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Afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

*Press release from Attorney General Kwame Raoul…

Attorney General Kwame Raoul today, alongside 20 attorneys general, sent a letter to Fortune 100 companies in support of diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the workplace. The letter is in response to a letter 13 Republican attorneys general sent to the companies in an attempt to undermine efforts to reduce racial inequities in corporate America by falsely claiming that programs to address racial disparity are unlawful.

“These 13 Republican attorneys general, while cloaking their letter in a theme of colorblindness, have audaciously targeted programs aimed at helping African Americans gain access to economic opportunity,” Raoul said. “Diversity initiatives are not just laudable goals, they are also good for business. I have a deep commitment to working with private employers to help further diversity, equity and inclusion in Illinois, and I will continue to be an advocate and champion of civil rights and racial progress.”

In today’s letter, Raoul and the coalition applaud corporate efforts to recruit diverse workforces and create inclusive work environments while encouraging the companies to double-down on diversity-focused programs. The letter also reiterates that such efforts are legal and reduce corporate risk for claims of discrimination, and that:

    - Corporate diversity programs are lawful and serve important public and business purposes.

    -Hollow claims of unlawful discrimination against white people at Fortune 100 companies do not change the fact that women and people of color continue to face barriers in the workplace.

    -The businesses and workers of America should not be intimidated into abandoning diversity goals at a time when they are more important than ever.

AG Raoul also had an opinion piece in Crain’s this morning.

* State avoids Clean Air Act sanctions. Capitol News Illinois

A proposed change in state air pollution regulations will move forward despite an objection from a legislative oversight committee, allowing the state to avoid federal sanctions that otherwise would go into effect next month.

The change, which came from the Illinois Pollution Control Board and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, repeals existing language that allowed factories, refineries, power plants and other facilities to exceed their emission limits during shutdowns, startups, and malfunctions.

The previous rules also gave the owners of those facilities a certain level of immunity from civil lawsuits for exceeding their emission limits during those events.

The change was necessary because of recent court decisions that prompted the U.S. EPA to change its interpretation of the federal Clean Air Act, a program that is largely administered and enforced by state and local governments.

* Good news for Englewood

A community organization leading the charge to transform an abandoned railway line and nearby vacant land into a vibrant agro-eco district received another boost in funding Monday, pushing the nearly two-decade-long dream forward.

Grow Greater Englewood received a $3.8 million grant from the Bezos Earth Fund to continue work on the Englewood Nature Trail, a 12-foot-wide, ADA-accessible, multi-use trail. The elevated path will run behind 58th and 59th streets between Wallace and Hoyne Avenues.

Chicago-based nonprofit Blacks In Green also received $1.5 million in funding to scale its Sustainable Square Mile pilot in Woodlawn. The Black Oaks Center for Sustainable Renewable Living received $1.75 million to support local farms and farmers. A complete list of Bezos Earth Fund awardees is available here.

* If you’re looking to get caught up on today’s City Council meeting here’s Erin Hegarty thread…

* Press release…

Today, Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois delegation concluded their mission to the United Kingdom. Over the past several days, the Governor participated in discussions on bilateral collaborations in technology and higher education, meetings with business organizations to strengthen ties to Illinois, and announced the intent to pursue a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the UK to advance trade and economic development goals in Illinois.

The Governor hosted a “Clean Energy & Clean Technology” roundtable with Illinois and United Kingdom-based energy companies. At this meeting, the present parties signed an MOU intending to strengthen collaboration to create a net-zero energy future. Illinois has been a leader in the clean energy space and is the first state in the Midwest to require carbon free energy by 2050. The list of companies included in the MoU are Commonwealth Edison Company, Ameren Illinois Company, The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, North Shore Gas Company, Northern Illinois Gas Company, National Grid plc, UK Power Networks, and Energy Networks Association.

Both the Illinois and UK-based companies promise to expand the use of sustainable technologies and renewable energy to support economic growth and the creation of jobs across both the United Kingdom and the State of Illinois. During this meeting, the Governor highlighted Illinois’ clean energy benefits to businesses looking to expand in the United States. Illinois’ Climate and Equitable Jobs Act is devoting $180 million per year to workforce programming to build the clean energy workforce.

