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Afternoon roundup

Monday, Aug 21, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hollywood Reporter

Broadcast and cable networks made up less than half of all TV use in July — the first time linear TV viewing has fallen below 50 percent in Nielsen’s two-plus years of tracking viewing time by platform.

While overall TV use in July edged up from the previous month, the growth came in streaming — which hit an all-time high of 38.7 percent of all TV usage — and the “other use” category, which includes video games played on a TV screen and physical media playback, among other things. That made up 11.6 percent of usage.

Streaming was up from 37.7 percent of TV viewing in June, marking its third consecutive month of an increased share of viewers’ time. July was also the third straight month that streaming’s share of TV use hit a high.

…Adding… Access the full project list and more from the press release by clicking here

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) Director John J. Kim is announcing the issuance of more than $571 million in water infrastructure loans to local governments and water districts for the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2023 (April – June 2023). The Illinois EPA State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program provides low-interest loans which fund wastewater, stormwater, and drinking water projects. More than $53 million in loan forgiveness was also provided to those recipients meeting the loan rules for either the Small Community Rate or Hardship Rate. In total for fiscal year 2023, Illinois EPA issued over $803 million in low-interest loans for water infrastructure. In addition to the SRF loans, Illinois provided nearly $54 million in funding for lead service line replacement over the last 12 months.

…Adding… I missed this one earlier…

Samantha McClain has been hired as chief of staff for the Illinois AFL-CIO, working to advance the organization’s strategic vision to support working families across Illinois.

“We are excited to have Samantha join our team at the Illinois AFL-CIO,” remarked President Tim Drea. “Samantha is one of the most talented strategists that I have worked with, demonstrating her expertise when she managed the Workers’ Rights Amendment campaign. Samantha understands the diverse needs of working families fighting for equitable wages, safety conditions and the ability to bargain and will bring a unique perspective to the table to advance the needs of working people in our state.”

McClain is a political veteran and most recently served as State Director to successfully pass the Workers’ Rights Amendment in Illinois. The ballot measure added the right to collectively bargain to the state constitution and was the first of its kind in the nation. Prior to that campaign, Samantha served as Research Director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) in the 2020 election cycle, helping Democrats hold the House majority. Samantha was also Deputy Research Director in the historic 2018 cycle, and Southern Regional Research Director in 2014.

Samantha’s previous experience also includes Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the campaigns of Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan. She is a native Michigander and graduated from the University of Michigan with a bachelor’s in economics and communications.

* The fellows are getting together…

The Edgar Fellows Program is having its second annual fundraiser dinner at the Sheraton Grand in downtown Chicago on August 31. Gov. Jim Edgar started the program in 2012 to foster relationships and understanding between people involved in public policy from all corners of the state, ethnicities and political backgrounds. It promotes bi-partisanship and compromise over political expediency.

The keynote speaker for the 2023 event is David Axelrod, founder of the Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago. This event is not just for Fellows; all are welcome. For more information and to reserve your place at this special event, go to The RSVP deadline is August 24.

* The State Board of Education has been leaning on CPS to clean up its act on physical restraint. From a press release…

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) announced today that all District-run schools have met the first-day-of-school benchmark for training staff on physical restraint and time out (PRTO), as agreed upon with the Illinois State Board of Education. Over the past several months, CPS prioritized PRTO training to ensure personnel at every school were properly trained by August 21, 2023, a deadline that was set in collaboration with ISBE. This marks the first milestone in the District’s efforts to reduce incidents of physical restraint or time-out procedures, and build a sustainable plan for training and support.

“I appreciate the partnership on the part of CEO Martinez and his team at Chicago Public Schools since April to meet the goal of training staff at every school in the safe and appropriate use of restraint and time out. Having appropriately trained staff is critical in the rare situations when a student’s behavior puts them or others in imminent danger,” said State Superintendent of Education Dr. Tony Sanders. “The Illinois State Board of Education will continue to work with CPS to provide additional support and to maintain this level of training on an annual basis.”

As of today, all 517 District-run schools are in full compliance with having at least two staff members trained to de-escalate and manage student safety.

Two doesn’t seem like a lot.

…Adding… NASW IL…

* Politico

— Rep. Eric Sorensen is getting support from high-profile Democratic donor Fred Eychaner in his reelection bid. Eychaner, a huge donor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, is headlining a fundraiser for Sorensen on Tuesday. Details here.

— Rep. Lauren Underwood headlines a fundraiser tonight for her reelection bid. Details here

— Chicago Ald. Jessie Fuentes is running for committeeperson in the 26th Ward. She’s holding a fundraiser Wednesday.

