Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Bears dangle Taylor Swift, professional wrestling and monster truck jams to woo Arlington Heights
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Bears dangle Taylor Swift, professional wrestling and monster truck jams to woo Arlington Heights

Tuesday, Jun 27, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This presentation by Bears team president Kevin Warren seems kinda desperate and even somewhat pathetic to me…


This thing has a definite “Monorail!” vibe to it.

* Crain’s

Warren let slip another locale that had — literally — come calling: Lake Forest. According to the Daily Herald’s report of the event, Warren mentioned that officials from the North Shore community had called about the team’s move while he was on his way to Monday night’s event. The team’s headquarters, Halas Hall, are already based in Lake Forest.

The apparent Lake Forest overture comes just two weeks after nearby Waukegan made known its interest in being the Bears’ new home.

Crain’s updates

A spokesperson for the Bears clarified Warrens’s comments on the overture from another suburb, saying Warren received the call from another suburb while coming from Lake Forest but that the call was not by reps of Lake Forest.

* Waukegan’s proposal has some, um, problems

So, Waukegan Mayor Ann Taylor wants to lure the Chicago Bears to the city by offering a toxic site for a new stadium. Can you say, “Dead on arrival.”

One can imagine the guffaws emanating from Halas Hall, a short trip south in Lake Forest, when news reached them that a 300-acre, one-time asbestos wasteland is the chief spot where officials in the City of Progress want to host the Bears’ $5 billion domed football arena. […]

If the Bears decline, what does become of one of the foremost reminder of Waukegan’s industrial legacy? It’s in a somewhat deserted location.

It would take more costly environmental mitigation, if at all, to turn it into usable open space. As Bridge Industrial’s plan for turning the old Baxter International property in Deerfield into a logistics center is stymied, the Chicago-based company may want to turn to that location.

* WGN appears to have gone into sportswriting mode

Kevin Warren, the CEO and President of the Chicago Bears, answered questions on a variety of topics, including livability concerns, whether an impact study will be provided, how the organization would work with and give back to schools, and whether the organization is asking for tax breaks.

He also said the Bears organization has made offers to pay back more than $4 million in taxes to the school districts.

* Daily Herald

The Bears and three school districts — Palatine Township Elementary District 15, Northwest Suburban High School District 214 and Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211, whose boundaries cover portions of the sprawling shuttered racetrack property — are far apart on what the tax payment should be the next two years.

The Bears’ last offer was $4.3 million, while the schools suggested $7.9 million. Though it’s being challenged, Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi’s reassessment of the property would increase the annual property tax bill from $2.8 million to $16.2 million.

Warren hasn’t met with the school superintendents since April 18, but amid the stalled negotiations, he has had meetings with the mayors of Chicago and Naperville. […]

Warren was interviewed on the theater stage by attorney Ernie Rose, who is on the six-member steering committee of Touchdown Arlington, a coalition of Arlington Heights business owners who support the Bears’ move to town. Warren didn’t take questions from the assembled media before or after the hourlong event, but Rose said his questions to Warren were among the 300 or so written queries of those who registered for the event.

* More

Newly-obtained letters by NBC 5 Investigates underscore why the Bears may have said that the former horse racecourse site is “no longer their singular focus.”

In a letter sent May 4 to school districts that serve the northwest suburbs, Warren called the current $95 million valuation on the land a “non-starter.” […]

In his May 4 letter to the school districts, Warren countered with a $52 million value for the land, alluding to the team’s fears that the tax bill would only increase as they build a stadium.

“Because we do not have property tax fairness,” Warren wrote. “We will not be moving forward with plans to develop the property at this time…”


  1. - Jet Sweep - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 9:56 am:

    Wasn’t Warren brought in to right this ship? Since he took the helm, they’ve backslid, and that’s saying something.

  2. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 9:56 am:

    Taylor Swift? WWE? Monster Trucks? That sounds awesome. So why aren’t you doing this already? You are going to refuse to make a lot of money because…?

  3. - AD - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 9:57 am:

    And I come before you good people tonight with an idea. Probably the greatest—Aw, it’s not for you. It’s more a Shelbyville idea.

