Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » IFT official says Pritzker has aligned himself with ‘right-wing Republicans like Abbott and Desantis’
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IFT official says Pritzker has aligned himself with ‘right-wing Republicans like Abbott and Desantis’

Friday, Oct 20, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Thursday that if lawmakers send him a bill, he’ll agree to extend a program that provides tax incentives for scholarships to children from low-to-moderate income families who want to attend private school.

But Pritzker stressed that it’s up to legislators, who head back to Springfield next week to begin their final session for the year, to come to an agreement on any extension of the “Invest in Kids” scholarship program.

“I will support it if it comes to my desk to extend the program in whatever form,” Pritzker said during a ribbon-cutting event for the Chabad Center for Jewish Life and Living at the University of Illinois campus. “I mean, I can’t imagine it would show up in some form that I would be unwilling to. But again, the reality is that the legislature needs to go through this process.”

* Illinois Federation of Teachers’ director of communications…

…Adding… From Monica Trevino…

Hi Rich,

I have attached the 2020 party platform with the following language on page 67:

    And Democrats oppose private school vouchers and other policies that divert taxpayer-funded resources away from the public school system, including the program at issue in the recent Espinoza​ decision.

The governor’s stance is a direct contradiction to the Democratic party.



Platform is here.


  1. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:39 am:

    When the day is done, but you wanna run, insane.

  2. - Demoralized - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:41 am:

    Still not a big fan of state funding going to private schools.

    I don’t think though that the Governor signing a law to renew this is going to affect any ability he has to win an election.

  3. - JS Mill - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:46 am:

    Shorter IFT: On the heels of a governor that was openly hostile to educators and caused fiscal damage, Governor Pritzker is the strongest ally public education and, especially, teachers unions have ever had we would like to stick our thumb in his eye.

  4. - Pinto - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:49 am:

    Monica Trevino also tweets about how Israel defending itself against Hamas attacks is a textbook case of genocide.

  5. - H-W - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:49 am:

    The words we choose. In this case, it sounds as if the Governor assumes he will not have to make the choice and forgot that even in such a case, he is still a powerful voice and must represent the will of the majority. Words matter. Being flippant matters too.

    Or to cite Rich yesterday, “the dude is all over the place.”

  6. - Arsenal - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:50 am:

    It’s a dumb policy, but it’s very small, and sometimes it’s useful to give the other side a symbolic win.

    Plus, doesn’t hurt either JB or IFT to have a little daylight between them.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:55 am:

    Legislatures legislate.

    It doesn’t hurt if the GA is put on notice “it’s up to you”.

    Pritzker is gonna sign what’s passed. “Ok”. Now pass something. Let the process roll.

    Here’s the thing, for me, always;

    Show me your votes. You got ‘em, run it. Same as it ever was.

  8. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:58 am:

    Clearly those legislators who oppose any issue with 56% support of their constituents because of political heat from special interests are the dumb ones

  9. - Norseman - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 9:59 am:

    Trevino is not a serious person. Given the totality of JB’s record, to equate him to the MAGA GOP makes you no better than that cult. We need a political environment where we can disagree on some issues, but generally move forward with governing in the best interest of the country/state.

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:00 am:

    ===Monica Trevino also tweets about===

    I checked into that and didn’t see anything about “a textbook case of genocide.”

    So, either put up or shut up.

  11. - Lincoln Lad - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:01 am:

    Hard to take the IFT seriously when they use vitriol to carry their message. Need them to be better at messaging or no one listens.

  12. - TNR - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:01 am:

    A wee bit of hyperbole from IFT/IEA, but I get why they have a kind of existential opposition to the program.

    The teachers union are getting a little taste of what the trade unions have received when they’ve bumped heads with the JB on energy/environmental issues. He is the rare Democratic office holder who really doesn’t *need* them.

  13. - Moe Berg - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:05 am:

    The IFT goes to eleven on the greatest ally public education has ever had.

    Likening Pritzker to Abbott and DeSantis, governors with blood on their hands and true enemies of public education, is simultaneously grotesque and clownish.

  14. - sewer thoughts - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:08 am:

    the IFT would have been better served by labelling this “Mike Madigan’s last handout to special interests” than this equivalence of Pritzker and Abbott.

    Truth matters, but also, maybe land the line first

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:09 am:

    ===Clearly those legislators who oppose any issue with 56% support===

    Meh. It’s going to be difficult for me to believe “one issue voters” on Invest in Kids are moving needles… when you have one issue voters for, say, abortion rights, is out there.

    To grasp the Reagan Rule, as an example, it’s also recognizing “one issue voters” are lost or won… on that issue.

    In a warped way, it reminds me of “we’ll show Pritzker for taking away sports during COVID.”

    How did that turn out?