“Under the leadership of Governor Pritzker, Speaker Welch, and the General Assembly, Illinois is recognized as a national leader in the efforts to decarbonize the energy sector,” said Ameren Illinois Chairman and President Lenny Singh. “Ameren Illinois is proud to collaborate with the Governor, our utility colleagues, and our friends in the United Kingdom to accelerate this transition and bring the economic benefits to central and southern Illinois.”

“We are building a bright, sustainable future with a focus on providing customers affordable and reliable energy. Our research and investments in emerging clean energy technologies — including renewable natural gas and hydrogen — and our success significantly reducing leaks in old pipelines will help the state meet its climate goals while creating jobs and strengthening the economy,” said Torrence Hinton, president — Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas. “On behalf of our customers and the dedicated men and women of Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas, I am pleased to sign this Memorandum of Understanding.” […]

The Governor also met with major partners in the quantum computing space. Many of these members also met the day prior at an “Innovation and Technology” Roundtable at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in London. Illinois is home to more National Quantum Science Information centers than any other state and is one of the largest contributors to the National Quantum Initiative Act. Governor Pritzker’s administration is ensuring the future of quantum computing is centered in Illinois through a $200 million investment in the Chicago Quantum Exchange

Lastly, the Governor hosted the Delegation’s Farewell Dinner to mark the end of the 2023 UK Trade Mission with the Illinois Delegation. This trade mission’s goal was the strengthening of bilateral collaboration between the UK and Illinois. Highlights of the trip include the Goodwood Festival of Speed where the Governor discussed Illinois’ commitment to electric vehicles, discussions with business and education leaders on enhancing the economic cooperation between the UK and Illinois and initiating an MoU between the United Kingdom and Illinois.

* Props to the student journalists that keep breaking major stories…

* Isabel’s afternoon roundup:


More react to the Illinois Supreme Court SAFE-T Act ruling

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Office of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle…

Today, the Illinois Supreme Court released a strong, clear decision upholding the constitutionality of the Pretrial Fairness Act, which ends the money bond system in Illinois. The Pretrial Fairness Act was signed into law in February 2021 as part of the SAFE-T Act. It overhauls the pretrial release and detention decision-making process statewide.

Cook County Leaders remain united in our commitment to collaborative implementation of the Pretrial Fairness Act, consistent with today’s Supreme Court opinion.

“We stand united in support of our court system stakeholders as they move forward with Pretrial Fairness Act reforms, ending money bond and implementing a pretrial process rooted in equity and community safety,” said Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. “My administration stands ready to provide resources and counsel where we can be of service as we move forward toward a more just and equitable future for all.”

Since the Pretrial Fairness Act was signed into law in February 2021, Cook County’s criminal justice agencies have been engaged in a collaborative planning process to ensure countywide preparedness for implementation of the law. As part of this process, representatives from each of the County’s criminal justice agencies have participated in consistent working groups alongside local law enforcement, advocacy groups and community representatives. In light of the Supreme Court’s decision, planning for the end of the money bond system will move forward in earnest with strong support from the stakeholders.

“With the end of money bond, Illinois becomes the first state to end a system that criminalized poverty by prioritizing access to cash over community safety. We stand on the right side of history as we work to implement these changes in Cook County,” said State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. “The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office spent over 18 months training staff for the implementation of the Pretrial Fairness Act. We were prepared on January 1 and now stand ready for September 18 when cash bail finally ends in our state.”

“Today marks a significant victory for justice across Illinois as the state takes a momentous and historical step towards ending money bond. Our office is proud to be collaborating to implement the historic reforms in Cook County, helping to bring about a more fair and equitable justice system for all residents,” said Iris Y. Martinez, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County.

Cook County was poised to successfully implement the end of money bond on January 1, 2023 and remains committed to coordinated, successful implementation on September 18, 2023. All county agencies will continue to work together to ensure stakeholders and employees receive the training and support needed to put this historic reform into practice.

“The attorneys and staff at the Cook County Public Defender’s Office are poised and ready to implement the historic end to money bond. We have created a new Pretrial Division, which is trained and equipped to robustly represent our clients throughout the new pretrial process. We have developed the necessary policies and procedures and collaborated extensively with the county’s court system stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition,” said Cook County Public Defender Sharone R. Mitchell, Jr.

