Question of the day
Monday, Jul 31, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rockford Register Star…
There is no such thing as the “Illinois department of motor vehicle.” From 2014…
Agree or disagree, like it or hate it, the only mention in state statute of the phrase “Department of Motor Vehicles” is a small section about out-of-state DMVs. * A few years ago, then-Secretary of State Jesse White said he’d given in and would start referring to drivers’ services facilities as DMVs. And now even the SoS website uses the term… ![]() If they want to officially rebrand a state entity, maybe pass a law first. * Or, I dunno. Maybe the reason I’m just so peevish about this right now is because of Elon’s shenanigans…
* The Question: Should I just let this DMV thing go? Explain.
- DuPage Dad - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:25 pm:
No. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect governments to call the name of their agencies or whatever by their legal name or acronym. Calling them by something else causes confusion for end users.
- Dave Dahl - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:25 pm:
A well-chosen grudge.
- Huh? - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:25 pm:
Anon at 2:25 twas I.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:26 pm:
=== twas I===
Oops. I deleted it. You’re free to re-post.
- George Ryan Reynolds - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:27 pm:
Never let this go! Rage, rage against the dying of the light!
- jimbo - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:31 pm:
No. It’s no different than calling expressways “freeways”, or calling pop “soda”
- fs - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:32 pm:
Absolutely not.
When I first saw that headline earlier, I just assumed it was due to the lack of actual local reporters anymore. Instead it appears to the agency itself not even knowing the name of their offices. Or maybe it’s a little of both. I’m honestly not sure which reason is worse.
- West Side the Best Side. - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:33 pm:
No(banned punctuation). Unless you’re raging against the third party vendor you need to use to try to schedule an appointment - Dat Mopey Vendor.
- it's time - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:33 pm:
yes, it’s time
- Keyrock - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:34 pm:
(I still haven’t given up the fight against using “impact” as anything but a noun except for wisdom teeth. Some fights are worth fighting even when you’ve completely lost them.)
- Montrose - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:36 pm:
Am I the only one that didn’t realize its not officially the DMV and doesn’t know what the official name is? Maybe that is what leads me to me saying its time to let it go.
- In_The_Middle - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:36 pm:
The Secretary of State Office encompasses so many things. The most contact an ordinary citizen of the state has with the SOS is with the driver’s facilities. “DMV” is in the American vernacular and we all pretty much know what it means. I don’t see a need to change the SOS to the DMV by law.
- Bruce( no not him) - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:38 pm:
‘Should I just let this DMV thing go? ”
Nope, agree completely.
If you want a DMV, rename it. For now it’s SoS office.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:40 pm:
Nope. You should not.
While you learned me good that this started with Jesse White, my feelings to this remain the same.
Without further discussion to the matter, I’ve always called them “Drivers Services Facilities”.
The phony thought to be lazy to a branding… defeats the real opportunity to “rebrand” then to the actual “Drivers Services Facilities” which would really do detail nice to what the office actually does, “provide services to drivers, from plates, titles, licenses, and even ID Cards for those not driving”
But that takes actual gumption and work to make something your own, not merely “dump” on others and lazily brand what “the kids say already”.
It’s not that Alexi is lazy, it’s that Alexi has no use to be the SoS, except for his narcissism and possibility to move up a political pecking order.
Hold the grudge, it reminds me how terribly lazy Alexi is.
Wonder if Alexi chimes in on that banning of books in prisons, I mean, he “championed” the bill, “his” bill, so…
… Alexi has time to weigh in, things are on auto pilot for wet t-shirts and tummy laptop time. The DMV is a-ok
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:43 pm:
To the actuality?
The Department of Motor Vehicles is non-existent
Alexi’s continued promoting of a non-existing thing is silly, like a made up division, because if you know it’s not a thing you’re a phony to it, if you don’t and just keep promoting it, maybe learn about the actual office.
/end rant
- Hack in the Back - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:45 pm:
DMV. Never. Hold the grudge.
- Torco Sign - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:50 pm:
Yes. Time to move on to people who pluralize who Attorney General.
- Lt Guv - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:50 pm:
No. Illinois doesn’t have a DMV.
- Sox Fan - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:53 pm:
===It’s not that Alexi is lazy, it’s that Alexi has no use to be the SoS, except for his narcissism and possibility to move up a political pecking order.===
Feels like a stretch calling this name change a result of a politician’s narcissism.
Personally, i’m fine with calling it the DMV.Everyone who loves here from our of state needs to interact with the agency and using the common term might make it easier to find. I agree with maybe a need to formally change the name
- Panther Pride - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:55 pm:
“DMV” is the colloquial term most Americans associate with driver’s facilities. Governments should be as accessible as possible and DMVs help with that. I don’t think we should change the law to make driver’s facilities into DMVs, but I don’t think we should shun the name either.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:56 pm:
===Feels like a stretch calling this name change a result of a politician’s narcissism.===
Unless it’s about Alexi, being lazy to the thought is one not interested in the actual office. Jesse White was an institution, no one will be Jesse, can be Jesse, Jesse is beloved.
It actually takes *WORK* to rebrand and make something. Unless it’s to help Alexi, there seems little desire for the work
- Friendly Bob Adams - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:57 pm:
The will of the people cannot be denied. I hear lots of people call it the DMV. Probably not worth worrying about.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 2:58 pm:
=== I hear lots of people call it the DMV===
I never do, which is what puzzles me so much.
