Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Everybody wants to get into the act: Waukegan mayor makes Bears stadium pitch
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Everybody wants to get into the act: Waukegan mayor makes Bears stadium pitch

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Waukegan Mayor Ann Taylor

June 12, 2023
Mr. Kevin Warren
President and Chief Executive Officer Chicago Bears Football Club, Inc.
1920 Football Drive
Lake Forest, IL 60045

Dear Mr. Warren:

It has come to my attention that the Chicago Bears are no longer singularly focused on redeveloping Arlington Park as the franchise’s new home. With this knowledge, it is incumbent on me as Mayor of Waukegan to make you aware of the City of Waukegan’s opportunities, advantages, and history with the Bears organization.

The City of Waukegan, located along Lake Michigan, has multiple large parcels, including lakefront property within 20 minutes of the PNC Center at Halas Hall, that could be developed into both the state-of-the-art stadium and entertainment district the team has publicly expressed interest in building. In addition to the availability of land controlled by the City of Waukegan, the City also has excellent transportation infrastructure as Waukegan is located along Interstate 94 and U.S. Route 41, a major stop on Metra’s Union Pacific North Line, and is home to Waukegan National Airport.

The Bears have a rich history in Lake County. In addition to the current PNC Center at Halas Hall, the previous Halas Hall was also located in Lake County at Lake Forest College, a short trip down Sheridan Road. Furthermore, the City of Waukegan was home to the Bears’ winter training facility in the early 1990s. For generations, Bears players have called Lake County their home, including the neighboring towns of Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, Libertyville, Gurnee, Vernon Hills, Mettawa, and others. Some members of the Bears organization currently live in my neighborhood in Waukegan.

Home of NFL Hall of Famer Otta Graham, Jr., Waukegan is known as the City of Progress, and it is the full intention of my administration and our nine elected Alderpersons to ensure we live up to our motto. With over a half billion dollars of economic development projects underway, Waukegan is making unprecedented progress.

Our working class and diverse community is as tough as the 1985 Super Bowl-winning Bears, and our leadership team at Waukegan City Hall is as aggressive as Justin Fields running the ball downfield when it comes to creating economic opportunities for our City, our residents, and the region at large.

Our City’s staff and I invite you and your leadership team to come to Waukegan to learn about the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity our City can offer the Bears. We believe that the Monsters of the Midway deserve the opportunity to continue the tradition of playing along the shores of Lake Michigan, with the market opportunity of having a year-round facility capable of hosting other major events, including the Super Bowl, the Final Four, and other events of an international scale.

Again, I would be pleased to host you and your leadership team to discuss a potential partnership between the Chicago Bears and the City of Waukegan. I can be reached directly by phone at xxx and by email at xxxx.

Thank you for your consideration. Go Bears!


Mayor Ann B. Taylor
City of Waukegan



  1. - Marty Funkhouser - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:27 am:

    Oooooh, “Waukegan National Airport”

  2. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:29 am:

    The Bears are a privately owned, for-profit corporation that is worth billions of dollars.

    They can move where ever they like. Just don’t mooch off the taxpayers.

    Please let the new team president know there are no handouts or entitlement programs available.

  3. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:32 am:

    Repeating from the morning update:

    Despite drawbacks, it makes a lot of sense. Waukegan can better afford the tax breaks because the land is doing nothing for them now and nothing is on the horizon. AND the lakefront has immense potential - have convention facilities there with beautiful lakefront views, close to the new casino and Great America, train to Chicago, area golf courses, etc.

    As for the Bears, there are 3 decent feder roads from the Tri-State and US41. It’s a haul for south siders, but you might pick up some Chicago expats in Kenosha and Racine counties (and some, er, “NFL fans” in Milwaukee, which is closer to Waukegan than Green Bay). And it’s very close to the Bears Lake Forest HQ. (And actually Waukegan’s airport isn’t -that- small - it’s larger than “Chicago’s Executive Airport” (Paulwaukee to us geezers).

  4. - Anon E Moose - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:37 am:

    I always wondered why Waukegan, with this prime lakefront property, wasn’t more developed. I doubt that the Bears will go forward but this location has a lot of advantages. A big new stadium on Lake Michigan would look way better on camera than somewhere in Naperville or Arlington Heights.

  5. - Homebody - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:39 am:

    If Waukegan is dumb enough to give local tax breaks, that is on them. But I am firmly in the “no tax breaks for the 6b dollar corporation” camp.