“The Pretrial Fairness Act represents a critical step forward for economic and racial justice in Cook County and Illinois,” said Avik Das, Executive Director of the Justice Advisory Council. “We will be working closely with agencies, partners and community members to ensure the reforms are thoughtfully implemented, centering the needs of justice involved individuals as well as communities.”

* IL Freedom Caucus…

“As expected, the partisan Supreme Court ruled with JB Pritzker to uphold the revocation of the cash bail provisions of the SAFE-T Act. This is another example of judicial activism.

Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution states, ‘all persons SHALL be bailable by sufficient sureties.’ The Illinois Supreme Court contends there is no mandate in the Constitution for cash bail, but the Constitution reads ‘SHALL’ not ‘May.’ The difference between these words is the subject of extensive debate on the floor of the House and Senate. Shall denotes a requirement. May denotes discretion. The Supreme Court has put partisan politics above the law and above common sense. The idea that there is no mandate for cash bail when the word ‘shall’ is clearly used in our Constitution is absurd on its face. The Illinois Supreme Court has failed the people of Illinois and has put the lives of our citizens at risk with this partisan ruling today.”

* Rep. Adam Niemerg…

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) says the Illinois Supreme Court ruling today on the SAFE-T Act is reckless and will ultimately make our communities less safe.

“The political leaders in Illinois are about one thing – self-preservation,” Niemerg said. “JB Pritzker contributed millions in the last election cycle to elect Democrats to the Illinois Supreme and his reward is the mental gymnastics used to justify eradicating cash bail which is enshrined in our Constitution in the very first article. What has happened today is another example of the culture of corruption that has been the hallmark of Illinois politics for far too long.”

Niemerg said beyond the politics of the ruling, communities will be less safe as a result of the Court’s partisan actions.

“There will be more criminals put back on the street as a result of this law which will put people’s lives at risk,” Niemerg said. “It also will make it even tougher for people to cooperate with police and identify suspects. They will be less willing to ID criminals out of fear they will be targeted once the suspect is released from custody. The Illinois Supreme Court’s decision to put politics ahead of common-sense and the plain language of the Constitution has put lives at risk.”

* US Rep. Darin LaHood…

“Under Governor J.B. Pritzker, Illinois has become less safe and violent crime is on the rise. Instead of giving law enforcement the tools they need to go after criminals, Governor Pritzker’s soft-on-crime policies, like ending cash bail, hinder cops from keeping communities safe. With morale of law enforcement at an all time low in Illinois, police departments across our state are struggling to recruit officers because of policies like the SAFE-T Act. The Illinois Supreme Court’s ruling is misguided, it will harm law enforcement, and make Illinois less safe.”

* Rep. Tim Ozinga…

“Today’s ruling in favor of the SAFE-T Act is disappointing, but not surprising. The current polarization of party politics has led to the passage of extreme legislation, such as the SAFE-T Act, that ends up helping no one. While reform is necessary to our current criminal justice system, this is not the way to do it. We cannot put our citizens, families, and communities at risk by implementing a method with no results to show for itself.

“With out-of-control crime spreading from cities like Chicago into neighboring suburbs, now is not the time to take risks when legislating public safety policies. Instead, we should focus on supporting our law enforcement and protecting our communities.”

* Rep. Fritts…

“I am deeply disturbed by today’s ruling made by the Illinois Supreme Court in favor of the SAFE-T Act. This ruling is just another step in the wrong direction for Illinois. Progressive Democrats continue to push failed, pro-criminal legislation onto the people of Illinois without regard for their safety. These soft-on-crime policies continue to prioritize the wants of criminals over the needs of our communities. We will now be the first in the nation to utilize no-cash bail, all while our state’s crime rate remains one of the highest in the country.

“Further, I stand behind the law enforcement officers who have continually spoken out against the SAFE-T Act. After their effort to defund the police failed, woke progressives are now attempting to handcuff law enforcement by making their jobs as challenging as possible. This no-cash bail policy ensures that police will continue to arrest the same offenders over and over again, therefore putting their lives in further danger and wasting more taxpayer dollars.