    Instead of whining about a poll, get 71/36 on the steps. Do the work.

  16. - Lucky Pieree - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:17 am:


    Are legislators supposed to represent the interests of their constituents or their donors?

  17. - Back to the Future - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:20 am:

    Big Day for parents and children who have benefited or are benefiting from the Invest In Kids educational initiative.
    The comments by parents and children who got to improve their educational opportunities were very compelling.
    Hopefully the initiative can be expanded to give more Illinois children the chance for a better education.
    Hope the program is called for a vote in the Veto Session. Time to see who is supporting the program and who is opposing the program.

  18. - walker - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:22 am:

    IFT has earned the reputation of being the most responsible and clear- thinking among education unions and advocates, IMO.

    No sense in blowing it with unnecessary hyperbole. This isn’t a game or a reality show audition.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:23 am:

    ===Hopefully the initiative can be expanded…===

    Friend, they’re gonna be lucky to get passed whatever does pass.


  20. - Lake Villa Township Dem PC - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:26 am:

    Invest in kids was brought to you, in part, by MAGA Mike Madigan.

  21. - Back to the Future - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:30 am:

    Gov’s position kept the issue in the news. Being in the news is good for both sides on this issue.
    This is a good time to start or expand the discussion of different options parents should be thinking about.
    May be tough to get to 71. 71 is a big number, but let’s see where the GA is at.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:31 am:

    ===Are legislators supposed to represent===

    Elections have consequences.

    If a legislator is no, run someone on that issue, beat ‘em.

    This ain’t all that hard.

    I know you didn’t grasp it with Rauner… lol

  23. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:34 am:

    ===This is a good time to start or expand the discussion===

    You’re not helping an already uphill climb. What makes you think in any real look at this that 71 will be easier if it’s expanded

    “Half a loaf”… maybe come back for more, but asking for a loaf and a half could mean starving.

  24. - Annonin' - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:37 am:

    Thinkin’ IFT et al is missing an opportunity here. Attacking JB seems counter productive and needless.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:40 am:

    ===Attacking JB seems counter productive and needless.===

    Wholly agree.

    If the GA doesn’t pass anything, what exactly was the point to go after Pritzker?

    Kinda got ahead of the politics and process.

  26. - Telly - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:40 am:

    Acknowledging this is completely anecdotal, but I come from a family and a social circle that is loaded with IFT members. I sense nothing but ambivalence towards this program from them. That makes me question the utility of the union leadership going so hard on this against JB, someone they’re allied with 99 percent of the time and someone they will need in the future.

    I get it, the union leadership is much more ideologically driven than the rank and file and they’re gonna spends a lot of time and energy focused national political battles and culture wars. But sometimes it’s in their best self interest to sit a play out — particularly when they’re way ahead in the score.

  27. - Back to the Future - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:45 am:

    At this point in time supporters would probably be happy with “half a loaf” on Invest for Kids.
    71 is a really big number and supporters of this initiative are going to have to work very hard to keep this program going.

  28. - Pragmatist - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:51 am:

    Oof. What is with factions of the left that compare Pritzker to DeSantis the second he does something they don’t agree with?

  29. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:51 am:

    It reminds me of when Blago would call anyone who did not agree with him a Republican.

  30. - Telly - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 10:56 am:

    == If the GA doesn’t pass anything, what exactly was the point to go after Pritzker? ==

    Yes. This all day.

    Lots of bad political strategy on this issue. It was equally stupid for supporters of the program to attack JB, Welch and Harmon as hypocrites for sending their kids to private schools. Why insult the people you need on your side?

    Proof that zealots are the same on both ends of the political spectrum. They get carried away with virtue-signaling to the folks in their ideological cocoon and loose sight of 60-30-1.

  31. - New Day - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 11:06 am:

    This seems like a symptom of our all or nothing tribalism these days. Purity tests are stupid. As others have pointed out, JB is the best friend IFT could have following a governor who was the worst enemy. So would it be wise to turn down the temp on the vitriol? Of course. Will they? I guess not.

  32. - Cubs in '16 - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 11:30 am:

    Ms Trevino,

    Do you believe a lack of absolute party purity is a bad thing? Or just when it relates to your organization? As we witnessed with Gov Pritzker’s immediate predecessor, the refusal to be open to ideas and concerns from the other side is no way to govern. Statements like yours are part of the problem.

  33. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 11:36 am:

    It’s interesting to see the other side of the Pritzker situation. There is a huge push, at least locally, from the diocese to use local public office holders to start publicly pushing from the dias for this to be renewed.

    It’s only a matter of time now before the ‘preferred advertiser’ in some local papers starts getting stories written about this in a favorable light, with more calls to renew it.