    Every study of the issue of stadium subsidies has found either no net benefit, or net harm. If their local voters want to shoot themselves in the foot, I suppose go for it, but the state should stay out.

  6. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:41 am:

    “I love the Bears, but it is a private business, and I honestly do not think the public has an obligation to fund, in this major way, a private business.” - JB Pritzker.

    Let me know when that changes.

  7. - Save Ferris - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:42 am:

    What a joke. One of the reasons Solider Field is so terrible is that it’s up against the lake right now making access terrible. But, sure. Go to a place where there’s even fewer major arterial roads, further from their fan base, even less public transportation, and fewer amenities already in place.

    AH’s board should laugh this off and charge the Bears more for wasting time.

    As should their fan base who wants out of Solider Field sooner rather than later.

  8. - Save Ferris - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:43 am:

    “ Every study of the issue of stadium subsidies has found either no net benefit, or net harm. If their local voters want to shoot themselves in the foot, I suppose go for it, but the state should stay out.”

    :::Standing ovation:::

  9. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:46 am:

    Homebody - Agreed for the state, but for Waukegan in this case I’m not sure how much they’d have to lose. I’m with AnonEMouse in wondering why the lakefront has gone undeveloped for so long, but there’s nothing on the horizon. It has the potential to help Donwtown Waukegan, which only has some county guv buildings and the Genesee (well, and Horsefeathers). The upsides are indeed speculative, but they seem to outweigh the downsides.

  10. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:48 am:

    So far the state has not allowed Arlington Heights voters to vote to “shoot themselves in the foot”

  11. - High Socks - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:49 am:

    Why stop there. Let’s just take the team to Kenosha

  12. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:50 am:

    SaveFerris - I think you could shuffle people to the stadium faster than Arlington Heights, which has really poor access from the east. IL 120, Washington (would need some improvements), Grand Avenue, MLK Drive can all take people from I94 and/or US41.

  13. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:51 am:

    ===So far the state has not allowed Arlington Heights voters===


    What, exactly, has the state prevented AH voters from doing?

  14. - Elijah Snow - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:54 am:

    The “Bear-ly Closer to Chicago than Milwaukee Bears”

  15. - Halfback option - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 10:55 am:

    The more the Bears play this game, the more parochial it gets. Now you have AH lawmakers, Naperville lawmakers, and Waukegan lawmakers all with a pot in the fire, and you still haven’t solved your two biggest problems:

    1) who’s going to pat down the 600m left on bonds that built SF?
    2) what’s your message to lawmakers who have to support a transformative piece of property tax legislation for one single business that can’t leave the state?

    The Bears have no leverage. And there’s inherent downside risk in creating the artificial kind.

  16. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 11:00 am:

    Arlington Heights cannot vote to freeze local property taxes or share revenue with surrounding towns on the Arlington Park property to facilitate development without state approval.

    They are not being allowed to “shoot themselves in the foot” until a bill passes in Springfield

  17. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 11:01 am:

    =I’m with AnonEMouse in wondering why the lakefront has gone undeveloped for so long, but there’s nothing on the horizon.=

    Decades of environmental contamination followed by decades of remediation.

  18. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 11:06 am:

    ===Arlington Heights cannot vote to freeze local property taxes===

    Can’t vote to exempt the Bears from state and local laws by locking in the stadium area’s reduced property taxes for 30 years, you mean.

    But, also, the Bears are “clearly” shopping around. Why should the state favor one suburb now? Also, do you want a special legislative session for this?

  19. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 11:12 am:

    In addition with pension debt the state cannot afford to give out Free Stuff.

  20. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 11:46 am:

    I’ve got a few acres downstate near Springfield.
    Can I get some taxpayer $ to help me bring in an NFL team?

  21. - Benjamin - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 11:52 am:

    It’s an intriguing idea, but I don’t think it’s as good an idea as Arlington Heights. Too far from the center of the fanbase, too much infrastructure to put in, and you still have the problem of offloading the racecourse property.

  22. - Will County - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 11:54 am:

    Since there is all the talk of no State money. Agree 100%. Can we discuss closing the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority. Why isn’t this talked about more. The taxpayers horrible deals of owning/owing on the Southside stadium and Soldier Field. Make the Sox own their own stadium and get some property tax out of the location. Anyone who supported and supports this should want the ISFA involved in the Bears deal.