“I condemn this vile attempt by the Democratic majority to override the Constitution in favor of political social policies aimed at destroying what is left of Illinois.”

* Rep. Wayne Rosenthal…

Today’s ruling by the Illinois Supreme Court to completely abolish cash bail for criminals does not make Illinois safer. First, the Democrats craft “gun control” legislation which attacks law abiding citizens who have the right to defend themselves and now they eliminate cash bail for criminals who will quickly be back on the street committing crimes. This is a very dangerous road that has been created for the residents of Illinois.

The Democrats’ “SAFE-T” Act was swiftly rammed through the General Assembly Lame Duck Session and was rushed to Governor Pritzker to sign into law. This law is deeply flawed, and despite being amended multiple times, it’s had zero impact on reducing crimes throughout our communities across the state. Illinois has one of the highest murder rates in the nation, and now the first state to reform a system that rewards criminals.

Our freedoms are being stripped by the progressive agenda, and we need to stand together and fight back with comprehensive solutions which protect our citizens and gives authority back to our law enforcement officers. The people of Illinois deserve to live their lives without fear. Families depend on our laws to protect them and keep them safe; abolishing cash bail does just the opposite.

* Rep. Mike Coffey…

Today the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that abolishing cash bail for criminals is constitutional. This dangerous action does not make residents safer, in fact, it will instill fear throughout the communities across the state. The so-called “SAFE-T” Act was rushed through the General Assembly and signed into law with terrible flaws. Despite being amended multiple times, this law has done nothing to reduce violent crimes.

This approach to criminal justice reform does not provide communities with protection from violent criminals. We must continue to fight for law enforcement and stand behind them as they are sworn into a position to keep our communities safe.

Illinois is the first state in the nation to proudly abolish the cash bail system, which has one of the highest murder rates. The Democrat-Stacked Illinois Supreme Court decision to allow this provision to be deemed constitutional has an effect on every resident in the state.

Illinois families deserve the right to bear arms, to be protected by law enforcement, and to feel safe in their communities. House Republicans have created and launched a Public Safety Working Group to fight back against this progressive agenda. We will fight for our freedoms and stand with those who embrace the laws that protect our families and communities.

* Rep. Jed Davis…

“Yesterday’s Illinois Supreme Court decision sadly comes as no surprise. While I had hoped that common sense and high regard for the rule of law would have prevailed, partisan politics due to gerrymandered maps have led to one of the worst Judicial decisions I have seen in my lifetime.

“To put the wants of progressive politicians at the center of criminal law is disturbing. With high crime rates and out-of-control violence seeping into Illinois from the city of Chicago, now is not the time to experiment with what could be catastrophic changes to our laws.

“This type of legislation is a perfect example of what happens when one party has complete control over a state government. When the balance of power is out of whack in a supermajority, this kind of bogus criminal justice reform gets passed into law and the people of Illinois end up losing.”

* Darren Bailey…

* Illinois Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers…

Yesterday, in Rowe v. Raoul, the Illinois Supreme Court announced a strong affirmation of the Pretrial Fairness Act and its elimination of wealth-based jailing in the State of Illinois.

The decision represents a monumental and historic day in Illinois that will have an enduring positive impact upon our residents and communities. The Court’s opinion upholds a system of pretrial release that appropriately focuses on the presumption of innocence and allows for the incarceration of an accused individual prior to trial only when the Court has made specific findings justifying detention.

The Pretrial Fairness Act ensures that the State of Illinois will no longer allow accused individuals to buy their way out of jail–a vestige of the money bail system. It aligns Illinois courts more closely with the federal and juvenile systems of pretrial release, in which the financial status of the accused is no longer the dominant factor in determining whether that person remains in jail or is released pending trial.

…Adding… Rep. Maurice West…


What comes with those free speech hot dogs?

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Media advisory…

Today at 11 am CT the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression will give away 1,791 free Chicago dogs at Clark Street Dog to mark the year the First Amendment was ratified. The address is 3040 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60657.

Media are welcome to attend the “Free Chicago Dogs for Free Speech” event and should reply directly to this email with their RSVP. FIRE staff will be on-site to give away swag and do interviews. We expect supplies to last just a few hours.