    Personally, I still wonder if we should be teaching kids it’s acceptable behavior to help kids only if you get a tax credit for it. The barely unspoken counterclaim is these scholarships will just go away if the tax credit goes away.

    I would say letting it expire teaches kids a great lesson about money and greed.

    “Sorry Billy, the adults around you might claim to care about your education, but it turns out they care about tax credits more than they care about you or your education.”

  34. - Torco Sign - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 11:43 am:

    @LakeVilla You know who else brings up Mike Madigan when they face just the smallest amount of political heat? MAGA Republicans.

  35. - Anon324 - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 11:56 am:

    ==Monica Trevino also tweets about how Israel defending itself against Hamas attacks is a textbook case of genocide.==

    Weird that you remove that tweet from its context quoting an Israeli Holocaust scholar named Raz Segal.

  36. - Mother Jones - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 11:58 am:

    === Wholly agree. ===

    Respectfully disagree.

    Rank-and-file teachers from both political parties and neither party across the state read the governor volunteering support for an idea that is antithetical to their life work.

    Many of those same folks voted for him based on past promises, and asked their friends and parents to vote for him, and knocked on doors and made calls to total strangers.

    Some are politically astute enough to realize that a governor who won by a landslide has absolutely no political reason to hedge his bets by offering support for a rightwing program. The IFT and IEA leadership surely gets that.

    And the unions also know that if they do not press back hard at the governor, there will be more defections in the GA.

    He also took away one of the easiest defenses legislators have, “I can’t stick my neck out on a bill the governor is gonna veto.”

    Why Pritzker said what he said is a mystery, but how the teachers are responding is no great surprise. Unions are beholden to their members, not elected officials or political parties.

  37. - Mother Jones - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:02 pm:

    === Are legislators supposed to represent the interests of their constituents or their donors? ===

    You say that LP as if you think we don’t know that a lot of deep-pocketed donors send their kids to private schools, serve on their boards, and have personal relationships with lawmakers.

    If this was about serving constituents, there would be no discussion of this tax credit. It’s not the best use of public education dollars, it’s not even the best use of tax dollars, and zero evidence can be provided to show a public benefit.

  38. - H-W - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:05 pm:

    When your argument is “we need to take more money away from infrastructure, public schools, health care, protection services, etc., and give it to middle income, disproportionately white Anglo parents so their kids can attend private schools,” you lose me. You also lose the majority of the citizenry and the Legislature that represents them.

  39. - Hannibal Lecter - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:09 pm:

    === The governor’s stance is a direct contradiction to the Democratic party. ===

    So Ms. Trevino’s perspective is that unless you adhere 100% to the Democratic National Committee’s platform, you are not a real Democrat?

  40. - Jibba - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:09 pm:

    ===Are legislators supposed to represent the interests of their constituents or their donors?===

    Wish your Republican congresspeople would listen to you…we’d have all sorts of things you wouldn’t like.

  41. - DisappointedVoter - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:19 pm:

    Straight out of the Carlos Rosa communications playbook. That type of discourse and messaging is not helpful. Easy to see why the IFT is losing the fight.

  42. - Mr. Jimmy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:34 pm:

    Ms. Trevino is confused at the difference between a government-paid voucher and a charitable scholarship, I see.

  43. - Demoralized - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:42 pm:


    For crying out loud. Your constant state of victimhood gets old.

    What exactly is it that you do not understand about the fact that the Governor won handily in both of his elections. He won. He gets to make policy. If you don’t like it then tough. Your side lost. Figure out a way to win if you want to be listened to.

  44. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 12:50 pm:

    “Big Day for parents and children who have benefited or are benefiting … .”

    How many of those childen have physical / developmental disabilities? IEPs?

  45. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:00 pm:

    Why would a family with a kid with a developmental disability or IEP choose to send their child to a private school without the resources and staff to handle their child’s special needs?

    They usually don’t scholarship or no scholarship

  46. - City Zen - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:12 pm:

    ==43% of schools receiving Invest in Kids funds had ZERO Black voucher students==

    How about Brown?

    Sounds like the state to increase the marketing budget for this program.

  47. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:24 pm:

    “Why would a family … ?”

    Precisely the point. Voucher programs give choice to the “easy to educate” and leave all others to the public school system. Skimming the low hanging fruit, as it were.

  48. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:32 pm:

    Despite your red herring, the special needs kids are still going to the public school, regardless of whether a low income kid gets a scholarship or not.

    The public schools don’t lose one penny of funding from the state, scholarship or no scholarship

  49. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:35 pm:

    ===Why would a family with a kid with a developmental disability or IEP choose to send their child to a private school without the resources and staff to handle their child’s special needs?===

    Why should the state aid schools that aren’t designed and welcoming to all students?