  4. - Homebody - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 9:59 am:

    I agree we don’t have “property tax fairness” but not in the direction Warren thinks.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:00 am:

    Start here.

    No matter who or what funding, tax breaks, or sweetheart deal happens, or not… those other events need to happen to pay the mortgage on the building.

    It’s not a “gift”, bills need to be paid.

    * It should be noted, as documented, that Warren messed up the television deal for B1G so badly that universities now will lose money they thought they had, and the rights to games are now effecting home games, travel, and revenue for schools surrounding all things football.

    Talk is so cheap. A Billionaire Bears Bailout is way too expensive.

    A “want” is a want. It’s not a necessity.

  6. - Mr. Snrub - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:02 am:

    I think they Bears should invest in a Nuclear Power Plant

  7. - Proud Papa Bear - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:02 am:

    Lake Forest? And I thought the CapFax Decatur suggestions were silly.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:03 am:

    ===He (Warren) also said the Bears organization has made offers to pay back more than $4 million in taxes to the school districts.===

    If Warren needs 60-30-1… I’d say $300 million over 10 years to Chicago will help.

    Just sayin’

  9. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:05 am:

    Annual property tax bill for Arlington Park increases from 2.8 million when the racetrack was open and generating revenue to 16 million for vacant land generating zero revenue?

    Where is Madigan or Ed Burke when you need them the most?

    What do the school districts and the Assessor want if the property is developed?

    Do you think it’s unreasonable for the Bears or any other developer to want that information before the shovels hit the ground?

  10. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:06 am:

    ===“Because we do not have property tax fairness,” Warren wrote. “We will not be moving forward with plans to develop the property at this time…”===

    The Bears failed miserably at understanding that in business, it’s about forcing the details before any deal is done.

    Amateurs complain that first they didn’t know, and second about fairness in any completed business deal.

    Warren has been a failure before, as of this moment, Warren is failing the Bears

  11. - Near West Side - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:07 am:

    And we think Taylor Swift wants to do a residency in Arlington Heights why????

  12. - Hannibal Lecter - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:07 am:

    I honestly hate this new stadium issue so much I wish the Bears would just up and leave this state.

  13. - vern - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:08 am:

    I guess it’s better than nothing, but yea this is not a confident pitch. “It won’t feel like a stadium” begs the question “what’s wrong with a stadium?” I know that I go to major sporting events hoping to feel like I’m at a major sporting event. Warren should understand that he’s in the feel-like-a-stadium business.

    “More convoluted than I thought it would be” is also an admission Warren should feel some shame about. He’s the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, and he can’t keep track of negotiations with Village and a couple of school districts? This is way less complicated than typical sports business activities like collective bargaining or tv rights deals. If he can’t understand this process, what’s this guy gonna do when the McCaskeys sell the team?

  14. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:08 am:

    ===Where is Madigan or Ed Burke when you need them the most?===

    That right there shows what an utter phony you are.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:09 am:

    ===Do you think it’s unreasonable for the Bears or any other developer to want that information before the shovels hit the ground?===

    Friend, what savvy business folks make any deal without knowing the facts before purchase?

    I see you readily admit the utter incompetence here by the Bears.

    That’s on the McCaskeys.

  16. - DuPage County AV - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:13 am:

    The question of how the Assessor’s office failed to properly assess the property prior to the sale is a good one. Can’t blame Berrios either. The last reassessment of the property was 2018, Kaegi’s first reassessment year.

  17. - Friendly Bob Adams - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:14 am:

    It’s more of a Shelbyville idea…

  18. - Lyle Laney - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:17 am:

    Well, sir, there’s nothing on earth
    Like a genuine, bona fide
    Electrified, taxpayer scam
    What’d I say?
    Taxpayer scam
    What’s it called?
    Taxpayer scam
    That’s right: Taxpayer scam

    I hear those things are awfully pricey?
    The state might help pay if you ask nicely
    Is there a chance the McCaskeys could spend?
    Not on your life, my liberal friend

  19. - Google Is Your Friend - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:21 am:

    - Jet Sweep - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 9:56 am:

    The problem is that before hiring Warren, the Bears paid almost $200 million for the property. The team has no leverage. The things Warren is doing are the things a compentent team would have done before shelling out hundreds of millions for stadium and entertainment district site.

    - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:05 am:

    If the land isn’t worth nearly $200 million, why did the Bears pay that much for it? They clearly value it at that price and believe that is what it is worth.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:21 am:

    So I’m crystal clear…

    ===Warren namechecks Swift and other concerts, WWE, monster truck jams as potential events to hold inside a domed stadiums.===

    Those events are a necessity to pay the mortgage and bills, the loans for the building.

    These events aren’t “gifts”, they’d only be gifts if that building paid for itself with 9 to 11 Bears dates… only.

    The McCaskeys aren’t doing any favors to anyone filling dates to a liability that is this building.

  21. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:21 am:

    This may rival the Scheels Sports Complex in Springpatch for all the glowing predictions of what could be. And like the Bear’s Arlington Stadium, a lot of talk but not any dirt moving. We could turn this into a contest.

    Cap Fax Readers please predict which happens first:

    1. Bear’s move to a new stadium in Arlington Heights
    2. Springfield’s Scheels Sports Complex is built
    3. Hunter Lake becomes a reality for the Springfield

    Winner gets State Fair pass for the last Sunday afternoon of the Fair.

  22. - ZC - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:24 am:

    I … am skeptical, Lake Forest residents want the weekly traffic and commotion that a Bears stadium would bring.

  23. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:28 am:

    The Bears, the 6th most valuable professional sports franchise in the WORLD, are incredibly bad at this. Despite their pleas they simply have no leverage. The people of Arlington Heights are indifferent as to where they play and with each attempt to create leverage likely become more disinterested in the Bears locating there. All of this was completely unavoidable had the Bears established a plan before they purchased the property.

  24. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:29 am:

    ==So why aren’t you doing this already?==

    TBF, I think the implication is that there’s basically six months a year where you CAN’T do these events at Soldier Field because there’s no dome.

    ==Do you think it’s unreasonable for the Bears or any other developer to want that information before the shovels hit the ground?==

    Frankly, I would’ve wanted it before I even bought the site, but here we are.

    This is all beginning to feel like it ends with the Bears back in Soldier Field and pretending like this all never happened.

    And then ruining Justin Fields because they’re just that bad at management.

  25. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:32 am:

    “more convoluted than I thought it would be”

    Welcome to the suburbs, pal.

  26. - regular democrat - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:33 am:

    Only the ….ng Chicago bears can blank up a potential 5 BILLION dollar deal over 3.6 million which im sure could be negotiated. I cant be surprised I guess. I thought this Warren guy was sharper than this. He should have known ahead of time how incompetent these people are. Complete and utter joke. As OW stated yesterday just the naming rights alone in LA is 625 million . Thats free money no strings attached. For allowing a company to put thier name on your building. The Wahrton school of business should teach this in a class on not how to conduct business.

  27. - supplied_demand - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:33 am:

    ==The last reassessment of the property was 2018, Kaegi’s first reassessment year. ==

    He must move fast as he was sworn in on December 8, 2018.

  28. - DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:34 am:

    Didn’t the Bears have a due diligence clause for n their contract? Or don’t they know what due diligence means. Perhaps after this weekend they can sell to NASCAR I hear they may want a Chicago area presence

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:35 am:

    These too are the very same McCaskeys…

    … that once the Washington Commanders are officially sold… for $6 billion (with a B)… the value of the *Chicago* franchise, valued at a greater number than the Washington franchise before it’s sale… the Chicago franchise will automatically increase in value by $200-$400 million… by the completion of the sale… and nothing else.

    The Chicago franchise will increase value by doing nothing but approving a sale… and it will increase roughly… by 1/3 of a billion (that’s a B, again) dollars.

    Not one nickel. Not one.

  30. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:39 am:

    =This is all beginning to feel like it ends with the Bears back in Soldier Field and pretending like this all never happened.=

    With the passage of time that outcome becomes more likely. The Bears could simply “punt” on the issue, hang on to the property, include it in the sale, and leave it for the next owners to sort out. This has always been about maximizing the value of the franchise. A franchise by the way that’s increased in value by 105% in the last 5 years. The Bears aren’t hurting at all here. They’re merely incompetent.