This is part of FIRE’s brand-new $3.2 million Chicago free speech campaign to raise awareness and support for the First Amendment. Full details are in this press release.

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression has been one of those groups which focused almost solely on things like “cancel culture” at college campuses. From 2016

Its major grants come from the ultraconservative Earhart, John Templeton, and Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundations; the Scaife family foundations; the Koch-linked Donors Trust, and funders that sustain a myriad of conservative campus-targeting organizations that include FIRE, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, the David Horowitz Freedom Center (whose “Academic Bill of Rights” would mandate more hiring of conservative faculty and would monitor professors’ syllabi for “balance”), and Campus Watch (which tracks and condemns liberal professors’ comments on the Middle East).

* The group now claims it has changed focus. This is from March

In Idaho, an art exhibit was censored and teens were told they couldn’t testify in some legislative hearings. In Washington state, a lawmaker proposed a hotline so the government could track offensively biased statements, as well as hate crimes. In Florida, bloggers are fighting a bill that would force them to register with the state if they write posts criticizing public officials.

Meanwhile, bans on books and drag performances are growing increasingly common nationwide.

“We are seeing tremendous attacks on First Amendment freedoms across the country right now, at all levels of government. Censorship is proliferating, and it’s deeply troubling,” said Joe Cohn, legislative and policy director with the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.

OK, but with numerous state governments enacting actual statutes outlawing public expression, FIRE’s Chicago press release highlights a video about a Boston college’s suspension of a student group for mildly criticizing China. Not trivial, but kinda small in comparison to the official governmental statutory actions happening right now across the country. Another video features a Black woman who rescued a Klansman from a beating during a protest. The rest of its videos are here. Nothing on government book bans that I saw.

* Doing what they do is fine by me. It’s a free country. I’m cool with it. But when you step forward and say you’ve broadened your portfolio and want to challenge the ACLU’s leadership in the First Amendment space, then, you know, maybe actually walk the walk.

* Semi-related…

* 2023’s Best Cities for Hot Dog Lovers: Foodie rivals New York (No. 1) and Chicago (No. 2) finish at the top alongside other big cities like Los Angeles (No. 3) and Cincinnati (No. 6).


Your moment of zen

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I have to leave to pick up Oscar from his groomer, who just sent me this pic…

Gonna have to chat with that guy about the Cubs thing.

I’m also heading to Iroquois County this afternoon to take my uncle to the county fair. Isabel will be in charge.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your thoughts on yesterday’s SAFE-T Act ruling?


For a change, Illinois is not included in a “worst-rated states” list

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller


Each year, as part of our overall assessment of state business climates, CNBC’s America’s Top States for Business study considers how welcoming each state is to workers and their families.

Life, Health and Inclusion is one of the study’s ten categories of competitiveness. And this year, with the nationwide worker shortage so severe, the category is taking on increased importance in our methodology.

We consider multiple quality of life factors, including crime rates, environmental quality, and health care. We also look at the quality and availability of childcare, which is one of the most important factors in getting parents back into the workforce.

Casting the widest possible net for workers means not turning anyone away. So we consider inclusiveness in state laws by measuring protections against discrimination, as well as voting rights. And with surveys showing a substantial percentage of women considering abortion restrictions when making a choice of where to live in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, reproductive rights are part of this year’s equation as well.

The worst-rated states: Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Alabama/South Carolina (tied), Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.


What the what?

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This tweet received more than 200,000 views before it was finally labeled as false…

And it’s not like this governor would sign such a bill anyway.

* I’m hoping that this law firm was just playing along with the bit…

* The socialists loved it, of course…

* Mentioning the Senate probably kills all comments on this post…

* And the fantasy isn’t confined to Illinois…

Almost 49,000 views on that one, which Twitter has not yet called out for its falsehood.

* I guess there are two ways of looking at this: 1) These kids today and their Twitter pranks; 2) People will believe just about anything.


Delivery Helps Chicago Restaurants Grow On Uber Eats

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

At Uber Eats, local restaurants are the backbone of our communities and delivery continues to help small business owners reach new customers and increase sales.

We recently published the results of the 2022 US Merchant Impact Report—which come directly from a survey of merchant partners. Read More.

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* What’s goin on in your part of Illinois?…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Here you go…


Live coverage

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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