*** UPDATED x1 *** Comptroller fires employee after she admitted posting horribly anti-semitic comments online
Thursday, Oct 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller * From Comptroller Susana Mendoza’s office…
* The Instagram posts in question from Sarah Chowdhury, who until this afternoon was a legal counsel for the comptroller… ![]() Obviously, she was dealing with a sexist moron, but still. Zero excuses for that. Take a couple of deep breaths before commenting, please. *** UPDATE *** Chowdhury had been president of the South Asian Bar Association of Chicago. She’s been dismissed…
- 10th ward - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:18 pm:
wow. just wow. Mendoza did the right thing. It will be a constant concern
- Pizza Man - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:19 pm:
Wow, individuals can be passionate when it comes to religious issues regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or gender.
- Nanis - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:23 pm:
“What you say, they’ll never see. But, what you write will always be .” ~ Harold Washington
- northsider (the original) - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:26 pm:
The social media generation has to learn there are consequences.
Good for Susana.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:26 pm:
It won’t be the first time a public sector worker got dismissed due to a social media fail, and it won’t be the last. And she deserved it, especially since it apparently happened on state time. Stuff like this always seems to make the news when it happens in times of controversy.
- Amy - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:27 pm:
I imagine that this is just the start. There are a lot of DSA members working in government that do a lot of posting before thinking.
- Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:31 pm:
“religious issues”
Her comments were not about “religious issues” - they were vile comments that espoused pride in Hitler’s genocide. Thankfully she has/will face the consequences professionally for her hate speech.
She is/was also the president of the South Asian Bar Association of Chicago.
- Dupage Dem - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:32 pm:
One of the best things I learned was when you are writing something with passion– usually in anger– have someone else read it before you press send. 99 times out of 100 they will press delete for you. Saves you a lot of headaches and heartaches later. Suzanna did the right thing, And as northsider said this generation needs to learn that things on social media never go away and that there are consequences.
- TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:33 pm:
Follow the simple rule.
“Never post anything on the internet you wouldn’t want on a billboard along the highway, with your name on it”
- wowie - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:35 pm:
Glad Mendoza acted swiftly here. Speechless at the amount of open anti-semitism I’ve seen in past few days.
- DHS Drone - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:35 pm:
Some people fire themselves.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:36 pm:
===Speechless at the amount of open anti-semitism I’ve seen in past few days===
Same. Reevaluating news relationships as well because of this.
- wowie - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:39 pm:
Appears she is also President of the South Asian Bar Association. I hope they make the right decision.
- DHS Drone - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:39 pm:
“She is/was also the president of the South Asian Bar Association of Chicago.”
That article also says she is “Co-Chair of the Chicago Bar Association’s Racial Justice Coalition.”
Someone isn’t reading their own material. I won’t pretend to be the perfect anti-racist, but I’m pretty sure condemning the holocaust is a pretty important component.
- workingfromhome - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:41 pm:
Yah I kept scrolling and it got worse and worse. Yeesh
- Anon - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:42 pm:
Glad she was fired but maybe they do better screening of future hires over there. It probably wasn’t the first time she was saying that stuff and/or using social media
- lake county democrat - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:43 pm:
I’ve seen other DSA types on Twitter/X just being more polite about it. One popular account gave high praise to a Farrakhanesque “History of Zionism” while instantly accepting Hamas’ version of the Hospital bombing story. Many accusing Israel of “genocide” (mind you, not “ethnic cleansing,” not “war crimes,” but literally being Hitlers). I think a lot of progressive Jews suspected this was bubbling under some of their political allies on the left, but the current war has brought it out. (And that’s not to diminish anything about the problem of antisemitism on the right)
- CornAl DoGooder - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:44 pm:
Very glad that Mendoza made a swift and correct decision here. Would not be surprised if there were plenty of others in state government who have similar views though, given how many anti-Semites have shown their true colors in the past couple weeks
- Ugh - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:44 pm:
Absolutely disgusting comments. Sickening really. So sorry for all that are directly affected by this hateful language and have to read what some people think and say in private. Glad she got caught and will face the consequences of I would hope very limited future job prospects.
- Here for the comments - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:46 pm:
Good for the comptroller. The employee was on the taxpayer’s time clock.
- Roadrager - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:47 pm:
A deserved firing. Those messages are deep in the filth.
