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Isabel’s morning briefing

Thursday, Sep 7, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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  1. - Mayo Sandwich - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 8:04 am:

    The problem with the gang data base isn’t that they have the ages wrong, it’s that it was leaked out to civilians. Then those civilians have used that information to discriminate against those on the list, for jobs and housing.

    Why couldn’t the gang database be designated for use by police only? Who was doing the leaking? If an officer leaks the name of a license plate holder to a civilian who doesn’t have a legitimate purpose he would be in big trouble. Why doesn’t the same standard hold true for the gang database?

  2. - Leap Day William - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 9:06 am:

    == The problem with the gang data base isn’t that they have the ages wrong, it’s that it was leaked out to civilians. ==

    Not to play semantics, but this business of referring to non-police as “civilians” just reinforces the us-vs-them narrative and expands the militarization of our police.

    We do not live in a police state, we are not under martial law. They are not members of the armed services. Police are civilians, too; full stop.

  3. - H-W - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 9:22 am:

    Re: SunTimes story on Restaurant Association

    It would appear the org. wants to force restaurant owners to split the difference between minimum wages, and tipped wages.

    Why not just pay minimum wages? The minimum wage in Illinois is set at the federal poverty level, more-or-less. So if we eliminate poverty generating mechanisms from the restaurant industry, we stand to save tax dollars and spending (a Republican Platform plank). We also save customers from paying tips, which are simply recouped as slightly higher prices. We level the social inequality of power between restaurant workers, and reduce the power inequalities between customers and wait staff.

  4. - Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 9:25 am:

    === Why not just pay minimum wages? ===

    Because it is expensive and not all restaurants can afford it.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 9:30 am:

    ===Because it is expensive and not all restaurants can afford it.===

    Are these the same restaurants that complain they can’t get enough staff and blame the “lazy” workforce?

    Equilibrium is found somewhere.

  6. - Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 9:40 am:

    === Are these the same restaurants ===

    I don’t know Willy. I am not the expert on which restaurants complain and which ones do not.

  7. - yinn - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 9:53 am:

    It’s evident to me that we’ve barely scratched the surface of fraud in pandemic-related financial aid. With PPP, there were way more hair salon owners than this little city could possibly support — some records look like the lenders went door-to-door in certain neighborhoods. I’m also trying to figure out how a local gov official received so much help with rent when the main tenant of his building was/is his own thriving business.

  8. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 10:05 am:

    “Mouser then taunted police by saying that they were too scared to come to his house, as he was armed.”

    What do the “back the blue” people have to say about this?

  9. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 10:22 am:

    ===I don’t know===

    You were quick on the “afford” aspect, but if you hit the “Google Key”… in 0.32 seconds you’d find this, from Block Club Chicago, August 2023;

    ===Turnover is so high some staff don’t stay longer than a month, Kim said. Staff make $15 an hour plus tips, taking home about $20-$25 per hour before taxes. But it’s still not enough to keep staffers showing up, he said.

    “Everyone interviews really well,” Kim said. “They talk about dedication and talk about how hard they’re going to work, and then when push comes to shove … even just one busy night is too much for them to handle. I feel like there isn’t one reason.”

    Seven out of 10 restaurants nationwide are understaffed and scrambling to retain and attract employees, according to the National Restaurant Association. The staff shortage has forced some Chicago restaurants to close permanently while others cut business hours, scale back service and push employees to work longer hours to stay afloat.===

    So it wasn’t some aloof question I had. The National Restaurant Association data.

    So, where is the equilibrium?

  10. - H-W - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 10:30 am:

    Anonymous @ 10:29 is me. Sorry

  11. - Friendly Bob Adams - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 10:34 am:

    Back in the day I knew several people who enjoyed working in restaurants because it paid very well. This was mostly a cash business then so only the server knew how much cash was left as a tip. If you made $100 in tips and reported $50, nobody else knew. Not so much today.

