussed to achieve 100% funding by 2050 or earlier.
“This legislation is the first substantive step towards fixing our Tier 2 system, identifying dedicated revenue sources, and ensuring that benefits are fair for our workers that give so much for the state of Illinois,” stated Kifowit. “I look forward to input from all stakeholders as we hold meetings throughout the summer and the fall.”
Kifowit has also filed HB 4099, which adjusts the pension age for individuals who provide various security duties for the state of Illinois. This bill will also be considered in full throughout the summer and fall months.
“These individuals work in very stressful situations and we need to evaluate HB4099 in conjunction with HB4098 to ensure that they receive the proper pension they deserve,” stated Kifowit.
Minority Spokesperson, Representative Steve Reick (R) is listed as Chief Co-sponsor on both bills.
* The Question: Your thoughts on these provisions? Please stick to the proposed bills. Don’t go off on tangents or spew rants.
* Chicago Tribune…
A group of licensed cannabis transporters have filed suit against Illinois regulators, claiming the state is allowing unlicensed operators to transport marijuana. […]
Thirteen transport companies filed the suit Tuesday in Sangamon County against the Illinois Department of Agriculture and its director, Jerry Costello II. An spokeswoman for the agency said it does not comment on pending litigation, but is not aware of any illegal transporters.
A transportation license allows the holder to deliver cannabis from a grower to retail stores around the state. It was seen as the easiest way for minority owners to break into the legal cannabis business. Transporters have the lowest barriers to entry and are much less costly to start than a cultivation or retail facility.
But many weren’t able to get hired because state law allows growers to ship their own products. Only 31 transport companies have been licensed, plus the 21 big cultivation centers.
* From the lawsuit…
Specifically, on January 5, 2023, Plaintiffs are aware of a Chicago cannabis transport delivery that was conducted in what appears to be a non-complaint Honda Odyssey minivan. […]
On February 24, 2023, Plaintiffs are aware that SB IL Grow conducted a cannabis transport and delivery to Green Rose Chicago, a licensed cannabis dispensary located at 612 N. Wells Street in Chicago, Illinois. That transport was memorialized via an “Illinois Adult Use Marijuana Transportation Manifest.” […] As of February 24, 2023, SB IL Grow had not yet been approved for transport operations by the IDOA. […]
On information and belief, the IDOA was aware of and approved SB IL Grow’s cannabis transport and delivery to Green Rose. […]
Following this email, Mr. Thompkins spoke to Ms. Davis-Franklin and Ms. Johnson via telephone. During that call, Ms. Davis-Franklin and Ms. Johnson indicated that the IDOA did not have the staff necessary to enforce the CRTA and/or the Transport Regulations. Ms. Davis-Franklin and Ms. Johnson further confirmed that the IDOA had not issued a single fine to a licensed transporter or other entity for violation of the CRTA’s transportation provisions or the Transport Regulations. […]
Despite having definitive evidence of unlawful transport operations, on information and belief, the IDOA has not taken any disciplinary action against any parties involved in these illegal transports because it does not have the staff to do so.
As a result, illegal cannabis transporters are acting with impunity, jeopardizing the safety of the Illinois public and essentially blocking licensed Illinois transporters, like Plaintiffs, from participating in the Illinois cannabis industry.
* CBS Chicago…
Legally in Illinois, marijuana is supposed to be transported in a vehicle with cameras, GPS, and no rear windows or markings.
But illegal deliveries are allegedly happening by those without licenses in minivans and other noncompliant vehicles – with little consequence. […]
CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar spoke to legal cannabis transporters, who say they will be forced out of business if the state does not enforce its own standards.
Those transporters also say they have evidence of illegal drop-offs. They add that without regulation and enforcement from the state, there really is no incentive for growers and dispensaries to hire the transporters.
* Green Market Report…
Specifically, the 13 transporters allege that the state doesn’t have the manpower to enforce rules that prohibit licensed marijuana farmers from transporting their own crops to retailers and manufacturers, and gave two instances in which the plaintiffs said just such a thing had happened – and that regulators knew about it and did nothing.
“Despite having definitive evidence of unlawful transport operations, on information and belief, the IDOA has not taken any disciplinary action against any parties involved in these illegal transports because it does not have the staff to do so,” the suit asserts. “Instead, the IDOA is knowingly and willfully allowing entities to illegally perform cannabis transports in Illinois.”
“As a result, illegal cannabis transporters are acting with impunity, jeopardizing the safety of the Illinois public and essentially blocking licensed Illinois transporters, like plaintiffs, from participating in the Illinois cannabis industry,” the suit states.
* Related…
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
Since 2018, Uber and Arizona State University have provided 5000 qualified drivers and their families with 100% tuition coverage.