==There are a lot of DSA members working in government that do a lot of posting before thinking==
I am begging you to cite one source, please.
And if we’re engaging in this, let’s go to the other end of the political spectrum and consider how they would handle one of their cohort going to “Zionist” and beyond. And here, we certainly can cite examples.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:49 pm:
Inexcusable and vile. Mendoza made the right call.
- Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:51 pm:
Hatred is a powerful motivator…humans are a dangerous herd animal…beware the stampede.
- LastModDemStanding - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:51 pm:
= Same. Reevaluating news relationships as well because of this.=
Thanks for this Rich. The blatant antisemitism has many of us rethinking relationships.
- Amalia - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:51 pm:
Legal Counsel??????? wow. how ethical of her. IARDC? take care when making comments on the region’s situation. Hamas is a terrorist group. it is not all Palestinians. Israel is a country. it is not Jewish people.
- wowie - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:52 pm:
== Thanks for this Rich. ==
Massive ditto. During moments like these I appreciate Rich even more. Even if he isn’t an international reporter, he does a good job of sifting through fact and fiction when it relates to Illinois and I am very grateful.
- Jibba - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:54 pm:
There’s a big step between condemning atrocities and advocating revenge atrocities. Racial and religious convictions tend to bridge that gap.
- wowie - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:54 pm:
Can someone be disbarred for this?
- Just a guy, minding his business - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:55 pm:
I’m saying this as a progressive, There’s a genuine problem on the left with people who use Israel and Palestine as a way to exercise their antisemitism in a “socially conscious” way
- Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:56 pm:
She has bigger problems than being fired. Her ability to practice law is in jeopardy. Hope it was worth it.
- lake county democrat - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:57 pm:
Roadrager - apology, thought that was directed to me, though I’m pretty sure I could find some DSA types in government that have used the “genocide” term.
- thunderspirit - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:57 pm:
Good on Mendoza for decisive action.
- Pundent - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:58 pm:
=maybe they do better screening of future hires over there.=
If she had a history of antisemitism postings you might have a point. But nothing suggests that this was the case. As often is the case these days, current events mixed with underlying racism, can be a toxic stew when social media enters the equation.
- Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 3:59 pm:
- Thanks for this Rich. The blatant antisemitism has many of us rethinking relationships. -
In a very disturbing and sad way…maybe the rethinking is a good thing.
Maybe we should form a political party based on the common belief, ” I don’t hate anyone”?
I’m also quite fond of pie in the Sky…but…Imagine?
- New Day - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:08 pm:
Oh my God. This is so disturbing. So deeply disturbing. I don’t know if non-Jews can understand how deeply this hurts our entire community know not just that there are people who hold these beliefs but that they are willing to say so in a public forum.
Obviously she should be fired. For her abhorrent beliefs and her abysmally bad judgment.
- Frumpy White Guy - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:09 pm:
Gas chamber? Hitler? Holocaust? This lady needs help.
- Ares - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:09 pm:
Unreal. Civil servants are supposed to be civil and impartial, especially on State time being paid for by taxpayers.
- The Truth - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:09 pm:
That was vile poison.
- New Day - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:10 pm:
“That article also says she is “Co-Chair of the Chicago Bar Association’s Racial Justice Coalition.”
Racial justice for me but not for thee if you’re a Jew.
- wowie - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:10 pm:
==they do better screening of future hires over there==
I don’t think this is fair, unless (as others noted) there have been incidents of anti-semitism in her past or social media pages.
Regardless, putting any blame on Mendoza for this - who rightfully fired her less than two hours from finding out — right now seems besides the point.
- Ares - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:13 pm:
It’s scary to see our Nation’s adversaries and foreign intelligence agencies using bots, trolls, and soon AI to stir up exchanges such as the above. Imagine what will happen a year from now when the 2024 general election will be in its final stages.
- JoanP - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:14 pm:
= Can someone be disbarred for this? =
I doubt it. I don’t see anything in the Supreme Court Rules that says a lawyer express vile and reprehensible opinions, at least outside the context of client representation or court proceedings.
- Amy - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:14 pm:
==Co-Chair of the Chicago Bar Association’s Racial Justice Coalition==
Talk about Orwellian. At least we can read 1984 in Illinois, unlike Iowa.