* PCC…

The Partnership for College Completion (PCC) applauds Governor Pritzker for signing HB2898 into law. We are grateful for the Governor’s and the legislature’s leadership for this step toward holding for-profit colleges accountable for practices that harm students. The bill requires for-profit colleges with a final judgment or determination against them for operating with unfair or deceptive practices to reimburse the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) for the Monetary Award Program (MAP) funding they received during the period of their deceptive practices.

“We were proud to work alongside Representative Maurice West and Senator Celina Villanueva this past legislative session to get this bill passed,” Government Affairs Manager Danielle Stanley said. “Now that Governor Pritzker has signed it into law, for-profit colleges will finally be held accountable for their deceptive practices, but our work won’t stop there. We look forward to continuing to work with the legislature and the Governor to create and pass legislation that will protect Illinois students and make higher education more accessible for all who seek it.”

In the last 15 years, Illinois has given more than $255 million of MAP funding from taxpayers to these institutions. Four of the ten for-profit institutions that received MAP in 2017 have since closed, leaving many former students with unmanageable debt and limited options to complete their college degrees.

* Speaking of higher ed…

Today, Governor JB Pritzker visited the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) to welcome students back for a new school year. He was joined by state officials, Chancellor Robert Jones, students, and faculty to celebrate the back-to-school season and wish students, teachers, and families across Illinois a successful year ahead.

“It’s been my mission as governor to make higher education more affordable for every Illinoisan, no matter their background. And I couldn’t be prouder to say we’re doing exactly that,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “By restoring public funding directly to our universities, we’re eliminating the need for major tuition hikes, so students know what to expect semester after semester.”

During the event, Gov. Pritzker shared his administration’s recent FY24 budget investments to improve college affordability. This includes increasing funding for the Monetary Award Program (MAP) to an all-time high, ensuring awards for all eligible applicants. With these new investments, every student at or below median income will be able to attend community college for free in Illinois. The budget also included an additional $115 million to in-state scholarship funding, bringing the total amount to a record-breaking $750 million.
Gov. Pritzker also highlighted notable investments that will directly impact students attending institutions within the University of Illinois system, including a total state investment of $632 million ($41 million more than FY23). Other public universities across Illinois will also see funding increases, as the investments for higher education institutions grew by 7%, the largest increase in more than 20 years.

The Pritzker Administration is also investing in higher education infrastructure through the historic Rebuild Illinois Capital Plan. Campuses across Illinois will see nearly $2.8 billion dedicated to public universities and community colleges. The U of I system specifically will receive $504 million of those allocated funds.

Upcoming renovation projects in progress at UIUC include:

    • New science and data analysis research facilities to support the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    • Repairs to lab infrastructure, including masonry and chimneys at Wohler Hall, Madigan Laboratory, and Noyes Laboratory
    • Replacement of approximately 11,000 square feet of roofing on the Armory building

As affirmative action in higher education takes a national spotlight following June’s Supreme Court decision, Governor Pritzker ensured students of his intentions to support diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in Illinois.

“Here in the Land of Lincoln, our institutions will continue to be inclusive of all students, including those who have been historically left out of or locked out of postsecondary education,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “To every single student: you are among the best of the best. And as your Governor, I’ll continue to have your back. I can’t wait to see all that you will accomplish.”

* LG Stratton…

Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton celebrates the newly signed Senate Bill 646 that creates the Healing Centered Task Force, signed by Governor JB Pritzker. The Lieutenant Governor will chair the Task Force as a driver of transformative change and help create a more equitable Illinois.

“The new Healing Centered Task Force will ensure Illinoisians who have experienced trauma can get the support that they need,” said Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton. “Overseeing the Justice, Opportunity, and Equity Initiative housed in my office, I am committed to the collaborative work to foster healing mechanisms for communities to thrive. Senate Bill 646 is a testament to our mission of joining forces to repair intergenerational harm, and I thank Governor Pritzker and the General Assembly for their support to create this Task Force that will benefit all residents.”

The Healing Centered Task Force in Illinois created by SB 646 will develop recommendations to bring more cohesion, coordination, and consistency to this important and transformative work. The Task Force will be a driver of diversity and equity within Illinois, composed of expert trauma informed stakeholders and people who have experienced trauma. This Task Force is a result of the collaborative work of Governor JB Pritzker, the General Assembly, and advocacy groups such as the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative, Health and Medicine Policy Research Group, Illinois Childhood Trauma Coalition, and the Center for Childhood Resilience, among others.

The goal of the Task Force will be to design a state-level comprehensive and equitable strategy for addressing and supporting communities who have experienced trauma. This will be a significant step forward, with a trauma-informed and healing-centered lens that will support Illinoisians across our state.