  12. - Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 10:37 am:

    Willy - The minimum wage issue and the complaining about not being able to find people to work are two separate things. I am not going to waste my work day googling things so I can argue with you on the comment board.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 10:44 am:

    ===The minimum wage issue and the complaining about not being able to find people to work are two separate things===

    LOL, “sure, Jan”

    Oh, complaining about not having time to argue “facts” as you drive by and type “afford” is silly.

    Labor costs versus what Labor will work for in the marketplace and in the work environment *is* the discussion

    You may not like it, but no business is guaranteed to succeed, competition increases wages.

  14. - H-W - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 10:46 am:

    @ Hannibal Lecter

    === Because it is expensive and not all restaurants can afford it. ===

    That is a truism at best. They actually can afford it, but they do not like the business model that would be necessary to enact a minimum standard of living for all their employees.

    If a business cannot afford the costs of doing business in such a way as to ensure the dignity and sustenance necessary for living, they have no business doing business in the year 2023.

    All restaurants can afford to do so, if they adjust prices slightly. That they resist doing so is a choice to accept the poverty they create in our communities.

  15. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 10:54 am:

    == If you made $100 in tips and reported $50, nobody else knew.==

    So because they can no longer commit tax fraud, they don’t want to work?

  16. - Friendly Bob Adams - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 11:11 am:

    Dipper- I didn’t say anything about people not wanting to work. Just pointing out that one feature of the job has changed over the years.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 11:13 am:

    ===So because they can no longer commit tax fraud, they don’t want to work?===

    Maybe the real question is why it is/was necessary to approach work like that?

    By their own definition they are sub minimum wage jobs relying on tips.

  18. - Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 11:41 am:

    Example of irony yesterday…Blago was speaking outside at the Dirksen Federal Building with cameras capturing his comments.

    Next year Madigan is looking at spending considerable time on the inside of the Dirksen Federal Building next year. How things change.

  19. - Benniefly2 - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 11:55 am:

    If it is impossible to run a restaurant without underpaying employees and relying on tips from customers to make up the difference, could someone please explain to me how so many restaurants seem to be doing just fine in Europe? They have family restaurants there as well the last time I checked.

  20. - H-W - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 12:03 pm:

    @ BennieFly2

    I would use a different argument. I would suggest if gas stations and drug stores and convenience stores and department stores and and hospitals and all other business are able to pay minimum wage to all workers, then restaurants should not be treated as a special category, with special exemptions.

    Comparing Europe to the U.S. entails too many variables. But comparing restaurants to other businesses demonstrates that we have simply allowed one business a special exemption that is historically justified, but contemporaneously unjust.

  21. - cermak_rd - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 12:24 pm:

    My father had a saying, if you can’t afford to tip you can’t afford to eat there. I would add in, if you can’t afford to pay your employees a decent wage, you can’t afford to stay in business.

  22. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 12:32 pm:

    Restaurants claim that they won’t raise prices to pay a living wage because customers would have sticker shock. As if the customers doesn’t see the total that includes tip. There are a lot of restaurants in Chicago that are still charging a 3% “service fee” under this rationale also.

  23. - Chicago 20 - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 1:30 pm:

    The National Restaurant Association, the other NRA, spends millions on lobbyists to keep their substandard wages.
    The NRA’s income from its 4 day trade show at McCormick Place netted the NRA over $38.8 million which they reported on their latest 990.
    If McDonald’s can afford to pay their workers minimum wage the other restaurants can pay it too.

  24. - Lincoln Lad - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 2:08 pm:

    So you threaten the President, his family, a past President, the Secret Service, and local police… and the magistrate judge decides to release you? The secret service deems it to be a credible threat… and the local judge doesn’t hold you? You got to be kidding me…

  25. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 2:19 pm:

    “What do the “back the blue” people have to say about this?”
    Grandson of Man,so far it has been either complete silence or they try to use “whataboutism” and bring up BLM protests,Kathy Griffin,or Madonna.

  26. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Thursday, Sep 7, 23 @ 2:21 pm:

    “and the local judge doesn’t hold you? You got to be kidding me…”
    Considering the area involved it doesn’t surprise me a bit.

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