- Shytown - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:15 pm:
Good for the comptroller. Zero tolerance. And yes that guy was egging her on, but she owns those words. The lesson here is to avoid engaging in these kinds of conversations that can only take you down a rabbit hole.
- JoanP - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:15 pm:
~ sigh ~
That should be “that says a lawyer can’t express”
Edit function, please.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:16 pm:
===to stir up exchanges===
There’s no excuse for that. No bot in the world should be able to prod an accomplished attorney to praise Hitler’s extermination of Jewish people.
- Occasionally Moderated - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:16 pm:
Comptroller Mendoza, another job well done.
It seems like a “no brainer” decision but how many public officials don’t have enough backbone when it comes time to do the right thing.
- wowie - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:17 pm:
@ JoanP
Understood, not a lawyer and don’t understand process so was just curious. Not even necessarily advocating for it, just wondered if it was a possibiity.
- JM - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:19 pm:
She has now made herself unemployable — good news for anyone that might have hired this despicable troll
- fs - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:20 pm:
== The lesson here is to avoid engaging in these kinds of conversations that can only take you down a rabbit hole.==
True, and also the lesson of how to not act as a human being in general.
== = Can someone be disbarred for this? =
I doubt it. I don’t see anything in the Supreme Court Rules that says a lawyer express vile and reprehensible opinions, at least outside the context of client representation or court proceedings.==
There is a character and fitness standard, most famously applied to the infamous Matthew Hale. Although that was regarding whether to admit him to the bar.
- DuPage Saint - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:29 pm:
Probably worth an ARDC complaint
- Pundent - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:29 pm:
=It’s scary to see our Nation’s adversaries and foreign intelligence agencies using bots, trolls, and soon AI to stir up exchanges such as the above.=
Not sure if it was a bot or not. Could’ve been though. Blowing up a career that you’ve invested so much time and money into to spew anti-Semitic garbage to a stranger or even a bot is about as reckless as you can get. She will now spend the rest of her career atoning for this mistake.
- ste_with a v_en - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:29 pm:
“She is/was also the president of the South Asian Bar Association of Chicago.
The site is now blank, so I imagine a change is coming.
- don the legend - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:34 pm:
Waiting for Sara to claim her account was hacked.
- City Zen - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:34 pm:
====Co-Chair of the Chicago Bar Association’s Racial Justice Coalition==
She will undoubtedly be stripped of any leadership roles in any legal professional organizations in which she is a member.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:37 pm:
Please read…
===The office reached the employee about 2 p.m. and she admitted to at least some of the posts.===
There’s no instance in any scenario… it’s unacceptable and vile, always.
- Amy - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:41 pm:
==She will undoubtedly be stripped of any leadership roles in any legal professional organizations in which she is a member.==
The Chicago Bar Association should really should issue an apology and explanation of why the organization empowered someone like her in the first place. It’s hard to imagine the injustice that could have happened as a result of the CBA’s lack of judgment and oversight.
- Big Dipper - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:42 pm:
=Waiting for Sara to claim her account was hacked.=
Worked for Vallas, the Trib allows him a regular platform to air his opinions despite his reprehensible online activities.
- NIU Grad - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:45 pm:
South Asian Bar Association just removed her as president and as a member, according to a statement on their FB.
- Homebody - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:48 pm:
It is so easy to just… not say things like this.
- Kevin - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:48 pm:
The last few weeks have shown DSA members to be just as vile as the most extreme white supremacists.
- wowie - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:56 pm:
@ Kevin this is obviously beyond reprehensible and I am glad she was fired and removed as SABA President but do you have any proof she is a DSA member?
Happy to be wrong here, and the DSA has put out some disgraceful stuff, but we shouldn’t just be saying she’s a DSA member without proof.
If there’s proof, then I’ll gladly admit I’m wrong - but come on man, be better.
- Pundent - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 4:57 pm:
=The last few weeks have shown DSA members to be just as vile as the most extreme white supremacists.=
Racism is not exclusive. The decision to associate with racists is an entirely different matter. I would like to think that Mendoza’s response would be emulated by anyone who had a racist in their midst. Sadly that’s not the case.
- Gravitas - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:03 pm:
The sovereign nation state of Israel exists due in no small part to President Harry S. Truman. He was persuaded by a former Jewish business partner from Missouri to recognize a Jewish homeland in the Middle East. Truman would not be judged as politically correct or woke by modern standards, but the man had his virtues.