  23. - Proud Sucker - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 12:04 pm:

    I think the NFL would place one Super Bowl, just because its new but, the NCAA and concert promoters, et. al. will be leery due to the slog of getting from O’Hare to Waukegan.

  24. - Lurker - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 12:11 pm:

    I’m liking this idea better. One concern is that a lot of fans are in Illinois south of Chicago. The trek around Chicago may be cumbersome.

  25. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 12:14 pm:

    Lots of positives here, especially for Waukegan and that entire area that needs an economic/population boost. Also not far from the existing Bears HQ.

    Downside: Very far up north for Chicago and west-/south-suburban residents.

  26. - New Day - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 12:26 pm:

    Why in the world would the state pay a company in IL to move within the state. If the Bears were going to move out of state, maybe. But they’re not. And they won’t. And if they’re going to move out of SF without paying for the bonds, I don’t really care if they move to Arlington Heights, Naperville, Waukegan or Harvey. I go to games and any of the options will be way less convenient and overall will suck.

  27. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 12:26 pm:

    The Bears will ultimately choose the site that’s best for their bottom line and long term enterprise value. There’s no need for the State to put their thumb on the scale and the Bears may actually be losing leverage by shopping around (although I do believe they’ll ultimately end up in AH). Because ultimately this doesn’t come down to what’s best for any city but what the Bears see as being in their best interest. Their decision to leave the City of Chicago tells me all I need to know in that regard.

  28. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 12:27 pm:

    Lake County Democrat summarized nicely in today’s open thread. It is a good idea, keeping it on the lake, which is a feature of the current location, and giving transit options. I’m for it.

  29. - Tim - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 12:41 pm:

    === Decades of environmental contamination followed by decades of remediation. ===

    With limited access and bounded by beach and nature preserve. The Waukegan lakefront is not a “prime development site” at all.

  30. - Groucho - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 12:44 pm:

    According to apple maps, the ride from ohare to soldier field is currently 56 minutes, from ohare to waukegan 40 minutes.

  31. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:00 pm:

    You do realize the Bears are not asking the state to pay anything?

    They simply want property tax certainty which is a local matter between city and county government.

    Why is it a problem for the Bears to evaluate the different options for them in Lake, Cook, Du Page and Will counties like any other Illinois business?

  32. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:07 pm:

    ===which is a local matter between city and county government.===


    Hopefully, someone is paying you for this gaslighting nonsense.

  33. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:16 pm:

    “property tax certainty”….just another way of saying “Food Stamps/Medicare/Section 8″ for Corporations.

    I thought Republicans wanted to get rid of Entitlement Programs.

    If the Bears would just pick themselves up by the bootstraps I’m sure with the billions they already have they could do this by themselves.

  34. - Jocko - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:34 pm:

    ==They simply want property tax certainty==

    Explain to me how a property purchased for $197 million 18 months ago is now only worth $53 million.

  35. - Anon324 - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:49 pm:

    ==They simply want property tax certainty which is a local matter between city and county government.==

    No, what they want us special treatment.

    They said in February that they wouldn’t close on the purchase of the AH property without certainty. They have already closed on the purchase without any such certainty. So the “we want certainty” argument should ring hollow for anyone looking at this objectively. They want special treatment, plain and simple.

  36. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:50 pm:

    Waukegan is too far north to be in the mix.

    Their harbor and beach have been cleaned up.

    They should market the community as a closer option for beach time than Wisconsin.

    We have sandy beaches on the north shore…no rocks!

  37. - Save Ferris - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:51 pm:

    “I’ve got a few acres downstate near Springfield.
    Can I get some taxpayer $ to help me bring in an NFL team?”

    Decatur had them once. Col. Staley paid them to leave.

  38. - Now What? - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 5:50 pm:

    Not entirely sure there’s a “perfect place” for the Beloved, but Waukegan certainly can boast potential alongside AH and Naperville. Pro’s and con’s alike, but seeing how Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie are booming, and close by, it certainly is a great opportunity to convince borderline Packer fans to rethink their allegiance to the green and gold!

  39. - JoanP - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 8:37 pm:

    = he NCAA and concert promoters, et. al. will be leery due to the slog of getting from O’Hare to Waukegan. =

    They can fly into Milwaukee Mitchell Airport. When I lived in the north ‘burbs (Libertyville), I chose that option whenever I could.

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