  50. - Back to the Future - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:38 pm:

    @anyone remember
    Had to look up IEP’s. I have never been a teacher and appreciate your raising that issue.
    Not sure how many children in Invest for Kids are in those kinds of educational areas.
    Your question raises a legitimate concern.
    The current program has very limited funding and setting targets for those kinds of educational challenges would probably need higher contribution limits and some kind of structured targets for children who have a particular need-might be a good reason to expand the initiative to cover those educational needs. If we are going to have a tax incentive program to benefit Illinois children we should be thinking about a program that benefits all children particularly those that have special needs.
    I do know some younger people that work with children with disabilities and they are really great folks.
    From the statements from parents and children I got the impression that they were probably in an area that had test scores that indicated that the public schools that were available were not good choices for their families.
    No doubt about it- your question raises what may be a legitimate issue with Invest for Kids.

  51. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:49 pm:

    “The public schools don’t lose one penny of funding from the state, scholarship or no scholarship … .”

    If their enrollment drops, they lose state aid … .

  52. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 1:52 pm:

    ===If their enrollment drops, they lose state aid===

    Not necessarily under evidence-based funding.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 2:00 pm:

    ===Despite your red herring, the special needs kids are still going to the public school, regardless of whether a low income kid gets a scholarship or not.===

    So, it’s really just a revenue scheme for private schools, the students are the vessel, you are admitting it, no… need is a mere red herring?

  54. - Roman - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 2:03 pm:

    == Are legislators supposed to represent the interests of their constituents or their donors? ==

    This is one of those issues that really seems to animate super-engaged activist and ideologically-driven organizations, from the IFT to the IPI. But I don’t sense it’s something ordinary folks care a lot about. Maybe things would be different if the state hadn’t been pumping hundreds of millions in new dollars every year into public education.

    So to answer LP’s question. Yes legislators are largely paying attention to their big donors on this — in both parties.

  55. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 2:05 pm:

    If your criteria for aiding under privileged students is dependent on a tax credit, it’s not about the kid it’s about you.

  56. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 2:13 pm:

    Years ago, a nun would give you rap on the knuckles with a ruler for saying something like that.

    You are really pulling out all of the stops defending your minority position

    Poor kids getting a better education through private and religious schools is a scheme?

    You think those greedy private schools and those that work there are in it for a money?

  57. - H-W - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 2:23 pm:


    Is that a piece of legislation you want the state to take up? Covering all costs for people with disabilities to attend the school of their choose, and that the state fund that proposal with General Funds revenues? If so, propose it. But you are wrong for suggesting the state should provide funds for most anyone who wishes to attend private schools. That model is fiscally unattainable and impractical.

    By all means, let’s find ways to assist those born to us with disabilities. But transferring tax revenues away from essential services provided by the state (including disability services) to help middle income people avoid paying for private school education?

    Forget about it.

  58. - Lincoln Lad - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 2:25 pm:

    Ms. Trevino - stop digging, you’ve already hurt your cause and interests. You might apologize for the hyperbole… that we would hear. Otherwise… not so much.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 2:28 pm:

    ===If your criteria for aiding under privileged students is dependent on a tax credit, it’s not about the kid it’s about you.===

    Hollow altruism?

  60. - It's always Sunny in Illinois - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 2:43 pm:

    Why Pritzker said what he said is a mystery, but how the teachers are responding is no great surprise. Unions are beholden to their members, not elected officials or political parties.

    …and in Illinois the Super Majority is beholden to the Unions….which are 6% of the workforce…follow the money….

  61. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 3:28 pm:

    ===Poor kids===

    That’s doing a heavy lift…

    ===You think those greedy private schools and those that work there are in it for a money?===

    Now you’re just trolling.

    If it wasn’t about the money… the schools wouldn’t feel the need to take the money… students are the vessels to funding. The necessary “thing” to get the funding.

    It’s why the scheme is promoted for students not to keep schools open, which is why “it’s about the kids”, lol

  62. - Roman - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 3:32 pm:

    == and in Illinois the Super Majority is beholden to the Unions ==

    Pritzker certainly isn’t (see above.) And ask the IBEW if they think he’s beholden to them.

  63. - Mother Jones - Friday, Oct 20, 23 @ 4:30 pm:

    === Ms. Trevino - stop digging, you’ve already hurt your cause and interests. You might apologize for the hyperbole ===

    I think its particularly vile when the governor’s opponents personally attack his staff — always just the women — for just doing their jobs.

    And I think its particularly vile when the governor’s supporters personally attack women for just doing their jobs as well.

    Trevino isn’t going out on a limb here. She is sharing a press release from her organization comparing Pritzker to Republican governors. Stop trying to blame woman for doing what she was hired to do….pretty well I might add.

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