I am astonished that so many modern politicians have embraced antisemitic ideas. Good to see Mendoza take a stand.
- JS Mill - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:23 pm:
Mendoza handled this perfectly, she like the governor continue to impress me.
===they do better screening of future hires over there===
Actually, it is pretty easy. We do a social media screening for every new school employee. There are a number of companies out there that are reputable and inexpensive. And we have caught things too.
- Frida's boss - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:27 pm:
It doesn’t matter if it was a bot got to her-
When people show you who they are believe them- Hitler, extermination, all of you will pay
It wasn’t just answering a “bot” this is her belief that has been “held back” from public view. You don’t just say that for the first time. You call someone an a-hole or even a racist term for Jewish people. Using Hitler and genocide is her belief, not an insult.
- Torco Sign - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:28 pm:
Not the last young progressive who’s going to get fired for this. It’s only a matter of whether other elected officials and candidates have the guts to do it.
- Pundent - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:28 pm:
=The Chicago Bar Association should really should issue an apology and explanation of why the organization empowered someone like her in the first place.=
Assuming she had not previously revealed her views, I think the explanation would be “we didn’t know she was an anti-Semite until she told us.”
- Suburban Mom - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:29 pm:
Wow, holy crap
- Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:31 pm:
@Rich Miller…
===to stir up exchanges===
There’s no excuse for that. -
Good catch!
- Frida's boss - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:36 pm:
This is not an online one-off. This is what she believes- Hitler, genocide, vermin, all of you, etc,
She hid it so well, for so long, to advance up to the Comptroller’s legal counsel but a full-on racist who wants to eradicate all Jews is where we are. Just going off her own words. Deserves to be gone.
- Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 5:43 pm:
- It won’t be the first time a public sector worker got dismissed due to a social media fail… -
Social media fail?…wow…What a bifurcated way the Internet phenomenon has created, eh?
It’s as though you are describing a place away from accountable reality…it only happened on Social media?
This is a person failing morally in life…inexcusably…period.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 6:04 pm:
No one accidentally praises Hitler, as evidenced by how rarely it happens.
Any lawyer who can be tricked into praising Hitler should not be a lawyer.
I am waiting for Indiana University to ask for its juris doctorate back.
- Candy Dogood - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 6:27 pm:
- Lincoln Lad - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 8:33 pm:
Thinking this isn’t the first time she posted some vile stuff…
Career destroyed.
- Amalia - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 9:21 pm:
so personal account but on government time? so could that make it an IARDC issue?
- Unionman - Thursday, Oct 19, 23 @ 9:34 pm:
Is the Inspector General investigating her misuse of government time?
- Da big bad wolf - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 5:48 am:
She shouldn’t have said what she said. Obviously.
It makes me wonder what is the point of social media. There is no reward for an activity like this. It doesn’t get you money, or sex, or food or a cleaner house. There is no reward yet people engage, and lose their careers even.
- DHS Drone - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 8:05 am:
I have seen many comments mentioning that this happened on state time. It might not have. Looking at time stamps she may have been on lunch. But it doesn’t matter. My guess is they got her on conduct unbecoming a state worker and that covers our off-duty behavior as well. Also, given the speed at which this happened, my guess is she is exempt from personnel rules. Which means she is effectively at will. And her employer can simply terminate her employment for any reason what-so-ever. As for time theft, even if she was on state time, she is already discharged. There will probably be a letter in her file that says do not rehire. I will also echo that this is another good reason to just not be on social media at all. Just no good can come of it.
- NorthsideNoMore - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 8:29 am:
Decisive action, well done Comptroller Mendoza ! More of this please.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:13 am:
===another good reason to just not be on social media at all===
Meh. Just don’t be an Illinois Nazi.
- DHS Drone - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:07 am:
“I hate Illinois Nazis…”
- Chicago - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:30 am:
An article was posted about her today that praises her and doesn’t mention her abhorrent behavior and firing.
- Droner - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 11:39 am:
Is this it? https://yvdec.com/sarah-chowdhury-who-redefined-chicago-legal-landscape/
- Da big bad wolf - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:32 pm:
I don’t believe I’ve ever read “enigmatic” so many times in one article.
- Strategy Geek - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:14 pm:
@Chicago That unreadable yvdec story appears to be AI