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* The incomperable Yvette Shields at the Bond Buyer…
The [Illinois Sports Facilities Authority] has about $415 million of outstanding debt mostly tied to the 2003 reconstruction of the Chicago Park District-owned Soldier Field to benefit the Bears. Much of the debt issued in 1989 for the authority-owned Guaranteed Rate Field, home to Major League Baseball’s Chicago White Sox, has been retired.
With interest, ISFA owes $743 million of debt through 2032. Debt service this year totals $53.5 million and rises to $56.8 million next year. It hits $60 million in 2025 and $64 million in 2026 before holding steady at $67.5 million for three years. It then ramps to $78.6 million in 2030, $86.5 million in 2031 and $90.5 million in 2032.
The authority’s 2014 bonds become callable next year and the state budget signed in 2021 gave the authority room to extend debt to 2033 from the current cap of 2032 by keeping the state’s “advance” on hotel taxes in place a year longer.
The additional one year doesn’t provide much breathing room and likely would still leave the city to cover shortfalls because of the growing debt service payment ramp. “It doesn’t the solve the total impact,” [ISFA Chief Executive Officer Frank Bilecki] said.
ISFA sees an additional five years as needed to smooth out a steeply rising debt service schedule, but that would require state approval. While the structure would remain in place, the city and state would be refunded for their $5 million subsidies. […]
Under the complex structure a “state advance” of up to 60% of a 5% statewide hotel tax is pledged to the bonds but the agency must repay most of that advance at the June 30 fiscal year end. The authority’s revenues come from a local 2% hotel tax, a $5 million annual state subsidy and a $5 million city subsidy.
Chicago hotel taxes will fall $9 million short this year, the second shortfall in a row. No way will they be able to meet those higher bond payments.
Thanks, Mayor Daley.
* Another way of raising revenues would be to expand the hotel/motel tax. From the Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association…
The hotel industry supports home sharing - the rights of property owners to rent out a room in their home - and we have advocated for ordinances that officially legalize such short-term rentals. But we also believe short-term rentals should abide by the same laws as hotels and every other business. Most importantly, the Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association believes that short-term rentals should be subject to the same hotel taxes, which would raise new revenue for the state.
AirBNB already collects the tax, but others appear not to be doing so.
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It’s almost a law
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller
* AP…
The firearms industry, including gun sellers, could be sued for alleged violations of Illinois law including marketing to young people under legislation Illinois state senators approved Thursday.
The House previously approved the bill and it now goes to Gov. J.B. Pritzker, also a Democrat, who said that he will sign it. Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, a Democrat, spearheaded the proposal.
“Gun violence is a public health epidemic, and those who encourage unlawful use of a firearm or target sales of firearms to minors worsen the scourge of gun violence in our communities,” Pritzker said in a statement. “This legislation finally protects Illinoisans from predatory actions by the firearms industry.”
Republican lawmakers objected to the proposal during Thursday’s Senate vote, saying it was too broad and would lead to court challenges.
Illinois lawmakers have approved a bill requiring public schools to allow students to celebrate their cultural, ethnic, or religious identity during graduation ceremonies.
Sponsors and advocates say Native American students are often given eagle feathers and other tribal regalia to show pride and gratitude for their academic achievement.
Lawmakers filed this proposal following an incident last year when a Native student was told he couldn’t wear an eagle feather and Native beads with his cap and gown. Nimkii Curley was forced to watch his classmates graduate while he sat in the bleachers. […]
Senate Bill 1446 passed out of the House on a 104-7 vote and now heads to Gov. JB Pritzker’s desk for his signature of approval.
* NBC Chicago…
Legislation that would make school meals free for all students in Illinois has passed both the House and the Senate, paving the way for the bill’s likely passage.
The “Healthy School Meals For All” legislation would provide state funding to Illinois schools to improve their offerings of healthy meals, while maximizing use of an existing federal program.
Advocates say the expansion of free meals for all students both combats hunger and helps reduce the stigma students often face when qualifying for free or reduced lunch programs.
Minnesota, Colorado, Maine, New Mexico and California have all passed similar legislation since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure free school meals for all students.
* The Center Square…
A measure that is one step away from the governor’s desk would allow certain immigrants to become police officers in the state of Illinois. […]
Senate President Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, supports the bill and said during debate that history shows people from different backgrounds have been law enforcement officers for a long time. […]
The Fraternal Order of Police has been in support of the legislation being enacted, which Harmon said is nothing new. […]
The Senate amended the bill so it must return to the House before it can be sent to Gov. J.B. Pritzker for approval.
* Daily Herald…
The Illinois Senate on Thursday passed an amended version of a bill that would allow businesses and public institutions to provide multioccupant all-gender bathrooms if they so choose.
House Bill 1286 would change current state law, under which single-occupancy bathrooms are automatically designated for all genders, but multioccupancy bathrooms must be designated as male or female.