  31. - twowaystreet - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:39 am:

    I’m waiting for Warren to pull a Darren Bailey and start naming fictional places that are calling him with offers.

  32. - DuPage County AV - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:42 am:

    ==He must move fast as he was sworn in on December 8, 2018.==

    My apologies. The last reassessment of the northern suburbs was 2019, Fritz’ first reassessment year.

  33. - sulla - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:50 am:

    The Bears made a fatal mistake in this process. Smart companies don’t do this kind of site selection process in the open.

    The Bears should have hired a professional site selection firm to manage an RFP process requiring NDAs and sent that out to every single home-rule municipality in the greater Chicagoland region. They should have kept their negotiating partners in the dark - i.e. not making public statements that give away the organization’s desperation.

    They could have quietly negotiated this deal with just key local officials in the loop, but instead it’s become a regional media circus with public opinion affecting the process.

    Anyone at Newmark, CBRE or CRESA could have had this deal done and inked by now.

  34. - Socially DIstant watcher - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:50 am:

    I haven’t kept up with the Bear’s recent signings: when did they acquire rights to Taylor Swift? How can the Bears offer Swift concerts?

    Why should we assume that Swift, or any entertainer, would follow the Bears out of Soldier Field?

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:52 am:

    Oh. My bad. I should cite the sale approval timeline.

    It’s July 20th.

    ===The NFL will hold a meeting on July 20 where the league’s owners are expected to take a vote on the pending sale of the Washington Commanders to a group led by billionaire Josh Harris.

    The Washington Post was the first to report the upcoming meeting. In April, Harris reached an agreement with Commanders owners Dan and Tanya Snyder to purchase the franchise for $6.05 billon. The figure represents the largest price for a team in NFL history.===

  36. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:54 am:

    ===when did they acquire rights to Taylor Swift?===

    She got a piece of the monorail.

  37. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:55 am:

    –”Received a call today from Lake Forest”–

    I can’t wait to attend a Monster Truck Jam in Lake Forest. That would be exquisite.

  38. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 10:59 am:

    One man’s “property tax fairness” is another ones “welfare”.

    The Bears were given a Free Stadium already paid for by taxpayers who’d like some “fairness”. Please explain this to the new President who was brought in to negotiate this.

  39. - Cool Papa Bell - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:00 am:

    =* It should be noted, as documented, that Warren messed up the television deal for B1G so badly that universities now will lose money they thought they had, and the rights to games are now effecting home games, travel, and revenue for schools surrounding all things football.=

    The facts surrounding the TV deal Warren inked.

    The lack of attention to detail is alarming. You can almost hear the car door slamming shut and wheels peeling out as Warren ran off to the Bears with all those details hanging over the head of Big Ten Schools.

    When that silly play to Naperville came up I thought the Bears were trying to “Scott Boras” the negotiations, bringing in a late to the game second party in order to force the obvious front runner to bid against themselves. I don’t give them that credit anymore. I don’t think they know what they are doing or how to do it. They seem lost in the art of high level negotiation tactics.

    But past is prologue and it should have been obvious that the Bears would be unable to land this deal quickly and cleanly.

  40. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:01 am:

    This is just like the last time the Bears tried to negotiate a new stadium. Mikey McCaskey got nowhere with the Mayor, and it wasn’t until Ted Philips took over the negotiations that they were able to get anything done.

    This organization is so inept. From top to bottom. And yet they are the 6th most valuable sports franchise In The Entire World.

  41. - Jocko - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:13 am:

    ==Warren countered with a $52 million value for the land==

    I guess Nicolas cage didn’t find the billion dollars buried by Rich Duchossois. /S

  42. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:22 am:

    Both the NFL and the Bears paid 100 million for redevelopment and then the Bears signed a 30 year lease.

    How is this free Jerry?

  43. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:37 am:

    My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night and heard he said the new stadium is going to be called Bears Park at the Tailor Swyft NECCO Wafer Stadium across the street from a Macca’s.