Earlier this year, the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute released its 2023 County Health Rankings and Roadmaps report, which is meant to raise awareness about factors that can impact health outcomes and disparities nationwide. […]

In Illinois, just 15% of adults reported excessive drinking, which is smaller than the U.S. average of 19%. However, a handful of Illinois counties reported 19% of adults excessively drinking. Those include Calhoun, Clark, Clinton, DuPage, Greene, Grundy, Henry, Jersey, Jo Daviess, Menard, Mercer, Monroe, Moultrie, Putnam, Tazewell, Washington, and Woodford Counties.

The University of Wisconsin also reviewed the number of alcohol-impaired driving deaths per state and county.

Even though Illinois reported a below-average rate of adults drinking excessively (15%), the state still reported almost 30% of motor vehicle crash deaths involved alcohol between 2016 and 2020.

* Isabel’s roundup…


  1. - Steve - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 2:29 pm:

    - including those who have been historically left out of or locked out of postsecondary education-

    JB to not follow the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 2:45 pm:

    ===JB to not follow the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision?===

    How is empowering diversity not following whatever it was SCOTUS thought it ruled.

    Think on this;

    The ruling didn’t pertain to legacy enrollment, and it excluded the military academies… specifically because of a need for diversity in the ranks.

    Also explain the foreign enrollment numbers of UIUC and what dollars those bring instead of investing on ANY Illinois resident’s opportunity being stifled.

    The politics of being against that SCOTUS ruling, let alone pointing out the legacy admissions and the lack of diversity that brings… it’s like SCOTUS ending Roe… both allow a defensive position for the winners that politically isn’t tenable.

    If it was the right ruling, the military academies would be forced to abide.

  3. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 2:45 pm:

    =Broadcast and cable networks made up less than half of all TV use in July=

    I can attest. I just turned our YouTubeTV subscription back on in to prepare for fall sports watching (turned it off in April). And my teen age kids watch zero TV.

    I’m curious to see what “cable TV” looks like in another 10-15 years.

  4. - cermak_rd - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 2:54 pm:

    I subscribe to a German TV service and I receive a Dutch channel free (it’s mainly news, but it beats US news coverage). Other than that I watch a lot of youtube, where I can watch stuff in, as far as I can see, all the languages of the world.

  5. - smile politely - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 3:18 pm:

    University of Chicago still has more B10FB victories than Indiana.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 3:33 pm:

    The toxic culture Fitzgerald cultivated after being at NU for 25+ years (on and off) and over three different decades, the athletic department embraced the bad of Barnett that begat Fitzgerald which begat the devolution of character found in multiple programs.

    You look at the Ivy League, or Stanford, even Notre Dame, what makes all THREE standout is all three… a conference, a school in a conference, and an unaffiliated football program… is they decided to be thinkers outside usual recruiting, player decisions, and scholarship criteria.

    Northwestern still sees it’s mission more of a “part of the conference, but special”

    Even Vanderbilt knows… Vandy has to be Vandy first… NU thought the Fitzgerald culture was an edge… now NU is on an edge of its own integrity towards who and what *they* are… that’s why there’s such hyper-volatile right now

  7. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 3:34 pm:

    Would be a bit curious what sort of funding and projects are going on at the other state schools.

  8. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 3:39 pm:

    so police and school districts are issuing illegal tickets for years. sounds like a class action. if anyone tried to fight it did they go to court and judge didn’t know it was illegal? records should be expunged and money returned

  9. - Steve - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 3:57 pm:

    -How is empowering diversity not following whatever it was SCOTUS thought it ruled.-

    From my reading of the Roberts’ opinion there can’t be favoring of group classifications because of the zero sum nature at selective universities. On the military question you are right: Roberts’ logic really doesn’t hold up. Very illogical.

  10. - H-W - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 4:04 pm:

    Re: Tribune story on homicides

    Good data in the report. Currently at 395 homicides. At this point (Aug 17), 29 fewer than Aug 2022.

    Trending downward from the 2020 post-COVID spike, 2020-2022, potentially marking a three-consecutive years downward trend.

    Hopefully, the city and community leaders can continue this trend going forward.

  11. - Merica - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 4:30 pm:

    I don’t watch tv, i game up caring about sports. I don’t stream anything. try to look at my phone less and less. try to live in the present, get outside, and read more

  12. - New Day - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 7:02 pm:

    “However, a handful of Illinois counties reported 19% of adults excessively drinking.” Wonder what that percentage would be in Sangamon during session weeks…

  13. - West Side the Best Side - Monday, Aug 21, 23 @ 9:20 pm:

    The way to watch sports on TV is the way God intended it to be, in a bar.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* New Hampshire ain't what it used to be
* Question of the day
* RETAIL: Strengthening Communities Across Illinois
* Annual survey: Illinois educator shortage eases, but staffing pipeline challenges continue
* It’s just a bill
* Misguided Insurance Regulation Proposals Could Increase Premiums For The Majority Of Illinoisans
* Foster care services in jeopardy: 'We can't let that happen'
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