CentralILCentrist — Yep, was supposed to have 2 games tonight (Soph A and B) that got canceled yesterday, problem with moving stuff to Saturday is most crews have games on Saturday.
Hopefully, we will be able to get the Friday night games off.
It’s so hot that I called my ex to get some shade.
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 12:44 pm:
Some football games in the Central State Eight and Springfield area are being delayed until 7:30 starts. A couple games being moved to Saturday.
From what I understand more games would be moved to Saturday but the shortage of officials makes that almost impossible to do.
- Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 12:52 pm:
We have a college kid mow our grass, and he said he was all good to mow this week. We told him thanks but no; heat stroke is no joke and once you’ve had it the first time, you will be more susceptible to it ever after. The grass and other obnoxious outdoor chores can wait.
Have spent all day checking every 5 minutes when the rain is supposed to get here and if it’s coming sooner.
I have a job I can do at home, sitting still, so I’ve been able to hole up the last couple days, which I know is a privilege. But ugggggh it’s just so hot and my old A/C and poorly-insulated house are wildly unable to cope.
Not really, other than I felt completely justified in ditching my usual sandwich and having a big bowl of frozen yogurt topped with chocolate chunks and berries for lunch instead. Gotta avoid becoming overheated, you know.
But also, I am responsible for a lot of people who have to work outside. I’ve been communicating the “put your own mask on first…” message to make sure they stay hydrated and get a cooling break as often as needed.
Our A/C began to falter yesterday so I took a look at the 3-month filter that had been changed a few weeks ago. It was filthy. Check your filters if your A/C is struggling. It helped ours get back on track.
- Paco Taco - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 12:16 pm:
Um, yes, Tim Mapes is in hot water and feeling the heat.
- CentralILCentrist - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 12:19 pm:
a lot of umpires losing games and playing the schedule scramble with cancellations plaguing many districts.
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 12:24 pm:
CentralILCentrist — Yep, was supposed to have 2 games tonight (Soph A and B) that got canceled yesterday, problem with moving stuff to Saturday is most crews have games on Saturday.
Hopefully, we will be able to get the Friday night games off.
- Loyal Virus - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 12:30 pm:
It’s so hot that I called my ex to get some shade.
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 12:44 pm:
Some football games in the Central State Eight and Springfield area are being delayed until 7:30 starts. A couple games being moved to Saturday.
From what I understand more games would be moved to Saturday but the shortage of officials makes that almost impossible to do.
- Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 12:52 pm:
We have a college kid mow our grass, and he said he was all good to mow this week. We told him thanks but no; heat stroke is no joke and once you’ve had it the first time, you will be more susceptible to it ever after. The grass and other obnoxious outdoor chores can wait.
- Suburban Mom - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 1:23 pm:
Have spent all day checking every 5 minutes when the rain is supposed to get here and if it’s coming sooner.
I have a job I can do at home, sitting still, so I’ve been able to hole up the last couple days, which I know is a privilege. But ugggggh it’s just so hot and my old A/C and poorly-insulated house are wildly unable to cope.
- ??? - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 1:56 pm:
Not really, other than I felt completely justified in ditching my usual sandwich and having a big bowl of frozen yogurt topped with chocolate chunks and berries for lunch instead.
Gotta avoid becoming overheated, you know.
- Annonin' - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 2:02 pm:
Binny’s has a sign up advising customers not to leave products in the car for more than 15 minutes
- Leslie K - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 2:07 pm:
I think ??? has the right idea
But also, I am responsible for a lot of people who have to work outside. I’ve been communicating the “put your own mask on first…” message to make sure they stay hydrated and get a cooling break as often as needed.
- Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 2:31 pm:
We lost power for two hours yesterday, along with 56 of our neighbors.
Our little brick bungalow stayed cool during the short ( thankfully) outage.
Thank God for central AC.
- Mark Suszko - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 2:44 pm:
Really not the best week for vinyl seat covers… Billy Idol can relate…
- Barbie - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 3:06 pm:
Our A/C began to falter yesterday so I took a look at the 3-month filter that had been changed a few weeks ago. It was filthy. Check your filters if your A/C is struggling. It helped ours get back on track.
- Jaguar - Thursday, Aug 24, 23 @ 4:14 pm:
Thanks for reminding me about the filters, Barbie, my a/c guy told me to get the cheapest filters I can find but change it every month.