- Papa2008 - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:00 pm:
Please make an appointment. We’ll talk about it.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:01 pm:
=== I hear lots of people call it the DMV===
If we are playing the anecdotal play, I’ve heard “SoS office” or “Secretary of State” in my circles of even civilians, as they seemingly know we have no DMV, referencing too where other states “do”
- Dotnonymous XL - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:03 pm:
Never heard anyone around here say DMV…’round here it’s called the Driver’s License Place…or DLP…nyuk.
- JS Mill - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:06 pm:
No, never give an inch.
- fs - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:08 pm:
==Time to move on to people who pluralize who Attorney General.==
That all depends on how many of them you’re referring to, and which of the two words you’re adding an “s” to
- Mamacita - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:21 pm:
No way. “Nothing is over until we decide it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”
- thoughts matter - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:22 pm:
It’s the driver’s license place at my house too. If you want a DMV, then maybe you also want to move it from the SOS to the governor’s area. Using the wrong name for things causes confusion.
- HLV - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:23 pm:
No. While you’re at it, please, can you remind people that we do not have DAs. They are State’s Attorneys. In Chicago, we don’t have Police Precincts. The are Districts. And, one cannot be a “Registered [D or R]” in Illinois.
- Interested Bystander - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:24 pm:
No. Never waste an opportinity to poke “Hollywood Alexi.”
- ArchPundit - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:37 pm:
Nah, we all need our hobby horses and this one is a good as any other.
- duck duck goose - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:37 pm:
I still call DCEO “Decca.” I don’t have a problem with DMV.
- Retired SURS Employee - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:38 pm:
Absolutely not, it’s been a long time pet peeve of mine, as well.
- Johnny Tractor - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:41 pm:
So, I was having a coke, saw your question and thought: “I need to print that and make a xerox, and stick a post-it note to it so I remember what I want to emphasize.” But, my allergies kicked in, so I grabbed a kleenex and and popped a tylenol, and decided to let it go.
Rage against something else - like “irregardless” and “factoid” because those are MY pet peeves, and it’s lonely out here.
- From DaZoo - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:42 pm:
It’s also a bit annoying to hear about people showing up to an IDOT facility looking to renew a driver’s license or vehicle registration. I get it… in some states the “DMV” is under the DOT (e.g. IA and WI). I’m not sure if rebranding SoS to DMV would help, though. Maybe a better informed public?
Hang tough, Rich. I’m rooting for ya.
- duck duck goose - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:43 pm:
At our local Drivers’ Services Facility (pronounced “dee-em-vee”), we’ve had to get appointments for license renewals at least since I renewed mine in ‘22. Are they just continuing their existing practice and calling it something new?
- Wut - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:52 pm:
If you let that go, I’ll let go any reference to Illinois DA’s. Same peevish response from me… and the same genesis, prime time tv.
- Wut - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 3:56 pm:
Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t poke at the folks who call it “Jewels.” I know of no grocery store by that name.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:01 pm:
===remiss if I didn’t poke at the folks who call it “Jewels.”===
I don’t care about that. Seriously, it’s kinda fun. But you don’t see the company rebranding the stores.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:02 pm:
===grabbed a kleenex===
When Puffs officially rebrands as Kleenex, your comment will no longer be a red herring. Until then…
- Juice - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:16 pm:
I’m with you Rich.
That being said, there are many Departments under the Secretary of State. Index, Archives, Securities, Business Services, Driver Services, etc.
If they changed Driver Services to Motor Vehicles, then I will stop with my objection.
- sal-says - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:22 pm:
Yeah, it ain’t worth de energy & bother.
And yeah again, when an enjoyable place changes hands & fogot why the place existed before them. Clear stupidity.
- SOIL M - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:23 pm:
No. I have the same problem with it along with what has already mentioned about States Attorney.
People should know the reality of their State, not images they get from TV or movies.
- Captain Obvious - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:26 pm:
Everyone needs a windmill or two at which to tilt. Irregardless of it’s efficacy, not making your argument and letting go of your grudge would lead to a life devoid of joy. And that’s a factoid. Which is to say hang on for all the good it will do you. The train has left the station, the cat is out of the bag, and the horse has left the barn.
- Candy Dogood - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:27 pm:
I think it is embarrassing for public officials to refer to a government agency or department that doesn’t exist. There is no Department of Motor Vehicles in Illinois, and Drivers Services more accurately describes what occurs in those facilities.
If they’ve given up referring to the offices by what their actual names are, then they should go through the process of changing what they’re called instead of attempting to ease confusion by creating it.
===And, one cannot be a “Registered [D or R]” in Illinois===
Whenever someone who lives in Illinois refers to themselves as one of these I immediately look down on them.
- ??? - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:28 pm:
Meh. It doesn’t bother me at all. Everyone knows what you mean when you say DMV. Heck, even *I* say DMV. It is a little weird that the SOS website says “Find a DMV facility” when it’s not officially called that. Maybe that’s to help people who have recently moved to Illinois and don’t know what SOS is yet? I dunno.
- Huh? - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:32 pm:
No. Why should we rename our Secretary of State’s office to something as menial as a DMV. There is so much more that those offices do that just renew license plates.
We are Illinois. It is the Secretary of State offices, not DMV.
- JoanP - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 4:59 pm:
No, keep at it, Rich. At least until the name is officially changed.
Will you be successful? About as much as I am in trying to get people to use “beg the question” correctly.
- Anyone Remember - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 5:20 pm:
IF there was as much variation as in statewide law enforcement - Rangers, State Police, State Troopers, State Patrol, Highway Patrol - would say No. Given there isn’t, Yes.
- clec dcn - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 5:40 pm:
Rich, I would just let it go as they say the number of bigger issues is vast.
- Gruntled University Employee - Monday, Jul 31, 23 @ 6:05 pm:
Yes Rich, 80-20, 80-20