  44. - James the Intolerant - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:46 am:

    Is Marc Ganis a shill for the BEars? I keep seeing him as the expert on shows about the tax value of Arlington.

  45. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:57 am:

    Its free because 5 people on the street were polled asking if the Soldiers Field reno was “free” and all 5 said yes.

  46. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:58 am:

    A quick summary of Bears stadium discussions to date …

    I remember when we broke up the first time
    Saying, “This is it, I’ve had enough,” ’cause like
    We hadn’t seen each other in a month
    When you said you needed space. (What?)
    Then you come around again and say
    “Baby, I miss you and I swear I’m gonna change, trust me.”
    Remember how that lasted for a day?
    I say, “I hate you,” we break up, you call me, “I love you.”

  47. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 11:59 am:

    ===Both the NFL and the Bears paid 100 million===

    That was yesterday.

    I know you are seemingly showing the Bears didn’t get a “sweetheart” deal before, but today, I really don’t care what is past.

    What does matter is if the Bears think a sweetheart deal must include ignoring Soldier Field, or deciding to pay $300 million over 10 years for benefits is smart. It is. It is given what the Bears could get, if it means 60-30-1.

    Or… the McCaskeys can go it alone. No one is stopping them from that. Have at it. Go for it.

    I’d really think hard on a governor calling a deal a “bailout”. Tough to walk that back by getting nothing in return.

  48. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 12:29 pm:

    Michelle Flaherty wins the day with a Taylor Swift reference.

  49. - DupageDad - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 12:31 pm:

    Gosh, if only there was a stadium in Chicago where Taylor Swift could perform now…

  50. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 12:32 pm:

    ===Michelle Flaherty wins the day with a Taylor Swift reference.===

    That was very well done.

    I’ll just shake it off, and tip my cap.

  51. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 12:33 pm:

    Thank you for saying that Rich for those of us who have not bought the Taylor Swift box set just yet.

  52. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 12:38 pm:

    The Bears paying what is contractually obligated is not ignoring Soldier Field.

    What is the sweetheart deal the Bears are asking for?

    Current property taxes on Wrigley Field are 1.5 million a year locked in for another few years where they are estimated to rise to 4.2 million per year.

    What are the benefits to the Bears paying the 300 million that no elected official would propose with a straight face?

  53. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 12:51 pm:

    ===What is the sweetheart deal the Bears are asking for? ===

    They want a state law passed to lock in their property taxes. C’mon, LP.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 12:57 pm:

    ===They want a state law passed to lock in their property taxes===

    - LP -, you pushed for 40… 4-0 years.

    That cubs cite? Did you even read it?

    Your lil blurb ignores this;

    ===The Class L incentive, which encourages the rehabilitation of landmark properties, will reduce taxes on the 99-year-old ballpark by an estimated $8.1 million over 12 years.===

    I wouldn’t call that what you are touting.


    Friend, I even stated I’d be in favor of a FIVE year taxing package, approved by the GA, signed, with 2 options (totaling 10 years, five years each) to continue, making it a 15 year maximum.

    You’re wholly dishonest. Purposely.

    Your Cubs cite isn’t at all helpful, and it makes the Bears look even greedier.


  55. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 1:00 pm:

    As an aside, you couldn’t use “shorter url”, - Lucky Pierre -


  56. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 1:04 pm:


    The Cubs, an MLB franchise, is not even close to any NFL franchise in terms of earned revenues, building/facilities, and revenues generated by any facility.

    The 81 home dates versus 8/9, and revenue sharing as a league

    Please stop with straw men arguments.

  57. - Almost the Weekend - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 1:33 pm:

    Only way Lucky Pierre is happy if Bears move to NW Indiana. Would be the highlight of his tenure on this blog.

  58. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 1:54 pm:

    ==we don’t have property tax fairness.==

    What gall.

  59. - Politix - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 1:56 pm:

    I’m Anon @ 1:54

  60. - Stormsw7706 - Tuesday, Jun 27, 23 @ 5:14 pm:

    Bring ‘em back to Decatur baby. Time to come home.

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