While the measure had already passed the House on March 23, the amended version heads back to the chamber for consideration before it can be sent to Gov. J.B. Pritzker.
Justin Sia, a Chicago attorney, testified in committee this week that he came up with the idea for the bill while in law school at Loyola University. He described it as “a pro-family, pro-business and pro-safety bill that permits, not mandates, public and private entities to install gender inclusive, multi-stall restrooms.”
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Open thread
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller
* Well, we made it to Friday! What’s going on?
Isabel’s morning briefing
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller
* Here you go…
* Tribune | Democratic dissension over spending priorities to push state budget talks past deadline: As things stood late Thursday, it would not be procedurally possible for both chambers to approve a budget by the end of the day Friday, when the spring session was scheduled to adjourn. It wasn’t clear if legislators would work into the weekend or return to Springfield next week.
* Sun-Times | Democrats’ all-gender bathroom, gun lawsuit bills prompt heated debate — with GOP warnings of court challenges, violence: State Sen. Neil Anderson, R-Andalusia, told lawmakers that he would “beat the living p—” out of any man who walked into a restroom with his daughter. State Senate Majority Leader Kim Lightford said GOP critics “don’t understand that life is evolving.”
* Crain’s | Illinois biz leaders in uproar over last-second lawsuit bill that’s set to pass: The measure is pushed by the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association. It provides for punitive damages in wrongful-death judgments, which the state currently doesn’t allow, but exempts hospitals, doctors, state and local governments and lawyers. That leaves a select assortment of businesses vulnerable to potentially much higher judgments.
* CBS Chicago | Cannabis license holders of color say they need help from state lawmakers: “We’re failing because there’s no access to capital,” said Rickey Hendon, a cannabis license holder. “And this narrative that there’s all this money out there for Black and brown people is just not true.”
* Bond Buyer | Chicago transit talks with state lawmakers remain on track: “All the conversations we’ve had to date with state legislators have been very positive,” said CTA CFO Jeremy Fine, speaking Tuesday at an “Innovations in Infrastructure” conference hosted by the University of Chicago and Bond Dealers of America.
* Capitol News Illinois | Environmental bills seek to improve soil health, ban state use of polystyrene foam containers: Senate Bill 1701 from Sen. Ram Villivalam, D-Chicago, creates a structure for the state to assess soil health through a newly created “Illinois Healthy Soils Initiative.” These assessments would happen under the purview of the state Department of Agriculture as well as local soil conservation districts with the goal of identifying “voluntary and incentive-based strategies that improve healthy soils” as well as improving coordination on soil health strategies.
* Evanston Now | Evanston must be a ‘yes in my backyard’ city: The Margarita has been a shelter since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, in March 2020, but now, Connections for the Homeless is buying the facility and is asking council to approve a special use permit and operating agreement to turn temporary usage into something long-term.
* Crain’s | What’s ahead for Sam Zell’s successors: After the news of Sam Zell’s death at age 81 broke yesterday, it didn’t take long for two of his three public real estate companies — Equity Residential and Equity LifeStyle Properties — to name his successors. Within hours, Equity Residential, a real estate investment trust that owns apartments, disclosed that board member and former CEO David Neithercut, 67, would succeed Zell as the company’s chairman. Following a similar playbook, Equity LifeStyle, a mobile-home park REIT, revealed a couple of hours later that its former CEO and current vice chairman, Thomas Heneghan, 58, would succeed chairman Zell.
* Daily Southtown | Southland now home to ‘world’s best Pilsner,’ second best maibock after area breweries win at World Beer Cup: Horse Thief Hollow, 10426 S. Western Ave. in Chicago’s Beverly neighborhood, earned first place gold for its brew “Little Wing,” beating out 128 other entries in the International Pilsner category.
* Tribune | Photographs shine a light on how a lack of masking is pushing Chicago residents with disabilities out of the public sphere: “Essentially, I have been forced to shield in my home,” Doherty said. “This is an opportunity for me to leverage my skill as a photographer to call attention to how disabled and immunocompromised people are being marginalized by the pandemic and policy and how that’s still going on. We’ve essentially been forced out of public life, so I had to try to find a way to do photography again from my home.”
* Sun-Times | Chonkosaurus, where are you? The hunt for Chicago’s celebrity snapping turtle: A team of journalists and an expert from the Field Museum set out this week to find the renowned reptile that had recently been spotted on the Chicago River.
* Tribune | Liam Hendriks’ return might be the only thing to look forward to for shellshocked Chicago White Sox fans: Still, there is no denying it would be nice to give Sox fans a chance to greet Hendriks with a long and loud ovation in his first game back. There haven’t been many moments to savor in this nightmarish start to the season, and watching Hendriks running in from the bullpen for the first time would be a sight to behold.
Live coverage
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller
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